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  If the little details that will be drawn up don't disturb the reader I might bring forward the most reasonable proof about the truth of The Teeth On The Air. As one can see through the pages of episode the LOVE I used to feed for The Saviour was shared by the child victim who has lost all his teeth in the earth quake which has stricken VAN in the last quarter of the year 2011! The freezing weather was troubling him then in the icy evening to be spent by one day old babies under the tents both colder than cold and much more inflammable than gasoline! How could I be knowing all these trifles of the disaster in an instant just after I had come in a military cargo plane from Petersburg, and have reached that region of Turkey. "The child's style ignoring reports told me a lot" would be my reply!

  Once I visited the tent where the child and his family dwelt. After I had thrown my coat and crouched on the carpet amongst the male members of the family while shirt has been calling to minds Turkish Officials paid by the Republic of Turkey-which I qualify as The Second Soviet in my articles which one may find in GOOGLE or YAHOO-after the Ottoman Empire had been tumbled down by, especially Great Russian Army and adventurer sort brigades of France. Turkish Republican officials were standing by the stone ledge of a window in City Hall, looking down killing the people in great numbers in the near past and now they are going on with the same mission. For the sake of escaping from a silhouette attachable to me I tried and focused the subject in the conversation. But I ought to confess that it wouldn't be go with them easily as it could do with you. Astonishingly from the first to the last of the guard of realism reigning in all Muslim Countries people was ready to appreciate paranormal events lest they shouldn't be told in a grammar based, slightly pedantic way. Briefly they shall be ready to share miracles to be described with brilliantly well organised styles if the will be moulded in a story slip-shot conversation!

  They were the people of various age-changing from 7 years old middle ages and too much elderly ones-around me in the tenth of stout, tall, slender, whitened rye coloured-Is it the word? Who does whiten rye? no idea at all from my side instead using that adjective- fellows who tried to hold their quivering hands stirred by the side effects of the quake tightly.

  Then I saw two officers driving their soiled beige coloured jeeps slowly back and forth in front of the tenth to understand what was happening there-on our side. Their worrying is bought about my visit. They were apparently liking neither West nor East Europe's people here, and waiting for drawing up something to report my malice as having been from Saint Petersburg. Instead of worshipping Stalinism this sort of officers should be used-as being black or red or even green fascist to exploit the pure, inner ideals of peaceful Muslims who had been from the very beginning of the relevant regime under the co-threat of the state's army and "p. k. k" terror affiliated guerrillas!

  At last they sent out some military detectives in the garment of street vendors who appeared at the entrance of the tent rushing towards the place where I have been sitting on the surrealist paint type-showing in near symbols violet gazelles preaching Lion kittens who have wearing ornamented pants and t-shirts-knelt amongst the crowd as Muslims would do when worshipping.

  None of those black human-yet inhumane-figures has yet returned towards me. Seemingly the city official in charge of extra terrestrial bodies or rather aliens burst out suddenly uttering my name, and yet asked the name of mine. The group of civilians having had round there round from a window like orifice leaving me been lost in esteem because of their abilities to come and go out of all sort apertures.

  This must have been only too apparent. still a young man but wearing a lot of badges and medals, had joined the scene introducing himself as the army Translator. Since I would be enjoyed to play with the non-written documents I accused him carrying a higher rank and yet lying! My words held in particular, and they all bowed courteously and made way for me to quit that place very soon.

  Then I saw the child using his Flying-yet having got the ability of chewing-Teeth confessed me that it was his opinion to test his rootless teeth's power to chew, if he should be near to a high rank official, and he had made a manoeuvre to get there the Governor-because the man introducing himself the Army Translator was none but the governor of the quake stricken city. Whereupon with an arrogant air I would be to ask the child whether his rootless teeth could work at the very side of such a big person. He replied me without hesitating that he would give me a short report concerning this situation and the like.

  The child in spite of the governor's affected approach had not given any place for suspect from his point of view, and then didn't stand close to him in such a way that it was possible for them to look at each other. Certainly some people would affect his pulled out teeth in a negative way so that they couldn't-let chewing aside-to take place in order in his CAVUM ORIS namely oral cavity. There can be no doubt the air might not be changed from the point of keeping the rootless tooth because they should be in order and sustain a power to chew as a war plane could move in the air and hit the terrorists like those of Al Qaeda. Speaking in confidence, the official leadership in VAN was very bad after the earthquake where the power of heart-the place of The Messiah namely The Saviour-so the parallel universes would be would be melted in a muddy and amorphous base of life. The societies might pay for all sorts of common sins yet I have been witnessed to such fatal-fatal for both the governing bodies and Kurds who should be governed-sins, misdemeanours, and crimes against the humanity that they could be tolerated only by the Creator-Nature The MOM. By the way the time seems so much good to talk of it just now, and everybody must look out for Soviet type republics like Syria, North Korea, Turkey, Iran etc. We are indeed face to face with final collapse of the Universe boosting out of the LOVE for The Messiah!

