Diving Into Love (McCallister's Paradise Book 2)

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Diving Into Love (McCallister's Paradise Book 2) Page 21

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  Take a calming breath, he continued, “When I got to the airport, an older woman brought me Ryan and those papers, saying Vanessa couldn’t take care of him and that he was my son. That was the first I’d ever heard about a baby. Vanessa never said she was pregnant when she left the island last year. Check my phone records. Two weeks ago was the first contact we’ve had in a year.”

  He kept his tone as even as he could, telling the officers how he had a paternity test run, just to make sure, and that they’d been taking excellent care of Ryan the past few weeks.

  “Where is he?” Vanessa said, crossing her arms. “I demand to see my baby. Who knows what you’ve done since stealing him away.”

  A few trickles of moisture leaked over the edges of her eyelids, but Parker was amazed how unaffected he was by her tears. Had Vanessa gotten worse at acting, or was it just he was no longer blinded by his lust for her? If he had to guess, he’d say Vanessa’s act wasn’t even meant to convince him that she missed Ryan. She wasn’t here for the baby. It made Parker wonder what she was really after.

  The cops, however, were moved by her fake tears. “Get the baby, Mr. McCallister. Let us see if he’s okay.”

  Parker shook his head. “I’m not letting her have him. She hired a stranger to take him on a flight here, not even telling me we had a child or that he was on his way. The woman could have left him anywhere or sold him or something. You should arrest her for child endangerment. I don’t want her near Ryan.”

  The cops looked at each other, obviously torn about what to believe. “Ms. La Fabre, he does have all these documents. Care to explain how he got these?” Hale asked.

  She shrugged. “How should I know? He probably had them made up.”

  The quieter officer shook his head. “This birth certificate is real. The papers saying you give all parental rights to Mr. McCallister look legitimate. You’re saying you didn’t sign these?”

  Vanessa stood, her face growing red—whether with tears or because she was angry, Parker didn’t care. “I most certainly did not sign them. Let me see that.”

  The officer handed her the parental rights agreement. Vanessa’s face became redder as she read through it.

  “This isn’t even my signature,” she practically yelled. “He obviously forged this. I’ll prove it.”

  She dug through her purse, pulling out a pen and a pad of paper. She signed it with a flourish, smirking Parker’s direction as she handed the paper to the officer.

  Parker clenched his fists tightly. “Dad, didn’t you have your lawyer look into the paper?”

  “Sorry, son. He’s on vacation until next week. When the paternity came back positive, I assumed Vanessa had done something nice, for once in her life.”

  “I have bad news,” the officer said, looking at Parker. “This signature is obviously not Ms. La Fabre’s on your document. Go get the baby, and let’s not make this harder than it has to be.”

  “You think I kidnapped him?” Parker shook his head. “I’m not the criminal in this room.” He looked across at his parents, and they both nodded their consent for him to continue. “Vanessa was banned from this island last year. The agreement was she’d never come back, and we wouldn’t turn her over to the cops. She’s broken that agreement so I no longer have to keep quiet.”

  Vanessa’s smirk turned into a glare. “Don’t you dare spread more lies about me, Parker. You’ve ruined my reputation enough as it is.”

  Parker barked out a bitter laugh. “The so-called nanny you had bring Ryan to me said you were still a prostitute, Vanessa. How am I ruining your reputation?”

  “A prostitute?” He had Officer Hale’s full attention now. “What are you talking about, Mr. McCallister.”

  “I’m talking about Vanessa’s side business of providing happy ending massages to clients on this island, and from what I heard, visiting them in their rooms for a more intensive, ah... session.”

  The officers looked at Vanessa, the sympathy they had displayed for her earlier fading.

  “You have proof of this?” the quieter cop asked.

  “She signed the nondisclosure and agreement to stay off the island,” John said. “The papers are in my safe. I’ll go grab them. I bet that will match her signature.”

