Sunshine, Tequila & Sea Monkeys

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Sunshine, Tequila & Sea Monkeys Page 8

by S. Allen

  “Oh, is that what you were doing? Undressing him to get him into costume.” Vinnie made bunny ears with his fingers to quote costume. Before Ro could sock him in the arm, Vinnie laughed and dashed out the door.

  “What did you have in mind?” Julian asked.

  “I was going to have you dressed as a mummy and then you can roam the tomb display in the maze. The only rule is you can’t touch anyone. You can make as much noise as you want and hide and jump out at people. The costume is an easy pull on. Here.” Ro walked to a closet and pulled out a gauzy mess. He pulled it over Julian’s head and artfully arranged it, using the loose wrappings to cover his head as well.

  Ro put on a black trench coat and a demon mask before leading Julian back through the maze. He introduced him to several people and headed towards the entrance to open up the fun house of horrors.

  Halfway through the evening Ro stopped by to check on Julian. He was chasing a pair of screaming teenagers on to the next exhibit. Ro wrapped his arms around Julian’s waist halting his pursuit. “Hey, King Tut. How’s the scaring going?”

  Julian leaned into Ro’s embrace. “Great. I’m having a lot of fun. How’s the over-seeing going?”

  “Smooth. No problems yet. I’m headed out to check on Jim but wanted to say hi first.” Ro gave Julian a quick squeeze before releasing him and headed to the concession stand out back.

  The night wound down quickly. The haunted house was only open for three hours and they managed to put most of the smaller props away within thirty minutes after closing. Ro explained that a group had already volunteered to do the heavy cleanup in the morning.

  All of the volunteers had gathered by the concession stand. Off to the side someone had set up a fire pit and rearranged the hay bales around it. Ro grabbed Julian’s hand and guided him towards the small crowd.

  “Do you want cider or hot chocolate?” Ro asked.

  “If there’s tiny marshmallows, then hot chocolate, please,” Julian answered. Ro stepped up and got them each a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and a bag of kettle corn. Everyone finally settled around the warm fire.

  “Thank you for all your hard work tonight. I think this has been the best haunted house to date and that’s all due to everyone’s dedication.” Ro addressed the small crowd and then held up his paper cup in a toast. Applauds broke out and slowly died down as Ro sat.

  “I’m glad you came tonight. I hope it was worth missing your friend’s party.” Ro settled his hand on Julian’s knee.

  “I didn’t miss anything. Brad throws a party every year and besides, I had a great time tonight. Thanks for including me.” Julian placed his hand on top of Ro’s.

  “Here are the lovebirds. Think you can avoid me by sitting on the other side of the fire pit? Guess again.” Vinnie sat down next to Julian. “I can’t keep him away from my coffee, but he brings his boyfriend and he’s nowhere to be found. You got a coffee maker, Julian?”

  “Yes,” Julian answered, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion.

  “Good, then this lug can drink all of your coffee in the morning.”

  “Vinnie, stop. You know if I didn’t drink your coffee it’d go to waste.” Ro winked.

  “I don’t drink coffee.” Julian threw in.

  “Wait one minute; didn’t you two meet at a coffee shop?” Vinnie accused.

  “They serve other things besides coffee.”

  Vinnie laughed and slapped Julian’s arm. “You guys are messing with me. Good one!” Vinnie stood and walked around the fire pit to talk with Jim.

  “He seems nice,” Julian commented.

  “Yeah, can’t imagine my life without him.” Ro draped his arm across Julian’s shoulders and pulled him close.

  Julian finished his cocoa and leaned comfortably against Ro’s shoulder. He looked around at all of the people gathered together. It was strangely reassuring to be surrounded by people who didn’t care that Julian was practically sitting in Ro’s lap. He loved being close with Ro but still found himself feeling distressingly self-conscious about it. Sighing, he closed his eyes and soaked up Ro’s warmth knowing with time he’d become more comfortable showing PDA with his boyfriend. The clear classification made him smile even though he knew the title to have been true of their relationship for a while now.

  “Are you sleeping?”

  “No,” Julian mumbled.

