Love Under Two Extroverts [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Two Extroverts [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Cara Covington

  There was nothing worse, in her opinion, than being on a date, trying to talk, and needing to yell to be heard. That just upped the chances of letting other people know your business.

  Their waitress, who introduced herself as Melody, was quick and friendly and had mugs of draft in front of them in no time, flat.

  Both men ordered steaks, and after giving the menu a solid read, she did, too. Melody took their orders, and really the only difference between her order and theirs was the level of pink in the meat.

  “I’m going to make a note that you like your meat bloody,” Will said.

  “Makes me sound tough,” Jacqui said.

  “I wouldn’t think of you as tough,” Norm said. “You’re a woman of strength, and we respect that.”

  Despite their spate of corny pick-up lines, and their repertoires of suggestive puns, she knew that they did indeed respect her.

  She was a woman of strength, and one who generally took responsibility for her own life, and her own decisions. Why wait?

  “Thank you. I appreciate your appreciation. And in that tone, I’d like to suggest adding a third part to our date tonight.”

  “You would?” Norm, sitting beside her, picked up her left hand, kissed it, and then tucked their joined hands out of sight, under the table.

  Will picked up her right, and caressed the back of it with his thumb. “What did you have in mind?”

  “You cooked supper for me last Saturday. I’d like to return the favor by cooking you breakfast tomorrow morning.”

  “Be sure.” Will’s expression became a stunning combination of steamy and serious. “Be very sure, sugar plum. This relationship goes in one direction—there’ll be no stepping back once we make love.”

  Jacqui didn’t know if they’d be making love. But she did appreciate that he hadn’t said anything cruder. They likely didn’t know how big a step this would be for her. She’d only let two other men into her bed.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Good thing we’re all having steak,” Norm said. “We’re going to need our strength.”

  Chapter 10

  In thinking about this moment—and she had thought about it—Jacqui had discounted a couple of very important facts.

  The first was that while this wouldn’t be her first time, it would still be a first time—a first time with William and Norman Kendall, and the first time with two lovers at the same time. The other thing she never once considered was that this would be her first time with men.

  Jerry had been her age—eighteen—and could never have been described as a man of maturity. As for Tim…no, she really didn’t want to think about Tim. He hadn’t made it past their first time.

  The door closed behind her, and a shiver of anticipation raced down her spine. Jacqui had been here once before, for dinner—and they’d even give her a tour of the house. All, that was, except for the large upstairs room, the doors of that room at the time standing closed.

  Since she’d been in Nancy’s house, and Holly’s, she had a pretty good idea what lay beyond those closed doors, and an even better one that she’d be in that room, shortly.

  They didn’t rush her up the stairs, and they didn’t fall all over her like horny, slathering dogs. I knew there had to be a difference between boys and men when it came to sex.

  Instead, they led her into the living room. Norman held her hand and slowly brought her into his arms while William fiddled with the sound system.

  Music, soft and sexy, began to play. Norm led and she followed, their dance more tender than seductive. When Will pressed against her back, his hands resting on her hips, she sighed in pleasure.

  Just that simply they’d brought them all back to last Saturday night, to that moment when Jacqui had known she was on the edge and very close to falling.

  Not in love, of course. I meant falling into bed.

  “You are so damned beautiful to us. Do you know that?” Norm used a single finger to lift her chin. She had no choice but to look into his mesmerizing blue eyes. She didn’t, in truth, really want to look anywhere else.

  “We took one look at you, and we wanted you. That kind of wanting, neither of us had ever felt before.”

  “Did it make you want to have the water tested?” She felt a slight pang at tossing humor into this seductive scene. She couldn’t help it. There was something too appealing in this scene right here, something that pulled her and repelled her at the same time.

  “And the air, too,” Will said. He bent his lips to her neck and gave her a very slight, but definitely disciplinary nip.

  Norm grinned. “We want you to know that this isn’t just fun and games for us, Jacqui. You’re much younger than any of the women we’ve dated—and always, before now, we’ve only built relationships with women separately.”

  Here was something she knew she needed to address. As much as the hearts-and-flowers mood made her nervous, she knew what she wanted.

  “I’m twenty-two, old enough to know my own mind. I color inside the lines when the mood strikes and never run with scissors if anyone’s looking. See? All grown up.”

  “That’s good to know. Since we’re being all—verbally—naked here, there are a couple of things we need to know.”

  “All right.”

  “Are you on the pill?”

  That wasn’t the question Jacqui was expecting. “As a matter of fact, I am.”

  “Good.” This time Will kissed her ear. “Because we’ve both been tested, and we’re clean. And we’d prefer not to wear condoms.”

  “Unless we’re taking your ass,” Norm said. “Which begs the next question. Have you ever had anal sex?”

  Jacqui swallowed hard. Normally it wasn’t something she even thought about. But taking two men as lovers implied a strong possibility of double penetration. And that was something that if she was to be completely open with these two—and she wasn’t ready to do that yet—was a scenario she’d already begun not only to imagine, but to crave.

  “No, I haven’t. But I’d like to.” That was as much honesty as she could manage.

  “That’s not for tonight.” Norm caressed her face, then cupped her cheek with his hand. “I want to kiss you, now.”