  Vanessa sank into her chair, covering her eyes with her hands and letting out what sounded like fake sobs to Parker. “I can’t believe you’d do this Parker. I loved you so much. You steal my kid, and now you’re going to let your father tell about my mistakes?” She sobbed and looked back up, her eyes darting to the police first, likely to see if they bought her act. “You said you loved me, and as soon as another woman came along, you made me out to be a villain. I only gave those massages because your family ordered me to. I did all of this for you.”

  * * *

  Sierra finished reading another book to Ryan. He still didn’t look sleepy, and it was getting perilously close to feeding time. Why didn’t Parker come get them? And more importantly, who were the people in the driveway?

  She felt nearly out of her mind with worry by the time someone tried the locked doorknob and then tapped on the wood.

  “Who is it?” she called.

  “It’s Susan.”

  Sierra hurried to unlock the door.

  When Susan entered the room, she was visibly upset and pale as cream.

  “What’s happening out there? Who were those people?”

  “It’s Vanessa La Fabre,” Susan explained. “She’s claiming Parker kidnapped Ryan, and the men with her are state police.”

  A tremor of panic fluttered around Sierra’s stomach. “They aren’t going to take him, are they?”

  Susan shrugged, blinking rapidly. “I just don’t know. I haven’t even had a chance to ask why you’re here or what is happening with you and Parker, but you’re on our side, right?”

  “Of course I am.” Sierra took her courage in both hands and dared to hug the woman, even though it was something Cece would have never tolerated.

  Susan let out one sob and held Sierra tightly. “I’m so glad you’re here for Parker. He’s been a mess without you.” She released her and Sierra noted the tears glittering on the older woman’s face. “John and I have missed you too.”

  Not knowing how to reply to this outpouring of affection, Sierra decided to focus on the real problem they faced. “Do you want me to come downstairs with you or would it be better if I stayed away?”

  Susan chewed on her lower lip. “If the cops see Ryan has a stable life here with a mother and a father, they might decide it’s in his best interest to remain at our house.” Her eyes widened. “Not that I meant to presume, or that you have to pretend...” She shook her head, clearly distraught.

  “Relax, Susan. You aren’t presuming. That’s exactly what’s going on. Parker and I are together, and I’ll do whatever I can to protect Ryan from his bitch of a mother.” Sierra curled her lip in distaste. “From the sounds of things, Vanessa is just as bad as Cece. I might not be the best parent in the world, but I won’t send him back to her.”

  “Oh, thank God. You carry him downstairs and let’s go be a happy family. We have to convince the cops to leave Ryan here.”

  Sierra lifted Ryan off the bed and cradled him to her as they walked out the door and down the stairs.

  Ryan gurgled with a noise Sierra thought meant he was happy, trying to get at her hair with his little fists.

  When they reached the bottom of the stairs, she kissed his forehead, breathing in his fresh baby-powdered scent. She didn’t know what Vanessa was trying to pull, saying Parker stole Ryan from her, but Sierra honestly hoped the cops didn’t buy her story. Everyone who knew Parker knew he would never do something like that. Vanessa gave him the baby. Parker was an honest man, and Sierra had no doubt he hadn’t found out about Ryan until the day the child appeared in the airport.

  Susan led her into the formal living room, and the woman with dark hair stood as soon as they entered.

  “Give me my baby, bitch.”
Her green eyes flashed, and she made Sierra think of a viper spitting venom, the way she moved and spoke.

  “No can do.” Sierra breezed past her, hoping Vanessa wouldn’t try to grab Ryan from her arms. Luckily, she made it to Parker without incident and handed the baby over.

  Parker cradled Ryan and gave him a kiss. “You see?” he asked, turning his attention to the officers. “Ryan is perfectly fine. My fiancée and I are taking good care of him. Now that you know about Vanessa’s lifestyle, are you really willing to hand him back to her?”

  The cops consulted with one another quietly before the larger one looked up. “After hearing both sides of the story, we don’t believe a crime has been committed. This is a civil matter between two estranged parents and not something we can interfere with.” They stood as though connected at the hip. “You’ll need to take this up with the courts and let the judge decide.”

