by Elle Rease
“There should be a tap here, somewhere.” He glanced around and pointed. “Over there. I have to wash my hands, anyway.”
She felt her face grown warm. “We really should consider sticking to sex in our house, only.”
“Like I’ll be able to keep my hands off you everywhere else,” he snorted.
Leading the way to the tap, she opened it and winced at the cold water as she cleaned up between her legs. She stepped aside and thanked Brennan for bringing her top over, which she’d totally forgotten about. She quickly tied it in place and watched him zipping up after he’d washed away the last remnants of their tryst.
“I don’t think that’s going to hold me off for a week, by the way,” he grumbled, taking her hand and kissing the palm. “We’ll have to find a way to be quiet while the kids are around.”
She rolled her eyes. “Come on, daddy. Time to go.”
He didn’t budge for a while, staring at her. “I like that. ‘Daddy’.”
“Hell no, I am not—”
“Not for you to call me, Cin.” He chuckled. “I don’t want to feel like I’m making love to my daughter.”
She softened, smiling. “We can talk about it, okay?”
Brennan seemed mightily relieved. He kissed the top of her head. “Thank you.”
She decided to keep the fact that she’d stopped taking birth control after Dawn’s baby shower a secret for a little while longer. Hopefully, the next time they discussed it, she’ll be able to break the news that she was already expecting.
Chapter Fourteen
“No,” she complained. She shoved at Brennan, who had half his weight on her. “Shut your alarm off.”
He didn’t budge. “Hmm.”
“Brennan, it’s your turn.”
Grunting, he shifted even closer to her, his head on her chest and his mouth heading for her nipple.
Cinnia flushed, torn between wanting him to carry on and needing him to stop. “Brennan,” she argued half-heartedly. She couldn’t exactly be firm when her fingers were already in his hair, egging him on. “It’s our last day with the kids. Come on, get up.”
“I’m up,” he mumbled, pressing his erection against her hip.
“You know what I mean.”
“I don’t.”
“It’s a Saturday.” His hand skated south, parting her nether lips. He was also humping her. “Let them sleep late.”
Her resistance was wavering. For the past five days, they’ve had to wake up earlier. She would head downstairs to start breakfast while Brennan helped Sophie and Connor get dressed. Then they would all sit around the dining table, like a family—at Jemma’s insistence, since it’s their routine back home—and try to be as talkative as possible.
Brennan would leave for work while she took the kids to school in the SUV. In the afternoons, he would swing by Drummond’s Customs & Repairs to swap his Harley for his car to pick them up as soon as the final bell rang. He’d drop them off at the club’s daycare center, go back to work, and then she would take the kids home.
Jemma and Nixon phoned every night to make sure their children were okay.
Their routine was so streamlined, even if it’s only been a week, that Cinnia had no idea what they would do once the kids went back to their parents. The only positive was that she would have much more time on her hands to please her fiancé.
“Bren,” she murmured, tilting her hips up to meet his thrusting fingers. “Bren, please.”
“What’re you begging me for, lass?” He thumbed her clit and tilted his head up to nibble on her neck, all while his hips gyrated against her. The tip of his cock was wet as it nudged her skin. “To keep going, or to stop?”
Stop? Cinnia wondered, dazed. Surely he couldn’t mean that he’ll actually back off if she asked him to go away so she could take care of… Wait, who was she supposed to look after? What was the date? Her surname?
The only thing on her mind was to suck him off, right after he gave her head. He was so damn good at that.
She turned to catch his wandering mouth with hers, kissing him deeply.
“Keep going, then,” he chuckled.
“Shut up.” She pushed him back and got on top of him, straddling his chest. “Use your mouth for something else.”
“I have a better idea: turn around.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t we too old to sixty-nine?”
“Aren’t we making up for all the wild sex you didn’t get to have, back in the day?” he countered.
She contemplated that for a moment and nodded. “Okay fine, but you’ll have to—”
She went ice cold and shut her eyes, hoping that she hadn’t really heard Sophie’s voice. But, glancing over her shoulder, she felt her face grow warm. “What’s up, sweetie?”
Here she was, sitting with her dripping core so close to Brennan’s lips that she could feel his breath, completely naked, and a little girl was standing in the doorway. Thank God that the sheet was still covering Brennan’s private parts.
I wonder how much therapy it’s going to take her to un-see this.
“I’m thirsty,” Sophie replied sleepily, clutching a teddy in her arms.
“I’ll be right there, Soph. Let me get dressed first, okay?”
Nodding, Sophie disappeared down the hallway.
Cinnia glared at Brennan once she felt his chest vibrating. “You better not be laughing!” She jumped off and punched him in the gut. “You are laughing! Brennan!”
“Come on,” he wheezed, “that was fucking hilarious!”
“Do you know how much trouble we’ll be in if she tells Jemma?”
“Oh please, I’m pretty sure the kids have walked in on them before. Besides, we weren’t doing anything.”
“Except I’m naked!” She grabbed a robe and tightened it around her. “Can’t you see the severity of this situation?”
