The Supernatural Bounty Hunter Files: Special Edition Fantasy Bundle, Books 6 thru 10 (Smoke Special Edition Book 2)

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The Supernatural Bounty Hunter Files: Special Edition Fantasy Bundle, Books 6 thru 10 (Smoke Special Edition Book 2) Page 49

by Craig Halloran

  Kane spoke into his ear. “That can be arranged.”

  Smoke stood at attention, staring out the window. “If that is your wish, sir.”

  With a hard slap on Smoke’s back, Kane said, “If I only had ten more like you, Mack. Now that would be something.” He roared with laughter so loud it startled Allison. “If I only had more men like you running the show in those polished DC offices. They are so fickle once I give them some power. Bootlicking sycophants.” He gulped down the whiskey. “But it’s easy to manipulate the greedy. That’s how we make our living. That’s how we rule the world. But men like you, Mack, aren’t manipulated. You do what you do out of duty and loyalty. I provide and you are grateful. That’s good.”

  Kane led Smoke closer to the window. There was some activity on the boat. A man was being pushed down the plank. His face was covered in a pillowcase.

  “Who’s that, another shifter candidate?”



  Sid’s plan bore fruit. She sat inside the food court at Union Station in DC, admiring the classical architecture in the archways above her head. The old train station had changed a lot since she took her first train trip from there as a kid. She wore a scarf, lightly tinted glasses, and a fashionable knit cap. Drinking a smoothie, she waited on the others. If the letters she had mailed garnered the efforts she hoped for, she could put her next plan into action. It was lunchtime, and the station was full of people. Holiday shopping had begun, so the lines were long. She spied Sam. Her sister-in-law’s arms were loaded up with shopping bags.

  Sam caught Sid’s eye and sat down. “How’s this for incognito?”

  “That’s not incognito, that’s you.”

  “What do you mean? I’m wearing a ball cap. Why would I ever cover my gorgeous hair, not to mention covering my gorgeous eyes with glasses?”

  “Don’t worry, you’re still getting plenty of lookers.”

  “Of course. So what’s up? I have to admit, I was surprised by the card. At first I thought it was a thank-you note.”

  Asia showed up with a red plastic tray covered with food from end to end. She set the tray on the table and flopped into her chair. “Damn people. I can hardly move through here, and I’m little. I can’t stand all the tourists. Why do they come here anyway? I bet they haven’t ever visited the capitol in their own country.” She took a big bite of her bacon cheeseburger. Juice dripped down her chin. “Mmm…now I remember why I came. So, why all the sneaking around, Sid? A letter? Who does that?”

  “People that are being spied on.” She gave Asia a look. Asia wore nothing on her head. “Nice disguise, by the way.”

  “Don’t worry. I took the rental car out of the parking garage just like you said.”

  Sid’s eyes slid over to Sam.

  “I did too. Boy, you really went old school. Where’d you come up with this plan, anyway?”

  “I made it up.” Figuring the satellites were watching as well as the cars that followed her, Sid had rented cars inside parking garages of hotels and had them waiting. If Asia, Mal, or Sam were being watched, it wasn’t too closely. They could drive their regular vehicles to the designated hotel and take the rental. All of them came from different locations far from the others. North, south, and east, they converged at Union Station. “I’ve confirmed that all of us are still being watched.”

  Asia looked around. “By who?”

  “Who do you think? The Drake.”

  Sam leaned closer and lowered her glasses down the bridge of her nose. “What’s going on, Sid?”

  “Smoke’s alive.”

  Sam hit the table. “I knew it.”

  “Big handsome lives.” Asia’s eyes were as big as her burger. “I like it. Where is he?”

  “He’s on the run. He’s changed.” Sid’s finger tapped on the side of her cup. “Says he’s a doppelganger, like Reginald. He also says he’s something else at night, but I haven’t seen it. Or him, rather.”

  “That’s a shame. Tough break for him.” Asia drained her Coke. “So are we going to kill him?”

  “No!” Sid and Sam both said.

  “But he’s a shifter. You have to kill him.”

