Heartbreak High

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Heartbreak High Page 4

by Tomi Dean Lynch

  “Listen, girl! There’s a reason they call it Heartbreak High. It’s because all of the insincere, insecure, unruly bitches in the greater Los Angeles area go there to whore around. It’s the premier bump and dump school on the west coast. Do you have a couple in mind for king and queen of the prom? No, you don’t. You know why? Because these bitches don’t stay together long enough for you to put their names together in a sentence let alone in a cute mash up like Brangelina! This guy doesn’t whore around. He’s nice and for some bizarre reason, he likes you! I don’t care if you bumped uglys with Jake today or ten minutes ago! Give this boy a chance. He might just be the one you’ve been wanting the whole time!” Nick says, snapping his fingers at me to remind me that he’s fierce.

  I don’t know what to say so I take another gulp of wine.

  Andre returns and sits a bit closer to me this time. Nick put on a movie so I can pretend that I’m watching. I figure this is the best way to prevent Andre from talking to me but he just won’t have it.

  “Meena, can we talk for a minute?” he asks me.

  I glance over and say, “Sure.”

  “It feels different in here now so I can only assume that Nick told you that I was interested in you. It’s true but I don’t want you feel like I came over here to catch you on the rebound or pressure you in to giving me a chance. I really did just want to get to know you and, I wanted to make sure that you were okay after, well, you know. If my being here makes you uncomfortable, I’ll leave. I know you’re safe here with Nick and if you promise me that you won’t drive home when you finish downing that bottle, I’ll be satisfied,” he tells me.

  I consider his words for a moment then tell him to stay.

  Nick won’t look over but I can feel him beaming. He’s very proud of himself and his accomplishment.


  The vultures start swarming as soon as Meena leaves. I’ve got bitches falling on me like I drugged them. They all want to tell me what a bitch Meena was but I know I fucked up. The truth is, I didn’t even do it to prove to her that I didn’t want Sandy. I did it to prove it to Sandy. She’s been stalking me online since the first time she saw me. She even sent me a shot of her tits on Snapchat! I was trying to teach the bitch a lesson and I was the one who got schooled.

  I’m so mad, I decide some fresh air and exercise will do me good so I start walking home. It’s about five miles up hill but I don’t give a shit. I’m going to see Meena. I’ll get on my knees and beg if I have to. She has to forgive me!

  I’m panting and covered in sweat by the time I stagger to her front door. I can hear music inside and I ring the bell but nobody answers. I figure they can’t hear me so I decide to hop the fence and go to the back door. There are a few people in the pool and I stop to check them out. An older woman with huge tits comes out of the house wearing nothing but a smile. She waves at me and says, “Hi, Sweety! Go lose those clothes and come for a swim!”

  “No, thanks! Have fun though,” I say as I slip through the open door.

  The music is coming from the living room so I peek around the corner. There are people on the couch passing around a hookah and a couple on a corner chair getting busy but there’s no sign of Meena or her aunt so I head up the stairs. I get to Meenas’ room and open the door. I turn on the light but find that she isn’t there.

  “What are you doing here, Jake?” It’s Tess.

  I turn to speak but I lose the words as my eyes are drawn in to this beautiful woman in her bright red bikini.

  “I’m looking for Meena,” I stammer.

  “She hasn’t come back from the party. I mean, the kids party, not this party. Shouldn’t you be there, too?” she asks me.

  “I was but I did something stupid and she left me there. Not before she punched me in the face, though,” I tell her, rubbing my chin.

  “Did you come here to continue your fight?” she asks me.

  “No, I came here to apologize and beg her to forgive me,” I say.

  “That’s sweet, kid, but I can tell you this; if you made her mad enough to hit you, she’s going to need more cooling off time before she’ll hear anything you have to say. She doesn’t forgive easily and she has very high standards for the people she lets in to her life. If you failed her already she might not give you another chance,” Tess tells me, making me feel more hopeless.

