Infinite Desire

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Infinite Desire Page 21

by Gayle Donnelly, Robyn MacKenzie

  Family. She had another family.

  She blinked back the tears that were welling in her eyes. “What if they hate me or are disgusted by the fact that we’re related? I’m Valencia’s daughter, was raised Valta.” Her breaths were coming quicker and the pulse point at her throat fluttered rapidly.

  Tre cupped his hands over her shoulders and rubbed his hands down her arms in an effort to calm her. “Hey, they both already knew about your past before they risked their lives to come with me to rescue you. They made that choice fully aware of who you are.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead. “Trust me on this—Sean was already half-smitten before I beat him back and let him know you were off-limits. And if Talon’s reaction to finding out about Sean being his half-brother is any indication, I’d say you need to be more worried about dealing with an overprotective big brother who will try to smother you to death. He’s my best friend but I swear I’ll have to beat his ass if he takes that protective stance about you with me. At the very least, I’ll refuse to make him his favorite red velvet cupcakes.”

  Alex smiled, which was his intent, but she still wouldn’t meet his gaze. Tre took two fingers and lifted her chin until her eyes locked on to his. He brushed his lips softly across hers, needing her taste. “You’re mine, Alex, which means you’re not alone anymore, baby. You have me. You have your new brothers and the rest of the Coteri. Now let’s get this meeting over with so I can bring you back here and have my wicked way with you for at least a week.”

  Alex surprised him by pulling him into a tight hug, her arms wrapped around his neck. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, Tre, but I love you and plan on showing you just how much every day for the rest of my life.”

  Tre squeezed her back, still in awe that he’d been lucky enough to find this beautiful creature and make her his. He released her and opened the door. As he led her into the hall and up the stairs toward Dev’s office, he looked over his shoulder. “You know as soon as we step in there I’ll never hear the end of this, right?”

  Alex gave him a sexy-as-hell grin and released his hand before she cupped his ass and gave a squeeze. “Yeah, but I’m worth it.” She winked, then squealed when Tre bent down and tossed her over his shoulder, smacking her ass before continuing to Dev’s office.

  “Damn straight you’re worth it, baby.” He growled as he caressed the same ass cheek he’d swatted earlier.

  Tre stopped just outside Dev’s office and slowly lowered Alex to her feet. Her earlier joviality had vanished. “I’m nervous, Tre,” she whispered.

  He stroked her cheek and leaned in to kiss her forehead before clasping her hand in his. “I’m with you now, baby. Remember you’re not alone,” he assured her before opening the door and leading her into a room filled with Coteri warriors.

  Alex held Tre’s hand in a death grip, uncertainty swamping her system. She looked across at the far right wall and watched as Dev spoke softly into a gray, triangular-shaped conference phone before he pushed some buttons and rose from the chair behind his desk.

  “Welcome home, Alex,” he greeted her, and Alex smiled in return.

  In a blur of motion, Nic came out of nowhere and enveloped Alex in a hug. Her sister Thea approached more slowly and wrapped her arms around them both.

  “I’m so glad you’re home safe, Alex,” Thea whispered.

  “And thank you for protecting us.” Nic added.

  Michael appeared behind the sisters and stepped forward when they finally released her. He looked down and away before finally meeting Alex’s eyes. “I was wrong about you, Alex,” he started hesitantly, then seemed to gather his courage. “You helped to save my Nicolette twice, then risked your life to protect Tre.” He shrugged and flashed a quick grin. “I can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes but I can also admit when I’m wrong. You need anything, I’m there.”

  Michael strode back to where Nic was standing and pulled her to his side. As far as apologies went, it wasn’t the greatest, but Alex would definitely take it. Her gaze traveled the room and landed on the handsome yet scary-looking warrior from the night before.


  Her brother.

  He was standing against the back wall with his arms crossed over his broad chest and one foot resting over the other. He was an intimidating figure, especially when his deep-blue eyes stared intently into hers.

  Talon pushed himself away from the wall and began walking toward her, slowly, his expression a mask of inscrutable emotion. He was huge, his muscles flexing with every move he made. Alex held her breath as he approached, her nerves a twisted whirlwind of confetti eager to break free. He stopped directly in front of her and cocked his head to the side.

  Alex tensed as Talon’s hand came up and gathered a handful of her hair, letting the strands drift gently through his fingers as if studying the texture. His gaze returned to hers and the intensity was almost unnerving, as if he could see directly into her soul. Before she could react, Talon pulled her roughly against his solid chest, his massive arms enfolding her in a hug that threatened to cut off her air supply. She was lifted off her feet as he buried his head in her neck and gently swayed her back and forth.

  “Sister,” he whispered softly in her ear, and Alex felt her tears escape. All her earlier concerns about his acceptance were swept away with that one uttered word.

  “Here we go. I told you to be prepared, baby. Protective big brother mode, here we come. I am now officially in hell,” Tre teased as Talon released her and held her away from him by the shoulders.

  “You’d better believe it, Betty,” Talon mocked but his eyes never left Alex’s.

