Wicked Ghosts_A Harper Harlow and Ivy Morgan Mystery

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Wicked Ghosts_A Harper Harlow and Ivy Morgan Mystery Page 1

by Lily Harper Hart

  Wicked Ghosts

  A Harper Harlow and Ivy Morgan Mystery

  Lily Harper Hart

  HarperHart Publications

  Copyright © 2018 by Lily Harper Hart

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. Four

  5. Five

  6. Six

  7. Seven

  8. Eight

  9. Nine

  10. Ten

  11. Eleven

  12. Twelve

  13. Thirteen

  14. Fourteen

  15. Fifteen

  16. Sixteen

  17. Seventeen

  18. Eighteen

  19. Nineteen

  20. Twenty

  21. Twenty-One

  Mail List


  Books by Lily Harper Hart



  “Is that everything?”

  Jared Monroe, an easy smile on his face, studied the bag his girlfriend Harper Harlow laid at his feet as he packed the back of his new Ford Escalade. He was in a good mood, bright signs of spring wafting through the air after a tedious Michigan winter, and he was anxious to get on the road.

  “That’s everything,” Harper confirmed, bobbing her blond head. She was tall for a woman, lithe and thin, and the look on her face reflected excitement.

  Jared heaved the bag into the back and arranged it so it rested flat next to his, widening his eyes when Harper took him by surprise and wrapped her arms around his waist. She burrowed in, pressing her head to his chest, and Jared’s arms automatically went around her.

  “What’s this?”

  Harper shrugged, noncommittal. “I just want to thank you for doing this.”

  Jared used his index finger to tip up Harper’s chin so they could lock gazes. “What am I doing?”

  “You’re taking me on a much-needed vacation.”

  “Yes, but we’ve been on vacation before,” Jared reminded her. “It’s not as if I’m taking you to Hawaii or anything. We’re simply going up north for a few days to taste wine and relax.”

  “It’s a big deal to me.”

  Harper’s expression was hard to read so Jared felt a measured response was in order. “It’s a big deal for me, too. I’m looking forward to spending some time with you when neither one of us will be tempted by the distractions our jobs offer.”

  Jared worked as a detective with the Whisper Cove Police Department, and although the town was small, it had seen its fair share of crime as of late … including a myriad of murders. As for Harper, she was co-owner of Ghost Hunters, Inc. – GHI for those in the know – and she’d parlayed her ability to see and talk to ghosts into a booming business. Harper’s choice of professions had been something of a sore spot with Jared when they first met, but he quickly came to realize she was the real deal and embraced her abilities rather than ran from them.

  They’d been blissful – at least in their relationship – ever since.

  “I’m looking forward to it, too.” Harper’s grin was back. “Have I mentioned that I love you?”

  “Not today.”

  “Well … I do.”

  Jared adored the sheepish look on Harper’s face when she delivered the words, as if she were both proud and embarrassed at the same time to be able to say them. “I love you, too.” He pressed a firm kiss to her mouth. “Are you ready to go on an adventure?”

  Harper nodded without hesitation. “I can’t wait. I don’t think I’ve visited the area where we’re going since I was a kid and I can’t remember a lot about it … except for trees. There were a lot of trees.”

  “Then it will be something new for both of us.” Jared ran his hands over Harper’s slim back. She wasn’t wearing a coat, and even though the daily temperatures were rapidly warming thanks to spring readying itself to turn into summer, the nights would remain cold for several weeks. “You packed a jacket, right?”

  “Yes, Dad.” Harper snickered when Jared offered up a playful smack on her rear end. “It’s in the Escalade.”

  “Good girl.” Jared planted a kiss on the corner of Harper’s mouth before releasing her. “I think that means we’re ready to hit the road.”

  Instead of matching Jared’s enthusiasm, Harper merely shook her head.

  Jared arched an eyebrow. “We’re not ready to go?”

  “I believe we’re missing two members of our party.”

  Instead of smiling, the corners of Jared’s mouth tipped down. He’d hardly forgotten they weren’t traveling alone … but he wasn’t beyond trying to manipulate Harper into leaving without the other half of their vacation team.

  “I still maintain they won’t even notice if we leave without them.” Jared dropped his voice. “You can call them when we’re already on the road.”

  Harper’s expression turned from playful to scolding. “You agreed that we could all do something as a group.”

  “I know but … .”

  Harper cut him off with a shake of her head. “This trip has been planned since Christmas.”

  “Not this exact trip. We agreed at Christmas to do something as a foursome,” Jared said. “We didn’t agree this was the thing we were going to do.”

  “Well, it is and we’re doing it.” Harper held firm, crossing her arms over her chest and scorching Jared with an “I mean business” look that almost made him smile. “You promised.”

  Despite her serious stance, Jared wasn’t ready to give up. “I promised to do something with them as a couple. I didn’t promise to do this. We can still sneak out and spend the next few days naked and alone.”

  Harper’s expression softened, although only marginally. “I know this isn’t your idea of the perfect vacation … .”

