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GettingLuckyinGalway Page 7

by Allie Standifer

  What he didn’t need was a goody-goody invisible biddy meddling in his business. Because Calder was his business. He might not know everything about her, but she intrigued him. Her quick wit, sassy mouth and mouthwatering curves were lacking in so many modern women.

  “Spoiled brat,” the other male complained in a good-natured tone. “I’m not some bleedin’ mysterious eight-ball, here for your amusement.” The sound of a deep sigh filled the air between them. “What do you think will happen if you open yourself to your Liaria, show her there is more to you than passable looks, mediocre intelligence, semi-talented lovemaking skills and a decent gold stash.”

  This time he didn’t let the insult pass. “Hey, I have no complaints from my lovers except when I’m making them leave the next day.”

  “Focus, you addled-brain leprechaun, there’s more work to do here than to stroke your ego.”

  “There are a lot of things you can say about me, but leave my sex life alone. No man needs another man talking his private bedroom business.” It sounded dumb coming from his lips, but Roark had to make sure the other…person knew there were some lines he wouldn’t allow to be crossed. Besides, the sex he’d shared with Calder didn’t belong in the same category as the females before her.

  The thought stopped him. Calder didn’t belong in the past with his other conquests? The more he tossed the idea around the righter it felt all the way down to his shadow-covered soul.

  “Why me?” the irritating voice broke through his rather deep and unusual thoughts.

  “Now let’s get on with it. You think I need to grow a pair, face my demons and all that Hallmark crap. Well, here’s a shocker for you. I know exactly how and what my demons are, but just because I accept them doesn’t mean they magically disappear as Calder and I skip into the future filled with kittens, bunnies and rainbows.”

  “No, it doesn’t, but allowing the past to go and understanding you’re nothing like those who came before you will allow your real dreams to come true.”

  “This is ballocks.” Roark shoved away from the nothing he leaned on to pace away. “You know nothing, nothing in the way I grew up, what I lost or the selfish creatures my parents are. What they allowed to happen to those they were supposed to care for.”

  Chapter Five

  For most women finding out their mate was two cards short of a full deck might have been a blow, but not for Calder. She liked the crazy, ego-driven, sometimes Irish male.

  Still, finding him pacing the empty field, hands waving about and apparently arguing with the very air surrounding him was a bit on the disturbing side.

  Not that her body particularly cared if he talked to the air or a nutra rat. Goddess, he could think she was a figment of his imagination so long as he did it naked while fucking her. Damn the women in her family, she silently cursed them, why hadn’t they warned her the mating heat would drive her to the brink of slutty madness?

  “Would you like me to leave, or do you care to introduce me to your little friend?” She had no choice but to interrupt his miniature tirade. The threats were coming fast, furious and sometimes not even in English.

  Black hair whirled around his shoulders as he turned to face her. “I thought you left.”

  “I did and now I’m back.” With an itch only your strong cock can scratch. She left out the last part, at least out loud. Some men wanted to be desired for more than the package between their legs. The man had to be brilliant at something. Other than making love,a naughtylittle voice in her head whispered. Shut up, she told the voice, not needing any more encouragement to jump back in Roark’s bed. Or the ground, a tree—pretty much anywhere that involved them both naked and panting would suit her just fine.

  “Well, go away again.” He waved both hands in her direction, using a little shooing motion. “Go on, move.”

  Thank the goddess none of her friends or family could see her or her bat-shit crazy mate now. “Yeah, that’s not so much going to work as piss me off. Not a good idea considering I may be your only partner here. Even crazy people need love too.”

  “Crazy?” Black brows lowered over glowing bright green eyes. “I am not crazy, Calder. There’s a voice calling me names. Too much of a coward to come out and face me like a male should. I’ve been telling him to get lost.”

  Oh where should she start? Calder left a nice semi-sane though pissy mate only to return to one insisting there were voices taunting him. “That’s great, sweetie, tell the big ole bad voice to put up or shut up.”