  Some visitors from the circle of my readers might have been there by the early dawns and violet evenings, and it might be that they-your representatives-too should not wait until the next day but would arrive at the point of exact view that one could live by the help of the Messiah in one's own heart or might be smashed under the burden of LIFE after having been devoid of LOVE taught by our Saviour. What? Our? Who are we introducing anything as "our" ? I can explain everything step by step beginning with the benign microorganisms to make the healthy throats' flora-colourful and smelling as peppermint-and putting the last point on one slice produced out of the house happiness of one even though it had been tumbled down by some quake!

  Today I'm still in the quake stricken city! The severe winter's weather is showing only its cold face even on the feature of the feeble yet bright double as the knives of the ignoble-as Al Qaeda assassinator's used to show in TV Screens over the steel made in well civilized European countries and wrought by the Ottoman dagger masters from Bursa!

  The streets are loudly empty in such a way that none can estimate when the red KEMALIST-or rather green Stalinist-guns of the Security forces would be under the process to burst suddenly and scatter the body parts of the school children across the city accompanying a municipal employee in the distance who is holding a shovel and scratching the icy layers having been created the huge flowing of water-after the ice would melt and freeze alternatively along the pavements.

  Think my reader think! An insignificant scavenger in a country where a official-belly danseuse from TRT is paid 5 bn. Turkish Liras per month while her father Major General X. to be earning 15 bn. in legal way and an extra 15 bn. over drug trafficking instead the state not to make surgery experts' wage more than 1 bn. I say, the semi Stalinist Islamist State like the New Ottoman does believe neither Marxist principles nor the Sunni way of life! And again look at the blue collar in the distance: how severely indifferent he is seeing at the corner of the next intersection two different gunmen of the state-one military and the other paramilitary named PKK-are fighting-in a put up fight-to let innocent Turkish and Kurdish youngsters eradicate each other! They might "collide, fly far apart, guardedly approach one another and are at once locked together in struggle again" after having
got the relevant impulses from the Soviet type State's rightist and leftist, pseudo media organs.

  Ladies and Gentlemen, do not stop thinking, lovers of The Saviour insist. You are the students in the notorious place called the world and full of tricks and tracks of the Creator-Nature The MOM! You are to be studying not only at the tables but everywhere including quake stricken city-VAN. you must be so deeply engrossed in your work!

  Now repeat the prayerjust in the paragraph below again and again please:

  Ladies and Gentlemen, do not stop thinking, lovers of The Saviour insist that you are the students in the notorious place called the world and full of tricks and tracks of the Creator-Nature The MOM! You are to be studying not only at the tables but everywhere including quake stricken city-VAN. you must be so deeply engrossed in your work!

  Why I talk about Van? I have right to do it because it is a city stricken by both earth quake and the green Stalinist regime of a secret terror planner called Hodja Effendi -a real champion on the way of the dirtiest mission of the World: Betraying The USA and its allies clandestinely- not saying of the Kurdish civilians' dead bodies let on the narrow lanes instead of being buried. If you pursue the LOVE FOR THE SAVIOUR in the cities similar to Van from the point of suffering from double debacles viz. being stricken by both quake and red or green Stalinism, and failed to attend if only the evening service-no matter as a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim you won't be devoid of it getting light in the dark; in spite of the pitch black air of the long winters' midnights waiting for dusky and frozen noon hours very little to help in discerning the moaning mouths from praying lips!

  Yeah! I tell you anything that is not a tale nor a realistic preliminary network of a pen's production or report of which introduction might begin to ascend to the tower of improbability just after making some steps at the ordinary level of daily conception everybody need must be used to perceive at about four o'clock in afternoons of the Northern hemisphere!

  You, my dear readers can read through the story of mine telling about the preliminary speculations over the "Teeth on the Air" which has got the power of chewing after they take their places in order in the mouth of the child who likes to eat the rolls I would like to buy from a patisserie having managed to be erect in spite of the quake with pursed lips, his eyes full of tears, without his being aware of what he expected to eat!