  “This is why Mal should have come and not you. Smoke needs a cure, and he needs our help. The last thing I want is the word to get out that Smoke is among us. Kane and Allison want him bad. I think he poses a threat to them.”

  “Of course he does. He keeps screwing up their operations.” Sam applied some lipstick. “I’m so glad he’s alive. Have you seen him?”

  “Doctor Endicott.”

  Sam grabbed Sid’s arm. “No kidding. I knew there was something about that guy. So what’s the plan?”

  “Smoke wants me to wait until he contacts me again, but my gut tells me he’s in over his head. He’s going to need our help. We need to be ready. For what, I don’t know, but he thinks Kane is the only way to stop the shifters.” Sid relayed everything Smoke had told her in the doctor’s office. “I don’t know what all you can do with that information, but I do think we might be able to find the Drake’s lair if we work hard enough.”

  “We’ll figure it out, Sis,” Sam assured her. “I’m as motivated to find my brother as ever. Anything else?”

  “Get ahold of Russ Davenport. He and Cort Calhoun need to know.”

  “Sounds like a weak link. Are you sure you can trust them?”

  “We’re going to need all the help we can get,” Sid said. “Trust me. Kane’s gearing up for something big. The way I figure it, when the time comes, we’ll only get one chance to stop him.”

  “So what’s our next move, super spy? Are we supposed to wait for another letter?” Asia finished her sandwich. “Why don’t you just text me?”

  Sam rolled her eyes. “Because they watch that. Geez, Asia, all those carbs are clogging your brain. Think.”

  “I am thinking. Thinking makes me hungry.”

  Sid slid them each another letter in an envelope.

  “What’s this?” Sam asked.

  “Instructions. Plans. Agenda. Code. Just read it, and give a set to Russ. If I do text or call you, that will help you understand what I’m saying.”

  With her lips curled in a sneer, Asia said, “That’s cheesy.”

  “You like cheese. That’s why I did it. Stop eating and let’s go.”


  “We have a sound candidate in that man, I believe. Blackmail does such delightful things for a cause,” Kane said. They were still inside the penthouse, enjoying the view. Kane made his way back behind the bar. He inspected the bottles stacked inside a hundred-slot wine rack mounted on the wall. “It’s amazing what people are willing to do for precious things. If they only realized it all comes from the same dust and stone… Fools.” He picked up a wine bottle and spun it on his finger like a basketball. “I witnessed an entire kingdom fall over a wine collection. Isn’t that stupid?”

  “I’d say so,” Smoke agreed.

  Allison took a spot on a burgundy leather sofa. “See, Kane, there’s someone here who enjoys your stories. You don’t have to bore me with them.”

  “You’re still new to this. Your appreciation will grow with time.” Kane pushed the spinning bottle into the air and snatched it by the neck. He put it back in the rack. “So, we’re bringing a new recruit in. Actually, there are many candidates, but we’re going to move forward with this one first. That John Smoke did real damage. He’s taken down the shifters and wiped out my clones. Many of them were powerful. Such a problem. But not for long. I’m going to raise up more shifters than our enemies will ever be able to count. Imagine having the world’s most important law enforcement division at your disposal. That was my problem. I was not being bold enough. Damn board of directors. But now it’s time to move the end game forward.”

  There was a knock at the door.

  Receiving a nod from Kane, Smoke moved over to the door and opened it up. Two peacoats led the hooded man inside and sat him down in a chair. The
guards departed. Something about the man in the chair bothered Smoke. He was familiar. Too familiar. Smoke looked at Kane.

  “Go ahead, take it off,” Kane said.

  Smoke lifted the hood from the man’s eyes. It was Cyrus Tweel. Not at all what I expected.

  “Welcome, Cyrus,” Kane said. “Tell me, what is going on back at the Bureau? Is Sidney still making visits?”

  “She comes by to visit her friend Sadie. She’s even brought the baby. The last time I saw her, she was polite but didn’t mention a thing about the Black Slate. It seems to me she’s moved on.” His brow crinkled. “I don’t see any reason to worry on that front, but I don’t know. She might be looking to come back to the Bureau.”

  “And that’s why I need you to stay there.”