  What the hell? She always thought the insane people of the world deserved love too. Maybe she’d get it put on a bumper sticker when she got home. “Save a crazy person, even window-lickers need love.”

  She snickered behind her hand, not wanting to push her mate’s crazy button any harder than necessary.

  “This is not something just made up in my head, woman. I haven’t taken leave of all my senses.” He protested a little too hotly while slowly circling around her, his gaze a constant source of motion.

  She held her hands up in an unarmed gesture, hopefully showing her willingness to play with the insane. “Hey, I like senseless people. They are the best entertainers. I’ve petitioned to have the insane moved from their padded walls to the padded luxury of Hollywood. After all, what’s the difference between one group of useless, crazy people or crazy people with no agenda?”

  Instead of looking properly humbled and in awe of her brilliant plan, Roark shook his head again. She vaguely wondered whether he’d somehow gotten water in his ear. Then she forgot the thought as he stepped closer, his muscular form capturing all her attention and sending surging heat between her thighs.

  “Ye need to get out of here, Calder, there’s danger about.” His arm came up to wrap around her waist as he propelled her in the direction she’d just come from.

  “Hey.” She didn’t fight against his hold. Why should she when this is exactly where she wanted to be? “Let’s play crazy man seduces innocent shifter woman? You can give me a head start before coming to attack me.” She shot him a wink to show her hopes of the upcoming attack.

  “You think I’m insane yet you’d want to play sexual games with me? Calder, I really think there may be something wrong with you. Maybe you should get checked out once we get out of here,” he offered instead of jumping on the chance to get her naked.

  “You mean if we get out of here since ya know we don’t have one flipping clue to tell us exactly where the hell we are!” Sexual frustration hummed through her nerve endings. She needed her mate and the need grew stronger with every blasted second that passed.

  “Of course we’ll get out of here. I’m a leprechaun, one of the strongest and mightiest of my race. And you… Well, you’re a shifter.”

  Oh the man truly won the clueless mate of the year award. An award she really hoped they both lived long enough for him to accept. Until then she needed the clueless Fae for something other than spouting useless and most of the time ignorant rhetoric.

  Mating heat hit her hard, demanding the fire in her blood be sated with Roark’s solid length.

  “Yes, I’m a shifter, a feline shifter in need of some special attention from her mate. Are you up for the task?” She deliberately cupped her hand between his thighs and gave his manly package a light squeeze.

  To give the leprechaun credit, he immediately rose to the occasion in her palm, overflowing the small space she’d given it. Yummy! “Not the right time or place, Calder, love. We’re not alone here.”

  “Ask me if I give a damn if your voices want to join in. I’ve always fantasized about a threesome. Just remember to suit up.” Using her free hand, she slid it around the back of his neck to pull him down for a kiss.

  The softness of his lips and the delicious taste of him filled her with white-hot fire. She needed him inside her now. “Fuck me, mate.”

  He struggled to lift his head from her powerful embrace. “Wait.”

  When he said nothing more, Calder rubbed her aching body alo
ng the hardness of his erection. “Wait for what? We’re here, there’s time and I need you.”

  A frown marred his handsome face as she watched him fight the tide of lust threatening to carry away his concerns. “There is something.”

  “There’s nothing but us and my body’s starving for your cock. I want to ride you until both of us pass out.”

  “No condoms,” Roark finally managed to choke out.

  Calder batted the excuse away. “I’m not on my fertile cycle and since neither one of us can catch or pass on human sickness we’re good to go.”

  “Aw, fuck me,” he cried out, falling back into the soft grass.

  Calder giggled as she came to rest on top of him. “That’s what I’m trying to do. Now magic our clothes away so I can get what I need. Then I’ll let you go back to being the slow boy from down the street.”

  “The only thing crazy around here is you, woman.” With an elegant wave of his hand, their clothes disappeared. “Now come here and let’s see if you’re as hungry as you said. ’Cause I’m not going to last long, luv.”

