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  One who is the writer of the seventh story movement enlists the readers as the other ones or one of the readers individually makes it in the defence of one’s dignity! The real and prolific one-The Militant from which existence to the other ones would begin to exist has begun to enlist other ones in that way after he had arrived at the nearest suburban of NILBURG-for the name of that space town is this-yet should learn after a while that dignity has been bound “common to all men” instead of the surprise and outrage of one regarding that sour reality, and Schiller would desire to demonstrate that feelings to self esteem are always accompanied by a hatred of the others.

  One mumbled: “The overdose of SELF ESTEEM may hinder SELF DEVELOPMENT!”

  NILBURG has been loved in general because of its order to avoid having to love anybody in particular. This had been correct before one visited there, even if that visiting was baseless, and after one got a longed promenade around the hotels of which names and firm titles have been written in swirling, flying, fugitive, very lovely laser beans it would not be correct for under the illumination shower of NILBURG night one would quit oneself again, and after that very action one should see the FEMALE ONE standing still in the place from where one escaped. It is easier to understand ONE to fall in love with ONE’S last part quitted in a town of romance-NILBURG!

  Our Militant One of the Space carried on with mumbling:

  -“When we realize that for The Male humanitarianism is represented by prejudices about The Female who is as human as him from the very beginning but would be recreated by him under the nonsense title-The Second Sex. Why, instead of being a mature Russian MD., thinker, Eurasia observer, and writer cannot remember the author of The Marxist Study-The Second Sex as the mistress of J. P. SARTRE? Because even though there cannot be anything like The Second Sex non-logic calculation of the abundant rewards presented to the Female by the Male should give unjust confidence to the so called First Sex!”

  The Second Sex - Marxists Internet Archive

  https://www.marxists.org/reference/subje ... /index.htm - ÖnbellekBenzer

  Simone de Beauvoir's epoch-making 'The Second Sex' and other writings. ... Source: The Second Sex, 1949, translated by H M Parshley, Penguin 1972; Written: ...

  Simone de Beauvoir The Second ... - Introduction - De Beauvoir - From Part II

  He went on:

  -“Having been in the boundaries of human nature the New Mesopotamians seem more humanist than me while calling the Female the MAN WITHOUT COCK!”

  eksik etek - itü sözlük


  "etek" erkeğin cinsel organı anlamına gelmektedir yanılmıyorsam. bu anlamdan ... da başarmıştır. allah türkçe'nin yardımcısı olsun demekten başka çaremiz yok. ...

  And one moaned:

  -“Through the pages of the SEX HISTORY there is, for example, the kind of logic trying to mould HUMANITY embodied by The Male only while there couldn’t be anybody who had felt the breath of The GOD’S BREATH... What a paradox is ours to call our parts bad names!”


  Might the Scientific Fiction to be continued here, which progresses from an act of The Militant of SPACE to multiply using the same procedure used by ordinary paramecium to be found in stagnant pools to calling the Female copy of his to being yet it-that simple procedure- turned a metaphysical resurrection namely getting marriage and the female pregnant with several children for in the town named NILBURG he fell in love show us the pure viz. the primitive love. Now a space question: If one-or rather the source from which other ones would come to life- is able to ignore morality and give up the manners in the following manner saying: “There is not enough love in the world to squander it on anything but human beings.” what could come of it? Does it dictate a life which is immoral or a chaos of anarchy to be availing under the roof of the family that should be put in order by decent parents? If this probability were true, “the appalling despair that it implies would merit anything but contempt.”

  Nevertheless, the man in love would left some traces behind him similar to footprints as everybody have “envisaged it up to now,” like a formula drawing up that “an abstract ideal is not chosen through lack of feeling and in pursuit of a sterile demand”. Space militant insisted that the love of the mankind couldn’t be found ridiculous from the point of narrow minded disciples in the case of dogma induced disciplines and it “should be taken into consideration” that the male side of one’s existence “that serves no other purpose than to be part of the act of” struggle or fight or even brutality could be compared with the acts of female side of one’s existence. Does this imply that no rebellion is motivated by resentment? One ought to make comparisons lion heartedly covering male and female lions’ ferocity challenging to each other without betraying the affectations peculiar to different sexes especially during the mating!