  He paused. His dark brows furrowed as he turned serious. “Xavier…” Talon began, searching Alex’s expression. “He was a cold-hearted bastard and I’m glad he was finally put down. My only regret is that it wasn’t by my own hand. But he was your father too, Alex.”

  Alex knew what he was asking. She brought her hands up to clasp Talon’s wrists, which were still on her shoulders. “But he wasn’t my father, Talon. I’d never met him or even heard of him before last night. He was, as you said, a sperm donor and nothing more.”

  She squeezed his wrists lightly and stared directly into his deep-blue eyes, which still held a hint of concern. Alex wanted nothing more than to wipe that concern away. “And after what I saw and heard from him last night, I’d say I was lucky that man was never in my life and I’m glad he’s no longer around to hurt you…or any of us.”

  Talon smiled and immediately relaxed his expression as his thumbs caressed her shoulders. He used his thumb and forefinger to tilt her head from one side to the other before he stopped and cut Tre a steely glare.

  Alex felt her heart drop at the realization of what her newly found, protective brother had probably just seen.

  “You fucking marked my sister, man?” Talon squinted in irritation. “You know what comes now, don’t you, Betty? Your ass…my boot…straight up.”

  Tre stepped forward, ready to take on his friend whether the jackass was teasing or not, but a discombobulated voice sounded from across the room and pulled him up short.

  “And you fucking marked my sister without anyone’s consent, asshole. So leave him alone and get used to the idea of playing second fiddle to a baby sister. Welcome to the club, T.”

  Talon released his hold on Alex and turned to glare a hole through Dev, who was enjoying this far too much judging from his expression as he leaned back in his chair behind the desk. “Seriously, Dev? I thought you had that damn thing on mute,” Talon muttered. “And fuck you, Mathias,” he added more clearly. Mathias’s laughter drifted through the open phone line.

  Tre smiled and pulled Alex close, only to be pushed aside as Sean came up and wrapped his arms around Alex. He stepped back and held her hands in his. “My life just keeps getting better and better. Now a sister.” He winked and raised her hands to kiss her knuckles. “So what are you going to do now?”

  Alex turned to Tre, unsure how to answer. He
wrapped his arm around her waist and turned them both to face Dev. “I’d like to take Alex with me and make our home base in Washington, working with Talon’s team. Alex’s research and scientific skills could best be utilized there with her working with Dr. Alka.” He turned to Alex to explain. “She’s the Coteri’s best geneticist, baby, and I think you’ll like her. I don’t want you to give up your work and I believe Washington is the best place for us both. You okay with that?”

  Alex’s gaze tracked the room, her eyes finally landing on her oldest brother. “Are you okay with that, Talon?” she asked hesitantly, somehow needing his approval.

  His smile was instant and it changed his entire demeanor. “Trust me, Alex. Tre knows better than to try to keep you away from me now. Besides, I’m down a man with Michael staying here with Nic, and I need this bonehead back by my side. Plus my Chloe needs some female companionship. She spends entirely too much time surrounded by testosterone, if you ask me.”

  Tre chuckled as he leaned in close to Alex’s ear. “Chloe is extremely tight with Talon’s Washington team and it drives T crazy. But if you think he’s going to be protective of you now that he knows you’re his sister, just wait until you see how he acts with his mate.”

  Alex turned in to Tre and hugged him tight, her lips close to his ear. “I’ll be happy wherever you are, Tre. But I think I’m going to love being with you in Washington.”

  Tre held her close and lifted his gaze to Talon. The smirk on his friend’s face told him just how much shit he was in for when Talon mouthed, pussy. Tre replied by simply lifting his middle finger, and for the first time in months everything felt…right.

  * * * * *

  Hours later, Tre led Alex back to his room. It had been sheer torture for him to keep his hands off her throughout the day. The debrief had confirmed his suspicions about Killian. He had been undercover and Roderick had been aware. Killian was now headed back to Germany, hopefully to get his shit straight, and if anyone could help the former general with that, it was their king.

  By all accounts, Luca and Valencia had closed up shop in New Orleans, leaving no trace of their current whereabouts. But Tre knew, just as he was sure Alex did, that this wouldn’t be the last they heard from them.

  Dev had been agreeable to Tre’s request to transfer to Washington, obviously in a good mood considering the fresh mating mark present that morning on Thea’s neck. Tre was happy for his general and glad Dev had finally got off his ass where Thea was concerned. They were a good match.

  Sean was leaving the next day, headed to the Midwest to begin the search for the Valta hybrid child. Although his ability to shift was still sketchy at best, Roderick had been pleased with the new Coteri’s performance on this operation and felt it was time for Sean to spread his wings. And if Tre trusted anything, it was the king’s instincts on what was best for his people.

  Talon was already headed to Washington, anxious to get back to Chloe, and left instructions that Tre and Alex should follow within the next couple of days. It would be good to be working with his friend again. And it definitely wasn’t going to suck that he’d finally be away from the oppressive heat of Louisiana. But Tre’s opinion of this unique city had definitely changed. It would now always hold a special place in his heart, since it was where he’d found Alex.