  “Ready to go?”

  “I don’t want to ruin the evening if you’d rather stay and chat with everyone.”

  “Everyone?” Ro turned his head side to side in an exaggerated fashion. “A lot of people have already left and it’s just you and me over here. Let’s get out of here.”

  Julian really was tired. He simply pulled Ro through his darkened apartment, straight to the bedroom. He quickly stripped and darted under the covers waiting for Ro. Ro followed suit—now completely comfortable being shirtless around him. Julian was insanely curious but refused to ask. He trusted Ro would tell him when he was ready. Ro crawled under the foot of the covers and playfully kissed up Julian’s body. Lips brushed the bridge of his left foot and then moved up along his calf. A lick across his hip bone, up and around his bellybutton had Julian squirming. But he let Ro have his fun and waited until those exploring lips met his in a soft kiss.

  “Thanks again for coming tonight,” Ro whispered into the shell of Julian’s ear.

  Julian nodded slightly before fully turning his head to capture Ro’s bottom lip in his teeth. He sucked on that full bottom lip for a bit before thrusting his tongue inside Ro’s mouth. He rolled on top of Ro and they made out aggressively until Julian needed to take a deep breath. He gently kissed along Ro’s throat and settled down, curling into Ro’s side. Ro turned slightly and continued to kiss Julian lazily. He hummed contentedly. “Get some rest, Jules. I know you’re tired and I’ll be here in the morning.”

  Julian shifted until he was comfortable and kissed Ro’s chest a few times before closing his eyes. He fell asleep feeling light and happy in Ro’s arms. This is where he was supposed to be and exactly where he planned to stay.


  Julian woke first. His head was pillowed on Ro’s bare chest. He slowly ran his fingers across the scar above Ro’s heart. Ro yawned and curled the arm under Julian tightly. They continued to lay in bed with limbs tangled and eyes closed. Julian slowly rubbed his foot across the top of Ro’s reveling in the simple act of cuddling. It felt intimate, deeply private, even more so than actually having sex. Julian felt the rumble in Ro’s chest before he heard the soft sounds.

  “Aren’t you supposed to play footsies under a table?” Ro’s voice was rough with sleep.

  “Are you complaining?” Julian teased and moved his foot away.

  “Come back here.” Ro extended his leg, searching out Julian’s foot. When Julian tucked his next to Ro’s, Ro rewarded him with a gentle kiss on the forehead. Ro knew Julian loved how tenderly he touched him. He always scooted closer and seemed to melt into Ro’s hold. He wanted Julian to know without words how important he was, how treasured he was.

  “Morning.” He kissed Julian’s forehead again.

  Julian’s fingers skated over the puckered flesh and then swept back up slowly following a line of scar tissue from Ro’s nipple to the curve of his shoulder. Ro knew the question was on Julian’s lips. But Julian didn’t ask. He respected Ro and knew Ro would tell him what happened when he was ready. Ro took in a deep breath and decided it was time to tell his boyfriend his tale.

  “I grew up in the kind of neighborhood where every house had bars on the windows and a metal security door. My mom cleaned houses and my dad was a house painter by day and a drunk by night.” Ro sighed, lost in the memories of his futureless childhood. Every night was spent listening to his parents’ fighting which only ended when he’d hear the distinctive slap of his father hitting his mother and then the echo of tears as his mother would slam the bedroom door locking herself in her perpetual misery. Ro would huddle with his sister in the closet or
if an escape route was viable, carry her over to Vinnie’s house until their mother’s tear-stained face appeared to pick them up once their father was passed out in the recliner.

  “When Saffron, my sister, was born my dad started doing other things besides drinking. I don’t think he thought she was his—that my mom cheated. But seriously, Saffa looked just like him. She was such a sweet baby. She hardly ever cried and smiled easily. She was my ray of sunshine. I was going to be a good role model for her. Vinnie gave me direction and she gave me purpose. I was twelve and she was three when it happened.” Ro paused not wanting to say what happened next. Julian rubbed his hand up Ro’s chest and down his arm until he was able to twine their fingers together in attempts to sooth the past hurt.

