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Diving Into Love (McCallister's Paradise Book 2)

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by Rhondeau, Chantel

  Diving Into Love

  McCallister’s Paradise - 2

  Chantel Rhondeau


  About The Book


  McCallister Family Tree

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Author’s Note

  Also by Chantel Rhondeau

  Sneak Peek at For Love or Charity (McCallister’s Paradise – 3)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  About The Book

  Diving Into Love

  (McCallister’s Paradise – 2)

  Chantel Rhondeau

  This playboy never gets burned, at least not by love, but the flames grow hot when he meets a fiery redhead at his paradise home.

  Parker McCallister is the playboy of the family, never having a care in the world beyond his next fling. When Sierra Burns nearly runs him down on horseback, she challenges him in ways he's never experienced. Now all he has to figure out is how to capture this beauty's heart, and this time it’s about more than sex and fun for him.

  Shortly after meeting Parker, disaster strikes for Sierra and her secret troubles are revealed. Now she needs his help in the worst way. The only problem is she wants to earn her place in life and have a chance to be the person she wants to be, not the one her parents demand she be. Taking charity from Parker or his family would feel like a lie to her convictions, and she doesn't want dating him to be a condition of accepting their help.

  Despite her hesitations, Parker's charms and charisma are hard to resist. Just when she gives up fighting against the attraction and allows herself to hope for love, his past foists a surprise on the new couple and throws Sierra's life out of balance...again.

  Electronic Edition

  Copyright 2015 Chantel Rhondeau

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  Cover Design: EDH Graphics

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  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to an ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  * * *

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, names, events, and places in this novel are used fictitiously or are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, or to places, businesses, or events, is entirely coincidental.


  To Nickie, with all my love. Your support means more to me than I can say.


  As always, a big thanks has to go to all the many writers I associate with on a daily basis. From my close author friends to all the wonderful writers inside the Romance In A Month group, thank you for pushing me to make the best stories I possibly can.

  * * *

  Not a surprise here, the biggest thanks goes out to my great group of beta readers and proofreaders. There are no words to express the gratitude I feel for all the wonderful people who help me along the way to publication: Author Rachelle Ayala, Editor Sara Kay, Author Michele Shriver, and the wonderful people in my street team: Shanny, Rebecca A., Liza Robbins, and Tope Awofeso. I couldn’t do this without your help.

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  My awesome cover artist is always on point, creating beautiful wrapping for my novels. Thank you, Erin at EDH Graphics. I’m thankful for your hard work.

  * * *

  I’d also like to thank you, the reader, so much. Thanks for sticking with me, and also for picking up my new books when they hit the virtual shelves. I couldn’t do this without your support. I love staying in contact with you all, so if you are so inclined, please join my Facebook group, Chantel Rhondeau’s Romance Lovers, and/or drop me a message at

  McCallister Family Tree

  John & Susan McCallister - Parents/owners of McCallister’s Paradise

  Quinn (31 years old) (Larissa Benner) artist and owner of art gallery on island. November, Year Zero (Happy Endings).

  Parker (28 years old) (Sierra Burns) snorkeling/scuba diving instructor. Summer, Year 1 (Diving Into Love).

  Sydney (26 years old) runs the McCallister Charity Fund. (For Love or Charity)

  Brad (23 years old) Manager of McCallister’s Paradise Resort. (Love’s Ride)

  Shane (22 years old) Head Chef at Paradise Point and oversees The Pavilion staff. (Cooking Up Love)

  Get more information about the McCallister family tree on Chantel’s website.

  Chapter 1

  Sierra Burns leaned close against the neck of the sleekly muscled black horse. “Come on, Shadow,” she urged. “Let’s go faster.”

  Shadow seemed more than willing to obey, and he shifted into a swift gallop. His hooves made dull thuds against the hard-packed sand of the beach, competing with the roar of waves rushing up the shoreline toward his legs.

  Sierra leaned down even further, breathing in the scent of horse and ocean, and closed her eyes. There was no feeling closer to flying than this. The wind rushed past, pulling Sierra’s long auburn-red tresses away from her face to tangle behind her.

  This is heaven.

  The only warning Sierra received that her luck was about to change was a slight bunching of Shadow’s muscles. She opened her eyes just as the horse squealed, reared back, and hopped awkwardly.

  As good of a horsewoman as Sierra was, she didn’t expect it. Although she held her seat for a few seconds while Shadow continued bucking and jumping, it didn’t take long for him to throw her.

  Flopping to the ground flat on her back, Sierra’s head thumped into the packed sand. The impact pushed all the air from her lungs and Sierra wheezed, trying to force in oxygen as cracks of light danced in her vision.