  “It’s pretty far from my idea of a perfect vacation.”

  “I need it to go well.” Harper’s voice took on an edge. “Zander is my best friend. You knew that when we got involved. If you’re trying to cut him out now … .” Harper left the statement hanging, but she’d said enough to fire Jared’s temper.

  “I understand Zander is your best friend,” he barked. “I don’t want to cut him out. Cripes! Do you really believe that?”

  Harper balked. “No. It’s just … you’ve been trying to get out of this trip for the past two weeks.”

  “I haven’t been trying to get out of it.”

  “You suggested you had the measles yesterday and I would have to stay back and be your nurse while Zander and Shawn took the trip together.”

  Jared smirked at the memory. He quickly sobered, though, when he saw the hints of worry clouding Harper’s blue eyes. He knew relatively quickly upon meeting Harper that she would change his life. He wouldn’t want it any other way. Jared also knew that Zander Pritchett, Harper’s lifetime best friend, was going to be part of the package.

  In truth, Jared liked Zander. He found the man fussy and annoying at times, but his loyalty to Harper was beyond measure and the duo was so close Jared knew he would be on the losing end should he try to wedge himself between them. With that in mind, he embraced Harper and Zander’s friendship and found he enjoyed spending time with both of them.

  Once Zander found a boyfriend he didn’t want to shake off – which was something of a feat since it had never happen
ed before – the threesome turned into a foursome. Shawn Donovan was friendly, amiable and easygoing. He wasn’t prone to dramatic fits and Jared liked him a great deal. Despite all that, Jared found he wasn’t thrilled about the four of them going wine tasting together in northern Lower Michigan. That was a little bit too much togetherness for him to handle.

  Still, Harper looked worried … and maybe a little miserable. That was the last thing Jared wanted and he immediately adjusted his attitude.

  “I wanted you to dress like a sexy nurse,” Jared corrected, internally sighing with relief when he cajoled a small smile out of Harper. “For the record, I always want that. I was just joking about the two of us taking off alone together.”

  Harper didn’t look convinced. “I’m pretty sure you would’ve left skid marks when peeling out of the driveway if I agreed.”

  She wasn’t wrong, but Jared knew better than pushing the issue. It was going to be a happy foursome instead of a naked twosome entertaining him for the bulk of the week. He would have to deal with it – and with a smile on his face – if he didn’t want to ruin the trip for Harper.

  “That was a joke.” Jared stroked the back of Harper’s head as he prodded her to look at him. “It’s going to be a great vacation. We’re not leaving without Zander and Shawn. I was simply messing around.”

  Harper’s smile was back as she leaned forward. “I promise we’ll get time alone … and a lot of it will even be naked time.”

  It was as if she read his mind, Jared silently noted as he grinned. “I’m looking forward to that most of all.”

  Harper threw her arms around his neck and held him close. “Thank you.”

  “Stop thanking me. You don’t have to thank me. This is for all of us.”

  “I’m thanking you for not losing your temper.”

  “Why would I lose my temper?” Jared pulled his head back so he could search her face.

  Harper shrugged. “Well … have I ever mentioned how Zander likes to pack for trips?”

  Jared was instantly suspicious. “No. What does that have to do with anything?”

  Harper pointed toward the front porch and Jared had to bite back a groan when he saw Zander and Shawn struggling with a mountain of luggage, the two men working in tandem to get it down the front steps without disaster striking. Jared’s mouth dropped open.

  “We’re going away for a week,” he barked.

  Zander, his dark hair gleaming under the sun, straightened. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “You’ve packed for a month.”

  “Oh, don’t be … you.” Zander was dismissive as he carried two huge suitcases down the steps. Shawn struggled with another two as he followed. It took Zander a full minute to navigate his luggage to the Escalade, but he was all smiles when he arrived. “So … who is ready to drink some wine?”

  Jared slid a dark look toward Harper. “You’re still going to have to play naughty nurse one day to make this up to me.”

  Harper patted his arm. “I already ordered a costume.”

  “I guess that’s something to look forward to.”

  JACK HARKER WOKE to a warm sensation. It took him a moment to wrap his head around what was happening, but when he did, he found his fiancée Ivy Morgan straddling his midriff.

  “Well then.” Jack’s voice was sleepy as he grabbed Ivy’s wiggling hips. “I don’t believe you’ve ever woke me this way, but I’m game if you are. Do you want me to brush my teeth first?”

  Ivy made a “well, duh” look as she stared at Jack’s handsome face. Her brown hair was brushed and shiny, signifying she’d been up far longer than Jack realized, and the pink streaks shooting through the long tresses glinted under the sunlight filtering through their bedroom window.

  “Guess what day it is,” Ivy ordered.

  Jack pursed his lips as he ran his thumbs over Ivy’s hips. She wore an old T-shirt to sleep in, her legs bare. She seemed animated, which was the exact opposite of what Jack usually found when it came to Ivy’s attitude toward mornings. She was a slow starter of sorts, grumpy until she had her first dose of morning tea. This was something else entirely.