“Now that you’ve covered yourself, I can’t see shit.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible,” she muttered grumpily, exiting the bedroom to the sound of his laughter. She found Connor in the hallway and dragged him along to the kitchen, where Sophie was sitting at the breakfast nook. “What would you like, sweetie?”
“Chocolate milk, please.”
Cinnia glanced at Connor. “For you?”
“Yes, please.”
“You guys are so polite.” She smiled as she poured them each a glass and pushed it towards them. “You must be excited to go back home and see your dad.”
“I can’t remember him,” Sophie admitted.
Cinnia’s heart skipped a painful beat. If she fell pregnant, she was going to have a word with Brennan about the violence in the club. She would be so angry if her daughter had to say this about him. He would have to be a present father, not someone their kids only saw every once in a while.
“That’s okay, sweetie,” she said. “You’ll have plenty of time to catch up. He loves you both very much.”
They nodded and sipped on their milk. Then Sophie gazed at Cinnia rather curiously. “What were you and Bren doing?”
Cinnia went red. So much for wishing this little girl hadn’t seen anything… “Uhm, we were playing.”
“With your clothes off?”
“Grown-ups do that, sometimes. Usually behind closed doors, so no one else gets to see it.” Cinnia tucked her hair behind her ears and cleared her throat. “I’m sorry you walked in on that. I should’ve been more careful.”
I should have known better, was what she meant to say. I shouldn’t have let my hormones rule my common sense.
“Do you play naked a lot?” Connor chimed in.
“As much as we can, buddy,” the man in question rumbled as he strode into the kitchen. He was wearing loose-fitting sweatpants and a smug smile. “You’ll understand when you’re older and then you’ll high-five me for it.”
“Oh my God,” Cinnia said, slapping her fiancé’s arm. “Will you stop
Brennan leered at her. “Come on, you know I’m right.”
“Ugh, whatever.” She threw her hands in the air and opened the fridge. “What do you guys want for breakfast?”
“Pancakes!” Connor and Sophie chorused.
One corner of her mouth tilted up. “But you had pancakes yesterday.”
“Please?” Connor begged.
“Fine,” Cinnia sighed theatrically. She was proud that her food was so good. The kids always asked for seconds, though she kept their portions small so they wouldn’t overeat. Brennan, on the other hand… His diet had been shot to hell the second Jemma’s children began their week-long stay. “I’ll add some chocolate chips this time. How’s that sound?”
“Yay!” Sophie cheered happily.
“Alright, then,” Cinnia said while she grabbed a bowl and began mixing the batter, turning her back on the others in the kitchen.
“What can I do for you?” Brennan murmured, embracing her from behind. She wasn’t imagining his hard-on as he closed the distance between their bodies. “Or do you have everything under control?”
“You can check that all their clothes are clean and help them… pack…” She trailed off when his hand parted her robe and slipped between her legs. “Bren,” she warned, keeping her voice low.
“They can’t see anything,” he whispered in her ear before catching the lobe between his teeth and tugging. That action alone sent liquid trickling down her thighs. “And if you don’t give anything away, they won’t know any better.”
“But Bren—”
“I need to make you cum, lass.” His finger went in search of her clit, circling it a few times before pressing down. “Let me.”
Cinnia’s nipples hardened and her brain was slowly shutting down, which often happened when Brennan worked his magic. She braced herself, clutching the bowl of batter while his finger played her clit like it was his favorite instrument.
“You’re giving it away,” he informed her. She felt him shift behind her to address the kids. “Con, Soph, why don’t you guys go pack up your stuff so long? I’ll be right…” He trailed off and rubbed his crotch on her ass in a suggestive manner. “In to help.”
She bit down on her bottom lip to prevent herself from gasping, Brennan’s finger sliding down to her dripping core.
“Cin’s still going to be a while,” Brennan went on. “We’ll call when we’re done, okay?”
“Okay!” they replied brightly, scurrying out of the room, excited by the mere thought of preparing to go home.
“Alone at last,” he chuckled, his chest rumbling on the recently healed skin of her back.
“You’re terrible,” Cinnia breathed.
“You’re worse.” His free hand pulled the robe off her shoulder so he could rain kisses on her exposed neck, while the fingers of his other hand ran from her wet entrance to her pulsing clit. “Not fighting me off.” His tongue and teeth nipped her skin. “Not doing anything to stop me.”
He was right, of course: she was grinding her ass on his crotch, wishing he would pull his pants down and bend her over the counter. She was used to losing the rational part of her mind around him.
“Do you think you can be quiet?” He grasped her naked breast at the same time an adventurous digit thrust into her. When she whimpered, he laughed softly. “Or will I have to gag you, lass?”
She bit down on her bottom lip, scared that he’ll stop if she made even the softest of sounds.
Suddenly, he grabbed her roughly, threw her over his shoulder and walked to the laundry room. Once inside, he firmly shut the door and deposited her on the floor. He tugged the satin belt from the loops of her robe.
“Strip and then get on your knees.”
She stared at him in wonder. His tattooed chest was heaving, as if getting her all worked up was more thrilling for him. The tent in his sweatpants had her mouth watering and she clumsily carried out his demand.
“Good,” he approved huskily. “Hands behind your back.”