  Ro nuzzled his chin in Julian’s hair, breathing in his warm scent. “I think my dad had been up for several days snorting meth. I don’t know exactly, but he had that vacant, crazy glint in his eyes and his clothes had rings of dried sweat. I got home from school and he was just sitting there at the kitchen table mumbling to himself and scratching at his head. I was scared and went to look for Saffron. I found her face down in the tub. I think I screamed and picked her up. The water was cold and her little body wasn’t moving. He came into the bathroom and laughed at me. He said something like ‘don’t waste your time, she’s been gone for hours.’ I tried to remember what they taught us in school about CPR, but it was too late.” Ro’s voiced cracked on a sob.

  “Jesus, Ro. You were just a kid.”

  Ro scooted down until he could rest his head against Julian’s chest. He tucked his head under Julian’s chin and let Julian protectively curl his arms around him. Julian nuzzled the top of Ro’s head before murmuring, “Take your time. Tell me when you are ready, even if it’s now, tomorrow or next week. I’m here and ready to listen.”

  Ro didn’t want to continue, but a part of him knew sharing this painful part of his past with someone he cared for and cared for him would be worth it. “I was crying and went to find my mom. She was in their bedroom lying lifelessly on the bed. Her knees were bent and hanging off the bed and her arms were splayed wide, like she was inviting someone in for a hug. I don’t remember moving my feet, but I ended up right next to her. Her face was so pale and her lips were tinged blue instead of pink. I could see the bruising around her throat. I couldn’t scream; I didn’t know what to do. My dad had followed me into the room. He was standing in the doorway holding a gun. He started rambling about saving his family from the devils that walked the earth or something like that. He said God had talked to him and he had seen the truth. And then he shot me.”

  Julian gasped and tired to swallow Ro’s body with his own. “You could have died.”

  “Could have, should have, but didn’t.” Ro kissed Julian’s sternum.

  “What happened to your dad?”

  “He shot himself. Put his mouth around the barrel and pulled the trigger. It left one hell of a mess. The bank seized the house, but it never sold. I broke in later, once I was out of the hospital. It felt surreal, like a horror movie set or something.” Ro shuttered. As soon as he entered the house through the broken window the smell of rot almost brought him to his knees. There were still dirty dishes in the sink and faded yellow police tape stuck to the walls. He didn’t stay long, just long enough to grab any of his stuff that might still have been there. A social worker had packed a few boxes of his clothes but wasn’t able to pack everything.

  “I remember you talking about a foster dad. Why didn’t you move in with Vinnie’s family?”

  “It was just Vinnie and his mom. A couple months before my pops went mad, Vinnie’s mom OD’d and he joined the Army. It was good, smart of him.”

  Julian grunted, knowing it was true but hurting for a young Ro, or so Ro interpreted. “I was placed with Pete. He was great, patient. He took me to all of my doctor and physical therapy appointments. He forced me to see a counselor regularly and he helped me become a good man. I still visit him. I really think you’d like him.”

  “I’m glad everything worked out, but it hurts me to know you were hurt, that you had to be a survivor.”

  “Better a survivor than a victim. And then I almost threw it all away. Kids need guidance. I needed both Vinnie and Pete. That’s why I kept volunteering even after my mandated court time was served. I felt I owed the universe or some karma-like thing.”

  “I bet you have made a huge difference is many kids’ lives by being so active with the youth center.” Julian’s words couldn’t have been closer to the truth even if he’d tried.

  “It’s difficult because they don’t know any different than what they’ve been living. And trust is hard earned.”

  “You must have the patience of a saint. I know I’d be screaming and trying not to literally shake some sense into them.”

  Ro laughed. “Yeah, it does get frustrating when I hear about a kid I know getting into trouble or purposefully being stubborn. I know they want better and want to be a part of our group just by the fact that they show up, but it’s when they refuse to participate or say negative things to the kids that are really trying that pisses me off.”

  “They say misery loves company.”

  “Oh yeah? So does that make me miserable because I love your company?”

  Julian playfully swatted at Ro’s chest. “That was terrible. Good thing you don’t make your living as a comedian.”

