GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)

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GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras) Page 12

by Sommerland, Bianca

  “Family is strictly off-limits.” Dominik pushed off the sofa, and his powerful essence slammed into her. She backed into Tyler. The muscles in Tyler’s chest rippled against her back. His erection pressed against her butt. Her knees shook, and she clung to Dominik when he took her hands. He gave her a tender smile. “Lie down on the coffee table.”

  She felt around for the first solid thing she could find and sat hard. The square block felt nice and sturdy beneath her. She latched on to Tyler’s forearms as he eased her down onto the table. The coolness of the smooth surface seeped into the flesh of her bare back, and she was suddenly aware of the fact that she wore nothing but her bra and panties. Her practically transparent bra and panties.

  “Clasp your hands above your head, pet.” Dominik circled the table, observing her the same way she’d seen doctors observe patients during an exam. “Tyler, hold her wrists so she doesn’t move.”

  She positioned her hands. Tyler grabbed her wrists.

  Trapped, I’m trapped! She tugged at her wrists and shook her head. “But—”

  “If you want to stop, say so now.” Dominik latched onto her ankles and leaned over her. “Otherwise, I gave you an order.”

  Pressing her eyes shut, she nodded. Fingers hooked under the elastic waist of her panties. Desire spilled hot and wet from her core, and she knew the men could see it as her panties were peeled down her thighs and over her calves. Gone. Her last shield was gone.

  “Sloan, Max, hold her ankles.”

  Hands clamped onto her ankles, held them apart. She refused to open her eyes to see who was where. She didn’t care. Things were finally happening. Which was good. Had to be.

  “What about me?” T.J. asked, sounding ready to be excused.

  “Her bra has a front clasp. Undo it, and see if you can get her to relax,” Dominik said. His voice came from somewhere near the end of the table. Big, warm hands pushed her thighs open wide.

  “Oh, God. Am I really doing this?” She didn’t realize she’d spoken out loud until she heard T.J. chuckle, seconds before he kissed her.

  Firm, yet gentle as she relaxed, T.J.’s kiss told her she was in the presence of a man who knew his strength, who kept it carefully in check because if he didn’t, he’d hurt her. And he didn’t want to hurt her. He only wanted this moment to show her all he could give. She moaned into his mouth. The scent of sweat and faint cologne came off him in waves. Every plunge of his tongue into her gasping mouth made her feel like a small sun had nestled deep inside.

  “You’re doing this.” He gasped against her lips as he undid her bra, then covered her breasts with his hands. “I don’t know why, but I’m happy to be included.”

  Her nipples puckered up beneath his palms, and the sweet sensation joined the feeling of Dominik massaging her thighs.

  “Why?” She had to ask. She couldn’t understand why these men were so interested in her. Was it because she’d made herself available?

  “You always seemed so unattainable.” T.J. cupped her face in his hands, and she opened her eyes. He smiled at her. “I’m sure the others will have all kinds of proclamations to make, but honestly, I just want you because I never thought I could have you.”

  Good enough. Not for tomorrow, but for right now.

  “You have me.” She watched him lower his head to take one of her nipples in his mouth. He sucked, and an electric wire strung out from her nipple to her clit. Her hips shot up. The feeling of his lips on her, of the other men’s hands holding her, stroking her calves and her sides, was glorious.

  “So soft.”



  Their reverent whispers made her feel like she was glowing from the inside out. Didn’t matter who said what. They wanted her.

  “This is going faster than I wanted, Oriana,” Dominik said before kissing the crease between her pussy and her thigh. “But you’re so wet, I can tell the slow pace is becoming torture. Keep your eyes closed, and just feel what we’re doing. Because we’re going to . . .” He pressed his lips to the top of her mound with enough pressure to tease her clit. Sparks zipped along her nerves, and her head tossed from side to side. “Worship.” He tongue snaked between her lips, and she could already feel the tidal wave of an orgasm rising with violent insistence. “Every inch of you.”

