Star Attraction

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Star Attraction Page 7

by Jamie Craig

  Sam responded in kind, his fingers tightened around the steering wheel as he watched Elijah walk her to her front door. They spoke for a moment, Jane reached up and touched his tie in what seemed like an intimate gesture, Elijah hugged her quickly, and then waited until she went inside and shut the door behind her.

  Elijah opened the passenger door and ducked into the car. “How fast can you get us back to my place?”

  Exhilaration rushed through him. He wasn’t the only one who was anxious. “Fifteen minutes. Ten if the lights don’t hate us.”

  “I hope the lights are on our side, because I don’t know if I can keep my hands to myself for much more than ten minutes.”

  Sam pulled away from the curb a little faster than he should have, but as soon as they were on the street, he reached across and rested his hand on Elijah’s thigh. “We’ve got all night, though. And as long as you want me around this weekend.”

  Elijah covered Sam’s hand, his thumb caressing the skin just below Sam’s knuckle. It was a light caress, but it made him shiver. “Or as long as you want to stick around this weekend.”

  “I don’t want to go.” He flushed in the darkness, realizing how quickly he’d blurted that out. Without knowing Elijah’s thoughts on the matter, he wasn’t ready to look quite so needy. Time to change the subject. “Connie covered for me in the bathroom tonight. Apparently, Billy Wilder was asking about me.”

  “I wonder if that means he didn’t like the movie.”

  “Did Jane have to say anything to explain why you were gone so long?”

  “No, she didn’t mention anything. But I didn’t ask her, either. I didn’t want to draw attention to the fact.”

  No, of course he wouldn’t. Sam knew it was for the best, but it was getting harder and harder to pretend.

  “I didn’t tell her, but Connie figured us out. Don’t worry, though. She won’t say anything.”

  Elijah nodded. “I won’t worry. I trust her if you do. Jane probably suspects, but she won’t bring it up unless I do.” He was silent for a moment, and his thumb never stopped moving. “Still, we should be more careful.”

  His implication did not go unnoticed, but Sam couldn’t find his voice to speak again until they were almost at Elijah’s house. He had to let go of Elijah’s leg in order to make the turn onto his street, but as he did, he decided to hell with his own fears. Worst case scenario, he’d have one last hot weekend with Elijah—because he didn’t think the other man would kick him out of bed, even knowing that Sam wanted to stay in it. And best case…

  “I don’t want to stop seeing you after we wrap.”

  “Yeah. Okay. Me neither.”

  The relief that went through him was a thousand degrees hotter than how he’d felt after dropping Jane off. “Good,” he said as he pulled up to the curb. “I’ve been worried this weekend was going to be it.”

  Elijah opened his door, but paused before stepping out of the car. “I’ve been worried about it, too. I just didn’t know how to bring it up.”

  “Me neither. I haven’t had anything but casual things since I came to California. But this…” He stopped. He didn’t want to have this conversation in the car. “Let’s get inside.”

  This was the first time Sam had stayed over at Elijah’s, and he couldn’t wait to get the chance to get inside Elijah’s room, his private space. There were still elements and details about this man he didn’t know, and he wanted to learn everything. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been this curious about another person.

  Elijah unlocked the door and gestured Sam into the house. “Do you want anything to drink?”

  He waited until the door was closed behind them before reaching for Elijah’s wrist. “Later.” Elijah came willingly, molding to Sam’s body like they were built for each other. “You owe me a kiss first.”

  “I think I owe you more than that,” Elijah murmured against Sam’s mouth. Sam couldn’t do more than grunt in agreement before Elijah pushed past his lips and nonexistent defenses. Without breaking the kiss, he walked Sam backward, moving farther from the door and deeper into the house.

  His hands roamed freely, pushing Elijah’s jacket from his shoulders while he let him guide the way. He needed to touch. Feel. Learn as much as he could. He wanted to strip away everything they used to hide from those who would never understand, and then spend the next two days drowning in Elijah’s heat.

  By the time they reached the bedroom, he had Elijah’s shirt pulled free of his pants, his fingers digging into the taut muscle of his back. “Remind me to thank your roommate for taking off this weekend,” he said between kisses.

