Viking Raider

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Viking Raider Page 12

by Arabella Kingsley

  Mark raised one eyebrow.

  “Jealous, are we?”

  “No. It is over between us. I am just curious. Who is he?”

  “A friend and business associate. Fallon told me he has been wanting her to run the oil division of his company for a long time. I believe they had a relationship at one point. He wanted more but she wasn’t ready after her divorce. I would think Fallon will want more this time.”

  Vidar felt his body tense.

  “Who is he?”

  “One of your own business associates, a Billionaire like yourself. Lucien Barbour.”

  Vidar widened his eyes in surprise.

  “I don’t understand. She could have got him to help her at any time. She could have left but . . .”

  “But she stayed to help you find your sister,” Mark finished for him shaking his head again. “And she doesn’t want you of course,” he said sarcastically. “Stop being an arse and talk to her. Find out for sure,” Mark told him quickly when they heard Fallon’s voice as she thanked one of the staff for taking her bag up the stairs.

  When Fallon appeared, she was dressed back in the business suit he had first met her and appeared every bit the professional he had always taken her for. He had to admit she looked sexy, strong and capable. He loved the submissive side of her more but this persona also had its delicious attractions.

  But here she was going to another world with another man. Could he really expose himself and risk rejection after all that had happened? He wasn’t sure. Maybe this would be a good change for her. He wondered if she would ever have been able to settle down with a man who had kept her captive anyway. It was best for her if he just let her go to begin again.

  He noticed she only had a small bag and didn’t appear to be taking any of the clothes he had hand picked and provided for her before he had taken her from the office. It pinched a nerve. She clearly wanted to eradicated anything that reminded her of her short time with him.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked quietly.


  She smiled when she spoke. He searched her eyes that appeared a little glassy but she was hiding any hurt behind them with the beautiful smile on her face.

  “I will travel to the airport with you.”

  She nodded and turned to hug Mark.

  “Thank you for arranging everything, Mark,” she gushed.

  “Take care, Fallon. Maybe we can catch up some time.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Vidar led her off the yacht and to the car. He opened the car door for her ahead of the Chauffeur and then got in himself on the opposite side.

  He at least this time managed to make small talk on the way to the airport but after a while it drove him nuts. He wanted to know about her relationship with Lucien Barbour, how strong it was and whether there was going to be more going on with it. To his frustration he was jealous, very jealous. She belonged to him not Lucien Barbour.

  “Lucien Barbour wants you to work for him?” he asked as the car travelled around the Old Wharf and the picturesque traditional wooden buildings of all colours lining the Eastern side of the Vagen harbour in Bryggen. He’d planned to take her around the world heritage site in Bergen before taking her for lunch. But now they were not together anymore it would remain just a dream.

  A small smile lit her lips.

  “To work with him. He wants me to run Barbour Oil and have a seat on the board. He wanted to get me out of my father’s company for a long time. I met him five years ago when he became really successful doing the same thing as you. I believe you started with your Oil Refinery in Norway.”

  “Yes. That’s quite an offer. What about going back to University to finish your Phd like you planned and we discussed? I thought you wanted to conduct research on that theory you have and lecture at Oxford?”

  “That would have suited you wouldn’t it, Vidar? To keep me contained and safe and not working in a company again. God forbid your wife had a career in the business world. If I had really wanted to go back to University I would have found a way, I suppose. Clearly the timing isn’t right this time either. Maybe I will in the future but now I want a new challenge, a fresh start and Lucien is going to give me that,” she told him with confidence even though he could hear the disappointment in her voice she was trying to hide.

  “I make no apologies for thinking the way I do. I am a traditional man and I don’t want my wife to work. She doesn’t need to.”

  “Then it is a good job I am no longer your wife.”

  “The divorce hasn’t happened yet. You are still married to me. Like it or not.”

  “Not for long.”

  “Perhaps I will never sign the papers,” he teased wanting to dig at her for her jibe.

  “Suit yourself but I no longer consider myself married in any event.”

  “That way you can take up where you left off with Lucien Barbour,” he said as the Mercedes came to a stop next to the jet.

  Fallon gave a sigh but did not retaliate. The chauffeur opened the door and she got out. She immediately tried to run up the steps of the large G6 jet but he caught her arm.

  “Are you really going to just leave like this?” he couldn’t help feel appalled at his pleading tone that was begging her to stay.

