Blood Craving

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Blood Craving Page 24

by Gabrielle Bisset

  Fucking Hades! The joy in his expression when he told him about Sasa’s return to her sire had ignited a hatred in Thane’s belly that he’d never felt before, not even with Vasilije. If he could have killed the son of a bitch god of the Underworld, he would have with his bare hands. All he could do was stand there as a mixture of shock and misery tore through his mind.

  The days (or was it weeks or months?) after that were a blur. Thane knew he should have just accepted his fate in this place and move on, but he couldn’t. He was a Son of Navarus, after all, so fighting was in his blood. Hades tolerated his hatred of this place for a while, but when he vowed to help his fellow Sons bring the fucking tyrant down, he was thrown into the cell he now called home.


  Hades’ throne room loomed ahead, a large cavernous place that always filled Layla with awe each time she’d passed it. She hoped that the god of the Underworld had finally summoned her was a good sign. After living in his kingdom for centuries as one of his daemons, this was the first time he’d specifically commanded her to visit him in the main room of his realm.

  He’d created her and then consigned her to the lower regions to serve as one of Nyx’s handmaidens for what had seemed like eons. Not that serving the goddess of night was an odious job. Her home was a sensual palace filled with delicacies from around the globe and beings of all kinds who offered her their very souls for a moment of her grace, often showering their gifts and sacrifices for Nyx on her handmaidens in the desperate hope that they’d help their causes.

  No, Layla hadn’t disliked her time in Nyx’s palace. She’d just always yearned to serve her master and maker more directly. Now as she waited outside his throne room for one of his personal daemons to call her in, she fantasized about the real possibility that she’d be chosen to be one of them or even one of his private servants.

  A tall, severe looking male walked toward her with a scowl on his face, his crooked finger beckoning her. “Come. Your master is waiting.”

  She walked quickly behind him, all the while taking in the splendor of Hades’ room. Diamonds peaked out of the carved cavern walls, making the light from the enormous torches that stood around the perimeter appear to dance across the ceiling. Passageways to private rooms snaked through the upper walls, and below on the floor of the room lay the finest polished obsidian.

  The servant stopped and held out his hand to keep Layla at bay. “When he calls you, you may move toward him. Keep your head lowered. Remember, he is the god of the Underworld.”

  The man’s sharp tone frightened her, but she nodded quickly and lowered her head to stare at the floor in deference to her master.

  Layla heard Hades moan her name, and she looked up just as a young male lifted his head from the god’s lap. Kneeling before him, he gazed at Hades with a look of love, but the god simply slipped his cock back in his pants and waved the young man away. Quickly remembering the servant’s orders, she lowered her gaze back down to the floor, blushing at the erotic scene she’d merely caught a glimpse of.

  “Layla, come.”

  Using the reflection from the jet black floor below, she walked slowly toward the god of the Underworld and stopped just before his throne. “My master. I have come as you wished.”

  “Lift your head and look at me,” he ordered in a silky voice that slid over her body, exciting her.

  “Yes, master,” she said quietly as she lifted her head to gaze upon him. He was everything she remembered from the night he’d made her one of his own. Long, glossy black hair fell to the middle of his powerful chest and black eyes as dark and shiny as the obsidian she stood upon stared back at her. He was sex and lust and power, and he used each to his own exclusive pleasure.

  Raising his hand, he waved away the dozens of his slaves that milled around his chamber. Layla watched as they scurried away, leaving her alone with the god of the Underworld.

  “I’ve missed you, Layla. How long has it been since I made you one of my own?”

  “Five hundred and twelve years, my lord,” she answered in a shaky voice.

  He moaned and slid his hand over the front of his black pants. “So long a time to be without such a beautiful face in front of me. How could I have been such a poor master?”

  Layla lowered her head, unsure of what was expected from her. As she stared down at the floor, she heard him say, “Come to me, Layla.”

  Slowly, she walked closer to his throne, keeping her head lowered.

  “Don’t hide such a beautiful face. Let me see you.”

  She lifted her chin hesitantly and his gaze met hers. He held his hand out toward her. “Come.”

  A potent mixture of desire and terror raced through her body as she inched toward him and tentatively placed her hand in his. His fingers enclosed around her wrist, holding it tightly and pulling her with a yank onto his lap.

  “Now, we can begin to speak about what I want from you.”

  “Yes, my lord. Your wish is my command.”

  Hades ran his fingertip down her jaw line and over her lips. His touch thrilled her, and she whimpered as need pooled in her belly. This is what she’d waited centuries for and now it was finally her turn to serve her god.

  “So unlike the others with such beautiful hair,” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck. “Shorter than I prefer, but perfect blonde, nonetheless.”

  Layla’s heart sank at his tepid compliment. He was right. She was different from the others, who all seemed to have long flowing hair. She’d watched Nyx’s other handmaidens spend hours weaving flowers and beads through their hair, but never once had they invited her to join them, looking at her like an outsider so unlike them.

  “I have a job for you, Layla. We have a new soul here that needs your special attention.”

  “My lord?” she asked, trying to mask her disappointment.

  “Yes. A vampire.”

