Kassern (Archangels Creed)

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Kassern (Archangels Creed) Page 15

by Azure Boone

  “Of course.” Kassern resisted the urge to stroke her flush cheek.

  “Well good!” She nodded, relief softening her face. She lowered her gaze to his naked chest and pointed with a finger. “You should keep your clothes on.”

  “Yes. Sorry.” He thought on a long sleeved red silk shirt.

  “I mean…how would you like it if I were to walk around that way?”

  Kassern’s grin faded with the look she leveled on him. Silky…like her words that slid over his body. He struggled to dispel the image she’d effortlessly given him. “You better get dressed. I want to cook for you.”

  She sucked in a happy breath. “Really? How romantic!”

  Sounded like she considered that a good thing. Her gaze suddenly angled at him and she slowly drew closer until her hands touched his chest. He focused on holding his shirt in place, watching her draw her lower lip between her teeth. “I can pay you back nicely.”

  When her hand cupped his cock, Kassern flashed to the other side of the room. Heart racing, he stared at Karly who stood looking confused and…fuck, rejected.

  Kassern hurried to her. “I’m sorry, I just…I don’t want you to think you have to do anything sexual for love. You don’t. Love is a free gift.” He stroked her cheek, staring into her hopeful clear blue eyes.

  She lowered her gaze to his chest and placed her hands on it. Fucking shirt dissolved. She smiled. “Why do you keep doing that if you don’t want sex?”

  Kassern clenched his eyes tight. Good question. “Because you’re beautiful.” Shit, there was no other answer he could give.

  She held her towel again, looking up at his careful expression.

  “There are a lot…of beautiful women.”

  He finally gave in to the urge to stroke her cheek, wanting to utterly eliminate the worry from those eyes. “Not to me.”

  She bit her lower lip again, the edge of her mouth tugging with a smile, eyes bright. “Really?”

  “Yes.” His answer came on a single breath.

  “Then…why don’t you kiss me?”

  His brows narrowed at how everything in her world had sex attached. “Kissing you doesn’t prove that you’re beautiful to me.”

  “No,” she whispered, gaze dropping to his lips. “Don’t you…want to kiss me?”

  Why was this going so badly? Why was her every question like a double-edged sword?

  “I want…to prove to you that love isn’t about sex.”

  Her gaze narrowed now, confused. “Then…what is sex for?”

  Kassern stared at her, amazed with her check mate. He swallowed. “Um, well. Sex is…sex is for reproduction and…a way for a couple to express…”

  “Express their love for each other?”

  And there it was in those clear blue eyes. She’d known this. She’d known it all along. It’s not that she didn’t know what sex was supposed to be, it was that she never thought herself worthy of it.


  “Yes,” he agreed, admitting defeat.

  She swallowed, her eyes narrowing. “So…what you’re saying is…you don’t love me like that.”

  Kassern watched as all the carefully stacked truths crashed to her feet, proving that she was unworthy, just as she’d thought.

  He reached for her and she spun around. “Get out. Please.”

  The tremble in her voice tore through him. “No.”

  “Damn you, I don’t want your stupid angelic pity.” Her words strained with burning agony and a maturity that only a life of unthinkable pain could bring.

  It filled Kassern’s being like acid, staggering him. “Karly.”

  She spun to him and he marveled at her selfless concern. Even though it was her pain he choked on, she worried for him. Never had he witnessed someone as beautifully broken as her. Despite the outward jagged edges, the true heart, once the tarnish had been peeled away, remained pure and perfect.

  “Come to me.”

  A human could not refuse the power in his words. And she didn’t. When she stood before him, he took her hand and placed it on his chest. His shirt dissolved and he allowed her to feel his spirit. Feel what she did to him.

  Her gasp hit his skin like a tidal wave of warmth. She felt what that did to him too. He reached for her other hand and moved it along his abs.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, feeling how her touch commanded his warrior's fire and sent it in a mad frenzy to obtain what he had to have.