  “No!” Vanessa wailed. “Can’t you make them give him back? I miss him. At least let me hold him.”

  The thinner officer inclined his head toward her before facing Parker. “I believe the child is safe in this home with you, but consider letting him spend a little time with his mom until this is settled in the courts. It will make you seem more reasonable.”

  The tension coming from Parker was enough for Sierra to feel, and Ryan began crying, apparently sensing it too.

  “She can’t have him. She dropped him off like an old pair of clothes or something.” Parker shook his head. “You should get used to not having him around, Vanessa. No court is giving you custody and you aren’t holding him.”

  “They’ll give him back when I prove you stole him,” she said. “Not only will you go to prison, Parker, but I’ll get all your money so I can raise my son like he deserves.” She sniffed as though crying, though Sierra didn’t believe her tears. “You’ve never even sent child support, and now you think you can just take him? You’re a no good thief, and I’ll prove it.”

  The officers walked next to Vanessa, grabbing her elbow and saying something to her in a voice too low to hear.

  After a few seconds, Vanessa nodded. “Fine. But I’m calling my lawyer and I’m going to find a way to prove I’m telling the truth.”

  She turned and walked from the house, not looking back, and the officers followed behind her.

  Parker, Sierra, and his parents walked out behind them, watching until the black sedan disappeared down the road toward the beach. No one spoke for several minutes until Susan finally grunted.

  “She’s after our money.” She shook her head. “Now this all makes sense. Whore couldn’t get what she wanted by sleeping with her clients, so now she’ll frame Parker for kidnapping to get his fortune.”

  “Mom!” From the look on Parker’s face, he was torn between disapproval and laughter. “I’ve never heard you speak about anyone that way.”

  Susan shrugged. “You’ve never been around when someone threatened one of my kids. Come on, let’s unload the car and show Ryan some of his new toys Dad and I picked out.”

  Sierra hesitated before following the others down to the McCallister’s car. Sure, they’d wanted her around to provide a united front to the police, but now, after spending all that time refusing to speak to Parker, his parents might not be as ready as he was to welcome her back into the fold.

  John looked back up at the house and waved to her. “Sierra, what are you doing? Come on. The sooner we get this inside, the sooner you can tell us what else we should order for our little bundle of joy. You need to help us pick things that’d you’d like to have.”

  Exhaling to release all her tension, Sierra hurried after them. Being in a forgiving family who loved her even when she made mistakes was going to take some getting used to. She’d never take them for granted, but being with the McCallisters was the answer to her many, many prayers.

  She walked up to the car, kissing Parker’s shoulder.

  He turned and smiled, passing Ryan over to her. “Here, take him. I’ll handle the heavy stuff. You’re in charge of the precious cargo.”

  Chapter 27

  Sierra finished her shift at the day care later that week and walked back to her apartment. She needed to get ready before meeting Parker and Ryan for a moonlit picnic out on Parker’s boat. For the past week the three of them had been inseparable, spending every evening together.

  Dr. Taylor felt Sierra had made good progress, and next week she was cutting back her therapy appointments to three times instead of every day. Not that Sierra felt she’d ever be ready to stop therapy altogether, but it was nice to know progress was being made.

  The only cloud hanging over them was waiting for Vanessa’s next move. So far, they hadn’t heard from her or a lawyer, but the McCallisters were certain she wasn’t through with them. Sierra could only hope and pray they’d be able to keep Ryan from her grasp. It was unthinkable that she might try and throw Parker into prison for kidnapping, but she couldn’t focus on that.

  It was Friday, the weather was gorgeous, and Parker would pick her up at 7:00. That’s where her attention needed to be, or she’d drive herself crazy.

  As she stepped off the elevator into her hallway, the sense of happiness completely vanished upon seeing the woman standing in front of her doorway.

  “What are you doing here, Vanessa?” she asked in a tight voice, clenching her fists at her sides.

