by A. N. Wilson
fioriusciti (exiles) 76
flattery, punishment 280
Flaxman, John 328
Florence, Baptistery 49–50
and Catharism94
churches, Orsanmichele 109;
Santa Croce 57, 61, 194, 196–8;
Santa Margherita 57;
Santa Maria Novella 61, 94, 159, 163, 197;
Santa Reparata (later Santa Maria del Fiore) 57
and commerce 45–6, 51–2, 67, 123
Council of One Hundred 174
Dante’s anger against 274–5
education in 67–8
and European currency 3, 32, 40, 45, 261, 276
factions 32–4, 39–42, 71, 183–6, see also Ghibellines; Guelfs
and freethinking 49
guilds 42, 51–2, 76, 173–4
and Henry VII 274–6, 277
new constitution 48, 51, 75–7
Ordinances of Justice 173, 174
and papal interdict 48–9
politics 3, 4–5, 13, 31–6, 42–3, 48, 73–9, 116, 169
popolo 42–3, 47, 58, 124, 173, 266
population 45–6
Priors 31, 33, 50, 59, 173–4, 184–5
tower-fortresses 39–41, 75, 185
Trecento art and architecture 40
and veiling of women 74–5
wards (sesti) 60, 64, 73, 174
wealth 52
Folco (Folchetto/Folquet) of Marseilles 94
forgery 261–2, 278
fortune-telling, via Aeneid 253, 254
Foster, Fr Kenelm, OP 154, 250
France, and Albigensians 26, 88–94
and Italian politics 30–4, 41, 44, 51, 76–7, 124, 170
and Papacy 30–1, 53–4, 76–7, 170, 172, 183, 186–90, 286–9, 306
Francesco da Barberino 102
Francis of Assisi, St 15, 95, 112, 154, 194, Figs. 3, 4
and Christmas crib 204
and Holy Poverty 196, 198, 304
and Stigmata 125, 194–5, 204, 305
Franciscans 154, 196
and asceticism 95
Conventuals and Spirituals 196, 198
order of St Clare 60–1
patronage of Giotto 194, 197–8
Frederick I Barbarossa 309
Frederick II, Emperor (1194–1250) 44, 45, 46, 87, 186, 206, 284
death 265–6
and falconry 120–1
and University of Naples 119, 158
free will, and Hell 208–14, 280
and Virgin Mary 313–14
freedom of thought 118
Freemasonry 323–4
freethinking 49, 150, 158, 164, 324
Freud, Sigmund 252
friars see Dominicans; Franciscans
Frost, Robert 334
Frye, Herman Northrop 231
Fulcieri da Caboli 296
Fuller, Margaret 331
Gaetano, Francesco 288
Gagliardi, Antonio 238, 354 n.10a
Galileo Galilei 147
Gandhi, Mahatma 56, 90
Gardner, Edmund 234
Garibaldi, Guiseppe 219, 327, 330
Gazzata, SagacioMuzio (chronicler) 284–5
Genoa, size 45
Gerardo da Camino 191, 199
Gerbert of Aurillac, Archbishop of Ravenna 145
Ghibellines 2, 31–2, 39, 41–4, 53–4, 122–4, 185, 265
and battle of Campaldino 124–7, 176, 185
and battle of Montaperti 43, 46–7, 122, 177
and Catharism 94
and CorsoDonati 186
and Dante 163, 190, 216
and Henry VII 265–6
and Malabranca’s reforms 74, 75–6
and Papacy 170
in Pisa 122, 123, 267–8, 275
Ghiberti, Lorenzo 49
Giardino, Piero 300–1
Gibbon, Edward 146, 151, 291
Gilson, Etienne 11, 158, 351 n.30
Giotto di Bondone (1266/7–1337) 24
and Assisi, Upper Basilica 193–4
and Cimabue 182, 193–4
and Florence, campanile 38, 200,
Santa Croce 57, 197–8
friendship with Dante Fig. 2, 40, 191, 192–3, 200–8, 216–17
Last Judgement fresco Fig. 26
and Padua, Scrovegni chapel 199–201, 202, 204–6, 207–8, 251
and realism 202–3, 204–6, 251
and St Francis of Assisi Fig. 4
Giovanna (Primavera) 130
Giovanni Alighieri (son of Dante) 137
Giovanni da Nono 200
Giovanni of Serravalle 326
Gladstone, W. E. 229–30, 324–7
God, existence 161–2
knowledge of 160–1, 167, 234–8
mystical experience of 234–42, 302, 305–6, 314–15
Goethe, J. W. von 116, 319
Goya, Francisco 328
Grandgent, Charles Hall 331