  A vampire? Layla’s heart sank at the word. Vampire. Of all the souls in the Underworld, vampires were the most hated by Hades. His power to rule the dead of the world was challenged by only them, and when they could finally outrun him no more and arrived in his realm, they were treated as slaves or worse, sent to Tartarus. That her master would want her to do anything with a vampire meant he cared nothing for her.

  “I see by the disappointment in your eyes that you are unhappy with your assignment. Don’t be sad. This vampire is special,” Hades said as he traced his finger over the shell of her ear.


  How could something so hated and reviled be considered special?

  Nodding, he continued. “Some might say unique even. He’s one of the Sons of Navarus, a group of vampire warriors whose job is to protect their world from beings like myself, who would see them all in their rightful place—here, on their knees worshipping me.”

  “What am I to do with this special vampire, my lord?” she asked, her curiosity piqued along with her arousal.

  Hades ran his tongue across his bottom lip and grinned a devilishly sexy smile. “Make him happy. Show him why he should desire to be here, where he belongs.”

  Nodding, she lowered her eyes and demurred, “Yes, my lord.”

  Layla understood clearly what her master wanted. She was to seduce this special vampire. Why Hades cared one way or the other about one particular soul’s feelings about being in the Underworld she couldn’t imagine, especially a vampire’s feelings, but his wish was her command.

  Lifting her chin with his fingertip, Hades added, “He’s nursing a broken heart. I want him to forget her.”

  His jet black eyes sparkled with his plans for this vampire. Layla stared into them, wishing for Hades to give her the gift of himself before he sent her off on her task. “I will do your bidding, my lord, as you know I can.”

  She watched as Hades’ gaze slid down her body. Perhaps her wish would come true.

  “His name is Thane. He’s everything we need him to be. Now you must show him how to be that.”

  “I shall take care of hi
m as I have your lady’s petitioners.”

  Hades ran his fingertips over the front of her dress, his gaze following their trail. “Yes, Nyx has told me of your talents, Layla. I have no doubt you’ll perform as I desire.”

  That she’d have to perform with such a lowly creature still gnawed at her, but if this was to be her way of showing her worth in the Underworld, she’d take the opportunity and make the best of it.

  “Thank you for believing in me, my lord.”

  Pressing his lips to hers, he snaked his tongue into her mouth in a kiss that made her head swim with desire. His hand roamed up her thigh until his fingers touched her wet pussy. Angling her body toward him, she yearned to have him slide even one into her. Layla closed her eyes as he stroked her clit until she was sure she was just seconds away from release, but then he stopped and slid his hand away.

  She opened her eyes and whimpered her wish for him to continue, but he merely shook his head. “Do as I say and you shall have what you desire.”

  Struggling to regain her composure, she nodded her understanding. To be rewarded with a night with the god of the Underworld himself was everything daemons like her dreamed of, and no matter what it took with this vampire, she’d have that night.

  Hades slid her off his lap and stretched his long legs out in front of him. “Thank you, Layla. And don’t worry. This is only temporary. He won’t be lonely for long. I expect one of his friends to be joining him quite soon.”


  A noise roused Thane, and when he looked up through the bars of his cell he saw a woman there. Beautiful, with pale blond hair, she gazed in at him with a look of sadness that reminded him of Sasa. Was this one of Hades’ tricks to make him more miserable?

  “Go away. Tell your master I can’t be bothered with his games.”

  “I am no game,” she said in a level voice it was clear she had to force.

  “Then tell him whatever you were supposed to do you didn’t. Too bad you’ll have to suffer the punishment for my disinterest. Now go away.”

  The female locked her eyes on him and stared for so long even through closed eyes he felt her there looking at him. What did she want?

  Crawling up from his place on the hard stone floor of his cell, Thane approached the bars that separated them. She didn’t flinch when he reached out to touch her to ensure she wasn’t just some vision Hades had sent to torment him.

  “Why are you here?”

  She sighed at his touch. “I’m told you’re lonely. I’m here to fix that.”

  Thane closed his eyes and let his shoulders sag at her mention of what had become the truth of his existence. Loneliness. It colored everything about him and filled his hours with misery.

  “I don’t need your master’s help with that. Or yours.”

  He turned to go back to his place at the back of his cell, but she touched his hand and softly said, “My name is Layla. I can take your pain away, if you’ll only let me.”

  “I don’t need to have it taken away,” he said, hanging his head. His pain was all he had left of his former life. If he let that go, he’d have nothing. No memories of his friends. No memories of Sasa. Nothing but his mere existence in this cold, damp hell.

  “Please, I can make you forget what you so long for. I can make this easier until you’re joined by another of your kind. I promise it will make this bearable.”

  Thane looked at the woman and worked to discern if what she’d said was the truth. “Joined by another? What do you mean?”

  “I’ve upset you. I’m sorry. I’ll return later to see if you are more willing to take my help.”

  Grabbing her arm as she turned to leave, he asked again, “Layla, what do you mean joined by another? I need to know.”

  “I don’t know the answer. I simply know my master wants me to help you with your loneliness until you are joined by another of your kind.”

  He thought he saw a flicker of sympathy in her eyes. He wasn’t about to give up just because that bastard Hades had sent him a beautiful distraction, but perhaps she could help him after all.

