Norman, John - Gor 08 - Hunters of Gor.txt

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Norman, John - Gor 08 - Hunters of Gor.txt Page 21

by Hunters of Gor [lit]

  present. Present, too, of course, were Hura and Mira, Verna’s enemies. When we

  had all gathered about, there was a silence.

  It was in the late afternoon. A bird cried in the distance. There was not much

  stir in the air. It was hot.

  Verna looked up at Marlenus, proudly, defiantly.

  “Remove her bonds,” said Marlenus.

  She looked up at him, startled. A huntsman, one of Marlenus’ retinue, cowled in

  the head of a forest panther, stepped behind her. With his sleen knife he freed

  the girl’s arms and hands.

  She still knelt, apprehensive.

  “Who are you?” asked Marlenus.

  “I am Verna,” she said, “the outlaw.”

  Then, to her astonishment, and that of all those watching, saving the Ubar

  himself, Marlenus took the key to her collar from his pouch. He opened the

  collar and replaced the key in his pouch. He then removed the collar from her

  throat and cast it to one side, in the dirt.

  She looked up at him, puzzled.

  “Hamstring the outlaw,” he said.

  “No!” she cried. She leaped to her feet but two huntsmen, cowled in the heads of

  forest panthers, seized her by the arms. “No! No!” she screamed.

  “May we go, Ubar?” pleaded Hura. Mira, too, wanted to rush to the gate.

  “Remain where you are,” said Marlenus.

  The two women, frightened, did not move.

  “Ubar!” screamed Verna. “Ubar!”

  At a gesture from Marlenus the shreds of pleasure silk which still clung to her

  were torn from her by two huntsmen, they, too, like the others, cowled in the

  heads of forest panthers.

  She stood before him, free of his collar, stripped, held by huntsmen.

  Hanging is a not uncommon penalty in the northern forests for outlawry. Another

  such penalty, not infrequently inflicted, is hamstringing.

  “No, Ubar!” she said. “Please, Ubar!”

  In hamstringing the two large tendons behind each knee are cut. The legs my then

  no longer be contracted. They are then useless. No longer can the subject walk

  or run, or ever stand erect.

  The subject is, however, not without resource. He can, though it requires

  strength, and it is awkward and painful, drag himself about by the hands.

  When an individual is hamstrung he is often taken to a city where he is left,

  that he may, if he can, earn his living by begging. Sometimes tavern keepers

  gather several such unfortunates together, enslave them, and keep their beggings

  for themselves. A slave with a tharlarion wagon puts them about the city in the

  morning and picks them up at night. Sometimes the tavern keepers blind or

  mutilate them as well, that they be more piteous, and their earnings accordingly


  Verna was looking at Marlenus with horror.

  “Let the outlaw be hamstrung,” said Marlenus.

  Two huntsmen threw Verna forward, holding her head toward the ground. Two others

  held her legs, somewhat higher, stretching them out.

  I saw the tendons, beautiful, taut, behind her knees.

  A fifth huntsman, at a sign from Marlenus, stepped behind the girl. He removed

  the sleen knife from its sheath. I saw the edge of the blade touch the right


  “I am a woman!” screamed Verna. “I am a woman!”

  “No,” said Marlenus. “You are an outlaw.”

  “I am a woman!” screamed Verna. “I am a woman! I am a woman!”

  “No,” said Marlenus. “You have only a body of a woman. inside your body you are

  a man.”

  “No!” she wept. “No! Inside I am a woman! I am woman!”

  “Is it true?” asked Marlenus.

  “Yes, yes!” wept Verna.

  “You acknowledge yourself a female then,” asked Marlenus, “within as well as


  “Yes,” cried Verna. “I am a female!”

  “Completely?” asked Marlenus.

  “Yes,” cried Verna, “I am completely a female.”

  “And not a man as well?” pressed Marlenus.

  “I am completely and only a female,” wept Verna.