Her eyelids fluttered as he tied her wrists together, using her belt. She wasn’t able to move her arms once he was done and her heart skipped a bit. What was he up to?
He stood in front of her and pushed his pants down to his ankles. His pierced dick bobbed in front of her. He raked his fingers through her hair and clutched the back of her head, bringing her closer to his crotch.
“Suck me.”
She creamed herself at his tone. He’d taken away two of the tools she always used to tease the shit out of him, leaving her with her mouth alone. She licked her lips, captivated by his cock, which has brought her so much pleasure over the months they’ve been together. Frankly, any time she could show appreciation, she did so with vigor.
Flicking her tongue over his head, she relished in his grunt of endorsement. She forgot that she was at a disadvantage and focused on bringing him pleasure, scooting closer on her knees so she could wrap her lips around his tip.
“Yes,” he hissed.
She took him deeper, hollowing her cheeks as she sucked him. He swelled even more, as he so often did when she gave him head, filling her mouth in a way that made her wish he would do the same to another of her orifices. Her tongue weaved around his tip. Her fingers twitched with the need to touch him, grab him, anything.
Brennan began thrusting, gently at first, making his cock go a little further every time. His fingers got tangled in her hair as he kept her head where it was. She slackened her jaw to accept more of him, though this prevented her from doing much else.
“I love fucking your mouth,” he murmured.
She moaned at his dirty words.
“Jesus!” His pace was faster now, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat.
She wanted to see his face, to see what she was doing to him, so she only half-protested once he pulled her off his dick. “Why’d you stop?” she complained.
“We don’t have much time.” He easily lifted her up, onto the washing machine. He spread her legs, hooking them behind his back. “I want you to remember today.”
“Why?” she gasped, throwing her head back as he sheathed his dick in her.
“I’ll always want you.” He groaned and shoved into her, again and again. “I’ll always want to make you cum. When those are our kids outside, I’ll still drag you to an empty room and fuck you senseless.”
She used her heels to push against his ass, urging him to go faster and harder. She was so damn useless without her hands. “Holding you to that!” Cinnia moaned.
He gave her what she wanted and she flew over the precipice, the tips of her fingers tingling as her orgasm washed over her. He leaned forward to capture her mouth, swallowing her cry of pleasure while he followed her to completion.
There was a knock on the door. “Cin?” Connor called. “I can’t find my Spiderman T-shirt.”
She blinked a few times and noticed the tower of their clean laundry on the opposite counter. “I found it,” she assured him, breathless. “Be right out!”
Brennan undid the knots holding her hands together. “What I wouldn’t give to go another round.”
“Just wait a few hours,” she giggled. She shook her hands out and flinched at the red marks around her wrists. “And a bit more breathing room next time, okay?”
“Sorry,” he mumbled, kissing her bruises.
She rolled her eyes. “No, you’re not.”
“You’re right.” He pulled his pants up and reached for a towel. He wiped her clean, letting Gentle Brennan come out to play for a moment. “I love my marks on you.”
“Yeah, yeah, take that to the kids, will you?” She pointed to the children’s clothes. “I’ll get the pancakes going.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She watched him discreetly exit the laundry room and sighed, which quickly turned into a laugh. How had she gone from nearly getting caught having sex with her fiancé—and getting the daylights scared out of her in the process—to actually going through with it?r />
Damn Brennan and his insatiable appetite, she thought half-heartedly, fastening her robe and marching back to the kitchen to finish her breakfast duties. At the same time, she hoped that he would keep his promise of eternal sex, or her life will start sucking the second she gave birth. She wanted to believe that their kind of attraction had no end, because she certainly hasn’t tired of his body yet.
She was frying the last pancake by the time he brought the kids back to the kitchen. They were both dressed already, and Brennan had changed his outfit, too. He gave her a searing look, causing her insides to turn to jelly once more.
What the hell’s the matter with you, slut? She blinked a few times to get rid of the haze of lust that’s settled over her. Why couldn’t she ever get enough of him?
“Here you go, guys,” Cinnia announced, dishing for everyone. “Get started. I just want to go get a hair clip.” She paused, eyeing the kids.
“I’ve got this,” Brennan assured her.
She headed upstairs to the bedroom, and double-checked her neck for any marks. Satisfied that there were none, she piled her hair on her head in a makeshift bun. She spritzed some perfume—mostly to conceal the sex smell—behind her ears and went back to the kitchen.
Her step faltered at the threshold. She’s had the privilege of seeing an unexpected side of Brennan for the past week, a part of him that he’s buried deep.
He was brilliant with children and she’ll be the first to admit that it did something to her female hormones to see him take care of Jemma’s kids. He’s never complained about being responsible for them, apart from making the odd wisecrack about their “withering sex life”. They both knew it wasn’t true. He’s made sure it wasn’t.
There he was, cutting up Sophie’s pancakes for her with the most content smile on his face, while Connor chattered endlessly about some toy. Cinnia imagined him with their children and her heart nearly burst. He looked like the worst kind of bad guy, what with his long hair, piercings and tattoos, and yet he had the gentlest nature.
She sniffed away her tears and sauntered towards the breakfast nook, dropping a kiss on Brennan’s head.