  She clung to the sensations tearing through her, wanting to make them last a little longer. The whole thing seemed surreal, five men all focused on her like her reactions were something precious to behold. Dominik’s tongue slid along her folds, teasing her cleft with shallow dips. She expected him to add his fingers—but, no, he used nothing but his tongue to penetrate her while he shoved her thighs even farther apart. His teeth grazed her clit as he lapped at her. Her pussy became a gourd of hot syrup, spilling into Dominik’s mouth.

  Climax came closer, closer. The muscles in her thighs shuddered as she grasped at the edge. Her body cried for relief, but not yet, not yet . . .

  The urge to give in ripped at her, almost painfully. She tried to close her thighs, stop Dominik before he sent her plummeting into the hot depths. She twisted her ankles—the men’s grips tightened in response, solid as shackles. The leather of her boots chafed her ankles.

  “If you don’t stop tugging, Oriana, I’m going to hurt you,” Sloan said from the end of the table.

  The threat threw her off her precarious perch. She bucked up against Dominik’s mouth. A hard suck on her nipple, and she lost the will to fight. All the pressure building up inside rippled out, boiling past tolerance, dragging her under the crashing waves of heat. A hot, shaky mouth swallowed her screams. Not T.J.’s; his mouth was on her breast. Tyler’s.

  “Shh.” He breathed against her lips, and a choked sob blasted air over her face. “You’re okay. Please tell me you’re okay.”

  His worry dampened all the vicious sensations, and she dropped from the high of pleasure so fast she was sure she’d fall into oblivion. But she regained her senses enough to press the hand he’d released to his sweaty cheek.

  “I’m okay.” She gasped in air like she’d been forced underwater for far too long. “Are you?”

  “No,” Tyler said, then laughed. “Another minute and I’d have proved I’m not much of a man.”

  “You’re not the only one.” Max unzipped one of her boots and tugged it off. After he tossed it aside, he kissed the top of her foot. “Oriana, I want you so bad I’m about to give the guys a show.”

  Oriana sat up and watched Sloan take off her other boot. His black hair was slicked back from his face, and he was breathing hard. Turned on or pissed? With him it was hard to tell.

  Dominik knelt at the end of the table and rested his chin on his folded arms. “What now, bunny?” He lips curved when she frowned at the endearment. “Was that enough, or do you want more?”

  Drawing her knees to her chest, she hugged them and looked at the men. All but Tyler had fixed their features into closed-off expressions, as though to tell her they expected nothing. Tyler shifted from foot to foot and stared at his sneakers. He wouldn’t ask for anything, but he couldn’t pretend like the others.

  “I thought Doms made the decisions.” She clenched her thighs as her insides throbbed. More sounded good. Talking didn’t.

  “That’s a cop out, Oriana, and you know it,” Dominik said. “None of us has earned that distinction. But all you have to do is say the word and—”

  “Say the word?” She threw her legs over the side of the table and stood. The carpet felt rough under her bare feet; her head felt light and airy. But going after what she wanted made her feel solid. She cocked her head and took slow backward steps toward the bedroom. “Which one? ‘More’?”

  Dominik frowned. “Oriana . . .”

  “Or ‘harder’?”

  “Sounds good to me.” Tyler started across the room and grunted when T.J. elbowed him in the gut. “Hey!”

  Oriana couldn’t help but smile. This was more like it. She ducked into the bedroom, then po
ked her head out. “How about ‘Now’?”

  Silence followed as she made her way through the dark room. A sliver of light sliced across the bed from the slight part in the curtains, forming a white, translucent spear point that ended in the middle of the comforter. The shadows made the blue fabric look black, made the whole room a little gloomy, but the gloom couldn’t touch her now.

  I’m doing this. I’m doing this because I want to. Nothing else matters.

  She climbed onto the bed and reclined on her side. The evening had begun with plans for pleasure with a man who gave her none. For the longest time, she’d blamed herself. But not anymore. Paul never tried to find out what she enjoyed, and she’d made that effort for him. She didn’t feel guilty at all.

  How the evening would end—the possibilities excited her. Five men who cared very much how she felt. Maybe just tonight, but that was enough.

  Padded footsteps brought her attention to the doorway.

