Dragon Her Feet

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Dragon Her Feet Page 7

by Mina Carter, Celia Kyle

  She muttered something under her breath, possibly about over protective asshole men, but turned and stomped toward the door. When she was inside, the door slamming shut behind her, Joey launched himself into the air from standing, shifting in a half second to propel himself further upward into the darkness. The fact that the curtain twitched in the living room made him smile, but then he was on the wing, heading into the night and whatever had been stalking him earlier.

  His expression turned grim. Whoever it was, they were going to regret tangling with Joseph the Black.

  The flight back to Jasmine was, as it turned out, uneventful. As much as he bellowed challenges to the night sky and lit the darkness with flame, nothing happened apart from the possibility he’d scared the crap out of the local farmers’ cows. They’d probably give yogurt or something in the morning instead of milk.

  Circling Jasmine, he spied Katie’s little car below and then dropped out of the night sky like a stone. At the last minute he changed and landed on two feet. There was no one in the parking lot to witness such neat and slick shift but he wasn’t bothered. He didn’t care if humans saw what he was, wasn’t like he was trying to hide his identity.

  Quickly he walked around the little car—well, rust bucket would be a more apt description—and checked all the doors were locked. It hadn’t been touched or broken into as far as he could see. Which was good. Despite the fact it probably wasn’t worth the cost of a repair bill and he could buy a new version many times over, it belonged to his little mate. So if anyone touched it, he’d toast them. Literally.

  A jingle from his pocket alerted him to a call. He withdrew the cell and glanced at the number. It was a council admin one. A frown hit his brow. They knew what he was up to, so a call couldn’t be good news. He swiped to answer and held the cell to his ear.

  “Joey Kenton. What’s up?”

  * * *

  Katie straightened the silverware on the table for the millionth time, adjusting the fork just so, and making sure the spoon was perfectly parallel to the other utensils. She spotted a speck of lint on the pristine white tablecloth and was quick to brush it away. The setting was perfect, plates glittering in the restaurant’s low lighting and the candles on each table cast a romantic glow.

  There was a reason reservations for Markham’s was three months out and a reason they could charge seventy dollars for a tiny steak. It was the best restaurant in the south. Period. It was also owned by a hedgehog. Well, werehedgehog. But the species connection was enough to put Katie—and by extension Joey—to the head of the line.

  Or rather, since she was still alone, just Katie.

  She sighed and leaned back in her chair, glancing at the entry once again. No Joey. A peek at her watch showed they were inching toward twenty minutes late. Which… Fine. Maybe he got into some dragon-type trouble. He was a black, right? True, he was in town to take care of his grandfather’s estate, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t call him with a question or something.

  Yes, that was it, the dragon peeps needed to chat him up. Any second now he’d stride through the door, looking way too sexy for his own good. He’d plant a seductive kiss on her lips and then they’d have dinner. And then… She didn’t want to think about then simply because the man had already demolished quite a few of her walls. Before she knew it, she’d be pregnant with his babies and barefoot in his kitchen.

  The waiter appeared at her side, quiet and efficient as ever. “Another glass of wine, miss?”

  Katie’s attention flicked to her first glass of wine—the full first glass of wine—and gave him a blank look. “No,” she drawled. “I think I’m good, thanks.”

  “I see,” he flashed one of those smarmy smiles. “Would you care to order, then?”

  She pressed her lips together, swallowing the snarl that ached to spring from her lips. “No, as I said, I’m waiting for someone. He should be here at any moment.”

  His attention flicked over her, gaze springing over her frame, and by his expression she knew she’d come up wanting. “I’ll return in a few moments. I’ll just make sure the maître de is aware your guest is still en route.”

  “Wonderful.” She gritted her teeth.

  When he spun away from her, his lips no longer visible, but his voice certainly loud enough. Or rather, loud enough for a shifter to hear him. “He’s not coming and I don’t blame him.” He padded toward the main entrance. “And I can see why. If it was me, I’d run too.”