  “Yes, you made that pretty clear. And I’ve been pretty clear. I’ll do this so long as I have full protection for the ones I care about.”

  “So, you’re willing to become a full-fledged member of the Drake’s secret society of shifters, eh?”

  “I am.”

  Smoke couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He’d been certain Cyrus had figured it out and was on their side. I never should have trusted you, weasel.

  Cyrus continued, “I just want what’s coming to me. Power at the Bureau. Real power. Political support.”

  “Power is such a wonderful treasure to share, isn’t it, Mack?”

  Smoke cleared his throat. “I agree. Shall I escort Mister Tweel to the preparation station?”

  Kane cocked a brow at him. “I beg your pardon, Mack, but that’s not protocol.”

  Smoke had slipped. He’d spent time questioning the real Mack Black about what happened in the facility. He’d used truth serums. But Mack had been hard to break even then, not wanting to betray Kane, his fear was so great. Still, Smoke had plenty of valuable information that had gotten him this far. He didn’t know everything, but he’d have to trust his instincts and gamble. “You know I want to see how this process goes. I apologize, but my wants got the best of me. It won’t happen again, sir.”

  Kane put his arm over Smoke’s shoulder. “Maybe you’ve been working too hard, Mack. You seem a tad off your game.” He tapped Smoke’s chest. “Your heart races a little. That’s not like you. Is your stone-cold demeanor shaken?”

  “Never, sir. If anything, I’m a tad envious of this man. I feel my opportunities slipping away.”

  “Don’t be silly, Mack. The only reason you’re not a shifter is because I haven’t found a suitable replacement for you. Trust me, I’ve had Allison research your position on—what do you call it, Allison?”

  “Monster dot com.”

  “Yes, isn’t that delightful? But I tell you what. I’ll give you a peek inside.”

  “You always say that,” Smoke replied.

  “I know, and then I say maybe next time. No, Mack, I can’t let you see all of our little secrets, now can I?”

  “No sir, I suppose not. I wouldn’t either.”

  Kane broke off his hug. “Don’t fret. This time we’re going to do things a little differently. Cyrus, we aren’t prepped to do the shifter transfusion today. I’m waiting on another associate, Frank, to arrive. He’ll be handling the big operation. No, instead, I want you to prove yourself in a different way. You see, I’ve given it some thought, and I’m going to do things like we did in ancient times. If you want to become a shifter, then you need to prove your dedication first. After all, it’s a great deal of power that I offer.”

  “I’ll do it. You just name it.”

  “Good, very good. As I recall, you had strong feelings for Sidney once, didn’t you?”

  “We were engaged, yes.” Cyrus shrank in his seat a little.

  “Contact her. Tell her you have some information about the Black Slate. Lure her in. And then kill her.”


  Sitting, Cyrus paled. His Adam’s apple rolled.

  “Is there a problem, Agent Tweel?” Kane said.

  Even Allison’s back straightened. She was sitting on the edge of her seat.

  “Uh, no, Kane. I’ll do it. It’s just that she won’t be that easy to kill.” Cyrus loosened the collar on his shirt. “But I’ll do it.”

  “Of course you will. I don’t mean to be coercive. After all, this deal we are making is one that has to come from your free will. That shows loyalty. If you can’t help me, then I don’t have any use for you, now do I? And I can’t just keep you alive.”

  “No, no, I’ll do as I’ve been asked. I wouldn’t be here if I couldn’t make the hard decision.”

  “Good. Mack, escort him back to the ship. Cyrus, keep me apprised of your situation. Oh, and by the way, I want this done today.”

  Cyrus stood up and gave a quiet nod.

  Smoke escorted him out. His muscles knotted in his back. His stomach was churning. Cyrus had gained Sid’s trust, and chances were she wouldn’t see what was coming. He had to warn her. To make matters worse, he was stuck at the power plant. Any changes or requests would make Kane suspicious, if Kane wasn’t on to Smoke already.

  He might be toying with me. Trying to draw me out.

  Walking Cyrus down the dock, Smoke said to him, “I envy you. Kane doesn’t let many into his inner circle.”

  “Maybe that’s because you don’t have what it takes.”