  “What day is it?” Jack was genuinely amused. He was used to Ivy’s whims so he was fine waiting for her to explain things to him on her terms.

  “It’s been a year.”

  “A year since what?”

  “Since we met.”

  Jack stilled, racking his brain as the simple response rolled over him. “It has?”

  “Yup. One year ago today we met.”

  “Are you sure?” Jack propped himself up on his elbows, making sure he didn’t move fast enough to dislodge Ivy from her perch. For some reason – and he couldn’t explain it – he felt guilty. Shouldn’t he have known it was their anniversary?

  Ivy let loose with a hilarious expression. “I think I remember when we met.”

  “I think I remember it, too.”

  “Obviously not.”

  “But … .” Jack broke off, frustrated. “Are you sure?”

  Instead of being agitated, which would’ve been her normal response, Ivy merely bobbed her head. “It’s not a big deal. I’m not angry that you don’t remember. It’s not as if we started dating the day we met.”

  “No, but … I still should’ve remembered.”

  “You remember the important stuff.” Ivy rested her hand on Jack’s bare chest, covering the scars left there by his former partner from when he’d been employed by the Detroit Police Department. Jack was running when he arrived in Shadow Lake, leaving behind a traumatic past that still haunted him. He didn’t run very far before he smacked right into Ivy. His life changed in that moment. Heck, both their lives changed in the tandem beat of two hearts. They were both happy to look forward rather than back now, but that didn’t mean Ivy could forget the day they met. “Besides, I have more reason to remember. That was the day I found a dead body in my ditch.”

  “I’m still not happy.” Jack grabbed Ivy’s hand, keeping it in place over his heart as he flopped back to the mattress. “I’m sorry I forgot.”

  “You didn’t forget,” Ivy corrected. “You just didn’t remember.”

  “Is there a difference?”


  Despite his annoyance at himself, Jack smiled. “You seem happy and sparkly today, honey. I like it. What do you say I take you to breakfast to make up for not remembering?”

  “Breakfast sounds good.”

  “I have the day off,” he reminded her. “I thought we would probably spend the day working at your nursery because you’re so busy – that’s been our life the past two weeks, after all – but if you want to do something else … .”

  Ivy’s plant nursery was located at the back of her property. Technically it was now their property since Jack moved in and proposed. While working at a nursery didn’t seem like a proper anniversary celebration, Jack knew Ivy was swamped with seemingly endless tasks these days and didn’t expect her to be able to take the day off. He was understandably surprised when she shook her head.

  “My father is running the nursery for today,” Ivy supplied. “It’s his first day to be in charge since they got back from Florida and he’s excited.”

  Ivy’s parents spent their winters vacationing in Florida, only returning to Michigan when the weather broke. This past winter had been long and brutal, but spring was finally here and that’s all Jack wanted to focus on. Well, that and picking a date for the wedding. They’d yet to really settle on that because they were in the middle of house construction that tended to drive them both batty.

  “So you have the day off, too?” Jack was intrigued. “I guess that means we can celebrate all day, huh?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing Ivy to giggle as she shifted on his stomach.

  “Oh, we’re definitely celebrating,” Ivy agreed. “Starting with breakfast. I’m starving.”

  “I’m definitely up for breakfast. What do you want to do after that? I was thinking a
quiet day in bed might be a nice celebration for both of us.”

  “In bed?” Ivy furrowed her brow. “We can’t celebrate in bed.”

  For the first time since she woke him, Jack sensed trouble. He tried to push it out of his mind, but it niggled all the same. “Why can’t we celebrate in bed?”

  “Because we have to repeat what we did when we first met.”

  “Yell at each other?” Jack wasn’t keen on an argument, although he wasn’t opposed to one later in the day. Most people didn’t like arguing with their significant other, but Jack and Ivy treated it like a sport … and they were both gold medalists. “Can’t we just skip that part?”

  “Not that.” Ivy flicked Jack’s strong chin. “I’m talking about the other thing.”

  “What other thing?” Jack was honestly confused.

  “It’s not just the anniversary of when we met,” Ivy reminded him. “It’s also the first day when we should start seeing morels pop up.”

  The reality hit Jack like a brick as it settled in the pit of his stomach. He knew that brick would remain as long as Ivy had a window for mushroom hunting because she would add morels to every recipe and Jack was convinced they tasted like … well, something he didn’t want to eat.

  “Oh, not the feet mushrooms.” Jack slapped his hand to his forehead, his earlier excitement diminishing. “Honey, we can’t spend our entire anniversary hunting for mushrooms.”

  “Not the entire anniversary,” Ivy conceded. “We’re having breakfast together, too. Plus, I thought I would cook a romantic dinner.”

  Jack moved his hand so he could look Ivy dead in the face. “You’re going to make me eat the feet mushrooms for dinner, aren’t you?”


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