  “Holy shit!” a male voice exclaimed from somewhere above her. “Are you okay?”

  Still unable to breathe properly, Sierra shook her head. The motion provoked pain and slight nausea. She must have hit pretty hard to inspire that kind of pain.

  Work-callused hands brushed wet sand from her cheeks as the man knelt beside her.

  Shadow had also returned. His horsey breath smelled of hay as he sniffled at her head in apparent apology.

  “What are you doing on this beach?” The man’s tone was demanding, putting Sierra on the defensive.

  She’d give this resort worker a piece of her mind for speaking to her like that. Well, as soon as she could breathe, she would.

  “Guests are supposed to ride on the groomed trails and in the racing field only,” he continued in his superior voice. “Didn’t they tell you that when you left the stables? This shouldn’t have happened.”

  Sierra pushed his hand away from her shoulder, where he’d left it after cleaning he
r face, and glared up at the voice. Prepared for someone as ugly as his attitude, shock filtered through her when she saw the handsome man hovering over her. His blue eyes held concern that belied the anger in his voice, and his sandy brown hair was a bit longer than considered appropriate in polite society. Which, of course, made him even more attractive. This man would be certain to drive her parents nuts if she brought him to a family dinner.

  Pushing herself gingerly to a sitting position, Sierra rubbed at the back of her head, feeling a lump forming. “Just great. I haven’t been bucked from a horse since I was ten.” She glared at the man again, knowing it was his fault Shadow spooked. “What are you doing out here? This is a private beach and only the McCallister family members are allowed on it.”

  He laughed, somehow the sound seeming full of good humor even though Sierra was under no illusion that he wasn’t laughing at her. She felt herself smile reflexively. “What’s so funny?”

  Raking his hair from his eyes, he winked. “You’re exactly right, sexy lady. McCallisters only allowed on this beach. So, why are you here? I’m pretty sure you’re not my cousin.”

  Sierra gasped softly. He was a McCallister? What a blunder she’d made. His family owned this resort. Heck, they owned the entire island. Though her father would never admit it, the McCallisters could buy out everything the Burns family owned without even denting their wealth. How embarrassing to have mistaken him for a common resort employee! Then again, his hands were awfully callused. They felt like a hard-working man’s hands. The kind of hands she would love to have stroke her body and—

  “Maybe you hit your head harder than I thought,” he said, tilting his head to the side as he drew her attention back to his handsome face. “You’re pretty spaced out. I’ll call Dr. Peterson and let him know I’m bringing you to the clinic.”

  A hot blush crept up her neck and cheeks, and Sierra shook her head softly. “I think I’m okay. A little dazed.” But not by the fall—by him. “Give me a second to get my bearings.”

  With a shrug, he sat beside her. He ran his hand over her face once again, then circled around to the back of her head, prodding gently.

  Hissing with pain, Sierra slapped his hand away. “That hurts! I’m going to have one heck of a goose egg there.”

  “We need to get some ice on that,” he said and Sierra refrained from rolling her eyes. Nothing like stating the obvious.

  The man rubbed his hands against his blue and black board shorts before standing. “I’ll help you back in Shadow’s saddle and lead you to the stables. I’d hate for you to have an accident on the way. What’s your name?”

  “Sierra Burns.” Although she tried to say it with authority and look down her nose at him, his standing over her spoiled the effect and left her feeling even more foolish.

  “Well, Sierra Burns, I won’t report this or get you banned from the stables during your stay on the island, but no more leaving the approved riding areas.” He stuck his hand out to help her to her feet.

  Angry at his chastisement, Sierra ignored the help and pushed herself off the ground. Only to find she was extremely dizzy upon standing. The earth buckled beneath her feet and Sierra lurched sideways.

  The man’s arms went around her waist and pulled her tight against him. “Careful, Sierra. Can’t have you falling again. You don’t need any more bumps on your head.”

  His breath was hot against her ear as he held her, and even the dizziness wasn’t enough to distract her from the feel of his smooth, hard muscles beneath his light blue shirt, or the manly, musky smell of his skin.

  “Thank you, Mr. McCallister.” She forced herself to pull away. After all, he’d had the gall to reprimand her. It wasn’t like she could let herself actually be drawn in by his attractive looks or sexy blue eyes.

  Not to mention, a McCallister would be entirely appropriate for her to date in the eyes of her father. She was tired of following the rules and planned to have herself some good, rebellious fun this summer. At twenty-five, she deserved to break loose from the shadow of her parents and live her own life. If she brought a McCallister home, they’d have her married off to him before she had any time for exploration and fun.

  But when the man grinned again, Sierra couldn’t help but feel her heart soften toward him more. There was something flirty and exciting and sexy in his bright gaze.