  Her astonished blue gaze full of happy tears rose to his. She sobbed when his fire grew hotter under her joy. Then she sobered in amazement with the realization that he was prepared to forfeit everything he was to give her joy of any and every kind.

  Her arms slowly circled him and she placed her head against his chest, embracing tightly. Her tears seeped into his skin, his spirit, making his muscles hurt. She gasped and pulled away at the sensation of, his angelic restraint withering beneath her every breath. She stepped back and slowly took in his body.

  “I need you,” he whispered. All his clothes dissolved before her gaze, revealing the utter extent of his confession.

  She opened her towel and let it fall to the floor. Kassern’s low growl rippled through the air and he began to slowly circle her. Staring at her. Every inch.

  “I’m afraid.” His words echoed over the growl still rippling the air.

  She followed his slow restrained steps. “Why?”

  “I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

  He watched how his words excited her, causing her breasts to rise and fall faster. She understood what he was trying to say. And it aroused her. And that aroused him somehow more.

  “I trust you,” she whispered, eyeing his extremely engorged cock.

  Her gaze brought his fire out to dance on the surface of his skin. “I don’t.” He’d never felt need like this. More powerful than any divine sorrow or righteous fury. He didn’t understand it. What would it demand of him?

  What would she demand of him?

  Chapter Twenty F our

  Karly's lips parted. God, he was beautiful. Lean muscle stood out in stark relief against the paleness of his skin, and flames limned his body with a golden-red light. Before she could move to touch him, a tongue of that flame emerged from his eyes to sweep over her body.

  Hot liquid silk engulfed her most intimate parts and passion roared through her, leaving her ready to do anything he asked. And still, he didn't move to touch her. Well, she wasn't going to wait. While she had him standing still and not pushing her away, she intended to take full advantage.

  She pressed forward bringing her body into slight contact with his. The blast of heat from him shocked her, and she gasped.

  Kassern flashed himself away, across the room. "Karly, listen to me."

  "No." She started toward him. "You're not going to scare me off." But she couldn't move forward again. He held her immobile with his power. "Let go, Kassern."

  His hands came up in a pleading gesture. "I will. I just need you to listen first. Please?"

  Not like she had a choice. She nodded.

  "You are in control." He licked his lips. "I will do anything…" He flashed just a few feet away from her. "And everything…" Another flash brought him even closer. "You heard that, right? Everything… you ask." One last flash, and he placed his hands on her shoulders as if to hold her still. "But I need you to go slow."

  Karly's body throbbed with the intensity of his words. Power zinged along the surface of her skin. This man, this incredibly glorious being, trusted her. He gave her absolute control. The very concept made her heart jump into her throat. She licked her lips, trying to decide how to proceed. He waited, silent.

  Taste. She had to taste his skin. Pressing close, hands at her sides, she leaned forward, her mouth level with his chest. Massive musculature trembled and heat rolled off his body. Feather light, she allowed her lips to touch him, to creep along his skin, following the contours of his chest. Impatient to actually taste him, she let her tongue flick out to curl
along a ridge of muscle.

  A heavy growl reverberated through Kassern as he quivered in place, fists clenched, every muscle tensed and poised for action. "Karly?"

  "Hmm?" She continued her oral exploration of his chest, determined to taste every inch of him.

  "Say you want me bound." His voice cracked with tension.

  Surprised, she pulled back slightly to peer up at him. "What?"

  "Tell me to bind myself. Please? That's the only way I can be sure of not getting carried away and hurting you." The hoarse whisper raised gooseflesh on her skin.

  How could he trust her so much? Make himself so vulnerable? Her stomach quivering with excitement and power, she gave the order. "Bind yourself on the bed."

  Light flashed through the room as he followed her command. The heavy oak bed frame creaked under the strain of his weight and the tension of the crimson silk ropes he used to tie himself spread-eagled across the mattress.

  For a few seconds, Karly just stood beside the bed, considering, admiring. His flat belly heaved with anticipation and an occasional tongue of crimson flame danced along his skin. His immense hard-on throbbed against his lower belly while strobes of light changed his eyes from their usual ruby to an otherworldly multi-hued red glow.