  She sees the disappointment on my face and puts her arm around me. “I want you to come smoke with me but first, I think you need a shower. You’re sweating all over my white carpet.”

  “I’ll just go home. I shouldn’t be here,” I tell her.

  “Are you worried Meena will find you here and get more upset? What if I told you that she already text me and told me that she’d spending the night at a friends’ house?” she asks me.

  “What? Who?” I demand but she shakes her head at me.

  “You’ve already dug a hole for yourself. I’m not going to tell you how to bury yourself in it. Come on,” she says, leading me to her bedroom door.

  She goes in to her closet and pulls out a pair of men’s shorts and a tee shirt.

  “The shower is in there,” she says, pointing to her private bathroom.

  I don’t have the strength to argue anymore so I take the clothes and go in the bathroom but I make sure I lock the door just in case.

  The shower feels good, I have to admit and I stay under the water for a long time. When I get out and get dressed, I open the door just a crack and peer out. Tess is sitting on her bed waiting for me. I try to think about ugly chicks with no teeth so my dick doesn’t rise. She’s fine as hell in that bikini.

  I come out of the bathroom and she waves me over to the bed. She has three joints rolled and sitting on the bed beside her. I sit down and take one and light it up. I take a puff and hand it to her. She takes a big drag and blows it in my face. It’s good shit and by my third drag, I’m starting to float away.

  Tess smiles and says, “This is the best shit ever. My friend Ahmed brought it for me.”

  I’ve had my fill already but Tess is lighting a second joint. I don’t know how she manages to look so straight when I feel like I’m drooling on myself. I try to focus on her face but those damn knockers keep getting in the way. She sees me staring and asks, “You want a feel?”

  I know I’m supposed to say no, but I nod and hold out my hands. She drops her top and takes my hands placing on her warm skin that feels like silk. I find her nipples and tug them gently. She tries not to respond, but I know she likes it. There aren’t enough ugly chicks in the world for me to think about now. I’m hard as a rock and battling the angel on my shoulder. I want to pounce on this woman but I know that if I do, I’ll never be able to look Meena in the eyes again so I take my hands off her tits and put them in my lap.

  She stands up in front of me and puts her hand under my chin. She lifts my head so that I’m looking in to her eyes. She says, “If you want, I will give you the ride of your young life. Do you want it?”

  I realize her tits are still out and their right in front of my face. I want to tell her no but first, I’m gonna get my lips on those nipples. I pull her toward me and suckle her breasts. She holds the back of my head, running her long nails across my scalp. It feels so good!

  “Jake? You have to answer me so I know that I’m not taking advantage of you. Do you want to have sex with me?” she asks me.

  Of course I want to have sex with her! The ten inch erection in my pants should be proof enough for her. She leans down and kisses me. She tastes good and her hair smells like strawberries. I slip my tongue in her mouth and she flicks it with her own. She’s in my lap now and I can’t keep my hands off her beautiful tits. I think she’s about to lay me down and get on top of me but she stops and asks me again.

  “Jake? Do you want to fuck me?”

  I can hear myself saying yes. The words are about to cross my lips but Meena flashes in to my mind and I open my eyes wide. I look at this gorgeous creature in my lap and say, “No, I’m s
orry. I can’t do this to Meena.”

  Tess gets up and puts on a robe. She sits beside me and says, “Damn! For your sake I hope she forgives you. I bet that would have been a lot of fun, too.”

  She pats my knee and tells me that I can stay in her room for as long as I need to. She figures I’m going to jerk off in her bed and she’s right. I can’t get my dick to go down for anything. She leaves me the third joint and closes the door behind her.

  When I finish, I clean myself up and put the shorts that she gave me back on. I put the joint in my pocket and slip down the stairs and out the back door. I find that Tess wasted no time replacing me. She’s on the pool lounge getting plowed by a guy who’s dick is little more than half the size of mine. She sees me and gives me a wink as I start across the backyard toward my place.