  “Then,” said Marlenus, “it seems we should not hamstring you as an outlaw.”

  Verna’s body shuddered with relief. She shook in the arms of her captors.

  But they did not release her.

  “Then,” said Marlenus, “you may be hamstrung for being an escaped slave girl.”

  Terror sprang anew into Verna’s eyes.

  It was true. The second penalty for an escaping girl, one who has fled before,

  is not uncommonly hamstringing. I had seem hamstrung girls, begging, piteous in

  the streets of Ar. It was not a pleasant sight.

  “Hamstring the slave,” said Marlenus.

  “Master!” screamed Verna. “Master!”

  Marlenus hand indicated that the knife, poised, hesitate. The words that she had

  spoken stunned us, all save Marlenus. She had called him Master.

  The huntsmen held the slave.

  “Please, Master!” wept Verna. “Do not hurt me! Do not hurt me!”

  “The slave begs for mercy,” said one of the huntsmen.

  “Is this true?” asked Marlenus.

  “Yes, Master,” wept Verna. “I am yours. I am your girl. I am your slave. I beg

  for mercy. I beg for mercy, Master!”

  “Release her,” said Marlenus. The huntsmen resheathed his sleen knife. The

  others released the girl. She knelt on the ground, her head down, her hair

  forward, her shoulders and body shaking, trembling with terror.

  The other girls, too, were frightened. Verna’s girls, in their panther skins,

  chained by their right ankle. Hura, and Mira, too, were shaken.

  Verna had been shattered. Her pride, her obstinacy were gone.

  She looked up at Marlenus, as a slave girl looks to the eyes of a master.

  She knew then she was his.

  Without being told, she went to the collar, lying in the dirt, which Marlenus

  had cast aside. Trembling, she picked it up and knelt before Marlenus. She

  handed him the collar. There were tears in her eyes.

  Marlenus wiped the collar on his sleeve. A length of binding cord was brought.

  Verna knelt back on her heels. She lifted her arms to Marlenus, wrists crossed.

  She lowered her head between her arms.

  “I submit myself,” she said.

  The collar was locked on her throat. Her hands were tied.

  She lowered her bound wrists and lifted her head to Marlenus. “I am your girl,”

  she said, “Master.”

  Marlenus turned to a subordinate. “Have her cleaned and combed,” he said. “And

  perfume her.”

  She put down her head.

  “Then put her in yellow pleasure silk,” he said, “fresh silk, and place bells on

  her left ankle.”

  “Yes, Ubar,” said the man.

  Marlenus was regarding the slave who knelt before him, her head down.

  “And have her ears pierced,” said Marlenus, “and fix in them earrings of gold,

  large ones.”

  “Yes, Ubar,” said the man.

  The slave, conquered, did not so much as lift her head. It would be done to her,

  what her master wished.

  “And tonight,” said Marlenus, “when she is sent to my tent, see that she wears


  “It will be done as you say, Ubar,” said the man. He looked down at Verna. “Come

  with me, Girl,” he said.

, Master,” she said, and was led away.

  I recalled the flaminium, in the grip of Marlenus.

  “These other slaves,” said Marlenus, indicating Verna’s former girls, “take them


  Frightened, on their chain, they were herded away. There was not one of them but

  what knew that what had happened to Verna might have happened to any one of

  them. I suspected that each of them would be very conscious that night of the

  ring locked on their right ankle, and the chain that fastened them to the two


  “May we leave, Ubar?” asked Hura.

  Marlenus looked upon Hura and Mira. They were very conscious that they were

  women that stood among men.

  “Yes,” said Marlenus.

  The two women, in their brief skins, hurried to the gate, which was opened to

  let them pass. Outside, the panther girls were waiting for them. Hura, Mira, and

  Hura’s band swiftly disappeared in the forest.

  They did not remain long in the vicinity of the camp of Marlenus, Ubar of Ar.

