by Elle Rease
And he proved it, proceeding to penetrate her ass while keeping his cock outside of her drenched core. His tongue, teeth and lips scoured a path from her neck to her breast. She breathed heavily, moaned and mewled more times than she could count. She tried not to let her grip on the iron pole falter.
She tumbled over the edge when he sucked on her nipple.
She screamed in pleasure as his cock rubbed her clit until she came undone.
His fingers in her ass shoved her into her fourth, and final, orgasm, just as she felt his cock erupt. It was a huge relief, knowing that he’d had release, too.
If not for his strong hold on her hips, she would’ve collapsed to the ground. A cool breeze cut through the spell his amazing sex drive had put her under. She suddenly remembered why they were here in the first place.
“Uhm,” she panted, “I think that was… more than half… an hour.”
Brennan burst out laughing, giving her a chaste kiss. “Aye, I think you’re right.” He righted her dress and then put his kilt back on. “They’ll probably send a search party if we don’t get to it.”
“I’d much rather go home and cuddle.”
“Soon, lass,” he vowed. “You can let go of the pole now.”
She winced once she did, her fingers complaining from the movement. She flexed them a few times and glanced at her wrist, as if she had X-ray vision and could spot if something was wrong. “It feels okay.”
“Good, I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.”
“I’m uncomfortably wet, though.” She nearly went weak in the knees at the look he was giving her. “Bren, you just said—”
“No, you’re right, I should clean you up.”
She didn’t protest when he went back on his knees and under her skirt, mostly because she didn’t have the energy. We’re going to be so late, she thought blissfully.
Byron was just about to jump on his Harley to find out where the fuck Cinnia and Brennan were, when they finally arrived at the reception. He’s been going crazy, conjuring up all sorts of kidnapping-and-abuse related scenarios that could explain their delay, that he’d forgotten they were a newlywed couple who were probably having newlywed sex.
Fucking idiot, he admonished himself, ordering a shot of Jägermeister. Anyone could see, by the flush in their cheeks, that they’d had some fun on the way over here. You don’t have to be so uptight all the time.
He was damn paranoid lately, always fearing the worst, thanks to Cinnia’s ambush. Sure, that hadn’t been his fault, but he remembered how she’d looked, passed out on the ground while that vile bastard had attempted to have his way with her.
Byron had seen red. He couldn’t recall punching those fuckers until everyone heard the sirens in the distance. Heck, he’d hardly noticed their retreating footsteps when they had decided to split. All that had mattered was protecting Cinnia.
He loved her like a sister. She’s been incredibly accepting of him, wriggling her way into his heart even while he’d tried to keep her at arm’s length. He wanted to be a tough, bad-ass Raptors biker, yet she’d softened him up and had quickly become his number one confidant.
Heaven alone knew that he couldn’t talk to his parents about his life… They would disown him for still being bisexual. As things stood, they disapproved of his need to belong to “a bunch of outlaws”. They were the typical breed of staunch Christians: very judgmental of everyone who weren’t religious, in other words.
So completely opposite to Cinnia and the Raptors, and the warmth and family values these bikers exuded.
“Everything okay, By?”
He shook out of his thoughts and nodded in response to Ryan’s question, coming from the other side of the bar. “Fine, thanks.” He threw the Jäger back and tapped it on the counter, indicating that he wanted another.
Ryan wasn’t buying it, but he topped up Byron’s glass, all the same. This man knew him better than his own father, and was the reason why Byron was pursuing getting patched into the MC. “You sure?”
“Yeah.” Byron savored the burn of the alcohol as it went down. “Get me a Jameson on the rocks, please.”
“Coming right up.”
Byron rubbed his eyes, trying not to get weighed down by his depression. On Cinnia’s request, he’d accompanied her to a few therapy sessions. Most of the time, he just sat listening to what she had to say. She was suffering from nightmares and her injuries were constant reminders of how close she’d been to getting raped, which was—understandably—messing with her head.
He didn’t feel the need to divulge that he was angry every waking moment of his life and struggling to cope with school. He didn’t say that his relationships were falling apart around him, because of him. He couldn’t take the spotlight from her. Those were her sessions.
It didn’t mean that he was brave enough to make his own appointments, though. He was afraid that he’ll have to break down all of his protective layers and start from scratch. It was bad enough that his childhood had been one cluster fuck after the other.
Like that time he’d kissed a boy in his final year of primary school… It had been a dare, not something anyone in on it had taken seriously, yet he had enjoyed it. He’d wanted to do it again. His teenage mind had envisioned being ravished by a girl and a boy, at the same time, and he’d craved nothing more.
The principle of the school had walked in while Byron had been in that fateful lip-lock and had tattled to his parents. They hadn’t taken it well, sending him off to a camp to “cure” him of his “perversions”. He’d had to bury his true desires deep inside, sneaking out to get them fulfilled, from then on. It hadn’t been enough to keep his escapades on the down low, however, and his parents had gone to extreme measures to “help” him.
“By, this is a wedding,” Ryan said, saving him from his thoughts again. “You sure you wanna go with that face?”
Byron forced a smile. “Sorry, I was thinking.”