  “It’s the best thing to do. We clearly want the same thing.”

  She shrugged off his hold and ran up the steps. He wasn’t sure but he was convinced he heard her begin to sob as she did so. He stood back and watched the jet prepare to leave feeing the cool early morning Norwegian air blow against his face as he stood next to the car. The jet taxied to the runway and then took off carrying her away from him to Paris and another man.

  Chapter Ten

  One month later Vidar was back in his office in London working when Mark entered the room.

  “We have a problem. I sent you those divorce papers three weeks ago and you still haven’t signed them but what is more surprising is that neither has Fallon. What the hell are you both playing at? “he asked with frustration.

  Vidar closed his eyes feeling warmth engulf his body that had been cold and desolate since Fallon had left. The Billionaire hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind since he’d watched her leave on the jet or the plans to start a family with her he had made. He hadn’t attended any parties or made any public engagements not wanting to be without her by his side. He’d wondered if he was ever going to get over her and continue his life again. He couldn’t even sleep at night because she wasn’t tucked in his arms where he could keep her safe. And although he knew Barbour would guard her from Lyov and her father’s associates, he worried for her safety.

  When Mark had given him the papers he had tossed them in a drawer. Hiding them meant he could pretend she was at least still his wife. But now Mark was shoving it all in his face and forcing him to deal with it. Although, perhaps there was still some hope if she had not signed them.

  “As you can well imagine, Mark I am in denial but I can’t speak for Fallon.”

  “Then maybe you should get yourself on a plane and find out what is going on?”

  Vidar touched down in Paris four hours later and was driven straight to Barbour offices. This was where he claimed her back and asserted his rights as a husband even if he had to throw her over his knee and spank some sense in to her. They belonged together and he wasn’t going to let her go this time.

  When he arrived at Barbour Oil’s office building in La Defense, Paris he took the lift straight up to the Penthouse Office and pushed his way past her Rottweiler of a secretary before she could even announce his arrival. He decided the element of surprise would work to his advantage in this situation. Fallon was on the phone when he entered just like the day he met her. He closed the door on the secretary and locked it happy with the shock and surprise lighting her beautiful porcelain features.

  “Something has just come up. I will call you back, Francine,” he heard her say to the person on the other end of the phone.

sp; But the woman wasn’t taking a hint and Fallon had trouble putting the receiver down. Vidar made it easy for her forcefully taking it out of her hand to put it down and end the call.

  “Hey, you can’t just do that.”

  “Yes, I can. I want to talk to my wife and I will not be made to wait another moment longer,” he said imperiously taking hold of her arms to make her stand.

  “Why haven’t you signed the divorce papers?”

  “Is that all you came to ask?” she sounded annoyed.

  “What do you think?” he asked softly cupping her face with his hand.

  “I thought you wanted everything to end between us?”

  “I thought that was what you wanted. That night on the boat,” he replied.

  He stroked his thumb over her cheek.

  “I was a fool. I couldn’t stand the thought of being rejected again. And when you didn’t raise any objection I believed I was right. Why haven’t you signed the divorce papers? Is there still a chance for us?”

  “I want there to be one.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that’s what you wanted?” he demanded.

  “I was afraid after that night. You were so cold in the car. I thought my use to you was over.”

  He grimaced. He hadn’t even considered her feelings and how her past with her own family and their rejection of her would affect how she saw his behaviour towards her.

  “I am so sorry, Fallon. I don’t ever want to let you go. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He came closer and captured her lips and probed her mouth deep, possessively. She whimpered and moaned with the force of his ardent kiss and responded clutching like a helpless child at his arms as he drew her in to the enclosure of his own.

  “Then come home with me back to London and be the wife we both want you to be.”

  “I want that more than anything but I have a job here now and I like it.”

  She didn’t sound convinced of her assertion.

  “I don’t want to be a stay at home wife like you want.”

  He smiled and started to undo his tie.

  “You took a vow to obey me or have you forgotten, little one?” he whispered wrapping the silver grey tie around her wrists and tying it tight. “I think you need to be reminded of that. And if you are a good girl we can talk about a suitable compromise that can work for both of us. Because I have a much more important job for you to do right now.”

  “What’s that?” she asked breathlessly watching him remove his dark navy suit jacket and drape it over her chair exposing the matching waistcoat which clung enticingly to his athletic figure beneath it. He undid his belt buckle and pulled it out of the belt loops making her gasp.