  “So long as you last until I’m done with you,” she panted the words back at him, her mouth practically watering at the feast laid bare before her eyes. “No judges’ scores here to worry about, other than mine.”

  “Quit your fuckin’ teasing and fuck me,” Roark finally demanded as he grabbed her hips and slammed her straight down on his thick, rigid cock.

  “Oh sweet heaven to Barney’s you feel so damn good.” She almost cried as he sliced into her. “Move, move, move.”


  “No?” Had he really told her no? To her face? While she was sitting speared on the two-by-four he called a cock. “I don’t like the word, Lucky Charms.”

  “Then you’ll have to adjust, Garfield,” he returned, his voice tight as sweat beaded down his forehead. “We’re doing this my way.”

  With that he slipped out of her, flipped their positions until Calder’s knees rested on the springy grass and she was stretched out facedown, her arms in front of her. Two seconds more and she would have been pleading with the man to fuck her, but luckily for them both Roark knelt behind her. His hand went to her hair, snatching the thick strands back. He kissed her and he had to feel the fangs against his talented tongue. But she didn’t care right now. She was a lioness, hear her roar and all that crap later. She wanted him too badly to mind her shifter manners. He’d deal and be damn grateful.

  Roark moved away. “Why can’t I say no to you?”

  She looked into those emerald-green eyes glinting at her in the early afternoon sunlight. Fae eye, tricky Fae and for once she didn’t give a ripe damn about any Fae but the one who should be fucking her. “Take me now before I change my mind and rip your dick off to use as a dildo.”

  She swore she heard Roark growl, but dismissed it as her imagination. Fae didn’t growl. “Fine, it’s on your head then. Don’t come crying to me when you can’t walk for the next two weeks. I tried to warn you.” His voice was almost too low to hear as it rumbled deeply out of his throat.

  He pushed her forward until they moved just in front of a perfectly groomed ash tree. Roark used one hand to grab a firm hold of her wrist while his muscle-thick legs pushed her knees apart. Blunted human teeth bit into the back of her neck in a pathetic attempt to hold her in place.

  “Watch the teeth, Lucky Charms,” she warned even as she pushed her ass back against him.

  “You’ll scream my name out before we’re through here, woman.”

  “Make it worth my while and I will,” she promised.

  When his free hand moved to her pussy, two fingers sliding inside and stretching her wide open, Calder almost screamed his name then and there. Instead she squeezed those talented fingers tight and he cursed.

  “Enough foreplay.”

  She opened her mouth to agree, but his hips slammed into her, his cock shoving its way in and her ability to think, speak and reason disappearing in a maelstrom of lust and need.

  He forced his cock in deeper, stretching her even wider until his entire pole sank inside her poor body. No warning, no grumbles or comments or concerns. Just Roark with his mighty, massive cock. He kept her pinned to the ground with his body and tightened his hold on her wrist, keeping her from moving away or doing anything to try to control the claiming she knew was coming. So Calder did the only thing she could, she knelt there and accepted everything he wanted to give her and more.

  He gave her everything she’d demanded. Hard, rough, primal fucking at its most basic and exactly what Calder’s cat needed. A claiming the animal would understand and accept.

  He thrust inside her as Calder opened her legs farther to allow all of his delicious cock in. She writhed desperately under him while she tried to pull her arms out of his grasp. He wouldn’t release her and she and her cat almost came from that knowledge alone.

  His free hand roughly grabbed her breasts, squeezing each one hard then tugging at her beaded nipples.

  She gasped at the rough treatment, purring her approval when Roark heard her cat’s endorsement and kicked his movements up a gear. His cock slammed into her mercilessly as big fingers slid down to her throbbing sex and plucked and teased her sensitive, swollen clit. The pressure was just this side of painful and she loved it.

  “Roark,” she moaned as the movements of his fingers sped up. She wanted him to come first, but the tricky leprechaun countered her every move.