  “Thank you for your offer, Layla. I think I would like some company,” he said with a smile.

  With a wave of her hand, the cell bars disappeared. “My master wants you to be happy, Thane. Will you let me make you happy?”

  A warm sensation slowly trailed through his body, and he wasn’t sure if it was this female or something else that made him feel happy for the first time since he’d arrived there. He wished he could let himself enjoy it, but no matter what he pretended on the outside, on the inside he had to fight whatever power she had.

  But with the first touch of her lips to his, any thoughts of resisting her faded away with his memories of his life before this place.



  Forbidden Blood

  (A Sons of Navarus Short Story)

  Dante Trazzetti has never been what others thought he should be. Italian by birth, he looks more like the California boy he was as a human. A clyten, he’s one of the rarest vampires of all because he can walk in the sun. Being different from what others expect has made him a little cocky, and his fellow Sons of Navarus aren’t wild about the youngest one of them and his ego.

  But fate has something up her sleeve to knock him down a few pegs. Meet Scarlett, a witch and sworn enemy of the vampire world. Tall, blonde, and tough as nails, she’s the leader of her coven and wants to help the Sons in their fight against the Archons. All she has to do is be convinced by the man they send to plead their case, a clyten named Dante.

  Ramiel’s tiny dining room was filled to capacity as all the Sons of Navarus sat for the weekly meeting, an occurrence Dante had decided he could do without after sitting through just the first one. Hanging out like they were some coffee klatch or book club wasn’t the way to defeat the Archons. At least not in his opinion.

  “I think we need to investigate how we can get at least some of the witches on our side. That coven in New York came to us. I think Nico’s right. I don’t think we can just ignore them,” Vasilije said in his usual serious tone.

  The Romanian had been entirely too serious for Dante since his breakup with Sasa. “Maybe you can take a field trip back east, Vasilije?” he offered, semi-joking. “You look like you can use a little time away from here.”

  Vasilije squinted and shot Dante one of his vicious glares before he returned to the discussion at hand. “So what does everyone who actually bothered to think about this have to say?”


  From the opposite side of the table, Dante saw Terek offer him his best fatherly look, intended to make him realize he was already getting on Vasilije’s nerves.

  Ramiel, thankfully, spoke up to diffuse the entire situation. “I think Vasilije’s right. We’ve got the dragons and weres on our side, but the Archons are going to be bringing their A-game with Hades’ daemons and the European witches. Any way we can find a chink in their armor is good, and even one coven of witches could help us. Like the rest of you, I’m no fan of witches, but this is war.”

  Terek shook his head. “Vasilije and I can’t go. We’re busy with the dragon brothers.”

  “I can’t go either,” Ramiel said with a smile. “I’m going to start working with the weres, and as the only one here with a newborn, I get an automatic pass.”

  “That’s bullshit. So single guys get punished?” Dante asked, forgetting that Vasilije was a single guy now too.

  Vasilije raised one dark eyebrow and leaned back in his chair. Folding his arms across his chest, he said, “I agree with Nico once again. I think it should be Dante who goes. He’s an American, and who better to deal with the witches than a clyten?”

  “What the fuck? Now I get punished for being single and special? I’ve never even met a witch. What am I going to do with one when I do?” Dante protested.

  “Maybe you could get them to support o
ur cause. That would be what you’re going there to do. Try to remember that.” Vasilije’s thinly veiled sarcasm wasn’t lost on anyone in the room, including Dante.

  Looking around at the group, he knew he wasn’t going to get out of this trip. Ramiel had a newborn, Vasilije and Terek were busy working with the dragons, and Nico never left Greece. Sion was still busy with Kali, so that gave him an out. That only left Saint, who was still dealing with the aftereffects of Solenne’s kidnapping and refused to go anywhere without her.

  Dante knew what that meant. He was the man for the job, even if he didn’t have a clue as to what to do with fucking witches.

  “Well, if I’m the guy, someone better give me some information on these witches. I thought vampires hated them.”

  “We do, for the most part,” Nico explained. “The Order has been working to improve relations between us, but in this fight with the Archons, they’ve taken their side. But this one coven seems to want to break ranks, so we need to find out if we can really depend on them.”

  “Am I walking into some kind of ambush or something? Not that I can’t handle it, but I think I should know. I mean, are they going to turn me into some kind of toad?”

  “Couldn’t be worse than what you are now,” Vasilije said directly toward Dante.

  Nico put his hand up before Dante could answer the Romanian’s jab. “Gentlemen, we need these witches. Without them, the Archons have power we don’t. Dante, you shouldn’t have a hard time with the witches. They’ve come to us, so we want to believe they support us. Just keep your wits about you and don’t eat or drink anything while you’re with them. Other than that, try not to piss these women off. We want to be friends with them.”

  “Piss them off? Unlike all of you, I actually have a lot of success with the ladies. Leave this to me. They’re in good hands.”

  Dante watched as all the men in the room turned to look at him, all with a skeptical look in their eyes. They didn’t believe he could handle this. Well, he’d show them. It was about time the young guy showed all these veterans how it was really done.


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