  “Max.” She tongued her bottom lip as he pulled off his shirt and threw it on top of a pile of luggage in the corner. The shadows brought out every defined curve of muscle, the hard slope of his chest, the tight ripple of his abdomen.

  The way his biceps glided when he crawled onto the bed reminded her of how a really big, strong animal looked prowling after prey that might bolt at any second. Made her want to bolt for a second just to see if he’d catch her.

  Bad girl. Don’t push him.

  “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted this?” His gaze skimmed over her, and she expected it to be hot when it stopped at her face. But it was tender and warm. “Even after you told me to get lost, I couldn’t help thinking, every time I saw you, that I would have you one day.”

  “Have me?” She rolled her eyes and refused to let it bother her. Had she really expected proclamations from him? After the day she’d had, no way. They were living out his fantasies and hers. No need to make a big thing of it. “You could have spared me all the lines. I’ve got to say, they were good. You almost convinced me—”

  He kept talking as though she hadn’t said a word. “And once I had you, I planned to keep you so fucking satisfied that you’d never want to leave. So that I could keep you.”

  “Keep me?” She hissed in a breath when he bent to kiss the hollow of her throat. Her unstable detachment faltered. “What about now?”

  “Nothing’s changed.” He nibbled along her collarbone, then up her throat, pausing by her ear. “Do you want me to lock the door before the others come in?”

  Chapter Nine

  “Only if you want to.” Oriana’s emphasis on “you” told Max all he needed to know. She would forget about the other men in a heartbeat—okay, maybe not that fast, but fast enough to make it clear that the two of them were what mattered most.

  “How did I get so lucky?” He pushed up on his hands and looked down at her, amazed at the beauty spread out beneath him. All his, if he chose not to share. But she wanted him to. She’d given herself to him like a precious gift, one he could . . . lend to those he trusted.

  She was the embodiment of everything he would have asked for if he had one wish. A woman who knew him and all his odd quirks. Who accepted him.

  “You must have been a saint in a past life.” Her tone was dead serious, but her eyes sparkled with laughter. She finally let out a throaty chuckle and cupped his face in her hands. “Face it, Max. You’re a good man.”

  “Says you.”

  “Yeah, says me. I might be stupid relationship-wise, but I’m not blind.” She held up her hand when he opened his mouth to protest. “I cut you out of my life, and you didn’t hold it against me. You let me come to terms with things in my own time.”

  “I didn’t expect you to come to terms with anything.” He rolled off her and rested on his side with his head propped up on his hand. “But whether or not you did, I was gonna be there for you when you needed me.”

  “I know.” She wrinkled her nose and trailed a fingernail up his chest, then down. “Which makes me the lucky one, doesn’t it?”

  He shuddered as blood pumped into his dick, so hard and fast he felt a little light-headed. But he shook his head to clear it and took hold of her chin. “You’re crazy if you think that.”

  The door creaked open, then slammed shut. Both he and Oriana peered through the darkness, listening to the raised voices from the other room.

  “Give them a few minutes,” Mason said.

  “She’ll change her mind,” said Vanek, sounding like a kid who’d just been told he wasn’t going to Disneyland after all.

  “Then she changes her mind,” Sloan practically snarled. “Deal with it.”

  “We all know how Max feels about her. He can’t seriously want this,” T.J. cut in.

  Max held his breath, not sure how the rest of the men would respond to T.J. voicing what they all believed. The darkness pressed in on him, along with the self-doubt he could never escape. What kind of man would be okay with sharing a woman like Oriana? Fine, she was okay with it, but were they? And, if not, how would he find someone he trusted enough to give them both what they needed?

  Oriana grabbed his hand. Her nails dug into his palm. “If you boys don’t hurry up, we’re starting without you!”

  The door swung open. Tyler poked his head into the room.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes.” Oriana pulled Max’s hand to her chest and shivered. He reached down to pull the sheets over her, and she gave him a grateful smile. “But only if you are.”

  She spoke loud enough for all the men to hear, but Max knew the question was directed at him. He nodded and sat up, still holding her hand.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He kissed her fingertips. “And I’m gonna make sure you don’t ever forget tonight. This is just the beginning. I promise you’ll never regret giving yourself to me.” His breath caught in his throat. “Or to them.”