“That much is clear, but maybe you should focus on celebrating, instead.”
“Good idea.” Byron lifted his glass to Ryan and got to his feet. “Thanks for the drink.”
Sipping on whiskey, he watched the other guests as he walked through the crowd. Everyone was jovial. He’d known that the Raptors MC was one of the biggest in the country, yet he hadn’t been able to perceive just how many members it had. Now, he could put faces to the names he’d had to learn off by heart during his first week as a Prospect.
Frankly, he was surprised the Drummonds had found a venue big enough to host all of these people. Then again, they owned about half of the town, and this hotel had been happy to take Reade’s business. As far as Byron knew, many of the charters would be spending the night here instead of driving back, on Reade’s expense.
Must’ve been a great childhood, Byron thought as he spotted Brennan. He got to do whatever the hell he wanted, while being treated like royalty.
His parents, on the other hand, will completely flip their lids when Byron eventually showed up with his Raptors ink. He should start thinking about getting his own place, so they won’t hang the “we’re kicking you out” stress over his head…
He blinked and smiled at Piper, who was waving him over to her group. She was chatting to a bunch of teenage girls with Teagan only a few steps away, as always. Byron found that kind of love amazing: he’s seen it between a lot of bikers and their old ladies. It’s something Byron didn’t understand, yet he craved it, all the same.
“Didn’t you bring a date?” Piper asked as he joined them.
Nope, I didn’t even tell Zoey about the wedding. “She couldn’t make it.”
“That’s too bad.” She had a naughty twinkle in her amber eyes. “I was just telling the girls how you’re like the hero in the MC.”
He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I wouldn’t go that far. I mean, look at me. I’m skinny as fuck.”
Piper rolled her eyes. “Oh please, h
e’s got a six-pack under that shirt, I’ve seen it.” She waggled her eyebrows at the girls, who were giggling and looking at Byron with unabashed interest. “It’s usually the quiet ones that’ll surprise you.”
“I’m starting to wonder just how close you and By are,” Teagan commented dryly, putting his arm around her shoulders.
“Oh, hush up,” she giggled, patting his stomach.
“So,” one of the girls said. She shifted closer to Byron and gave him a coy smile. She was really pretty, he had to admit, and from a neighboring charter, if the bulky ring on her finger was anything to go on. “It’s By, right?”
“Everyone calls me that, yeah.”
“Are you a Prospect?”
He inclined his head and finished his whiskey, swapping his glass for champagne as a waiter passed with a tray of drinks. “Hopefully, I’ll be patched in a few weeks from now.”
Piper’s eyes lit up. “Yeah, I heard—” She glared at Teagan, who’d put a hand over her mouth to shut her up.
“No telling,” was Teagan’s response.
Byron kept his attention on the girl. She was twirling her honey blonde hair around a finger as she sized him up, making him grateful for his height. Until his exercise regime began paying off and he bulked up, it was about all he had to impress girls with.
Well, that, and he loved eating pussy.
“Where do you fit in the picture?” he asked.
“I’m Billy’s kid,” she replied, tilting her head in the direction of William Abernethy. She held her hand out to Byron. “Cass.”
He folded his hand around hers. He felt slightly intimidated, since William was the Prez of a neighboring charter, and was trying hard not to show it. “Nice to meet you.”
“Sure is,” she grinned. “How come your date couldn’t make it?”
“Apparently, a Drummond wedding isn’t a high priority in her life.”
“Ah, she’s not a Raptor.” Cass bit her bottom lip as her gaze went down to his belt buckle. “Other people don’t understand this lifestyle.”
A smile was playing at the corners of his mouth. She was still staring at his crotch and it’ll only be a matter of time before his dick rose to the challenge, so to speak. “Yeah, I’ve noticed.”
“I don’t think she’ll know how to…” She trailed off and finally looked him in the eyes again. Her pink tongue darted out to lick her lips. “Please you.”
“And you do?” he asked with faux disbelief. “We’ve only just met.”
“That doesn’t matter.”
He glanced at her father. “Does he know how naughty you are?”
“If he finds out, you’ll be in trouble.” There were devils dancing in her dark gaze. “Does that scare you?”
Byron grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. She was nearly two heads shorter than him, thanks to his recent growth spurt, and wearing a very short dress. His fingers dove under the hemline. “You tell me.”
Cass’ smile widened. “Piper wasn’t lying.”
Think about Zoey, a little voice in his head urged. Unfortunately, it did nothing to stop his fingers from reaching Cass’ panties. She’ll be so hurt if you go through with this.
“Ah, you’re thinking of your date.” At his questioning glance, she simply shrugged. “I can tell. If you’re too chicken, you should probably head back to the bar and keep drowning your sorrows.”
She was so different from other girls their age. Zoey would’ve wanted to know what’s wrong, so she could help—or fix—him. Cass didn’t seem to give a shit about that. Then again, this can only be a one-time thing. After the wedding, Cass will head back to her charter with her father, and he’ll keep seeing Zoey.
“Come on,” he muttered, taking her hand and dragging her away from the party.
“Cassandra!” a male voice rumbled behind them.