grandi, Florentine 33, 40, 50, 60–1, 76
Gray, E. Du Plessix 14, 345 n.1b
Greenlees, Ian 5
Gregory di Montelungo 268
Gregory IX, Pope (1227–41) 196, 346 n.17
Gregory X, Pope (Tebaldo Visconti; 1271–6) 54–5, 73
Grimm, Jacob 328
Guarino of Verona 318
Guelfs 2, 36–7, 41–2, 61, 122–4
and battle of Benevento 48, 53, 122
and battle of Campaldino 124–6, 176
and battle of Montaperti 69, 122
Black and White factions 32–4, 36, 59, 124, 170, 174–6, 183–5, 190, 207–8
and Brunetto Latini 68, 69
and Charles of Anjou 48, 51, 53–4, 55, 77–8, 112, 122
and Dante 39, 41, 51, 55–6, 116, 119, 163, 170, 172–3
and Henry VII 268
and Malebranca’s reforms 74, 75–6
and Robert of Anjou 273
Guido da Castel(lo) 283, 285
Guido da Montefeltro 209–10, 212–14
Guild of Physicians and Apothecaries 173–4
guilds, Florentine 42–3, 51–2, 76, 173–4
Guillaume de Durfort 125
Guillaume de Lorris, The Romance of the Rose 81–2, 85
Guinizelli, Guido 87, 95–6, 116–17, 182
Guittone d’Arezzo 87
gunpowder, invention 93–4
Hadrian V, Pope (1276) 73
Hallam, Arthur 324
Hallam, Henry 324
Haroun al-Rashid 145
Harrison, Richard Pogue 11, 349 n.1b
Heaven, as Athens 237–8, 248
Heavens (spheres) 147–8
of Jupiter 305
of Mars 305
of Mercury 293, 304
of the Moon 303–4
of Primum Mobile 132, 140, 148, 333
of Saturn 305–6
of the Sun 304–5
of Venus 94, 171–2, 250, 304
Heer, Friedrich 156, 157, 351 nn.23, 27
Hell, 6th circle 46, 176–7
7th circle 70
8th circle Fig. 5
9th circle 39
circle of sodomites 69, 95, 263
and free will 208–14, 280
portrayed by Giotto 207, 208
see also Inferno
Hemingway, Ernest 334
Henry II, King of England (r. 1154–89) 22
Henry VII, Emperor (r. 1308–13) 45, 265–9, Fig. 25
as Count of Luxembourg 265–6
and Dante 8, 120, 163, 268–72, 273–5, 281, 330
death 276–7
as deliverer 269–74, 330
and Robert of Anjou 273, 275, 276, 277
heraldry 294
heresy, and 6th circle of Hell 176–7
and Albigensians 26, 88–96
dualism 88–90, 95, 100
and Ordeal 309
punishment by burning 93–4
see also Inquisition
Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen 91
Hill, Geoffrey 336
Hilton, Walter 235
Hohenstaufen dynasty 44, 51, 53–5, 266
Holy Places, and crusades 54, 266, 308–9
Muslim control 15, 26
Holy Roman Empire, and coinage 45
and emergence of nation states 3
and Hohenstaufen dynasty 5, 44, 53–5, 266
and Papacy 23, 30–1, 41, 44–5, 53–4, 122, 267
regalia 268
as universal monarchy 120, 266, 289
Holy Year, 1300 as 16–17, 32, 117, 272, Fig. 16
and indulgences 16, 257–8
and Veronica legend 18–19
Homer 68, 254
homosexuality 69–72, 95–6, 98, 101
Honorius III, Pope (1227) 22
Hood, John Y. B. 157, 351 n.29
humanism 68, 278–9, 280
Hume, David 162
Iacopo Alighieri (son of Dante) 137, 294–5, 300–1, 318
icons 201–2
idolatry, and Courtly Love 96, 100, 108–9
Il Convivio 132, 227, 230, 234, 251
and Alboinodella Scala 283
as autobiography 230, 234, 236–42, 243, 247–8, 251
and Boethius 236–7
and donna gentile 138–41, 144
and mysticism 239–42
and Platonism 239, 241
and Virgil 253
and Vita Nuova 139–40, 164, 236
Immaculate Conception 309, 310–11, 314
imperialism 228–9, 278
Incarnation, and love 100, 189, 242, 306, 313
and Stigmata 194–5, 305
indulgence, plenary 16, 24, 257–8
Inferno, as autobiographical allegory 70, 259
and Boniface VIII 23
and Cavalcante de’Cavalcanti 106, 177, 181, 183
date 260
and Donati clan 58–9