  Katie wasn’t going to listen to him. She wasn’t. He was simply a disgruntled, subpar waiter. Who was he to criticize her? Nobody. He was a nobody. She’d dressed with care tonight, knowing they were going somewhere expensive and classy. Yes, her clothing was still black, but the dress she wore was new and¬—dare she say it—feminine. She wasn’t wearing torn fishnets, but actual pantyhose. Her makeup was subtle instead of goth heavy.

  And her shoes! She’d tugged out her one and only pair of girly pumps. She’d bought them on impulse months ago, the black leather and adorably cute heel calling to her despite their three-hundred-dollar price tag. Between the embroidered leather, the curvy heel, and the ribbon laces, they were the perfect accent to her transformation.

  One she didn’t think Joey would get to see tonight.

  She glanced at her cellphone, the small device having never left her hand once she’d realized he was more than five minutes late. And now he was officially twenty-five minutes late.

  It was time to accept the truth. He wasn’t coming. He’d seduced her with his words, with the way he treated her, the way he flat out craved her, and now… he was a no show.

  She straightened her spine and glanced around the restaurant, finally spotting her asshole waiter. She met his gaze and he was quick to break off his conversation. He practically raced to her side, that fake smile plastered on his face once again.

  “Yes, miss?” He sidled up to her.

  “I’d like the check, please.” She didn’t miss the mirth in his expression. Between his words and that look, she knew he was laughing at her expense. Asshole.

  “Right away, miss.”

  And right away it was. In moments he was back at her side, presenting her with a pristine billfold, that taunting laughter still in his gaze.

  Her hedgie begged her to claw that grin off his face and Katie’s human half… fucking agreed.

  But she had a conscience. Dammit.

  So, she simply slipped cash into the billfold, gathered her purse and soared toward the main entrance, ignoring the other loving couples that filled the space. She ignored the waiter’s stare and the maître de’s pity. She glided past the valet stand and ignored them as well.

  No, she didn’t have a car because Honey had dropped her off and she was supposed to go home with Joey. Or, at least, get a ride home.

  Instead, she was on foot.

  It was only five blocks to her favorite diner. She’d go, grab a burger, think about ways to gut Joey like a fish, and then call Honey for another ride home. Or just a place on her friend’s couch if she didn’t feel like making the drive. She’d figure it out after she got something to eat and had a moment to think. Somewhere that didn’t have hovering asshole waiters.

  Plan in mind, she strode down the sidewalk, her high heels clicking on the cement as she made her way toward the diner. It was dark, night having enveloped them quite some time ago, but with her hedgie’s help she could see easily in the darkness.

  It allowed her to avoid the uneven ground, the step from the curb to the asphalt, and a large puddle that threatened to soak her shoes. The diner was soon in sight, the bright lights seeming to beckon her with promised comfort.

  Wait, her steps slowed until she stood beneath the bright light of a street lamp. Her hedgie let her see something else, too. Specifically Joey Kenton sitting across from a stunning, lithe woman inside the diner. Her hair flowed in gentle waves down her back, her smile was wide and sparkling, and her body… What she could see of her form revealed a trim frame, curves
in all the right places, and a deep cleavage that would have any man drooling.

  In a word—perfection. She was every man’s version of perfection. Including, apparently, Joey’s.

  She ignored the way her heart ached, the way it seemed to crack with an inaudible snap. Her hedgie whined and squeaked, urging her not to give up on Joey. He had to be delayed. There was a good reason, the small beastie shoved the idea at her, begging her to embrace the thought.

  Nope, not happening. He’d made her want him, truly consider accepting him as her mate and now… She pressed a hand to the center of her chest and fought to rub away the pain that assaulted her. Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them back, unwilling to let a single one trail down her cheek.

  She’d been right the first time. She didn’t need him, didn’t want him. Nope, she had a plan and she’d stick it. Yes, plans. Ones that did not include Joey Kenton. At all.

  Katie dug in her purse, snared her cellphone, and was quick to dial her best friend.

  Honey answered on the first ring. “I so don’t want to hear you mating. Just putting that out there.”