  Between the debrief of last night’s events, his team’s interruptions and Talon’s ever-present glare when Tre apparently got too close, he felt as if he hadn’t had a moment alone with Alex. The look in her eyes told him that she felt the need as deeply as he did. He closed the door behind him and turned the lock.

  “I can’t go easy tonight, Alex. I need you too much,” Tre said as he stalked toward his mate, peeling clothes off his body with every stride.

  Alex smiled and began to hastily remove her clothes. “Who says I want easy, Tre?” Her throaty reply was laced with need.

  Tre stopped before her and let his gaze travel up and down her naked body. “You’re beautiful, Alexandria. And you’re mine.” His low voice rumbled as he pulled her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  Alex lay sprawled in the center of his king-sized bed, her thick black hair billowing out around her head, and Tre had to fight for control. He crawled up her body, using his legs to open her silky thighs until his cock was cradled in the warm, wet heat of her pussy. He pressed his body to hers so there was no separation between them and cupped her face.

  “Every conceivable way tonight, baby. I want it all and I want to hear every sound of your pleasure.” His gravelly voice signaled the strain on his control.

  He watched as Alex’s eyes widened and her pupils dilated with arousal. She reached up to stroke her fingers across his jaw, then traced the line of his lips before she pressed her hips up to rub against his painfully hard cock. He groaned at the sensation.

  She reached between their bodies to grasp him firmly, stroking up and down until she swirled some of the pearly liquid that had escaped over and around the sensitive head. Alex brought her wet fingers to her lips and coated the edges before her tongue licked his taste into her mouth.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. “I don’t think we actually had time to hit ‘every conceivable way’ last time, Tre.” She pressed her hips against his straining cock, her wet folds sliding over the underside before she reached down and took him in hand once again.

  She licked her full lips and Tre nearly exploded right then and there. “Why don’t we start with what we missed last time, Tre? Then we can work our way back,” she purred as she pushed him onto his back and began a sinuous slide down his body, kissing and licking until she reached her ultimate goal.

  Tre’s entire body stiffened in anticipation, his animal close to the surface. He gently gripped her head and forced her to meet his gaze. “Before tonight is over, baby, I fully intend that neither of us will be able to walk right for days. I hope you’re ready, sweetheart, because you’re mine, Alex. And after tonight, you’ll never have any doubt of that again.”

  Alex swiped her silky tongue around the head of his cock, paying particular attention to the sensitive underside before her heated gaze met his once again. “I like the sound of that, Tre. And I promise that after tonight, you and your beast will know just how much you mean to me. I’m yours, but remember, you’re mine too and that means I want all of you, no holding back.”

  Tre ran his fingers through her thick strands, still in awe that this female was his. Alex smiled before she lowered her head. She closed her lush lips around him and proceeded to send Tre straight to heaven.

  About Gayle Donnelly

  I am a momma, a wife, a manager and a writer. I live in Oklahoma with my husband, two great kids and three crazy dogs. I will do just about anything for a Starbucks Mocha and shoe shopping is my drug of choice! I graduated with a degree in English but I never thought I would ever become a writer. Until one fateful day when Robyn MacKenzie and I were sitting in my backyard talking about all of the books we had fallen in love with over the past year and she said to me, “We can do this!” After thinking about stories we would love to read, we decided to just write one ourselves.

  One of the hardest things I deal with is balancing life with writing…and if anyone has the answer, please don’t hesitate to share it with me! Soccer games, track meets, business meetings and laundry tend to get in the way of my creative muse but I have a wonderful husband and two great kids who know how important writing is to me. And of course the late night calls from Robyn, my friend of twenty years and writing partner, wanting to talk about an idea or story line she thought of will usually get me back on track.

  I hope you enjoy my stories and would love to hear from you.

  About Robyn MacKenzie

  I originally hail from the Midwest and currently reside in Oklahoma with my wonderfully supportive husband and two beautiful kids. Although I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit that the years we spent living in the ethereal beauty of the Pacific Northwest didn’t still pull at my heartstrings.
r />   While writing is a lifelong dream and one in which I’m doubly blessed to be able to share with my best friend and writing partner, Gayle Donnelly, I’m also an avid reader—devouring two to three books a week sometimes. Between working, writing, reading and attending my kids’ sporting events, I enjoy kickboxing, watching UFC events and spending quality time with my family.

  Gayle and Robyn welcome comments from readers. You can find their websites and email addresses on their author bio pages at

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  Also by Gayle Donnelly & Robyn MacKenzie

  Blood Feud 1: Infinite Betrayal

  Blood Feud 2: Infinite Surrender

  Print books by Gayle Donnelly & Robyn MacKenzie

  Blood Feud 1: Infinite Betrayal

  Blood Feud 2: Infinite Surrender

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Infinite Desire

  ISBN 9781419943782


  Infinite Desire Copyright © 2013 Gayle Donnelly & Robyn MacKenzie

  Edited by Rebecca Hill

  Cover design and photography by Syneca


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