  I wish only you should bend close to the pages of this story: As creation is a vulgar virtue which cannot made to be matching to the Lord whose breath is the Messiah-The Saviour so the teeth that having the ability of both flying on the air of CAVUM ORIS-oral cavity of the hero child from a quake stricken city and chewing the stale croissant such stale that none could know them either they are piece of wood or anything related to patisserie might not be the proof to show the last miracle of the Messiah! It's only a modest sub-subject to write the story of "The Teeth on the Air", and after evaluating the degree of importance you can pause at times in your reading, write short excerpts from what you did read on a piece of paper, and then, closing your eyes to whisper-as modern educational system advise such little methodical approaches for the sake of learning by heart-from memory what you have written down.

  Up till now I viewed the scenery from a corner of the lonely lanes or across from the windows of my steel cottage provided with me by Great Russia-old mother land- trying to reach the best descriptions of the World of Literature based on the natural rotunda of trees, clouds, not to say anything about the drops of my tears-because the peerless melodies composed by Dvorak draw me to tears-dropped on my hands as pearls colourless and full of the colours of the lights around.

  And yet I see today that the sources of making superb descriptions are concealed on the faces of the people: gigolos generally from joke lover, cute, virile Latin Europe; mothers seeming from the outside of the houses ironing clothes, and the honest politicians to give struggle against Islamic Terrorist backed by Iran primarily that would threaten humanist American Marines very frequently in the last days! Yes, suddenly I've reached this calculation to prove everybody from the world of pen that the descriptive limitless power of human faces couldn't be compared to the all objects open to be described. The faces of the people could carry one to one's past years or one's utopia based future in Yesterday's Life!

  At the end of this story I can see you put your attention aside! But remember please: If the Saviour helps you in coping with the mishaps including missing the teeth nothing can prevent you to taste the Salvation which shall enables you to drink and eat, to live, to make love etc. decently, and to worship regularly!



  In a flat across the road where the FED Facilities of the USA were being showered and shining there was someone who was pacing back and forth in the room above of which curtains were drawn to each side of the window to let the light should filter the lovely place 5 meters to 3 meters in length and width! Apparently wearing very soft Ottoman slippers to produce at every step a sliding noise reminding the listener of the noise made by some fugitives escaping from the visibility and audibility!

  To escape and be out of sight is peculiar to the positions while dating of indecent kind-like dating with the bodies under the age of 18-one makes something when one used to do stepping into hot water. The conscience of one shook its head abstractly before the indecent dating figure, imaginarily yet as concrete as a preacher preaching upon the altar. Those walks which he had had to put up with the suffering caused by sheer conscience for perhaps a long time, ever since the immature sweetheart had moved in one's-adult and worn out-heart, to mean at the end, not only of his suffering for today, but of one's suffering forever, unless one should do something in one's own and the victim's defence.

  Talking generally there are certain relationships which one could feel distinctly but which not be able to perceive as the remorse of falling in love with a girl under 18. It might be convenient to describe it as plunging down in a little pool of which depth-regarding its water level-is not permit one to fall-head first-but hit one's front head to the concrete bottom having not been capable to be compared to the abstract-or symbolic-situation defined as falling love "head over heels" and just at this point the moral pressure would be so strong that one should think oneself at the very bottom!

  If do not feel the thoughts moving to and fro in the little brain of the lyceum student whom is the object of his dating planning he needs must to invent something as noble as his abstract day dreams and night fantasies one always nourishes before falling sleep. What could be the significant of this observation? One reply the question in any event, with another question offering "Look inward to the depths of the man having been suffered from dating problems when he founds himself to be in love with an adolescent girl under 18!"




  Confession Number One:

  I talked way too much when I was dating. I felt it necessary to put as much info out to her as possible, in order for her to make an informed decision as to whether I was worth the time of a second date. However, I think I only succeeded in prattling on like a jackass.

  Confession Number Two:

  I went on a 'speed dating' night once, it was comedic to say the least. They hosted it in a wine bar place with private booths - archway seating areas set back off a long corridor, so each girl had her own booth and the guys changed round, in and out every 4-5 minutes like school bell time. I was down the far end near the entrance and no one else could really see you, unless anyone walked past and looked in, and there were also curtains u could draw.

  The guys were either no confidence or just full of lightweight bravado or sheer yawn material. I wore a dress that was millimetres from indecent and had visible stocking tops. I decided my mischief-malice tactic to separate the 'men from the boys' would be to get close up, lean forward
and ask just one opening question:' how about we skip the questions and let me give you a BJ right here.. we should be able to get away with it if we are quick - and it's more fun, so what do you say?' ..

  Freaked most of them to the point of discomfort..they mainly lost all shred of being able to string a conversation together and tick the little checklists - but one or two of them had a laugh and took the funny side of it and managed some chat. This was probably not what the very 'corporate' frumpy organiser woman would have approved of..and once people went back into the bar at the break (where the men and girls all stood in separate clumps) word definitely got back ...needless to say I don't think I'll be invited back.


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