Book Three: Thirty Days, Book 3

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Book Three: Thirty Days, Book 3 Page 16

by Bibi Paterson

  The courtroom is buzzing as the verdict settles. It has been mere moments since it was announced, but it seems like everything is running in slow motion. Can it really be possible that it is all over? I mean really over? Does this mean we will finally be able to live without the threat of Richard and Hannah hanging over us?

  Emelia walks over with a triumphant smile. “I promised you we would win this, Abby,” she says holding out her hand.

  I shake it and offer her a wobbly smile, “I know you did, Emelia, and you did an incredible job. I guess, just deep down, I had my doubts. It feels like those two have been persecuting us for months and I just couldn’t dream that things would go our way. No offense,” I say.

  “None taken,” Emilia says kindly. “Richard and Hannah are expert liars. To be honest, I was starting to get a bit worried about the case but those letters came out just in time. One down and one to go,” Emelia says with a firm tone that means business.

  “Are you leading the case against my brother?” Taylor asks looking confused.

  “Yes,” Emelia responds. “It makes sense as we’ll be using most of the evidence from this trial as evidence at Richard’s.”

  “Is he still saying he is innocent?” Taylor asks, his frame tensing as his brother becomes the focus of the conversation.

  “You mean he is still pretending that he is the victim in all of this?” I ask, my face a mask of astonishment.

  “That he is,” Emelia responds with a grin. “I am looking forward to making him crack.” She gives me a shark-like grin that makes me understand why she is so good at her job. “Just to warn you the press are waiting outside. This has been a very high profile case and they are going to want some sort of comment, particularly in light of Richard’s arrest. I would suggest giving them something brief otherwise it is likely that they are going to starting turning up on your doorstep.”

  Taylor nods and I can see that he is dreading going out there as much as I am. The press guys who were here writing up the story pretty much sprinted out of the room the moment the court was adjourned and I can only guess how many news crews will be waiting for us when we walk out the door.

  We have just stepped out of the courtroom when suddenly I hear someone calling Taylor’s came. I don’t think anyone is more surprised than me when we turn around to find Taylor’s father walking towards us. I can see Gillian hovering in the background, glaring at me, but Harold’s face seems more open. When he reaches us though I can see that he is a little pale and his hands shake as he reaches out to pull Taylor into a hug.

  “I am so sorry, son,” Harold says softly into Taylor’s ear. I haven’t got a clue what’s going on so I stay silent wondering what is going to happen next. I am doubly surprised when Harold turns to me and grips onto my hands tightly. “And you, Abigail, I am so sorry for ever doubting you or your relationship with my son.”

  “That’s very nice and all, Dad, but do you maybe want to tell us what has brought on this little change of heart? Because the last time we spoke you practically disowned me, telling me that you couldn’t believe you had fathered such a monster, and you called my wife a gold-digging whore.” Taylor’s tone is clipped, but I can see the hurt in his eyes.

  “I know your mother and I have made a lot of mistakes, I have come to see that now. Though your mother is still convinced Richard is her golden boy, this trial has opened my eyes to how proficient a liar and manipulator he is. I don’t expect your forgiveness Taylor, nor yours Abigail,” Harold says turning to me. “All I can hope now is that going forward I can limit the damage. I have frozen all of Richard’s accounts and I have cut him off from his trust fund. Your mother is furious at me, but I am also refusing to pay his legal fees so he is left with legal aid. Your brother deserves to go to prison, Taylor. I know that will not make up for everything he has put you through but at least you will no longer have to live in his shadow.” Harold takes in a deep, shaky breath and I can feel how clammy his hands have become as they continue to grip onto my arms.

  “I don’t really know what you want me to say, Dad,” Taylor says hoarsely.

  “I don’t expect you to say anything Taylor. I have not been a good father to you. I tried to be a good husband but as it turns out if I had tried a little less than maybe I would have seen what was going on in my own house instead of working late and trying to be the good provider your mother wanted. If I had been a good son, then I would have listened when my own mother told me that there were issues I needed to address. Instead, I chose not to rock the boat. I am not a good man Taylor. I am a coward and I chose the easy path and I will now have to live with those regrets. I would do anything to make things right, go back to the beginning and do it all again differently.”

  Harold lets go of my arms and turns so that he is facing Taylor square on. “My only saving grace, though, son is that despite everything I have and have not done, you have turned out to be the kind of man any father would be proud of. You have built an empire and found a beautiful and gracious wife. You have made sure that your wife and your unborn child are protected from harm and that’s more than I can say I ever did.” I can see the tears welling up in Harold’s eyes and I find myself feeling very emotional at this outpouring of grief.

  “Taylor, you are and have always been the better man and all I can hope is that you both go forward and have the future you deserve. I want you to know, Taylor, that I will completely understand if you never wish to talk to me or your mother ever again. I will be giving your sister the choice of whether she wants to come home to us or if she would prefer to continue living with you; whatever her choice we will not stop loving her and will continue to support her in any way we can. I love you, son.” With that, Harold turns around and strides away quickly, not looking back over his shoulder. As he walks past Gillian, she shoots us a final venomous look before hurrying after her husband as he studiously ignores her.

  I turn to Taylor, who looks like he is in shock. “Did I really just hear that right?” Taylor asks me looking like he is actually in pain. “I have never, ever heard my father apologise, not once. And here he is repeatedly apologising, and not just to me, but to you as well.”

  I remain silent, my mind trying to decipher what just happened. I have only met Harold a couple of times and each time he has looked at me like I am some kind of fly that he would like to swat. This is the first time he has ever actually looked at me and really acknowledged my presence.

  “I don’t know what I am supposed to do with that, Abs,” Taylor says, my own confusion mirrored in his eyes.

  “I don’t think he meant for you to do anything with that. I think he has had some realisations and needed to get it off his chest,” I respond, rubbing Taylor’s arm in a comforting way.

  I suddenly feel drained. It has been an emotionally exhausting month and now at least a part of the burden has been lifted from my shoulders. The war is not yet over, but at least one battle has been won.

  “Let’s go home, Taylor,” I say, rubbing my bump.

  “Yeah, let’s go home,” Taylor replies with a soft smile, planting a soft kiss on my head. “I think we deserve to celebrate tonight.”

  The story finishes in


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  About the Author

  British author Bibi was born in South Africa and loves to tell saucy stories with a twist. Inspired from a young age, her love for literature started with Enid
Blyton and her Secret Seven. Since then a voracious appetite for books has brought her a world full of heroes, love, murder, betrayal and the odd vampire thrown in for good cause. Bibi's hobbies include consuming copious amounts of coffee and chocolate, building cardboard castles with her daughter and spending time with the laziest cat in the world.

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  Other books by Bibi Paterson

  Tied to You

  Olivia Walker has just hit rock bottom. About to lose her job and become homeless, she can’t see a way out of the mess her life has become until Alex Davenport enters her life with a proposal she is in no position to refuse.

  For One Night Only

  Indulge yourself in this collection of six short stories guaranteed to get you in the festive mood.

  Santa's Saucy Shorts

  Santa's Saucy Shorts are a series of short, erotic Christmas stories around 5,500 words.




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