  “I’m not so sure you do either. You seem weak.”

  “You never know what someone is capable of until their back is to the wall. Besides, I’ve seen enough to know we are going to lose this battle, so when the fight is over, I’m going to be on the winning side.”

  Smoke looked down into the man’s eyes. “Me too.” He covered Cyrus’s head up with the hood. He walked him up the plank onto the boat and shoved him down into the cabin. He headed back to the power plant and went upstairs.

  Kane and Allison were arguing on the other side of the door.

  Smoke knocked on it.

  “Yes, come in, Mack,” Kane said.

  Smoke entered. Kane and Allison’s cheeks were flushed, which seemed odd for shifters. “Will you be needing me for anything else today, sir?”

  Kane made a quizzical look. “As a matter of fact, Mack, with all of the excitement going on, I think I’m long overdue for a walk-through. I need to refresh my mind on our operations. Give me a run-through.”

  “Certainly. I’d be glad to.” Crapola. I’ve got to get word out to Sid. But how will I do that with Kane shadowing me all day? He watched the small cruiser pull free of the dock. God, help Sid.

  He spent the next several hours thoroughly walking Kane through everything he did. They walked the halls, checked the doors, tested security systems, and monitored the cameras. They went over a list of so-called agents loyal to the Drake in the field. The list of people on the Drake’s payroll was scary. The corruption in Washington ran deep. Hundreds of people in key positions were faithful crooks and thieves. The few dozen shifters Kane controlled were the enforcers. The bosses.

  Kane flipped through the manifest of servants. “The list keeps growing. It won’t be long before we control everything, clones or not. That was a gamble, and I told them so. But they insisted. Everyone wants bragging rights about something new they did. Well, there is nothing new under the sun. Trust me.” He set the clipboard down. “I tell you what, Mack. I’m feeling a little—oh, how should I put it—generous today.” He pulled out from under his shirt an ancient key that hung by a chain. “How about I give you a tour of the deep?”

  “Sir?” Smoke said. He’d never seen the key before, and he wasn’t sure what Kane was talking about.

  “You only have access to the sublevels, not the deepest ones. No, let’s take you all the way down to the belly of our operation.”

  Smoke nodded.

  Kane led the way to the basement level. The modern facilities gave way to colonial-period items. There was an old steel door at the end of one of the halls that dated back centuries. Without any modern security on it, Smoke had figured if it was ev
er used, it was used for storage. Looking at Smoke, Kane put the key in the keyhole and turned. The metal locking mechanism clanked over. He pulled the door open. “You first, Mr. Black.”

  A gust of air stifled Smoke’s nose with the scent of death and decay. A wooden stairwell led down into the darkness. He shielded his nose. His senses were stronger than they used to be as a man. Something foul lurked down there. He started to step over the threshold but stopped. “I’d rather not.”

  “What ever do you mean, Mack? This is a great honor. For you.”

  “I have a feeling that what’s down there is not for mortal eyes to see.”

  “Oh, don’t be such a baby.” Kane gave him a hard shove. “Don’t disappoint me now. You’re the toughest man I know. Go.”

  Smoke followed the stairs way down into the blackness all the way to the bottom, where gas lanterns flickered and radiated soft light. It was a huge network of underground caverns below the river. People were hunkered on the floor and along the walls. They were deaders. Deaders in deteriorating Revolutionary War–era redcoat uniforms. Dozens of them, and possibly more beyond. A huge man stood among them dressed in an old rebel uniform. He was every bit of ten feet tall. The huge, bearded man’s eyes were black as coals. A rebel cap rested on his head.

  Kane was sitting on the steps with a smile on his face. His eyes lit up as he said to Smoke, “It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? An entire regiment of soldiers, some over two hundred and fifty years old. Isn’t that something you never imagined? I like the mix. One giant rebel—I call him Stonewall—and some of Britain’s finest, all held over from Revolutionary times. I love history. I especially love making it.”

  “That’s an understatement. What are they here for?”

  “They’re guarding something, of course.”

  “I’m curious. What?”

  “I’d tell you, but if I did, I’d have to kill you, Smoke.”



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