  Ro sat up and feigned insulted before launching into a strong tickle comeback. He needed to hear Julian’s laughter; it was like a balm to his soul. He let up after a minute and snuggled Julian back against his chest; grateful beyond words for the man he held.

  “Thank you for sharing so much with me today. It means a lot to me.” Julian played with Ro’s fingers as he spoke, “You mean a lot to me.”

  “You mean a lot to me too.” Ro rolled and perched himself above Julian. “Let’s spend the whole day in bed.” The smile he received in answer was rewarded by a kiss and then another.

  * * *

  The last month had been great. They spent all of their free time together and Julian couldn’t have been happier. He was headed over to Ro and Vinnie’s for Thanksgiving. Ro was still down at the youth center and wouldn’t be home for at least another hour. Julian rang the bell and waited for Vinnie to let him in. Julian had stayed over with Ro before and knew Vinnie’s place was a mirror setup from Ro’s. Julian chuckled remembering the first time he’d stayed the night. Ro had insisted they go out for breakfast and coffee in an attempt to hide the fact he did use Vinnie for his morning coffee and didn’t even own a coffeemaker.

  “Hey, Julian. Thanks for helping me get everything ready. Usually I have some of our employees from the nursery around to help, but this year most of them have family obligations and aren’t free until later.”

  “No problem. Just tell me what to do.” Julian followed Vinnie into the kitchen and began taking orders. They worked quickly and soon were setting dishes out. Vinnie had set up two long tables along the walls of his dining room. At one end stood a stack of plates and a basket of silverware and napkins, buffet style. Vinnie had explained that they had an open door policy. Everyone was invited and dinner wasn’t set for a specific sit-down time but food was available during the entire event. This allows people with other obligations to stop in and not feel as though they are intruding or not fully a part of the Ro and Vinnie’s Thanksgiving extravaganza.

  Julian had just finished arranging the first round of food and Vinnie had turned on the game and pulled out an extra table and set of chairs when people began to arrive. The neighbors stopped in first, followed by some volunteers from the youth center, who promised Ro was right behind them. Julian was surprised to see so many people show up within the first hour of the open invitation. He expected maybe three or four and then more as the day wore on. As each new face made it through the door, Vinnie promptly introduced him as Ro’s boyfriend. Feeling slightly overwhelmed by all of the introductions, Julian smiled and made polite
small talk as he piled up a plate and made his way to the couch and sat down to watch the game.

  “Julian, right? I’m Jim. We met at the haunted house, not sure if you remember me. I couldn’t forget you though. I mean, being Ro’s man and all. He’s real happy since you two got together. You should come by the nursery sometime. I could show you some of the new classes we’re offering.” Julian nodded as Jim sat and continued, “Ro’s a great boss. I was all excited about teaching people stuff, you know? And then I tell him and he’s all like ‘sure’ and our classes are full and there’s even a waitlist for some of them.”

  “Jim, did you get something to eat?” Vinnie waved Jim towards the kitchen. Jim shrugged and went to get himself a plate. Vinnie offered Julian a beer as he sat in the vacated seat. “Here, Julian. Looks like you could use one.”


  “Jim’s a good kid, but he sure can talk. I think Ro just got in. He’s probably making the rounds so he can settle in with you.”

  “You’re right.” Ro sat down on Julian’s other side and leaned in for a kiss. Julian was happy to oblige.

  “Alright, lovebirds. I’m outta here.” Vinnie bumped Julian’s shoulder and got up to say hello to some of the new people that had just arrived.

  “Sorry, I got out later than I had expected. Thanks for helping set up.”

  “No problem. I met a lot of people from the nursery and listened to Jim for a while.” Julian chuckled.

  “I’m very happy you’re here.” Ro took Julian’s hand in his. They talked quietly as people around them came, ate and left.

  “You’re not welcome here. Leave!” Jim’s voice rang throughout the house drawing everyone’s attention.

  Ro and Julian quickly went to find out what was going on. Jim had his arm braced against the front door jam barring someone from entering. His body was strung taunt with the confrontation and his voice was becoming a shout, “Now leave!”


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