  Now the story in its widest sense of narration might diagnose the act of Space Militant going far beyond falling in love because he, without giving any attention to the fear charging mechanisms of the security cameras which must have been in full service around him he caught one of the hands of the girl and asked her name. “Gertrude is my name” answered the girl and added: “yet the people used to call me as Bloomy Mary!

  He said something non-nonchalantly if not in a passive way that he would like to cry his love in order to make a young lady to understand the density of his feelings.


  At the beginning of THE EXISTENCE IN THE SPACE or “willingly go to hell in order to be reunited with the woman he loves”, has been nothing for the YOUNGEST OF THE YOUTH “but by the consuming experience of a whole lifetime” OF THE Space the Mankind should learn it. The humiliation committed voluntarily A. CAMUS to say that even the LOVE FOR GOD was absurd while The New Mesopotamians would insist that “they prefer hell with The SAVIOUR to heaven without HIM.”

  Seninle Cehennem Ödüldür Bana Sensiz Cennet Bile Sürgün Sayılır


  20 Mar 2007 – VURGUN Gözlerim uykuyla barıştı sanma Sen gittin gideli dargın sayılır Ben de bir zamanlar sevildim ama Seninki düpedüz vurgun sayılır Ne ...

  This may be assumed “the very essence of love.” The MILITANT of the Space, though drawn to mad by LOVE has been witty not to get anger with getting acquaintance with another gender-The Female as he had felt awfully upset when seeing another ones living as he did!

  And, briefly, The Male-The Militant of the Space isn’t a co-worker of the Female instead of their being close relatives! The reasons of revolt may attract the attention of The Female and this attraction being dressed by lovable features-not the power contrary to prejudices-of the Male are always a gravitation centre for the Female to do the same things alongside with The Male-The Militant of the space not to change the Status quo but to be aide de camp of the militant who is-even giving order to the Female is dominated by her in daily life maybe because of the remnants of the good days spent with the mom- the leader, in fact, over the periods revolutions. “It is obvious that a Hindu pariah, an Inca warrior, a primitive native of central Africa, and a member of one of the first Christian communities had not at all the same ideas about” revolt against the Nature/the Mom’s Fate-KADER the whore. A. Camus, for instance used to look the Mankind’s war on the Fate-The prostitute named as KADER by the New Mesopotamians!

  Judah* lived among the New Mesopotamians, and in his diaries written down the libretto of hymns with considerable assurance that conveying only the words would have no meaning so he played some of the instrumental parts of the hymns, and put them in YOUTUBE in some particular samples. However
, having been the greatest Hebrew/Turk-Jewish KHAZAR Empire and other Semitic hymns player on David’s Arp/QANUN, Judah has have to translated the words of both hymns and prayers into English!

  The let’s be ready to read the diaries of Judah considering them as some SELF DEVELOPMENT means or “condottiere” of recognizing the New Mesopotamians way of prayer-and of course cursing at times-and chanting hymns about which the European stock bourgeois-including Russian and American intellectuals-at the beginning of the Third Millennium might not be having any little notion!

  Judah*: The nick name of Prof. Mes used in this part of the E-BOOK Study.