  “Hell, I think I’ll pay for another trip next week. Send him to Palm Springs or something.” Elijah kicked the bedroom door shut and clawed at Sam’s jacket. As soon as he had that off, he started in on the tie. “Or maybe I should just finally consider living in my own place.”

  “Big star like you should definitely have your own place.” His fingers grew desperate as he worked to divest Elijah of more of his clothes. He winced when one of the buttons went flying through the air, but Elijah didn’t seem to notice or really care that much. “Though if you were my roommate, I don’t think I would be so quick to leave you alone so often.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” Elijah got Sam’s belt free, and that was followed quickly by his zipper. His fingers were hot and probing, reaching for Sam’s shaft. “I’m a bad roommate. Horrible slob. Play my records too loud.”

  Sam groaned as Elijah fisted his cock, clutching at his bare shoulders when the room tilted around them. “I’ll keep you busy.” He shoved Elijah to the bed, falling on top of him. “You won’t have time to play your music.”

  “No, I got to have my records.” He buried his face against Sam’s neck, his mouth seeking out the warm skin. Sam could only moan as Elijah nibbled at the sensitive flesh below his ear. “They help me concentrate.”

  “On your lines?” Sam worked Elijah’s fly open, his nails dragging across the taut stomach. “And here I thought I was actually helping you.”

  “Oh, you helped me.” Elijah hissed as Sam’s knuckles brushed against the top of his shaft. He pulled back and looked at Sam with half-lidded eyes. “I think I’m going to need your help on the next film, too.”

  His heart stopped. Looking at Elijah often did that to him. “I’m not going anywhere. I told you, Eli. You name it, it’s yours. Anything.”

  Elijah’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, and for a moment, everything stilled. Even their frantic, searching hands. “Are you interested in having a sloppy, music-loving guy pay half your rent?”

  It was more than he’d hoped for. “As long as you think you can live with a man who never opens his curtains and thinks you’re the most amazing guy he’s ever fallen head over heels for.”

  Elijah offered a small, almost shy smile. “Well, I guess if you’re head over heels for me, then I won’t mind living in a cave. You don’t think it’ll be…a problem? At least from our managers’ points of view?”

  Sam skimmed his fingertips over Elijah’s full lower lip. His hand was shaking. He had no idea if Elijah noticed. “Nicky knows I’m discreet. And we can turn it around for us, make it look like we’re swinging bachelors. Cary Grant and Randolph Scott did it when they were living together.”

  Elijah kissed Sam’s fingers, his tongue darting out to lick the pads. “Well, I suppose everybody played along with that charade. If they can get away with it, we can.”

  The tightness of his chest made it next to impossible to breathe, but Sam bent his head to taste Elijah’s lips again anyway. The greed he’d had to take Elijah as soon as possible shifted into something new, something softer, less desperate. Now, he wanted to show the man just how much he meant to Sam, how overwhelmed he was with the chance to get even more. He slid his hand to Elijah’s nape and kissed him with all the longing he’d suppressed for far too long.

  Elijah’s mouth was warm and responsive, like he could happily
stay right where he was and kiss Sam all night long. His hands were as busy as before, but now he caressed Sam with far more deliberation, seeking out the sensitive spots he had already learned. Sam squirmed against him without breaking the kiss, moaning each time Elijah found a tender patch of skin. Somehow, in the midst of all his touching, Elijah worked Sam’s shirt off his shoulders.

  His pants came next, though Sam took care of those himself. There was no time to feel cold, not with Elijah touching everywhere he could reach. Hot fingertips skimmed over his chest, and when one circled his nipple, Sam had to tear away to gasp for breath, resting his brow to Elijah’s.

  “You’re going to be the death of me,” he panted. “You’re not even naked yet, and I feel like I’m going to explode.”

  “To be fair, you’ve been ready to explode all evening. What do you want?”

  “To fuck you. To have you lay here and let me eat you up, like you’re my birthday cake and all my presents rolled into one.”

  Elijah arched his brow. “So this is my cue to lie back and let you ravish me?” He grinned—the grin that always made Sam’s stomach do somersaults even as his cock twitched—and added, “I think I can handle that.”