  I’m warm from the wine and Andre has been telling me tales about growing up in Italy and his first time with a woman; an Italian prostitute that his father hired to make a man out of him. I laugh when he tells me that she had more hair under her arms than he does, even today. I like him and I’m thinking that maybe it wouldn’t be so unthinkable to have two guys in one day. Especially after the first made a giant ass out of himself and me!

  We’re sitting so close now, I reach out and put my hand on his leg. He picks it up in his and kisses the back of it. Then he drops both of our hands back to his lap and used his other hand to trace the outline of my face. I close my eyes and he kisses me. It’s a fine kiss; soft and gentle but I find myself missing the passion of a kiss from Jake so I slide my tongue across his lower lip, teasing him. He grabs the back of my head and slips his tongue in my mouth. That’s better.

  I reach for his cock but he stops me by grabbing my hand and pulling it away. I don’t understand so I try again. This time he grabs my hand and clutches it tightly in his own hand. He isn’t going to let me touch him.

  He brushes my neck with his lips and I close my eyes. Damn, I want him. I open them again when I feel him kiss my hand and get up off the couch.

  “Where are you going?” I ask him.

  “Home before this goes too far,” he tells me, “That’s enough for tonight. Nick has my number. Send me a text so I can save yours in my phone.”

  I stare at him, dumbfounded so he leans down and kisses my forehead and says, “You’re drunk and broken hearted. I wouldn’t want our first time to be like this.”

  When he leaves, I slide down on the sofa and close my eyes. I feel Nick toss a blanket on me and I’m out cold.

  My head is pounding when I wake up in the morning and it takes me a few seconds to remember where I am and how I got there. Then, I remember what happened with Andre. Maybe Nick was right. Maybe the guy that I was looking for was right there the whole time.


  I was so stoned when I got home, I barely made it to my bed. I wake up in a strangers clothes with my feet hanging off the side. When the cloud lifts, I remember Tess and her glorious tits. I almost fucked Meenas’ aunt! I don’t want to be turned on by this idea but my morning wood is harder than usual so I get up and run myself a shower.

  When I’m done, I go outside to stake out Meenas’ place. I don’t know what I expect to see but if I see any sign of her, I’m jumping off this balcony and running over there to talk to her.

  My dad sees me and comes outside. “You got home late. I didn’t expect you to be up this early,” he tells me.

  “Yeah, well, there’s a lot on my mind,” I say.

  “You fucked up with the girl, huh?” he says, “What did you do?”

  “I just danced with someone else but it was wrong and she got pissed and left me at the party. I walked home,” I tell him.

  “Damn, you just danced? Maybe she isn’t like her aunt after all,” he says. He slaps me on the back and walks away.

  I’m about to go inside when I see her. Meena is in her bathing suit headed for the pool so I run down the stairs to the deck below and head out across the yard. She’s doing laps when I get there so I sit down on the lounge where Tess got laid last night and wait for her to come back up.

  She looks at me but doesn’t say anything. I drop to my knees and say, “Meena! I’m so sorry! I fucked up bad! Please forgive me.”

  She gets out of the pool and wraps a towel around herself and asks, “Why?”

  “What do you mean, why?” I ask back.

  “Why is it so important that I forgive you? We barely know each other. All we’ve done since we met is have sex. You don’t even know me! Why is it so important that I forgive you?” she says.

  “Because you’re all I think about. I’ve never met anyone like you and I want to get to know you better,” I tell her.

  “Someone like me? Do you mean someone who looks like me because like I said, you don’t even know me!” she shouts at me.

  “No, not someone who looks like you. Someone smart and strong. Someone who didn’t come here and just fall in line behind all the other posers. A real fucking person! That’s what I mean!” I tell her.

  She shakes her head and says, “There are a lot more of us real people in the world than there are of you rich California brats. Just move. You’ll find plenty of girls like me.”

  “I don’t want them! I want you!” I cry.

  She grins at me and says, “But are you going to rub your dick all over them to prove it to me?”