  ”Think, Ubar,” I said, “that I choose to return to my ship soon, at the banks of

  the Laurius.”

  “You are welcome to leave when you wish,” said Marlenus, “but enjoy my

  hospitality another day.” He clapped me on the shoulder. “Do we not have a game

  on the board?”

  “Yes,” I smiled. “We do.” I had almost forgotten the game we had scarcely begun,

  before we had heard the cry at the gate, heralding Hura’s return of an escaped

  slave girl.

  At the entrance to Marlenus’ tent, I stopped.

  Marlenus looked at me.

  “Ubar,” said I, “if the girl Verna had not cried out for mercy, if she had not

  wept and yielded herself, completely and utterly, to you as slave, would you

  have truly done what you threatened?”

  “I do not understand,” said Marlenus.

  “Would you truly have hamstrung her?” I asked.

  “Of course,” said Marlenus. “I am a Ubar.”

  “When you leave,” said Marlenus, regarding the board, “it is my wish that you go

  to your ship.”

  It was his move.

  “That is my intention,” I said.

  “It is not my wish,” said Marlenus, “that you fare forth to an exchange point to

  set free a former citizen of Ar.”

  “I understand,” I said.

  “I, as her former Ubar, will treat of that business,” said Marlenus. She had

  much shamed him. I did not envy the girl, Talena.

  “What is your intention with regard to her?” I asked.

  “She will be kept in Ar,” he said.

  “I see,” I said.

  Marlenus looked up. “Put her from your mind,” he said. “She is unworthy of a

  free man.”

  I nodded. It was true what he had said. Talena, once the beautiful daughter of a

  great Ubar, shamed and disowned, was now nothing. No longer did she have family.

  No longer did she have position, wealth and power. She was now nothing. She now

  had only her beauty, and that wore a brand. Even if she were freed, she would

  not, in virtue of the disownment, have a caste. The lowest peasant wench on Gor,

  secure in her caste rights, would be far above her. Talena, once the marvelous

  and beautiful Talena, was now nothing. She was nothing, nothing.

  No longer was she a desirable match. No longer was she acceptable, no longer was

  she suitable.

  She was nothing.

  Marlenus and I, Goreans, sat across the board from one another.

  “A slave, said a man, standing outside the tent.

  “Send her in,” said Marlenus, studying the board. I looked up.

  Verna was stunningly beautiful. Her hair, long and blond, was loosed and combed

  back. she wore a bit of yellow pleasure silk, very short and diaphanous. It

  clung to her, sweet with her breathing. On her left ankle, locked, were slave

  bells. I caught the scent of her perfume, a delicate Torian scent, feminine. She

  wore lipstick. She carried wine.

  She was one of the most beautiful female slaves I had ever seen.

  Marlenus lifted his head and regarded her. Her breathing quickened.

  “Put down the wine,” said Marlenus, “and step before us.”

  The girl did so.

  “Lift your hair away from your ears,” said Marlenus, “and turn your head from

  side to side.”

  Verna displayed the earrings, large and gold, which had been fastened in her


  They were beautiful.

  “Remove the silk,” said Marlenus, ”and face us.”

  The slave did so.

  She stood beautifully. She did not stand as might have Cara, or another girl,

  who had well known the touch of a man, but she did stand as though owned. The

  resistance was gone from her shoulders and diaphragm. Even the palms of her

  hands, naturally now fell at her thighs, her left palm over her brand. She had

  not been taught to stand in this fashion. The difference, subtle and

  interesting, had been accomplished in the enslavement of the afternoon.. Now,

  naturally, unaware of it, she stood as a slave girl. She knew now she stood

  before the man who was her complete master, open to him, his slave. She stood as

  a slave, because she now knew herself as a slave, and this knowledge was

  reflected, inevitably, in her stance. It was natural that she now stand as a

  slave. She was a slave.

  “Turn,” said Marlenus.

  Verna did so, gracefully, obediently. She stood, facing away from us.

