Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel

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Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel Page 45

by Elle Rease

  “So, basically, you’d have to marry her first,” Brennan remarked.

  “I mean, not right now…” Byron trailed off, chuckling nervously. “We’ll have to see if we can stand each other for extended periods of time, first. I’d like it if she moved in with me.”

  Brennan parked the car. “I hope you’ve tested the waters already, so you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “Not everything’s about sex, Bren,” Cinnia interjected, getting out the car.

  “Oh, I don’t know, lass.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “I’d say it is.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Come on, these boxes aren’t going to unpack themselves.”

  “Cin, will you go ahead and unlock the door? It saves me a trip.” Byron chucked a bunch of keys in her direction, smirking when she snatched it out of the air. “Good catch.”

  “Thanks, and sure.”

  She noted all the details of the complex on the way to the second floor, smiling at the modern design. Reade had made a good call by investing in a few units, Byron’s being one of them. It had great security features and was close to a shopping center. With a community building that included a fully-equipped gym, conference venue and swimming pool, it really was no wonder why ninety percent of the flats had been sold before construction was completed.

  Unlocking and opening the front door marked E205, she stepped inside and immediately began moving the living room set around. When the men joined her with the boxes, they all jumped in to get everything in its rightful place.

  It took nearly two hours and, by the end, they’d all slumped onto the couches, each clutching a bottle of ice cold water.

  “I owe you guys,” Byron commented. “All of this has been a dream come true for me.”

  “We’ve got your back, By,” Brennan reminded him.

  “And I’ve got yours.”

  Cinnia leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder, content. “We know you do,” she murmured. “It’s why we love you so much.”

  Holding her gaze, Byron seemed to contemplate what she was saying. She wished she could eavesdrop, to know how his head worked. He had been much easier to read before rehab, when he’d been just a kid… Before he’d learned to compose himself.

  “We should go,” Brennan announced, getting up. “The sooner we get out of here, the sooner the three of us can learn to live apart.”

  Cinnia followed suit, albeit at a slower pace. Byron accompanied them all the way to the parking lot, lost in thought. Once they were at the car, she embraced him tightly. God, she was going to miss having him down the hall from her!

  “I love you, Cin.”

  Heart beating at twice its regular speed, she gave him a squeeze. “Love you, too,” she whispered, moving away. “Goodbye, Byron.”

  Was she imagining his eyes widening in understanding? His chin dipped in a curt nod. “Goodbye, Cinnia,” he greeted, shifting his gaze to Brennan. “VP.”

  “Hero,” the Scottish biker smiled.

  And, as she watched Byron turn on his heel and head back towards his new home, she let out a long, deep breath. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this light! Friends, she reminded herself, getting in the car. I choose my husband, every single day. Byron is, and always will be, my friend.


  “Thank you for meeting me.”

  “Of course, Bren. It sounded urgent over the phone.”

  He shifted on his seat, uncomfortable. He hated going behind Cinnia’s back like this, since it made him recall all those times he’d been unfaithful to her when she’d been younger. They had such an open and honest relationship now, and he didn’t want to fuck it up.

  She wouldn’t be happy about this situation, but what choice did they have anymore? She was headstrong on having a baby and they’ve been struggling, for over a year, to find an appropriate surrogate. It certainly didn’t help that Dawn’s already popped out baby number two.

  Brennan clenched his hands into fists under the table. Some people had no idea how lucky they were.

  “I must say, I was surprised to hear from you,” Tessa said, the one corner of her mouth tilting up. “What’s it been, eight years?”

  “More or less,” he replied.

  Her appearance was totally different from when they’d been intimate. Back then, she had been skinnier with dyed black hair, which had been the main reason he’d pursued her. After Cinnia had broken up with him, he’d been obsessed with fucking women who had her features, and Tessa had graced his bed for three months. It hadn’t succeeded in lessening his heartache, but the sex had—at the time—been out of this world.