  “Why don’t you call me Parker?” he asked. “All the prettiest girls do.”

  * * *

  Parker McCallister slowly led Shadow up the beach. Not that the slow pace helped. Sierra was wincing from the movement every time Parker glanced at her.

  Serves her right for stealing Quinn’s horse and riding him on the beach. I’ll have to talk to the staff at the stables about keeping a better eye on the riders and where they go.

  The good news was, Parker’s older brother’s horse seemed no worse for wear. Shadow had managed to clear Parker’s head and not kill him where he sat on the beach. The woman might have a nasty bump on her head, but she didn’t seem seriously damaged. The outcome could have been much worse. It was actually a good thing she took Shadow out and not one of the younger horses. Parker very well could have been trampled, simply for enjoying the beach, if a lesser horse had been surprised like that.

  Still, Sierra hadn’t meant to run him down, and Parker did feel sorry about her pain. “You okay back there?”

  One of her hands clutched the saddle horn and the other shielded her eyes from the sun. “I’m getting a blinding headache,” she admitted. “It looks as if I’ll pay the rest of the day for breaking your riding rules.”

  “Maybe tomorrow, too,” he agreed. “That was a nasty fall.”

  Sierra merely clapped her hand tighter across her eyes, not responding.

  It was too bad she covered them. Sierra’s eyes were a hazel that bordered on a greenish grey, and he’d enjoyed seeing the fire in them before she realized he was a McCallister. He found it hilarious that she’d challenged him for being on the beach—she was the one sneaking places she wasn’t allowed. The lady had a stubborn streak and liked breaking rules. She sounded like Parker’s kind of woman.

  Parker trudged toward the stables. Thankfully, they were only another hundred feet away and then he could get Sierra some medical attention and make sure she was truly okay.

  “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this,” Parker called over his back, “but if you’d followed the rules, you wouldn’t have been hurt.”

  “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that if you hadn’t spooked my horse, everything would have been fine,” she shot back.

  “It’s my beach,” he countered.

  “But I’m the one paying so much money to stay on this tropical island, and the customer is always right.” She lowered her hand and gave him a triumphant smile, obviously feeling sure she’d won the argument.

  Feisty, for sure. Parker liked that. Most girls were disarmed by his smile and flowery compliments; they’d never argue with him or say he was wrong. In fact, within minutes of meeting, most women begged to spend more time with him. Sierra Burns presented an intriguing challenge.

  Too bad she was a guest at the resort. Strictly off limits, or it would have been fun to see if he could break down her defenses and convince her to date him.

  Deciding his best course was to be diplomatic, he gave in. “I guess you’re right. I certainly can’t argue with your logic, Red.” He slowed his steps further as they stepped off the sand and onto the pavement leading to the barn.


  Parker hid his grin by keeping his head straight ahead. “It’s better than calling you, ‘Your Grace,’ or whatever your servants have to do.”

  Sierra gave an audible huff. “You can let go of the lead rope, Mr. McCallister. I’ll handle things myself.”

  She certainly angered easily. Unable to stop himself, Parker glanced over his shoulder and winked at her before entering the barn. “Oh, no. I can’t take that risk, Red. My little brother works in the stables som
etimes, and I wouldn’t want you trying to take us both out of commission on the same day.”

  Chapter 2

  Sierra stepped from the shower and gingerly towel dried her hair. The doctor had looked her over at Parker McCallister’s insistence. Thankfully, Dr. Peterson said she was fine and didn’t need to be flown across to the hospital in Kona, Hawaii. However, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t suffer from the fall.

  Only a few hours had passed since Shadow bucked her off, and already the area was extremely tender to the touch and swollen. Then again, Sierra was used to dealing with pain on occasion. She could handle this headache.

  Wrapping herself in a robe, Sierra stepped into the main living quarters of her private bungalow. She picked up the phone from the end table near the couch.

  A man answered within seconds. “Front desk, this is Jimmy. How can I help you, Ms. Burns?”

  Even if Parker was a jerk who seemed to delight in saying things to piss her off, at least the staff at McCallister’s Paradise were well trained and responsive to her needs. “I had an accident while horse riding this afternoon. I need some anti-inflammatories and an icepack.”

  “Right away, ma’am,” he replied.

  Sierra hung up and made her way to the bedroom, sitting at the vanity and looking herself over in the mirror. Her face had no visible bruises. It seemed the only thing she had injured was the back of her head. Well... perhaps her pride.

  While Parker had insisted on giving her a ride home after speaking with the doctor, and the handsome man seemed more than ready to take care of her, she’d firmly said goodbye at the threshold of the bungalow, closing the door in his face. He might be cute and have a charming smile, but he’d made fun of her. No one did that and got away with it.


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