  Judah writes:

  10th March, 11.00 hours CET’ I’ve swept the snow occupying the roof of my parent’s house in the form of a undulating area alongside with the highways ordinary or in American standards, you know, the highest quality. I’m this! It is I am! I love the USA and do my best if the snow covers our visage’s horizon. Snow or whatsoever may it be, I might not be expected to condone being restricted even if my parents’ main point in sweeping the snow is not being envisaged. Do I know what the word-envisage does mean and if a contemporary language student would find my mastering the very word envisage sufficient is it true that everybody undoubtedly agree that I-The Militant of the Space is proficient, even if some of them differed about the reasons for proficiency. The reply may be whatsoever it destines, YEP or NOP; I can defend myself standing still within the famous lines of YUNUS EMRE-the greatest poet of the New Mesopotamians who dared to reject the CREATOR’s concrete souvenir like the heaven or kosher-KEVSER wines. Writes he:

  Who am I, and...

  What’s my prayer?

  I’m the hornbeam of a hill owned by the hillier

  Is it the word, hillier or anything else?

  No matter

  I own only my prayer

  Praying to my personally defined Messiah

  His name? Ach...

  MEVLA! It means my parent in charge of my training

  I sing and sing and sing

  His name

  Who visits lest it should not be any body to blame


  As being lazy!

  Wednesday before the 3rd June 2009 excessively exhibited the sex problem of my female cat Arabian Night-the sister of Liz which has got four kittens-Black Rocket, Soothe, Grey China, and Future Phone-and a healthy life over mating with the cat militants of The Blue Planet. Yes, indeed, she-I hint Arabian Night whom I used to call one thousand and one nights/OTAN which could carry to mind L’OTAN in French i.e. NATO-was going to death with little, excessively audible yet invisible steps. After he died of jealousy I felt all my love for life exasperated like a bottle of milk bottled in the way of longevity much more developed than being pasteurized and having and expiration date.

  Simultaneously a thin slice of the sky between the blocks surrounding my home used to send me colourful compositions made of interesting schedules-if not figures-of the stars and maybe planets around them-that their flickering impressions one should be receiving only if one would be backed by The Saviour versus to the Creator that within the rules of The Nature could kill NATO which after the Star Wars Project of the USA-the democracy leader of the World, has broken down in Her Plot against the America and its allies and my Arabian Night Survive while the Communism gave his crippled soul and died of imagination lacking.

  Actually the third of four of the Turkish Voters-The New Mesopotamians believe that if there had not been The USA Semi- Military KEMALIST REGIME namely the Turkish Soviet wouldn’t have given the right of free belief or free thought to the Pro-West Muslims-The New Mesopotamians.

  One of the living Islamic Belief celebrities who goes on to live in a cave shrine alone but has got the power of directing the great majority of Muslim votes says:

  Our old Earth is a little village under the sky like a blue handkerchief seems to assume a precise meaning of LIBERALISM only under the lights of American Dream:

  Mehmed Kırkıncı | Mehmed Kırkıncı Hocaefendi Hayatı, Hatıraları ...

  https://www.mehmedkirkinci.com/ - ÖnbellekBenzer

  Mehmet Kırkıncı Kimdir? 1940 yılında, on iki yaşında iken medrese tahsiline başlar. Dersle ilk tanışması bu yılda olur. Uzun yıllar muhtelif hocalardan ders görüp

  Eserleri - Fotoğraflar - Makaleler - Site Hakkında

  It is possible to be even more explicit by remarking, like MEHMET KIRKINCI HODJA, that the spirit of liberal thought would have find few means of expression in the motherland of the New Mesopotamians if the NATO Bases had not been built in Anatolia where inequalities were very great (KEMALIST system or the ordinary copy of Stalinism) or, again, where there had been absolute despotism.

  The spirit of the Militant of the Space cannot exist without the help of the saviour in a society where a religious equality feeds greater inequalities. The problem of mine, therefore, has no meaning in the adventure of my cat-Arabian Night except her resurrection within our sick society that in need of illuminated by NUR/LIGHT BRETHREN. In the very critical moment I might be tempted to affirm that it is relative to SELF DEVELOPMENT including RESURRECTION in one’s daily life of LIBERALISM!