and Florence 39
and Latini 69–72, 95–6, 98, 206, 282, Fig. 24
and Mahomet 260
and Mountain of Purgatory 262
and occupatio 263
and Paolo and Francesca 98–9, 101, 250, 294, 325
setting 260–4, 286, 325
translations 320–2, 327
and Ugolini 121, 210–12
and Ulysses (Odysseus) 150–1, 238, 259, Fig. 8
and usurers 199–200, 207, 229
and Venice 298
Virgil as guide 209, 253–5, 260, 263–4, 279, 308
Innocent III, Pope (1198–1216) 91–3, 119, 346 n.17, 356 n.8a
Innocent IV, Pope (1243–7) 94, 257
Innocent V, Pope (1276) 73
Inquisition, and Cathars 93, 94
Intellect, and Averroes 110
and knowledge of God 161, 237–9
and love 111–12, 237
intellectualism, Catholic 155–6, 305, 339
interpretation, allegorical 82–5
anagogical 85
Isidore of Seville 222, 346 n.10
Islam, and philosophy 15, 110, 145, 156, 237
as threat to Christianity 15, 26, 88
Italian language 218–21, 225–7, 237
Italy, and France 30–4, 41, 44, 51, 76–7, 124, 170, 183, 186–9
and Holy Roman Empire 32, 53–4, 76, 265–8, 272–7, 283
and nationalism 226–8, 275, 322–4, 327, 330
and Papacy 41, 54, 172
unification 219–20, 284
Jean de Meun, The Romance of the Rose 82, 85, 97
Jerusalem, and Athens 238
Muslim control 15, 26
John, King of England (r. 1199–1216) 92
John XXI, Pope (1276–7) 73
John XXII, Pope (Jacques D’Euse; 1316–34) 289–90, 317
Johnson, Samuel 161
Jubilee see Holy Year
Julian of Norwich 235
justice 215
Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor 292–3, 304
Keats, John 84, 322
Kirkpatrick, Robin 337
Kirkup, Seymour 323
knowledge, of God 160–1, 167, 234–8
objective 162, 165
Knox, Ronald 254
La Verna, and Francis of Assisi 125, 195, 196
Lady at the Window see donna gentile
Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de 320
Langton, Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury 22
Languedoc, and Cathars 88–93
and troubadours 85, 88, 94, 101, 107
Latin, Dante’s knowledge of 81, 120, 220–1, 226, 246
and Italian 221, 225–6, 237
as lingua franca 226–7
and Romance languages 222–6
Latini, Brunetto 4, 42–3, 68–9
and education of Dante 68, 282
in Inferno 69–72, 95–6, 98, 206, 282, Fig. 24
Li Livres dou Trésor 69
Tesoretto 69, 71
law, and politics 168–9
and universities 119
Le Goff, Jacques 21, 346 n.11
Leo X, Pope (1513–21) 347 n.19
Leopardi, Giacomo 219
Lewis, C. S. 148, 152, 256, 350–1 n.4
literacy, in Florence 67–8
literature, Latin 81, 120
vernacular 85–8, 117, 118, 218–21, 237, 295, 336
Logical Positivism, and Love 9–10
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 322, 331
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Allegory of Good Government 167–8
Louis IX of France (St Louis; r.1226–70) 44
Louis VII ‘le Jeune’ of France (r.1137–80) 309, 311
love, and childhood 64–5
Divine 114, 238, 240–2, 251
and intellect 111–12, 237
and mysticism 239–40
and philosophy 9–10, 12, 76, 164–5, 241
and politics 170–1, 304, 340
and religion 10, 12–13, 65, 100, 114, 338
sacred and profane 101, 113–15
see also Courtly Love
Lowell, James Russell 331
Lowell, Robert 336
Lyons, 2nd Council 1274 21, 256
Macauley, Thomas Babington 220, 324
McCabe, Herbert, OP 157, 351 n.25
Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius 151
Saturnalia 193
magic 7
Mahler, Gustav 252
Mahomet, in Inferno 260
Maimonides 148
Malabranca, Cardinal Latino 27, 74–6
Malaspina, Moroello 229–30, 243, 246–7, 260