  Now, though, she was curvier and her natural ginger hair was cut in a pixie style that barely touched her ears. She’s since removed her facial piercings and wore her make-up light. Gone was the Gothic girl who’d kept him busy between the sheets. In her place sat a well-rounded woman, gazing at him with dark blue eyes and freckles over her nose.

  “You look good, Tess.”

  She shook her head with a laugh. “I’m sure you didn’t call me over here to talk about my looks. What’s going on?”

  “I got your number from the clinic.”

  Frustratingly, that was all he could get out. He cleared his throat and began toying with the cutlery on the table. It hasn’t exactly been an easy marriage so far. Between their fertility issues and Cinnia’s close friendship with Byron, Brennan has sometimes felt like running away.

  “That’s against protocol. Why would they hand out my info?”

  “You’re next on our list.”

  Her eyes stretched in understanding. “‘Our’?”

  “Cinnia and I are married now.”

  “Congratulations, Bren! I know how much you love her.”

  “More than life itself,” he said hoarsely. Why was he so emotional over this?

  “You have trouble conceiving?” She chuckled to herself. “Oddly, with your appetite, I never thought that would be possible.”

  He rubbed his temples and straightened his spine. He could do this. “She was… attacked. The doctors say she shouldn’t have children the natural way.”

  “Shit, Bren, I’m so sorry.” Tessa reached over and gave his hand a squeeze. Then she stilled. “Wait, that was her? I read something in the local paper, but they didn’t mention names.”

  “She didn’t want people to know.”

  “Fuck, that’s rough. I’m really sorry.” She withdrew her hand and glanced out the window, watching people passing the diner. “Why haven’t you had success with surrogates before?”

  “They all…” Fuck, this was hard. Somehow, explaining it to Tessa made everything more real. “We want the surrogate to live with us and, every time we meet one, Cin seems to think they’re obsessed with me. Naturally, she doesn’t want someone getting between us while they’re carrying our child.”

  “That’s the thing about being in a relationship with a beautiful person.” She shook her head. “Everyone else wants them, too.”

  Brennan thought about his wife and agreed wholeheartedly. She might not realize it, but there were plenty of men who would’ve made passes at her if they weren’t shit scared that he’d kick their asses, or worse… including Byron. Although, to an extent, Brennan was beginning to think the lad had no clue of his own feelings for Cinnia.

  She didn’t know just how fucking gorgeous she really was.

  “How many?”

  “We’ve started the process four times.”

  “Shit, that’s hectic.”

  “I’m hoping, with you, it’ll work out,” he admitted.

  Tessa tilted her head to the side. “What makes it think it will?”

  “Well, for starters, you’re gay.”

  She burst out laughing. “Does that surprise you?”

  “A little.” He made eye contact. “We had good times together.”

  “Great times, yes,” she acknowledged. “You’re amazing at sex.”

In the past, I would’ve said ‘thank you’.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I don’t give a shit about anyone’s opinion but Cin’s.”

  “She made a monogamous man out of you, after all.”

  He coughed self-consciously and chose to change the subject. “Why do you do this?”

  “It’s difficult for the gay community to have kids, for obvious reasons.” She shrugged and sat back. “I don’t want children for myself, but I have a healthy womb. I figured, why not help people like me who want families?”

  He inclined his head, impressed. “That’s why I asked to meet you. You said on your forms that you would prefer to be the surrogate for a lesbian or gay couple.”

  “And I stand by that.”

  “I’m hoping to change your mind.”

  She frowned. “Bren, I’m sure you can find someone else. Someone who won’t fall for your charms and big dick.”

  He rolled his eyes. “They don’t know about the dick when they meet me, but that’s not stopping them from making my wife uncomfortable.”

  “If they spend more than half an hour in your presence, they might change their minds.”

  “I don’t want to put Cinnia in that position.”

  Tessa let out a short, irritated breath. “It’s difficult for me to feel sorry for you. There are gay couples out there who know the real struggle of having a biological child.”