  Desire compelled her forward, and Karly climbed onto the bed beside him, excitement making her muscles quake. On her knees at his side, she leaned toward his foot, deciding in the moment to begin there.

  With her gaze on his face, she leaned down and let her tongue trace along his instep. Fire leapt along his skin while he moaned. Encouraged with his response, she repeated the action and gained an even stronger response. The flames flared steadily and he growled her name through clenched jaws.

  Smiling, Karly worked her way up his legs, kissing, nipping and licking her way along bulging muscle. The bed creaked anew as Kassern's legs contracted, placing nearly unbearable strain upon his silk bindings.

  "Why silk?"

  Her question caught him unaware and he raised his head to look at her. "Wha… Silk? Why?"

  She bit her lip on the laughter that tried to erupt at his confusion. "That's what I asked. Why did you tie yourself with silk? Wouldn't chain be stronger?"

  He arched one brow. "Seriously? Now?"

  Struggling to keep her expression even, she just nodded. Giggling over his dismayed response might not have the effect she wanted.

  A slight frown replaced the arched brow. "Okay. Well, silk is the strongest natural fiber. And steel chafes. Is that a good enough answer for you to go back to what you were doing?"

  Despite her attempt to contain it, the laughter bubbled up, and Karly laughed until tears pricked the corners of her eyes. After a moment of consternation, he joined in, until the bed rocked with their combined hilarity.

  Seeing him like that, so relaxed, for once not concerned with missions, triumvirates, or confessions, sent Karly tumbling into a free-fall of love for him, and sheer joy at simply being in his presence. The laughter froze in her throat with the impact of her realization of how deeply she loved him, and how likely hopeless that love was.

  He was an angel, for crapsake. No matter how human he seemed, he sure wasn't a factory worker stopping in the Castle at the end of the shift.

  "No you don't, Karly." Kassern sobered, no doubt realizing where her thoughts had gone. "You are not leaving me tied here with a hard-on while you go all worried about the future. I love you. I don't know how yet, but the future will work itself out."

  The fear dissolved, and though she knew he'd made it go away, Karly didn't mind so much. Enjoying every second with him was far more important. With an impish grin, she returned to his foot to start all over, trailing her tongue along the arch of his instep.

  Karly refused to allow his responses to distract her from her intentions to taste every inch of his body. She took her time, lingering to tease tender, sensitive areas. The fine dark hairs sprinkled over his skin tickled her lips and cheeks, and she spent time savoring the sensation. He tasted incredible, clean and masculine with a faint trace of citrus.

  Kassern's hips rocked as she worked her way up his thighs and his cock pulsed with every touch. Deafened by the pounding of her pulse, Karly still had no problem hearing the sounds he made. The little growls and gruff moans sent her pulse skyrocketing, and flooded her body with desire.

  She approached the juncture of his thighs, intensifying his reactions. As she steadfastly refused to touch his cock, his hips rocked and begging moans tore from his throat. A lock of her hair slipped past her shoulder and brushed across the pulsing head of him, and his back arched his entire body off the bed, wood cracking against the pressure. Her stomach flipped at the amazing intensity of his response to her touch. How could she have such an effect on such a powerful man?

  Transfixed, she stared at the immensity of his erection. How in the world would she accommodate him? Even as she worried, slick fluids flooded her, preparing her to receive him. Her inner muscles spasmed and stretched in anticipation.

  Despite her intentions to continue sweetly tormenting them both, she swung her leg over his thighs, unable to wait. She settled against his thick shaft, gratified with what sounded like a whimper of need from him.

  Tongues of flame licked along Kassern's body, and met her skin where it came in contact with his. The heated silk overwhelmed her nerve endings, leaving her quivering against him. His cock pulsed against her moist folds, and he rocked his hips, sliding his heat along her slit. Incredible heaviness throbbed through her lower belly and pelvis.