  She swallowed the sob that filled her chest. Mating? Right. It wasn’t happening. Ever. And she’d tell Honey that just as soon as she could say the words without crying. Because she knew if she started, she wouldn’t ever stop.

  “I’m at the diner. Can you come get me?”

  The laugh that’d filled Honey’s voice vanished. “Katie?”

  “Please.” Dammit, one of those hovering tears broke free. “Please.”

  “Of course, give me two minutes.” Clothing rustled and she couldn’t miss Blake’s grunt or the barely muffled conversation between the two for a moment before she returned. “Do you need Blake instead?”

  Yes, she needed her Alpha, but not right now. “No, just you.”

  She needed her best friend more than her growling, snarling Alpha. Especially when she watched Joey reach across the table and link hands with the gorgeous woman.

  The woman who wasn’t Katie.

  She should tear her gaze away from the couple, should focus on anything but Joey and this unknown woman, but she couldn’t force herself to focus elsewhere. It was as if she were powerless to do anything but witness her future unravel before her eyes.

  Especially when the female stroked the back of Joey’s hand, a large seductive smile on her lips. Katie didn’t miss the way the stranger traced the edge of her top with a single finger, drawing Joey’s attention to her cleavage. Oldest trick in the book. Men, in general, were slaves to their libido. Shifters more than most.

  It seemed Joey was no exception.

  Katie squeezed her cell phone, tightening her grip as more and more pain speared her heart. Just when she’d opened herself to the idea of having a mate, the opportunity was snatched from her grasp. Or rather, he’d simply walked away.

  She squeezed even harder, and winced when the unmistakable sound of cracking plastic reached her ears. She should quit punishing the phone for Joey’s actions, but it was take out the anger and agony on the small electronic device, or scream her heartbreak to the heavens. Since she wanted to remain undetected, she decided she’d simply buy a new smart phone tomorrow.

  Bright headlights illuminated her, the shine blinding her for a brief moment, and then she realized Honey had arrived. Her best friend brought the vehicle to a squealing stop, and then she was there, arms wrapped around Katie and hugging her tight.

  “Katie, what happened? Are you okay? What’s going on? What—” Honey rattled off question after question in rapid succession.

  “I-I-I just want to go home.” Tears blurred her vision, and she fought to blink them back.

  “What about Joey? You were supposed to have dinner—”

  Katie snorted. “Dinner? Joey?” She couldn’t hide the bitterness in her voice. She tilted her head toward the diner. “Someone is getting dinner, but it’s not me.”

  “Wha—” Honey tore her attention from Katie and her gaze swung toward the nearby building. “He didn’t.”

  “Yes, he did. And now I just want to get out of here.”

  Honey snarled. “We’ll leave after I’ve stomped him into a tiny dragon shaped puddle.”

  The woman pushed Katie away and moved to confront Joey, but Katie wrapped her hand around her best friend’s wrist. “No, don’t, just leave it. I didn’t want him as a mate to begin with, so this just makes the whole process easier. He was the one who has been pushing for this mating, not me, and it seems he’s changed his mind. It’s fine.” And yet it wasn’t… “It’s fine.”

  Honey turned back to her, indecision coating her features. “But… You got all pretty, like a girl. You were starting to think—”

  “And now, I’m not any longer.” She gently squeezed her best friend’s wrist. “Take me home, feed me ice cream, and then let me cry on my Alpha’s shoulder.”

  Her best friend stared at her and Katie saw the moment Honey decided to humor her and stop asking questions. “As long as that’s all you’re doing with Blake. Because if you to try and get frisky, you’ll be missing more than a few quills.” Katie released Honey and the woman strode toward the other side of the car. Just as she reached the driver’s side door, their gazes clashed over the roof of the car. “Better yet, I’ll ship you to Ridgeville and let Maya know she has a new hedgehog in her pride.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Well, I must say I had no idea the evening would turn out like this,” Joey smiled and leaned back, extricating his hand from Sophia’s.

  When the Council had called him earlier, he’d expected information on the second rogue dragon, but he certainly hadn’t expected to be told said rogue wanted to meet him. Nor to be given a time and place to meet her.