  She licked her lips, relishing the flash of heat that slithered through her body. “Finally.” She looked at his mouth, and then met his gaze again. And when his head lowered, she lifted her mouth and closed her eyes.

  Norm’s mouth covered hers, his kiss deep and wet and completely seductive. She opened to him and welcomed his tongue into her mouth, stroking it with her own, even sucking on it. An image of what else she’d like to have in her mouth shot her arousal high.

  A hand stroked down and then up her back and then anchored in her hair. Norm lifted his mouth, and William turned her head toward him, covered her lips and plundered. The heat and the hunger fired her blood and ignited her soul. She needed like she’d never needed before. In an instant she had the answer to that question. These men might indeed be able to bring her to orgasm just with their kisses alone.

  Will lifted his lips from hers. He kissed the corner of her mouth. The hand gripping her hair eased, yet he used it to turn her into his arms.

  “We need you, Jacqui. Will you let us have you?”

  “Yes. I need the two of you, too.”

  She thought herself too modern a woman to fall for the grand gestures of the previous generation. Being swept up into a strong pair of masculine arms? Oh, please. And yet she discovered, as Will picked her up, her inner woman melted.

  Norm preceded them up the stairs, and when Will didn’t stop at either of the first two bedroom doors, she knew she’d been right. The master suite was everything she thought it would be but in that moment, she didn’t care about anything except the two men she was with and the night ahead. Will set her on her feet beside the bed. Norm stood behind her and their heat enveloped her.

  Will reached for her T-shirt and eased it out of her jeans and up. Without speaking he let her know he wan
ted her to raise her arms.

  As the cotton went sailing over his shoulder she smiled. He traced the top of her bra with one finger. Her flesh shivered, her nipples puckered, and her panties grew moist.

  When he reached for her bra she grinned. “You never asked me if I was clean.”

  Will’s grin split wide. “Oh, sugar plum. You’re so innocent you still have shiny new all over you.”

  She tilted her head just slightly and she laid her hand over his arm. Did they think she was a complete innocent? Is that what drew them to her? They are going to be disappointed if that’s the case. And she didn’t know whether to be insulted, or not. “I’m not a virgin.”

  “We know.” He bent and kissed her lightly.

  Norm turned her head toward him. “We know,” he echoed. “But we also know there’ve not been many men for you, sweetheart. You’re far too careful.”

  “I was.” And Jacqui realized that she stood here, on the verge of getting naked with these two men when she could have sworn she never would.

  Because she knew these two men would reach her, see into her—maybe too deeply.

  “You still are, Jacqui,” Norm said. “We won’t hurt you.”

  We’ll see. She didn’t say it aloud, of course. She wouldn’t do that, not now. She’d made the commitment to make love with these men, and while yes, she could change her mind if she really wanted to, she didn’t really want to.

  She wanted them. She wanted them both.

  Jacqui thought they might already be a lot more tuned in to her than anyone ever had been. They said nothing more, just worked quietly to undress her. Caresses and kisses welcomed the flesh they bared, and Jacqui found it was the easiest thing in the world to just surrender to them.

  Norm lifted her in his arms and laid her, naked, on the enormous bed. Then, with his cousin, he stepped back.

  If their undressing of her could have been termed seductive and romantic, the only adjective that could be used to describe how they stripped themselves was quickly.

  They came down on the bed, one on either side of her. Wasn’t this every woman’s deepest, darkest fantasy? Having two naked, buff men whose sole attention was her—her body, her pleasure, her needs—was a fantasy she’d never acknowledged to herself until now. But how did this work, exactly?

  “What—” It was the only word she got to say before Will put his finger over her lips, silencing her.

  “Just lay there, sugar plum, and let us have our way with you.”

  “We promise,” Norm said, “that you’re going to like it.”

  She wanted their touch, but she wanted to touch in return. She wanted to take, yes, but she needed to give back. “I want y’all to like it, too.”

  “Oh, baby, don’t you worry about that.”

  They took a moment, each of them, to look at her, to trace her curves and dips and valleys with their eyes and then their hands. She knew enthralled men when she saw them, and Will and Norm definitely liked what they were looking at.

  “Does this taste as good as it looks?” Norm ran a finger back and forth over her nipple. His touch thrilled her, pouring fuel on her arousal, making it burn hot.

  Jacqui felt bold and daring. “Why don’t you find out, slick?”

  “Mmm, why don’t I?”

  And then as one, they moved. Will turned her face toward him and sealed his lips against hers while Norm bent to her nipple and lapped it with his tongue.

  One lover sucked her tongue into his mouth, the other her nipple, and Jacqui’s hips bowed off the bed as her clit quivered with need. Then they put hands on her, and slowly, together, began to make good on their promise.

  Like didn’t come close to describing how she felt about their attention.

  They’d put her arms above her head, and there was an element of being captured—and didn’t that make her girl parts dance with joy? And then thought evaporated as Will and Norm traded places, as Will moved down and suckled her other nipple into his mouth while Norm’s mouth covered hers.