  Even though shifters always liked their sex a little forceful, Calder hadn’t known she’d wanted something this violent, this primitive. But want it she did, she’d crave this feeling for the rest of her life just because it felt that fucking amazing.

  Her body jolted, tension riding hard as her orgasm appeared on the horizon even as Roark’s calloused yet talented fingers continued to tug and flick her clit. He jackhammered into her, no rhythm left in his forceful thrusts. They were both too lost in the need to come to worry over who won what round.

  The world narrowed down to Roark and his pounding, pleasing cock as he slammed into her and she would swear from here to the goddess his cock almost doubled in size the closer they both came to release. To reward him for the incredible feeling, Calder squeezed her muscles tight against his slick invasion.

  He punished her by using his fingers to lightly twist her clit as he slammed deep and solid inside her. Her orgasm ripped through her, tearing her apart, sending her screaming from one rush through another. She heard the deep, powerful growl of her cat and lifted her head long enough to find and bite the arm continuing to hold her down.

  He teased out her satisfaction, changing the strokes of his fingers and his cock until she thought she might pass out from the bliss. Something she instinctively knew Roark would never let her live down. Instead she clenched him one more time, using every muscle she had to pull him in and keep him there. She clenched down hard. He roared Irish curses, then came and kept coming, spurting inside her until finally he was done.

  Together they collapsed to the soft green carpet beneath them. Calder panted as she desperately tried to get her breathing back under control. Until she heard Roark’s lungs working twice as fast as her own. Feeling smug, sexy and still full of her very own fucking leprechaun, Calder curled deeper into the shelter of her mate’s body and let sleep finally come to claim her.

  * * * * *

  When she woke, Roark already had her wet and ready for him, even as he held her tight, lifting her up and moving them fast, all the while taking her lips in deep, drugging kisses that left her head spinning and body aching. How had he moved her so quickly and without waking her? The leprechaun had some mad skills.

  One gentle hand reached to stroke the tender skin of her inner thigh. It felt so good to have his hands again. To feel the heat and strength of his touch. With her eyes closed, Calder stretched up and opened her mouth fully, taking everything he gave and demanding even more. She teased his tongue with her own, slipping and nipping with her teeth as the heat b
uilt in her veins.

  Her mate shook and uttered a foreign curse. He moved his hard body back for the few seconds it took to lift her more fully against him, placing most of her weight against the boulder he’d pinned her against. Automatically, her legs went up to clasp his hips. His big hand brushed her sex as he teased them both while shaking.

  “I love how you get so wet and ready for me with just a touch.” The husky, deep voice made her lungs gasp for air and her thighs clench in painful desire.

  Words weren’t needed. Calder knew he could feel her juices spreading between her thighs. It amazed her how quickly he could make her hot. Just a look or touch and her body melted. She was primed for sex, primed for him.

  He placed enough space between them so when she tilted her head down, Calder could watch his actions, fascinated.

  A drop of pre-cum glistened from the red, swollen head. Calder’s mouth watered with the need to taste and take him. She’d never been one to volunteer to go down on her lovers, but something about the wide thickness made her want to drop to her knees and suck him deep in her mouth. To taste the salty fluid glimmering in the bright light.

  He guided his cock right where she needed it. He slid his hand between their bodies and spread her with his fingers. With a slow, easy glide, he ran his cock back and forth in her juices, teasing them both until she wanted to scream and impale herself on his rigid length.

  Finally, when her desire outmatched her patience, he worked the thick head in and thrust deep.

  Calder let herself be taken over by him, her mate and other half. His mouth dove down, back to devouring hers, his hot chest kept her pressed against the rock, his hands, free now, held her thighs spread wide. The sensual rub of his hairy thighs proved an intense counter to the soft feel of his skin.

  Roark shoved into her, mouth lifting from hers. He looked down at her through desire-heavy eyes, his face so tough and rough, green eyes glowing under the illumination of the sun. “You’ll never leave me again.”


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