  Oh, our greatest saviour! Help us in order to carry our will to the highest rank of the robust existence of roses decorating the backyard of Aunt Eve, over their condensed smelling, and of laurel wreaths which are capable of gaining the keys of ladies’ heart, touching the ropes to tight those hearts with ours, the flowers which are made of steel fibres strewn before and over us!

  We have sent you our prayers, as if “hewn out of stone”, going out with much more thunderbolts than coward bombs of suicide bombers intoxicated behind fundamentalist leaders!

  Oh, the Saviour don’t let the bright, warm yet modified by windy air of the Nordic Civilisation, and its liberty squares become dark!

  We feel ourselves at the farthest point of the destination of the very name-endeavour entitling American Space crafts, and, higher up than where we used to abide... Order the mechanism of CREATION not to disturb us skilful tricks and traps we had been carrying out with being afraid and wasting time!

  Kazadan ve Beladan Korunma Duası - Mishakal

  www.mishakal.com/kazadan-ve-beladan-t14189.html?p=19145 - Önbellek

  27 May 2011 – Kazadan ve Beladan Korunma Duası Havas. ... Görünür görünmez ...

  In the coming decades, we are sure that, the reign of Jesus the Christ shall elapse forty years of peace.

  Oh, the Saviour! Disclose a vision of us, help our good deeds-SELF DEVELOPMENT, and let’s stand erect in our mission!



  Was this the ultimate auspicious advice we have been occurred to give ever to the readers? It would seem so, for already we see the small tricks and traps of the CREATION we call LIFE leaping out of all business medium to our laps, which lie broad and deep beneath and above us, overrunning the global economy! Everything gives way in the centre under the intimate friend of the Creator-The Satan’s feet. Let not the screams of the clients pursue me into the depths into which I spend all of my knowledge and craft, precisely coercing the boundaries of the dimensions of my existence infinitely deep indeed. This infinity tempts one to no extraordinary accomplishments, anything that I should do that might be insignificant!

  Oh, the Saviour-The Messiah: Our Lord’s male fruit over Holy Breath of His! Listen or not listen to our prayer but help us! We might start insensibly something and that could be best. But as stated by A. Camus if we would like cordially free from the evils of the creator and her intimate friend-The Satan we should use our wisdom in every case from gross matters to details even if we were in any irrational phenomenon where probably wise man might be accepted as the nutty!



  26th May. Back from Constantinople where I’ve given a recital in the halls of Jewish Collage-ULUS. My hands are like flying-non identified-object on the horizontal Arp played first by King DAVID in Jerusalem.

  Some of the melodies of The New Mesopotamians may heal the wounds of heart and traumatic sickness of the souls. Had the people of USSR sat down by my audiences in a corner bound with the LOVE thought through the speeches of The Messiah and repeated in the magnificent books of Tolstoy, there would have been no policemen with truncheons in front of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s cell while the -50 Celsius availing-to stop his second routine work-to think after coming back from the field work putting the unimaginable toils on the worker’s shoulder!

  Now it’s time to listen to the Stigmatization-2 played by the trio of which I have been the Maestro Professor.

  17th Saturday- No year indicated!

  Let’s look on simply the paradox The New Mesopotamians live in praying in utmost bigotry and swearing freely. They swear FATE/KADER THE WORE. Suppose Fate is the domain of ALLAH so to swear Fate is equal to swear Allah. If hardly a pious Muslim people had used to live that paradox what comes of the identification to unite those two different conceptions: Allah and KADER/The fate? If they had not been able to able to differ the real owner of everything, and of the breath getting Virgin Marry from KADER it could have been worse.


  Compiled by Judah, from The Youth of the New Mesopotamians...

  Oh My Lord! I implore you to listen to my humble words uttered in anxiety, fears about the future, and-strange to say-shivering in a cold weather while suffering from a serious perspiration. What is my exact request is to learn what my engagement is; having known that everybody make an effort to bring bodily and mental functions to a relatively standard level of life, and when they couldn't, to put up with problems as I used to do.


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