  * * * *

  Tyler dropped onto the bed and used the sheets to pin Oriana down as he crawled over her. She arched a brow at his stern expression. With his golden curls glistening like a halo in the light from the main room and his bright, blue eyes slightly hooded, he was more a seductively sexy angel than a tough alpha male.

  I’ve got more than my quota of dominant males. She blew a strand of hair off her face and tried to sit up. “Tyler, you don’t need to—”

  “Quiet. I’m going to kiss you.” He settled his weight on her. “Then I’m going to—”

  “Just kiss me.” She laced her fingers around the back of his neck and pulled him to her, tasting his lips with the tip of her tongue. He groaned when she sucked on his bottom lip, then tilted his head to one side and deepened the kiss. His tongue slipped into her mouth as his hand slipped under the sheets, over one breast.

  “Thank you.” He whispered as he slid his lips along her jaw and down her throat. He shoved at the blankets and pushed her breasts together. Burying his face between them, he let out a lusty sigh. “Mmm.”

  Being at the mercy of all the men had been wonderful, but even with just Tyler, she felt sexy and wanton and . . . Oh! Sharp pain-pleasure shot through her chest when Tyler bit down on one of her nipples. She gasped into Max’s mouth as he bent down to kiss her. She caught sight of Sloan, standing behind Max, not moving until he had her full attention. Then he reached over and flipped the sheets off her.

  “Keep your legs wide open, Oriana,” Sloan said before she could close them. He leaned over her as Max nipped her bottom lip. “Don’t let Tyler give you the illusion of control. As you can see, he’s not the only one here.”

  As though the captain had set up the play, Tyler moved down, and T.J. climbed onto the bed. T.J. held her thighs apart while Tyler spread her pussy lips and dipped his tongue between them. Wave after wave of pure, sweet pleasure flowed inside her, rising up and rippling back down as Max set his teeth in her throat and Sloan molded her breasts in his hands. Sloan rested his chest on the bed and rolled one painfully hard nipple
between his finger and thumb.

  “How long do you think you can hold back this time, sweetheart?” Sloan pinched her nipple and flicked the tip with his tongue. She whimpered as the sweet sensations became hot, sizzling through her veins and along every nerve.

  Someone’s hand curved under her ass and a thick finger, or maybe a thumb, pressed hard against her cleft before slipping inside.

  She whimpered as the heat reached a boiling point. Her hips shot off the bed, and she ground her pussy against Tyler’s mouth. Her whole body trembled as she did her best not to twist away from the four men whose only goal seemed to drive her mad with pleasure.

  “I—Oh, please, please . . .” She groaned as another finger stretched her, slowly, so slowly she could feel every callous drag against her inner folds, every knuckle straining past tight undulating rings of muscle. “I need . . .”

  “You need to let go, Oriana.” Dominik’s rich voice came from somewhere to her right, across from Sloan and Max. “After you do, there will be more. So much more.”

  She tossed her head, wanting to do as he said, but instinctively taking a stranglehold on the climax, unable to release it just yet. She just couldn’t believe she would feel this wild, unadulterated ecstasy ever again.

  “Harder, T.J.,” Max rasped out, breathing hard like he was in the middle of a rough workout. “But be careful. I’ve seen Paul in the locker room. He’s not a big guy.”

  No! Not yet! The wet sound of fingers thrusting into her was almost loud enough to drown out the low keening sound coming from her throat. She clenched every muscle in her body and tried to distract herself from the men working so hard to pitch her over the edge. The edge was wonderful. She didn’t want to let this slip away.

  “She’s so fucking wet, Perron.” T.J. paused and growled. “You lick me again, Vanek, and I’m gonna throw you.”

  Oriana let out a breathless laugh and felt the threatening orgasm recede. She could hang on a little longer, just a little longer . . .

  “Stubborn.” Dominik clucked his tongue, then gave her a deep, searing kiss. “One of these days, I’m going to punish you for being so willful. Come, Oriana.” His hand curved under his jaw, and his fingers dug into the tense muscles. “Now!”


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