  The brunette beauty smiled widely, as though greeting a friend. “I’m here to see you, of course.”

  Sierra reached the door and bumped Vanessa out of the way with her hip. She really wanted to punch her, but battery wouldn’t look good to her therapist or go far to convince people she wasn’t violent like Cece. “Go away. We have no reason to meet with each other.” She stuck her key in the door and unlocked it, opening it quickly and trying to get inside.

  Vanessa pushed her from behind and came in behind her, shutting the door. “Oh, Sierra. We have so much to talk about.” She sat gracefully in the desk chair, crossing one long leg over the other.

  Objectively, Sierra could understand why Parker had been duped by Vanessa for so long. The woman worn a short, black dress and she was gorgeous. If Sierra wasn’t so confident in Parker’s feelings, she might worry about being inadequate.

  Tossing her purse on the bed, Sierra folded her arms beneath her chest, looking as foreboding as she could. “I don’t know what you think you know about me, but there’s nothing I want to speak to you about.”

  Vanessa tilted her head and frowned. “Not even a way to restore your fortune? This tiny apartment has to be quite the setback after your New York condo and the piles of money your parents have.”

  Sierra glared at her. “How do you know anything about me?”

  The other woman sighed. “I know you bought that whole story the McCallisters fed you about me, Sierra, but I still have friends on the island, and they know what really happened. They’re worried about you, worried about Parker hurting you like he hurt me.”

  Caught off guard by the sincerity in Vanessa’s voice, Sierra relaxed marginally and sat on the edge of the bed. “What do you mean?”

  Vanessa raised an eyebrow. “I loved him. I thought we were going to have a family together. I would have done anything he asked me to do, and did.” She looked away. “Things I’m so ashamed to admit now, but Parker said in order to build our dream house, I had to make a lot more money than I could on my massage therapist salary.”

  Was this woman really trying to claim Parker asked her to sleep with other people? There was no way Sierra could believe that. Vanessa had crushed him, broken his trust, made him think he would never have love. That didn’t sound like a man ordering her to be with other men.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “Sure.” Vanessa nodded. “You’ve only seen the sweet side of Parker so far. You can’t imagine a man who would order me to do that and then steal my baby. He hides behind his family money, and if he ever turns on you, you’ll be worse off than when you first arrived on t
he island, Sierra. I’m trying to help you.”

  “The McCallisters are good people. They’ve helped me.”

  Vanessa tucked a strand of long hair behind her ear and leaned forward. “Because Parker told them to. They seem great at first, loving. Once you do something Parker doesn’t like, they will ruin you. If you thought being abused by your mom and getting your trust fund taken away was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. I’m ruined. My reputation is in shreds, and now he will use that to keep my baby and destroy me further than he already has.”

  She seemed so convincing. Either what she said was the truth, or Vanessa had no conscience to nag at her for lying.

  Sierra leaned away from her and raised both eyebrows. “What, exactly, is it you want from me?”

  “I want you to help me and help yourself.”


  “All you have to do is tell a convincing lie. Get me my baby back and help me get Parker’s money. I’ll pay you well. You won’t ever have to answer to your parents or live in this crappy little room again. You’ll be in charge of your own life.”

  * * *

  Parker chatted with the latest group of snorkelers, handing out his business card and telling them where to look for the pictures he’d taken of them in the water. Even though he couldn’t wait for them to leave, he tried his best not to let them know that.

  He needed to run to his parents’ house and take a shower as fast as he could. Then he would finally be able to see Sierra today. Things had been so wonderful this past week, and he hated the necessity for them to work and be apart so many hours of the day. At least it was Friday. They’d have the entire weekend together.

  After their moonlit picnic, he planned to take both her and Ryan to his hotel room. They’d hole up, just the three of them, and enjoy their time together.

  When the guests left, Anthony helped him pack the gear below deck on the boat.

  “Hot plans tonight, boss?” Anthony asked.


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