  Compelled by the heat in his eyes and the need displayed by the stark angles of his face, Karly leaned forward over his chest and let her lower body slide until her entrance encountered the head of his cock. She paused and angled her hips, allowing him to press against her.

  Kassern trembled with the strain of keeping his body entirely still, allowing her all the control. Slowly, she moved her hips to bring him inside, just the pulsing head.

  He growled and bucked, sinking deeper before she could raise herself. The delicious heat and friction of having him within her body sent her hovering in the stratosphere, poised at the edge of a monumental abyss.

  She lowered herself a little more, her body stretching to capacity to envelope his mass. With a roar, he surged upward and thrust himself entirely inside her. She cried out at the overwhelming sensation as every nerve ending concentrated on feeling and gripping him tightly.

  An experimental movement of her hips pressed his pulsing cock against an incredibly sensitive area deep inside her. Her control melted, and she rode him mercilessly, seeking that abyss.

  Tension tightened and radiated throughout her, and suddenly released, sending her into a cascade of frenzied spasms and thrusts that milked at his cock. His roar rattled the room as he met her thrusts, pounding into her.

  Sudden light and flames filled the air as she dissolved around him, falling into that abyss. He shuddered and poured into her, his molten seed jetting within her body to renew her climactic spasms.

  After an endless suspension of time, Karly collapsed against his heaving chest, gasping for air. Tears gathered on her lashes as the incredibility of what had happened between them sunk in.

  Kassern's muscles tensed with alarm and the silken bonds dissolved. His arms crushed her to him, and he held her through the cleansing sobs. When her tears finally subsided, she lifted her head to find his ruby eyes glowing watching her. "I'm sorry," she said.

  "For what—feeling?" he whispered. "Karly, I love you." Between them, his cock twitched and firmed.

  Impossible. How could he be ready again so soon?

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Kassern wasn’t sure what had happened during their joining, but it was definitely not anticipated and not, he was pretty sure, part of the whole rescue mission plan.

  His desire spiked just remembering the way she broke on him. What was more alarming was thinking his first time would eliminate some of the barbaric need plowing through his
veins. He was so wrong. Rather than taking the edge off, the experience had honed the edge, making his need sharper, more urgent. No, his need for Karly would never decrease.

  Karly lifted those amazing blue eyes to him and a surprised gasp parted her lips when his hardness pressed close again so soon after her delicious body drained him. Then something familiar flickered in the depths of her gaze, and he looked more closely, using his angelic sight. It flickered again. His own fire. There in her eyes, proving the extent of their binding. My God, spirit deep.

  Definitely not the first oh shit in his life, and probably not the last, but it was absolutely something he had to pause and relish in. His shaft throbbed as she slowly moved till she sat tall and eager on his waist, his fire moving her limbs from within until she straddled him like a glorious goddess. He released a half roar and bucked on the bed when her hips undulated on him in smooth circles, her head falling back with sultry sounds. She fell forward then, her mouth next to his, her hands clamped on his biceps in a powerful grip. Her sudden strength registered in Kassern's melting body. “Make love to me, Kassern.” She slid encased heat over his shaft in an exotic rhythm.

  She wasn’t even aware of what he’d done to her. What he'd given her. He remained bound, pulling hard against the silken restraints, leaning up for her lips. She may not have known what, but she knew she had something different. And she liked it. Pulling just out of his reach, she teased him with a smile. His angelic heart raced with the force of a fierce battle, but his foe, this beautiful woman, rode him like her steed, holding his breath captive. Weakness had never been so damn rewarding.

  “Kiss me.” Even though the words growled with his desire, the angelic power they should've had to compel obedience fell like fluttered whispers over her mind and faded into insignificance.

  She smiled and bit her lower lip, oblivious to the absence of his irrefutable persuasion. “You didn’t say please.” The excitement flooding him was much like a panic attack, only of supernatural proportions. The realization that he may possibly be able to finally satisfy his body’s emergency need to devour her without killing her, was monumentally overwhelming.


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