  I swear she’s about to spit in my face but she goes in the house instead. I stand there like an idiot hoping she’ll remember something else that she wanted to insult me with and come back outside. I see her heading toward the door and steady myself. I’m not leaving until she forgives me.

  She comes out the door and tosses my sweaty clothes at my feet. My mouth drops open. I’d forgotten all about them.

  “I found your clothes in my aunts room so I checked her bed sheets for stains. I guess she didn’t make you wear one of her condoms,” she tell me with hatred in her eyes.

  “I didn’t sleep with your aunt. I jerked off in her bed while she was out here fucking some guy on that chair,” I tell her.

  “Are you some kind of animal? What do you mean you jerked off in my aunts bed? How is that better in your mind?” she shouts at me.

  “I came here looking for you! I walked so I was covered in sweat. Your aunt told me to take a shower and gave me some guys clothes to change in to so I did. She wanted me to get stoned with her so I did that, too. Right there on her bed. I was stoned out of my mind so she left me there by myself. I was high out of my mind and I jerked off. Sue me! I didn’t fuck your aunt,” I tell her.

  “You had to jerk off because you wanted to fuck my aunt?” she asks me and I grab my hair and pull on it.

  “Yes, I wanted to fuck your aunt. You’ve seen her, right? You know she would have been all about it, too so the only thing that stopped me was you! You told me that I could have a one night stand with your aunt or I could have you. I choose you!” I tell her.

  The hate leaves her face but what replaces it is even worse. It looks like pity.

  “You should have fucked my aunt,” she says turning to walk away.

  I won’t let her leave me like this so a rush her and grab her by the arm spinning her around.

  “Tell me what that means?” I shout at her.

  “Let go of my arm and come inside,” she tells me and I obey.

  I follow her in to the kitchen and sit down at the breakfast bar. I wait as she pours herself a cup of coffee and asks me if I want one. I tell her no. She sets her cup down and looks at me from the other side of the island.

  “When I left the party I went next door to Nicks. It was me, Nick, and someone else. Someone that I was kind of crushing on before I met you. We talked and I think I might be interested in finding out if there could be anything between us,” she says and I feel my heart sink in my chest.

  “Who?” I ask her.

  “It doesn’t matter right now. If things work out between us, you’ll know soon enough,” she tel
ls me.

  “Did you fuck him?” I ask as my blood boils.

  “No, see, that’s the thing. I would have but he wouldn’t allow it. He didn’t want to sleep with me when I was hurting over you. That made me think about how things started between us. If we’d gotten to know each other before we had sex, we might not have ever gotten there. We might have so little in common that we wouldn’t even be interested in each other but we decided that our physical attraction was more important and we screwed without knowing if we could even stand each other! Hell, we hadn’t even talked about having a relationship yet and we broke up the first time that we were in public together!” she tells me.

  “Okay, so let’s get to know each other! We don’t have to have sex again unless we’re sure that we like each other,” I say.

  “It doesn’t work that way. We can’t go backwards and, honestly, after last night the thought of touching you repulses me,” she tells me and I want to cry or punch her. I can’t make sense of it.

  “Whatever this was, it’s over now, Jake. It was fun while it lasted. But, it’s over,” she says.

  I’m hurt and angry and I want to lash out but I know that I have to keep my head so I say, “I can’t believe I wasted my time on you!” and I get up and head for the door.

  “The feeling is mutual,” she says back to me.

  I slam the door and walk away.


  In my head I know it’s the right thing to do but my heart is telling me otherwise. I never met anyone like Jake before. Nobody has ever made me feel the things that I feel when I’m with him. If he keeps begging, I know I’ll give in and forgive him so I lie and tell him that the thought of touching him repulses me so he’ll get mad and end this conversation. The truth is that even now, if he pulled me in to his arms I would drag him to my room and rip his clothes off.

  When he leaves I’m torn between relief and sorrow. I’m definitely not over him but maybe with Andres’ help I can be.


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