  Their tongues dueled and danced, a slow and sexy glide and slide that enflamed her need and fed her greed. And all the while she drank him in, Will moved down her body, petting and kissing, stroking and sipping.

  When he wordlessly urged her to, she parted her legs.

  Oh, God. She’d read about this and heard about this but her previous two lovers—could she even honestly call them that?—had refused her this. Refused while demanding she service them.

  The first hot, wet nuzzle of her feminine folds made her gasp and jerk and gush.

  Norm lifted his head, his gaze intent on hers. She felt a tug and realized that he’d been playing with her breasts as he’d been kissing her.

  Everything was just so rolled up into one great big ball of fuck, yeah she couldn’t even keep track of who was doing what. So she let that go, and just enjoyed.

  “You like having your pussy licked,” Norm said. “Your nipples turned hard as rocks.”

  “I’d hoped I would.” Jacqui realized once the words had left her lips that she’d confirmed Will’s “shiny new” comment.

  He blew a stream of air on her slit. “You’ll find we aren’t selfish lovers, Jacqui. You’ll always come first.”

  “And we mean that in every way, sweetheart.”

  Norm was gently caressing her nipple while Will gave tiny little licks and kisses all around her feminine folds—except where she needed to feel him most.

  “Oh, please.”

  “Please what, baby?” Will spoke against her wet flesh, and the vibration of his voice just ratcheted her arousal even higher.

  “Please give me more. Please make me come.”

  She met Will’s gaze. The image of him between her thighs, looking up at her from just above her pussy, was the sexiest sight she’d ever seen.

  He gave her a very lecherous smile, and then buried his face in her cunt at the same time Norm bent and suckled a nipple into his mouth.

  Electric shocklike sensations skittered from her pussy and her nipple all through her body. Again and again she felt zapped with the tiny sensations, each one stronger, lasting longer. They melded and combined and grew and Jacqui knew her orgasm was close, so very, very close. She stretched, tried to make it come even faster. Will clamped his hands on her hips, held her fast, and then sucked her clit into his mouth.

  Jacqui screamed as her climax exploded, bubbling over into a froth that poured out of her, a feast of ecstasy so huge it stole her breath and her reason…and her heart. Eyes closed, she could have sworn the stars of the galaxy burst through so brightly they imprinted themselves on her eyelids.

  The moment her climax began to wane, Norm released her nipple and Will moved up her body.

  She opened her eyes to encounter his smug grin.

  “That’s one. How many more can you have?”

  Before she could answer him, he moved, and thrust his cock into her pussy in one bold and sexy stroke.

  Chapter 11

  “More?” Jacqui wrapped her arms around Will’s neck and her legs around his hips. It had been a long time since she’d had a man’s cock inside her body. His thrust had registered just this side of pain, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about it.

  She could tell by the look on his face he wasn’t fooled.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I hope I’m more than all right.”


  She closed her eyes, and because she wanted to, she used her inner muscles and treated him to a Kegel caress. Then she opened her eyes. “I’m okay. It’s just been a while. And, um, at the risk of inflating your ego, you’re a bit bigger than I’ve ever experienced.” She cast a glance over to where Norm had arranged himself on the bed beside them, and looked down to his cock. She licked her lips. “You both are.”

  “I guess we should have asked you how long it’s been for you.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to give him a smartass answer—that’s just who she was. But she
really wanted him to move. Her clit was already excited by the prospect of some more loving.

  “I’d just turned nineteen. He was a mistake—my second and my last, until you.”

  Will remained quiet for a moment. His expression turned determined. “We won’t be a mistake.” And he began to move.

  This was no sprint-race to a flash-bang finish. This was long, slow strokes, a sultry, sexy sampling of the treats along a Sunday drive, a let’s-take-our-time kind of erotic exchange.

  Will slid one hand under her ass to pull her tight into his thrusts. The other he anchored in her hair. Turning her head up just a bit, he bent down and brushed her lips with his.

  “You’re so damn tasty.”

  She tasted herself on his kiss, and licked her lips. “So I am. Give me more.” His eyes widened, his nostrils flared, and she knew her words, her demand, aroused him.

  This time when he kissed her, he devoured her, and she greedily drank him in. Hot and wet, wild and wicked, his tongue possessed her mouth, taking command, turning exploration into plundering.

  Jacqui moaned into his mouth, lifted her hips into his thrust, and squeezed his cock with her inner muscles again.

  She all but heard his tether snap.

  His growl as he thrust into her, hard and fast and deep, was a sound her soul recognized, and rejoiced in. He lifted his head and met her gaze, his eyes fierce and determined. She tightened her hold of him and returned his thrusts measure for measure. The light dusting of hair on his chest pleasured her nipples in the same sexy way the hair of his groin excited her clit.

  “Give me your mouth, woman.”

  She responded to his demand without hesitation, and without thought. They were joined in every way two people could be joined, so that they were as one, with no beginning, and no end. The forever kind of thought should have terrified her, but instead, it was the last tiny bit of stimulation needed to toss her off the cliff.

  Jacqui came so hard and fast, so long and deep, that she knew if she died right then, it would have all been worth it.

  The meaning of that thought shook the foundations of her soul. No, this was only sex, only fun. It was not love, damn it.


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