She giggled and clutched Byron’s hand tighter to keep up with his long-legged pace. “Time to run, By,” she informed him casually, “unless you want to meet dad’s fists.”
He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his mouth. He broke into a jog, pulling her along, and they burst through the doors of the hotel’s largest conference room. He went left, rushing to the lobby, and they exited the hotel and hid between two large potted plants. They were both panting, out of breath from the sprint.
“Cassandra!” a different voice yelled from inside, though it sounded as if Byron had thrown them off and they wouldn’t be coming this way.
She pressed her body to his. “And that would be my ‘boyfriend’,” she said, making air quotes around the title.
“What does that mean?” Byron asked with raised eyebrows.
“It means that he thinks I should be his, just ‘cause he’s my dad’s VP.” She rolled her eyes while her hand went to his belt buckle. “He hates it when I hook up with other people, ‘cause he thinks he owns me.”
“Yeah, you definitely don’t look like you’re anyone’s old lady,” he chuckled. He lifted her in his arms, pinning her to the wall and kissing her hungrily. The adrenaline had his cock at full mast, and her tongue and hands were only helping matters.
“Fuck, you’re a player,” she moaned, rubbing her crotch over his once his pants hit the ground. “No wonder you didn’t bring your date. She would’ve hated seeing all the women you’ve fucked.”
“Condom’s in my back pocket.”
She burst out laughing as she reached for it. “See? Player.”
“Takes one to know one.” He pushed her panties aside to find her damp. “Come on, you can do better than—”
There was a commotion at the entrance of the hotel, only a few feet away. “Cassandra!” the men hollered. “Where the fuck are you!”
Byron was feeling very brave—due to horniness or inebriation, he wasn’t sure—so he licked two of his fingers and pushed them into her. She slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a moan, squeezing his shoulder with the hand that held the condom.
So tight, he thought, shutting his eyes in bliss. Wish I had time to eat her out…
“Condom,” Byron reminded her quietly. He loved how wet she was already. The rush must be getting to her, too.
She tore the wrapper and gripped his dick. “Fuck, you came packing,” she murmured as she covered him. “Player.”
“Look who’s talking.” He replaced his fingers with his cock, groaning at the sensation. “Want your boyfriend to hear you scream?”
Raking her fingers through his hair, she pulled him closer for a kiss. “Don’t care.”
“You’re gonna regret that.”
“What do you—ah!”
He’d rammed into her roughly, feeding off her raunchy sexual intent. He retreated and slammed back inside, his scalp prickling. Sure, he’s had plenty of sex for someone so young, but never quite like this. She was just totally different from anyone he’s known before, as if she didn’t give a fuck what people thought of her, which was unusual for a teenager.
She tightened her legs around his waist, wanting to get closer. He braced one hand on the wall behind her and picked up the pace. She gripped him so tightly that he knew she was practiced in sex. Either that or she did a shitload of Kegel exercises. He wondered when she’d lost her virginity.
“Head in the game, player,” she mewled, biting his earlobe.
He punctuated his movements by saying: “Head’s in you, princess.”
She giggled breathily. “Original.”
“No one like me.”
“No one,” she agreed, arching into him. “Close?”
“About to blow.”
“Yeah.” She hissed between clenched teeth and squeezed her eyes shut. “Fuck, yeah. Yeah!”
Byron kissed her again, mostly to keep her relatively silent, as they found release. Her pussy clenched around his dick, giving him the best sensation. He pressed her further into the wall to prevent himself from keeling over.
What he wouldn’t do to be in bed right now.
“Wow,” she gasped, pulling away. “Not bad, player.”
“Whatever you say, princess.”
She eyed him, trying to suppress a smile. “Why princess?”
“Daughter of an important man.” He shrugged and straightened his spine. “Fucking the help. It makes sense.”
She threw her head back and laughed. “You’re not the help, Byron Johannson.”
He blinked, taken aback. “How’d you know my full name?”
“I know everything about you.” She touched the side of his face. “Time to pull out. This is getting terribly intimate and ruining my afterglow.”
Retreating, he double-checked the condom to make sure it hadn’t torn. They’d gone at it quite roughly, after all. Satisfied that he couldn’t have made her pregnant, he pulled his pants up and watched her smooth the skirt of her dress. She still looked thoroughly fucked, though.
“Why do you know everything about me?” he asked.
“Who doesn’t know about the guy who saved Cinnia Sloane?” Cass pulled the pins from her blonde hair and shook it out. Already, it improved her just-fucked appearance. “You’re a legend in the MC.”
He doubted that, but he could play along. “Ah, so that’s why you wanted to fuck me.”
She rolled her eyes. “I wanted to fuck you ‘cause you’re hot.”
“You know, you sound like a dude.”
“When you grow up with a bunch of guys, you’re bound to think like them.” She inhaled deeply, finally done fussing over her clothes, hair and makeup. “Ready to go back inside and pretend as if you didn’t just have your way with me against a wall, like an animal?”
He laughed softly and shook his head. “Sure I am. I don’t think you can hide the smell of your wet pussy, though.”
She blushed and shoved his shoulder. “Shut up.”
“Wait, now you’re offended?” He frowned as he fell into step with her. “You smell amazing.”