  “You see?” asked Marlenus.

  “Yes,” I said.

  Verna knew that she was beautiful. Moreover, she knew that her beauty was now

  being surveyed, candidly, by two free men. I could sense, in her breathing, and

  her carriage, that this excited her. It may well have excited her, for she was a

  mere slave, and belonged to one of the men present. A girl in a collar, as it is

  said, is not permitted inhibitions.

  We observed her.

  She stood on the ball of her left foot. The left leg was slightly, subtly,

  flexed, and her right leg was flexed, too, and much more than the left. Her head

  was turned slightly to the right, as though she might wish, did she dare, to

  look over her right shoulder. I noted the hamstrings. They were not tight. They

  were lovely, beautifully resilient. Marlenus played a savage game. I was pleased

  that they had not bee severed.

  “You see?” asked Marlenus.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “There is now a readiness,” said Marlenus. “She is still a raw girl, an ignorant

  girl, but now there is a readiness.”

  I nodded. “Face us,” said Marlenus.

  “Yes, Master,” said Verna. I marveled. Her lips were parted. She faced Marlenus.

  I saw her breathing. She was excited. A girl in a collar is not permitted

  inhibitions. Simply standing before her master, in his collar, she was visibly

  excited. I could scarcely conjecture the helplessness and violence of her

  responses to Marlenus, should he deign to touch her.

  “Do you sense in yourself a readiness,” Marlenus asked her, “to serve as a slave


  “Yes,” she said, “yes, Master!”

  “Clothe yourself,” said Marlenus.

  Unsteadily, tears in her eyes, she did so.

  Marlenus’ attention was again upon the boar
d of the game.

  “Ubara’s Builder to Ubara’s Builder Nine,” said Marlenus. He moved the piece.

  I responded to this with Scribe to Ubara’s Builder Two.

  Marlenus looked up. He glanced at the girl, absently.

  “Serve us wine,” he said.

  “Yes, Master,” she said.

  I observed the board.

  I wondered at women. It seems that they, in reality, care for tender, loving

  men, who treat them with great consideration and solicitude. Yes, in their

  dreams, it seems they find themselves forced to surrender, totally, to fierce,

  dominating masters, who insolently and cruelly, though often with ironic

  courtesy and tenderness, exact from their bodies, over a period of hours, every

  last minute sensation of response of which their bodies are capable, strong men,

  warriors, who, patiently, permit them no shield, who permit them to withhold

  nothing, who permit them to save not a particle of their honor, who will force

  them to yield themselves totally, helplessly, in complete and utter surrender.

  Gorean culture, of course, differs greatly from Earth culture. On Gor, for

  better or for worse, the reality in which a woman, terrified, might find herself

  is not altogether unlike that of her feared dreams on Earth, but on Gor it is

  not a dream; it is as real as the steel of slave bracelets and the commanding

  touch of a master.

  I looked at Marlenus of Ar.

  He was lost in the game, his attention on the board. I had not thought much of

  it before, but I now realized that he must be attractive, enormously attractive,

  to women. He was broad and strong. He was fierce and highly intelligent. He was

  as insolent, and rugged and handsome as the crags of the mighty Voltai. He was

  uncompromising; he was powerful; he was wealthy’ he controlled cities and men’

  he was a tarnsman, master of the great, predatory saddlebirds of Gor. He had

  taken, and owned many women. He seemed a natural master of female flesh. Many

  women, just seeing him, had a spontaneous desire to yield to him. Some high-born

  beauties of Ar, I knew, had begged for his collar.

  “Ubara to Ubara Four,” said Marlenus.

  I moved my Ubar’s Physician to my Ubara Six, interposing it between the Ubara

  and the Home Stone.

  Marlenus and I watched her pour the wine. She poured it differently than she had

  before. She knelt, her head down, the hair forward. I could see it in her

  shoulders. She, a slave girl, poured wine for masters. That she was owned was


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