  Anticipation made his hands tremble as he sat back. Elijah scooted up to the head of the bed, allowing Sam the time to drink in his muscled chest. When he’d settled, Sam climbed on, crawling between his legs in order to get to his waistband. The fly was already freed. It just took a swift yank to get rid of the garment once and for all.

  Sam smoothed his palm up the length of Elijah’s cock. His mouth watered at the thought of sucking him down again, but the ache in his own prompted him to slide farther up, stretching out so that their shafts lined up with each other.

  He didn’t kiss him. From the way Elijah parted his lips, then moistened them in eager desire, Sam knew that’s what he wanted. Instead, he ducked his head and licked along his collarbone, stopping at the hollow of his throat in order to taste the steady throb that resided there.

  Sam sucked on the skin, pulling it between his teeth until Elijah writhed beneath him. He knew it would probably leave a mark, but if anybody saw it, they’d just think Jane got a little carried away with him after the premiere. Elijah hissed, his fingers digging into Sam’s shoulders. The more pressure Sam applied to the tender flesh, the more Elijah squirmed.

  “God, love your mouth, Sam.”

  That kind of encouragement only made him want to worship Elijah more. He added his hands to the dance, kneading Sam’s hip with one, playing with his nipple with the other. The salty skin prickled his mouth, and when Elijah gasped at one particularly fierce pinch, Sam immediately slid his tongue down to ease the sharp sting.

  Elijah arched beneath him, and his nipple immediately hardened beneath Sam’s lips. He rolled the hard peak against his teeth, then soothed the skin again, pausing occasionally to blow cool air across his heated skin. He kept his other hand on Elijah’s hip, moving his thumb in tight, hard circles. Elijah’s cock rested against Sam’s stomach, the tip already sticky with pre-come.

  Inch by inch, he traveled downward. It was hard to abandon Elijah’s chest; it was probably the most perfect specimen Sam had ever seen. But the temptation of his cock came into mouthwatering view, and in spite of his earlier resolve, he let his tongue dart over the wet head, avoiding the slit to circle the crown. He didn’t dare taste him. He’d swallow him down until he’d milked Elijah completely dry then.

  Sam circled the crown again and again. He let his tongue linger on the hot skin, the memories from earlier that night flooding through him. His cock throbbed, demanding his attention. He gripped the shaft, stroking himself once in a desperate attempt to relieve the pressure. He had a feeling he would have the same reaction whenever he thought about pushing Elijah against the bathroom wall and swallowing his cock. Before he could indulge in a repeat performance, he shifted his attention to Elijah’s thigh, nipping at the tight muscles until they quivered.

  Elijah writhed against him. Sam had no choice but to clamp his hands onto the man’s hips and force him into the mattress, his fingers bruising as he gripped him as tightly as he could.

  “You’re making a good case for tying you to this bed,” he rasped.

  Elijah smirked. “I don’t keep any cuffs or ropes around the place.”

  “We’ve got ties.”

  He ran the tip of his tongue over his top lip. “You wouldn’t.”

  Sam had been kidding, but the gleam in Elijah’s eye suggested maybe he shouldn’t. “You really want to tempt me? If I tie you down, you can’t hold on when I finally get inside you.”

  Elijah considered the point for a moment, then shook his head. “No, I don’t want that. I plan to hold on as tight as I can.”

  Sam smiled. “That’s more like it.” Though as he relaxed his grip, he couldn’t help but wonder about using the ties at a later date. Maybe even in the morning. Wake Elijah up with his wrists bound to the headboard and Sam’s mouth glued to his cock.

  He bowed his head to hide his hungry thoughts. Licking along the seam where leg met hip, he descended to the velvety skin behind Elijah’s balls. It buried his nose in the sac, giving him a good long smell of his earlier orgasm. He wanted another. He wanted to feel Elijah shoot over both of them as Sam pounded into his tight hole. He didn’t get to fuck Elijah nearly as often as he wanted, though he planned on that changing as soon as possible.

  Elijah spread his legs wide, and his rapid, irregular breathing betrayed just how powerfully Sam affected him. That was one of the reasons Sam couldn’t get enough of Elijah. All too often, the more chemistry he had with another man, the faster it burned out, until they were both just going through the motions. But every time he got his mouth on Elijah’s body, his hunger just intensified, and so did Elijah’s reaction.