  “I’m not trying to take that away from them, and I’m definitely not saying that they should struggle.” He inhaled deeply, hoping and praying that this meeting will end the way he wanted it to. If not… He had no idea where they would go from here. “Cin was physically assaulted by a group of men because they wanted to teach me a lesson. She nearly got raped in the process. She was pregnant at the time and lost the baby, thanks to numerous blows to her stomach.”

  She flinched and eyed her hands on the table. “I’m sorry.”

  “She still produces eggs, but her uterus… It sustained a lot of tissue damage and, as a result, she can’t carry her own child, one she desperately wants.” He blinked his tears away, hating that he was showing the merest hint of weakness to someone who might not end up helping him. “I’ve been made to give her what she wants, come what may. I’m one hundred percent sure that that’s my only purpose in this life, to make her happy and see to it that she has everything she’ll ever need.”

  “She’s a lucky woman, to have someone who’s so dedicated to her.”

  “She could do better.” He knew that for a fact. If he hadn’t dragged her back home, she never would’ve been attacked. She might even have been married to Harold by now, with a baby on the way. “I know that I’m asking a lot, believe me, but you seem the most well-suited person that we could ever hope for. You have no wish to have contact with the baby once it’s born, and you’re gay, which means you wouldn’t end up developing a crush on me. Cin is under enough stress as things stand and I’m afraid that, if we don’t find someone soon, she’ll settle for a woman who’ll be in our lives forever. I don’t want that.”

  “You’re making it difficult to say no, Bren.”

  “Then don’t. I’m begging you.” He was embarrassed when a tear threatened to fall. As discreetly as possible, he wiped it away. “I know it’ll be going against your original intention, but you would still be helping a couple who can’t have a family on their own.”

  Tessa watched him for an immeasurable amount of time, hardly blinking as the seconds ticked by. He hadn’t a clue what she was searching for, yet a glimmer of hope bloomed in his chest. He didn’t often admit how badly he wanted an heir, but it was undeniable.

  If their kid had Cinnia’s hair and eyes, Brennan would die a happy man.

  “Shit, Bren,” Tessa sighed. “As always, you’re irresistible.”

  He didn’t care whether he hid his relief or not. “But you don’t want to fuck me, right?”

  “Did you suddenly grow boobs and a vagina?”

  Barking a laugh, he relaxed in his seat. “Not as far as I’m aware.” He leaned his elbows on the table. “Thank you, Tess, you have no idea what this means to us.”

  “As long as you promise you’ll love and appreciate this child, I’m happy to do it.”

  “I swear on my life.”

  “Good.” She winked the waitress nearer and gave him a small smile. “I need a drink.”

  “Right, I probably should’ve let us order first,” he chuckled.

  “Nah, I think it’s good to keep the pleasantries to a minimum until business is out of the way.” Something caught Tessa’s eye over Brennan’s shoulder, and she whistled softly. “Holy fuck, that woman is hot. And very pissed off. What do you think her deal is?”

  Turning to see whom Tessa was referring too, he felt his stomach drop. “That would be my wife.”

  “That’s Cinnia Sloane?”

  “She’s a Drummond now,” he corrected humorously, wincing as the woman in question found his gaze. “Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting.”

  “Wait, you didn’t tell her you came here?”

  “Nope, not that that stopped her from finding out, anyway.”

  Cinnia marched over to their table, her green eyes blazing with fury. Like so many times before, he forgot where he was and zoned in on the sway of her hips. The bounce of her breasts. The way the velvet of her thigh-high boots clung to her well-toned legs. The call of her plump mouth.

  He blinked, and suddenly she was standing right in front of them. The waiter, having sensed Cinnia’s mood, had promptly turned and gone the other way, instead. Brennan didn’t really blame the guy.

  “Do you remember what I told you?” Cinnia growled, glaring.