Malaspina family 229–30
Malebolge, in Inferno 262–3, 298
Mandelbaum, Allen 96, 337
Manfred, Emperor-elect 43–4, 46–8, 49, 122, 177, 206
Al-Mansur (caliph) 144–5
maps, Jewish Fig. 9
world map Fig. 6
Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor 150
Margaret of Brabant 265
Margerie, Amédée 206, 353 n.19
Marsilius of Padua, Defensor pacis 168–9
Martin IV, Pope (Simon of Brie; 1281–5) 76–7
Marx, Karl 327
Mascall, E. I. 155, 351 nn.21,24
mathematics 142–3, 145–6
Matthew of Acquasparia, Cardinal 33, 36
Matthew of Westminster 18
Mazzini, Guiseppe 219, 227, 330
Meaux treaty (1229) 93
Mechthild of Magdeburg 235
Medici, Cosimo the Elder 347 n.19
Medici, Giovanni de’ 347 n.19
Medici, Lorenzo the Elder (1395–1440) 347 n.19
Medici, Lorenzo ‘the Magnificent’ (1449–92) 318
Medici, Salvestro de’ 347 n.19
Medici family 52, 185
mendicant orders see Dominicans; Franciscans
mercy, divine, in Dante 47–8, 49, 214–15
Messiaen, Olivier, Quartet for the End of Time 302
Metternich, Klemenz von 227
Michael VIII Palaeologus, Byzantine Emperor 77, 256
Milan, and coronation of Henry VII 268
Milton, John, Lycidas 182
r /> Misson, Maximilian, New Voyage to Italy 319
Momigliano, A. 96
moneylenders see usury Montaperti, battle (1260) 43, 46–7, 69, 122, 177
Monte Cassino monastery, and Aquinas 158
Moore, Edward 270–1, 272
Mortimer, Anthony 244–6, 337
Musa, Mark 65–6, 111–12, 113, 337
Mussato, Albertino 284
mysticism, erotic 8, 91
and experience of God 234–42, 305–6, 314–15
Naples, size 45
University 119, 158
Napoleon Bonaparte 320
Nardi, Bruno 6, 110, 140
Narses (r.554–68) 292
nation states, emergence 3, 118
nationalism, Italian 226–8, 275, 322–4, 327, 330
New Sweet Style 111, 234
Niccolò da Prato, Cardinal 185
Niccolòde’Niccoli 318
Nicholas III, Pope (Giovanni Gaetano; 1277–80), and Florentine constitution 74, 76
Nicholas IV, Pope (1288–92) 27
Nichols, J. G. 115, 337
Nietzsche, Friedrich 328, 330
Norton, Charles Eliot 331
Novello di Battifolle, Count Guido 274
Novello, Guido, Count of Poppi 46, 123, 125–6
numbers, Arabic 142, 145
symbolism 131–3, 142, 269–71
occupatio 263
Oderisi da Gubbio 181–2
Okey, Thomas 111, 113
Ordelaffi, Scarpetta 191
Order of Preachers see Dominicans
Oria, Ser Branca d’ 280
Origen of Alexandria 155
Orlandi, Guido 109
Orosius, Paulus 226
Orr, M. A. 11, 350–1 n.4
Orsinidel Monte, Napoleone degli 288
Orsini, Matteo Rosso degli 288
Orsini dynasty 27, 39, 74, 288
Ostasio I da Polenta 299
Oxford, and Dante 324–6
Padua, Dante in exile in 192–208, 216–17
population 45
Scrovegni chapel 199–201, 202, 204–6, 207–8, 251
Palermo, size 45
Palgrave, Francis 324
palio, Verona 281–2
Pandolfini, Agnolo 329
Panizzi, Antonio 321
Paolo and Francesca, in Inferno 98–9, 101, 250, 295, 325
Paolucci, Antonio 193
Papacy, Babylonian captivity 30–1, 190, 266, 272, 275, 287, 289
and Dante 306, 317, 327, 340–1
and France 30–1, 53–4, 76–7, 170, 172, 183, 186–90, 286–9, 306
and Holy Roman Empire 23, 30–1, 41, 44–5, 122, 267
and Holy Year 16–17
Medici popes 347 n.19
papal monarchy 3, 23, 25–7
political strength 24–5, 169–70, 172
Paradiso, and astronomy 144
and Augustine of Hippo 234
Beatrice as guide 303, 305–7, 333, Fig. 28
Bernard of Clairvaux as guide 94–5, 303, 308, 311–12, 314
and Can Grande 283–4
and Charles Martel 78, 171–2, 304
originality 301–2, 304
and Thomas Aquinas 194