  His mouth continued to move along Elijah’s body, until he reached his ass. Elijah jerked at the first brush of Sam’s tongue against his hole.

  He closed his eyes. Concentrating on the sounds Elijah kept stifling, he circled the tight ring with the scantest of touches, avoiding contact with the opening for as long as he possibly could. Every second he gained now meant another second he lasted once he got inside him. It let his desire ebb to a manageable lull, simmering at a soft boil as it waited for the heat to get turned up to full blast again.

  Sam caressed the tense muscles of his thighs, back and forth, mimicking the attention he gave to Elijah’s ass. When Elijah scrambled to touch him, he decided enough was enough. He took a deep breath and pressed his tongue inside the clenching channel as far as it would go.

  “Oh!” Elijah’s initial exclamation echoed in Sam’s ears, encouraging him to continue, prompting him to thrust his tongue in Elijah’s body. The words that followed the first response were much softer, almost lost beneath the sound of his own rapid breathing and thundering heartbeat. “Love everything that you do. So much. I should tell you…more often.”

  Silently, Sam agreed. He could hear those sentiments for the rest of his life and never grow tired of them.

  Gripping a cheek in each hand, Sam spread him wider, letting his thumbs graze over the hole as he slowly fucked him. The muscles twitched even at that slight pressure. He nearly whimpered considering what they would do when it was his cock instead.

  Sam didn’t know how often Elijah had let other guys fuck him before, but he did know that the man was extremely sensitive any time anything got near his ass. He moaned and sighed, the volume of his response directly proportional to the speed and pressure Sam used. He twisted and squirmed. He pushed back against Sam’s mouth, trying to encourage him to pick up his tempo, but Sam didn’t let that sway him from his deliberate rhythm.

  When he did finally lift his head, he pushed both of his thumbs in to replace his tongue’s absence. Immediately, Elijah clamped down around them, drawing a groan from each of their throats.

  “It’s not just what you do to me that drives me crazy.” Sam nibbled along the inside of Elija
h’s thigh, incapable at the moment of meeting the other man’s attention. “When I said I was head over heels, it wasn’t because of the sex, Eli. That’s amazing, but not more so than you.”

  Elijah took a few deep breaths, then reached down to touch the side of Sam’s face, his fingers lingering on his jaw. “When I said I loved everything you do, I didn’t just mean the sex, either.”

  The dam around his emotions broke. Sam slid up Elijah’s body, into the curve of his hand, against his chest to take his mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss. The room reeled around them. He kept from sinking into Elijah’s suddenly tight embrace by reaching down between their bodies and angling his cock toward the tight hole.

  “Love you,” he muttered between kisses. The tip caught on the slick opening, and both of them promptly stilled. All that moved was their racing hearts. Until Sam slowly began to push forward.

  Elijah cupped the back of Sam’s head, his fingernails pressing into Sam’s scalp. He didn’t speak, he didn’t even breathe, until Sam was fully sheathed, and then he let his breath out in a long sigh. “Sam…love you, too.”

  Somehow, having the words between them made it all sweeter. Sam captured Elijah’s mouth again, but rather than drive for more, he simply savored, clinging to him in every way he could. There would be more nights for this, more nights for tasting, but none would have that rush of heat that came from the first acknowledgements of their feelings. To know that he wasn’t alone. To know that even here, even with their careers, there might be a viable future for them.

  Rocking back was almost an afterthought. His body moved primarily because it had to. It needed the sensation of those tight muscles constricting around his cock, the friction of sweaty skin to sweaty skin. His arms trembled, already hungry for the upcoming release. But Sam never broke away from that mouth, those delectable, luscious lips so willing to share the words.

  Elijah wrapped his long legs and arms around Sam. They were a knot of limbs, and Elijah moved with him without breaking the kiss. There was no question that the same warmth that suffused Sam had spread to Elijah. His muscles burned, and his lungs burned, and each time he took a breath through his nose, he was hit with the familiar, enticing scent of Elijah’s skin, and the lotion he wore because the makeup made his skin dry. Each time Sam rocked forward, pushing deep into Elijah’s body, he tightened around him, his legs and muscles holding him close.


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