  Her. A female rogue. He was still struggling to wrap his mind around that one, despite the fact the female sat opposite him. Tall and slender, with a stacked rack and masses of blonde hair, she was most guys’ wet dream. Not his.

  His tastes ran to short, with killer curves, and even if they didn’t, the unstable little gleam in the woman’s eyes would have put him off. Like she couldn’t work out if she wanted to kiss or gut him, but would find either option equally satisfying.

  She smiled, her gaze following his hand and curled her fingers into a delicate fist. The sharpness of her manicure caught his eye and his lips compressed. If she’d been anywhere near a salon, he’d eat the tablecloth. No, the partial shift was to prove a point. It took a great deal of control to partially shift, especially something as precise as fingernails.

  “Neither did I. When they told me Liam had been killed, I expected your name to come up. But, I…” She looked him up and down and smiled. Obviously he had been found wanting but then, even he had to admit his human form was less bulk and more streamlined. It was only in his dragon form that he was truly awe inspiring. “Hadn’t expected you to look so… human, shall we say?”

  He smiled himself, part-shifting his teeth to razor-sharp points. Juvenile, maybe, but he’d never met a rogue like this. She was articulate, intelligent, and from Joey’s point of view, scary as hell.

  There had been rumors for a long time that the rogues were organizing themselves. Most, including Joey, outright laughed at the idea. Rogue dragons were bluntly put, a few nuggets short of a Happy Meal. As a magical creature, a dragon was literally steeped in power, and that very power sent some of them over the edge into madness.

  Organized dragons that were also insane? It didn’t bear thinking about. But there was no doubt about it, the delicate looking woman in front of him was both a rogue and as mad as a hatter.

  Joey reached forward for his wine glass, using the movement to cover a quick glance around the restaurant to gauge how many humans were in the place. How many could he save if she went bat shit crazy?

  Movement outside caught his eye and his heart fell. Katie, getting into a strange car. Shit, their date… She obviously hadn’t waited. Worse, she’d come looking for him. His world tilted a
s he watched the car turn in the lot, Katie in the passenger seat with her head held high. She ignored him completely, but her companion didn’t. Instead she fixed him with a glare that could have frozen hell over before they pulled out of the lot and were gone.

  “Friends of yours?” Sophia asked coolly, far too much interest in her voice for Joey’s liking. Shit, why couldn’t Katie have left well enough alone? Or hit him with the skillet again when he’d turned up later to apologize…

  He turned to face her, his face settling into implacable lines. “Not really. The plump one was an interesting evening in the sack but that’s as far as it goes.” He shrugged. “Hard to get worked up that much about a non-dragon. Especially when I’m hungry, you know?”

  “Yeah, one quick blast of flame and you have yourself a hog-roast, eh?”

  Sophia laughed, and he fought back the urge to punch her in the face. “Something like that, yeah.”

  With effort, he kept his attention on the woman in front of him, even if all his instincts wanted to tear after Katie and ease the hurt he’d seen in her eyes.

  “So, I’m assuming you had a reason for wanting to meet with me?” he asked, interested despite himself. Usually rogue dragons didn’t request meetings, they just went ahead and destroyed a town or two. That got the attention of the council and ensured he or one of his fellow blacks was dispatched to deal with them.

  Sophia made a show of dabbing at her mouth with her napkin. Joey doubted the paper square actually touched her lips since her perfect lipstick remained firmly in place.

  “I did. I wanted to see the man who killed my brother and give him a message.”

  Joey’s blood froze in his veins. The rogue—Liam?—had been her brother? Shit, this was not going to turn out well. “I see. And the message?”

  She smiled, revealing razor sharp fangs. “I’m going to destroy everything you love, then I’m going to kill you.”

  * * *

  Any moment now, Katie would shatter into a million pieces. If she had to flash one more smile, give a guy one more wink, or flirt with just one more patron, she’d scream. Not that the behavior was anything new, it wasn’t as if Honey had pressured her to be fun and flirty with the customers but today she thought she’d lose herself if she was forced to act that way any longer.


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