  “Once I have disciplined you for not telling me what you wanted and all of your needs, something I expect you to do in the future,” he said huskily folding the belt over and lying it on the desk. “I am going to mount you and you are going to conceive our first child. One of many. I want us to create our own large family, darling,” he told her kissing her lips once more. “Would you like that or have you started taking those contraception pills I demanded you didn’t take again?” he told her sliding her skirt up her thighs

  “No. I never started taking them again. Yes. Yes, more than anything. I have missed being corrected by you and I have been reckless,” she gave a small smile. “I need your dominance and discipline. I can’t live without it anymore. You make me feel safe, loved and protected and I crave to submit to you. I can’t live without you. I belong to you and no one else.”

  His heart leapt noticing she was breathing heard anxious at having so blatantly confessed all she wanted from him, afraid of his reaction despite his words.

  “Good girl. I won’t ever let you escape me again. I will always love and take care of you as my wife and my submissive. Now, let’s get started. What did I say about wearing panties?” he whispered tugging at the flimsy material covering her pussy so hard it snapped in his hands. He threw the remnants in to the waste paper bin before turning her around and directing her to lie flat over the desk so that he could administer her punishment.

  He rested his hand on her bottom revelling in its softness. He had been away from her flesh too long. It was a pleasure just to touch her. He bent his lips and gently kissed both cheeks before picking up the belt and bringing the first lash from the makeshift whip across the seat of her bare bottom. Her bottom jumped and shivered as he branded her rump with stinging red stripes, marking her as his property once more. When he had finished making the tender backs of her thighs the same hot red, he raised her up and quickly undid his zip. Thrusting his fingers between her thighs he found her soaking wet, ready and prepared for his entry.

  Taking out his long hard cock, he put his hands around her waist and lifted her up to lower her pussy directly on top of its tip. Carefully he lowered her downwards until his length was fully inserted inside her channel. Once more she clung to him like a child, sweeping her hands around his neck, moaning with satisfaction as she wrapped her legs, her feet still encased in her high heeled black Louboutins with their trademark red soles around his waist. Firmly embedded inside her, the Billionaire carried his wife to the opposite wall of her office away from the glass windows looking out over the La Grande Arche de La Defense in the Parisian business quarter.

  He rested her back against the wall and slowly began to thrust inside her moving her body back up against the wall. She bit her lip watching him lift a hand to dip it down inside her blouse and in to her bra to scoop up a breast. He brought his lips to it driving harder and deeper curling his cock in her channel to stroke the rough back wall of her vagina and the centre of her pleasure. He sucked at her nipple, drawing it between his teeth to nip at it. Vidar heard Fallon cry out and smiled with satisfaction knowing she was feeling that tantalising rush of cold and warmth through her body as he inflicted the small amount of pain. It produced a flood of silky juice from her vagina around his cock spurring him on to pump faster inside her body. He wanted her to know exactly who she belonged to. His fingers cruelly dug in to her warmed buttocks. She was close as was he. This time when he took her there would be an even deeper meaning to their joining. He was claiming her back and sealing their love and marriage by making her conceive. They had been deprived of love from their own families and now it was time to create a new one they would both be part of.

  “I want you to come now, little one,” he gave the order hearing her pant and whimper.

  A second later he felt the muscles lining the wall of her channel tighten and squeeze his cock. In response, he allowed his own climax to erupt and shoot his seed deep inside knowing it would bear fruit this time and soon she would be carrying his child. For now, he would indulge her with working here in Paris until she was pregnant. Then he would take action to bring her home. Despite her voiced conviction and protestations about her work, he knew her heart still lay in her studies and he it wouldn’t be long before she was content researching her theories and maybe lecturing with a position at a University perhaps Oxford where she began the phd, something she could easily fit around being the mother of his children and where he could keep her safe and near him. As he’d told her, he was a traditional dominant man and as his submissive she would love and respect his wishes. It was his job and privilege to provide for her and take care of her. He took hold of her hands and pressed them back against the wall entwining his fingers with hers as he grunted his release in time with her own and made her his again.

  Exactly nine months later, Vidar received his wish when Fallon gave birth to twins, a little girl and boy. As he predicted and encouraged she was no longer working but studying and well on the way to completing the PHD she had left for her father at Oxford. Now neither of them would be alone without each other and a loving family again.

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Arabella Kingsley, Cordelia Gregory and Serena Douglas.




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