  “About what?”

  “About cheating on me!” His wife thrust a finger in Tessa’s direction. “What the fuck is this?”

  “A human being, and if you’ll just—”

  “Do not bullshit me right now!” Cinnia shifted her attention to Tessa. “I’m sorry, you look like a really nice person, but get the fuck away from my husband if you know what’s good for you.”

  Looking amused, Tessa held her hands up. “I’m into women, lady.”

  “So that’s what you want? A threesome?” Cinnia asked, her face going red in anger. “Do you know how long it took me to get Ryan to tell me where the hell you are? You’re getting the club to cover for you now? How long has this been going on?”

  He waited patiently for her rant to conclude, and then a few seconds longer for breathing room. “Cin, please sit down.”


  “Cinnia, sit.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she grabbed the seat next to him. “You better have a fucking good explanation for this.”

  He ignored that. “This is Tessa. Tess, this is my wife, Cinnia.”

  “It’s good to meet you, Cin,” Tessa greeted politely. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  The remark made Cinnia narrow her eyes. “What the hell’s going on?”

  “Tessa is next on the list as a possible surrogate,” Brennan went on, keeping his eyes on his wife. “I asked to meet with her beforehand because we have a history together.”

  Cinnia stopped breathing for a moment. “A history?” she croaked.

  “After you broke up with me, Tessa was one of the girls I… uhm…”

  “Used,” Tessa supplied with a grin, transfixed by Cinnia.

  “Yeah, used, to try to forget about you. When I saw her name on the list, I thought I could use that history to get her to say yes.”

  “But if you’ve had sex…” Cinnia trailed off, glancing between the two of them.

  “I’m into women,” Tessa reiterated.

  Cinnia visibly deflated, sagging in her chair. “Shit, Bren, a little forewarning would’ve been nice.”

  “I didn’t want to get your hopes up until I spoke to her.”

  “And… you’ll help us?” Cinnia queried quietly, eyeing Tessa. “You’ll have our baby?”

  Tessa incline
d her head, a twinkle in her eyes. “I will.”

  “Great, looks like the shoe’s on the other foot, this time around,” Brennan muttered.

  “What did you expect, Bren? You never told me your beloved’s such a stunner.”

  Cinnia blushed. It was one of the things that made her even more appealing, as if she was an innocent. He was grateful that, despite everything she’s been through, she could still look so fragile, even though her strength often left him in awe.

  “Tessa, this is a really generous thing and I truly appreciate it. We’ll compensate you accor—”

  “Please,” Tessa interrupted, waving that away. “I won’t ask for anything more than I’ve already agreed to when I applied. At first, I was a little skeptical about helping you out, but Brennan told me what happened to you and explained that you haven’t had much luck. I’m really sorry about what you’ve had to go through, Cinnia.”

  Brennan threw his hands in the air. “Yup, and now you’re in love with her.”

  “She isn’t,” Cinnia insisted uncomfortably.

  “If your love for him is anything like his love for you, I know that no one else exists for you,” Tessa said simply. “I’m not going to try my luck, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “The only thing I’m worried about is you changing your mind,” Cinnia said.

  “I won’t.”

  Brennan nodded and called the waiter again. “I think we should order something to eat, so the two of you can get to know each other. After all, we’ll be inviting you into our home soon.”

  They had lunch and, as the women exchanged stories, Brennan felt a sense of peace settle over him, something he hasn’t had since before Cinnia’s assault. For so long, he’s had this invisible threat hanging over his head. Right now, in this moment, he was free from that.

  He had a good feeling that Tessa will be able to give them what they so desperately longed for.

  “So,” Cinnia said in that tone of voice that suggested she was about to ask something personal, “did the two of you date?”

  Tessa glanced at Brennan for support, and he gave her a nod to continue. “No, we didn’t,” she replied.

  “Then how did you meet?” Cinnia seemed confused. “I mean, I don’t remember you from school.”


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