Break Her

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Break Her Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  They deepened the kiss, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. But the thought of a bed, of Garrison above her, dominating her, sent a thrill through her. She broke away from him, and he took a step to the side. He must have known what she wanted because he smiled.

  “A bed would be nice, baby, but I just can’t help myself with you, and need you now, right here,” he said against her mouth, a growl in his words.

  Her panties were most definitely wet, and her clit throbbed. It felt so good. He felt so good pressed against her. He broke the kiss and started dragging his lips up and down her throat, sucking at the base of her neck, running his elongated canines over her pulse point.

  She whispered his name, not able to speak louder than that through her pleasure.

  “Tell me what you want, Odessa,” Garrison said and pressed his erection into her belly again, harder this time. A gasp left her at the contact and intensity.

  “I want you inside of me.” She swore she felt his cock jerk. In the next few seconds he was stepping back and all but tearing his clothes off.

  When he was naked she stared at him. His body was so toned, so ripped and defined. Since the baby had been born they had abstained from sex for the recommended timeframe, and to say it had been hell was an understatement. Their lion genetics made them highly sexual individuals, and staying away from him, having to sleep next to him, smell him, but not being able to touch him, was torture.

  His short hair was disheveled, and his green eyes were still half-lidded. But it was his body that had her transfixed. And all she could do was stare at the hard outlines of his muscles, at the way his shoulders were so broad, and how his pecs were defined. Everything about him called to her in a very primitive, female way.

  He took a step closer to her, and she lowered her gaze to his erection.

  “I need you like I need to breathe.” He lowered his gaze to her breasts. He was close enough that when he reached out and gripped the back of her neck, pulling her closer, he didn’t have to lean in to kiss her. But that soft, slow kiss started to become frantic, hard, and almost violent in nature.

  He slid his hands down her sides, moved one of them to cup her ass, and had the other one right over her pussy. A gasp left her when he speared his fingers through her soaked folds, and the gruff sound he made had her heart beating faster.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet for me,” he murmured against her throat as he continued to move his fingers up and down her pussy. She didn’t know if he was aware of the low grunts he made against her flesh, or the fact he was pushing his dick into her, back and forth, harder with every passing second.

  Garrison rubbed her clit, teasing her hole on every down stroke. He left her so thoroughly on edge she was ready to beg him to fuck her like a madman. He brought his fingers up to his mouth, the digits glossy from her arousal.

  “You see how wet you get for me, baby?” He then sucked his fingers clean, licked all the cream from her pussy off of his fingers right in front of her. And before she could even blink Garrison was kissing her. He made her taste herself on him.

  He broke the kiss and started sucking on her breast. The hard and hot pants of his breath bathed her flesh. Her nipple tightened painfully, but that led to pleasure.

  “God, Garrison. Oh. God.”

  He groaned deeply and then latched his mouth onto one of her breasts. The way he sucked her nipple had her clit throbbing. He was pressed fully against her once more, gripped the cheeks of her ass, and lifted her with a strength that made her feel petite and small instead of plus sized.

  She felt his length slip through her slit, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her breasts against the hardness of his muscles, and was now the one kissing him brutally. Never breaking the kiss, he grabbed his cock, placed the tip at her entrance, and with her back still to the bedroom wall pressed his dick all the way into her pussy in one fluid move. His balls slapped against her ass, and she groaned at the feeling of the root of his cock rubbing her clit. Big, long, and thick were all perfect words to describe his cock.

  “Christ, baby.” He never stopped pumping in and out of her. “Suck my cock with that tight, wet pussy of yours.” Their flesh was already becoming slick with their combined perspiration, and she held onto his shoulders tighter as he became frantic in his motions. He ran his teeth along her neck, and a shiver worked its way through her whole body before taking root in her clit. “I want to fill you with my cum, make you soaked in it.”

  She cried out as the first ripple of her orgasm traveled through her. He took control of her mouth with his, but this time it was a sloppy, heated, and an almost angry kiss. Neither of them could control themselves.

  God, they were having sex right up against the wall.

  With her legs on either side of his hips now, she started riding him like she hadn’t fucked him in years instead of weeks. Up and down, faster and harder until her breasts were bouncing right in front of his face.

  He moved his hands lower, around her back, and cupped her ass. “You’re mine.”

  “Garrison … I’m yours.” she breathed out. And she was, Lord, she was his irrevocably.


  Garrison was going to come really fucking hard. He stared at his woman’s breasts as they bounced up and down. He was trying so damn hard not to get off right now.

  Six weeks was a long fucking time to wait to be with his mate. Her inner muscles clenched rhythmically around his dick, and he had to grit his teeth so he didn’t come right then and there. He wanted her to get off again, wanted to see the expression of euphoria cover her face just once more before he gave into his own pleasure. He leaned back as much as he could and looked down where their bodies connected.

  “Fuck, Odessa.” Those words left him on a strangled growl as he saw the way her pussy stretched around his cock. She was stretched so wide around his dick. He placed his thumb right on her clit and rubbed the little bud. She arched her back, thrust her big breasts out, and closed her eyes. Garrison finally let himself go as he watched her come undone again.

  Without thinking, because all he wanted to do was kiss her, he leaned forward and captured her lips as they both came. It was intense, erotic, so fucking good.

  His lion came out, pushing forward, demanding to be free. He felt his nails lengthen into claws, felt his body become bigger with the need to shift, and knew it was sheer control and willpower alone that had his lion staying inside. But the pleasure was too good, so fucking intense he wanted to be free of his human self and be with his mate in the most primal, animalistic of ways.

  He roared out, needing to stay right here with her, in his human body, and claiming his mate exactly the way they both needed right now.

  With his cock softening inside of her, he let a contented sigh leave him. “God, Odessa.”

  She nodded and licked her lips. “Garrison.” She said his name softly, breathlessly. He loved when his female sounded content and satisfied. Leaning forward and kissing her once more, he pulled out of her with a grunt of disappointment. He set her on the floor gently, but held her close.

  “I love you so much, Garrison,” she said against his chest.

  He smiled. “I’m the one that loves you, baby.” He lifted her easily into his arms, and carried her to the bed. After laying her on the bed, he climbed on the mattress, curled his body around hers, and just held her.

  He held his female tighter, closer, and breathed out. He’d never felt this kind of love before, and knew he never would with anyone else. Odessa and his children were his world. Who knew a hard ass enforcer like him could have something so damn wonderful?

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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