Wicked Love

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Wicked Love Page 15

by Michelle Dare

I knew Dani could hold her own, but there was still this fiery ferocity of protection I felt for her. Was this what love was?

  “Hey, I was wondering if you wanted some company, that’s all,” I heard her say, perfectly reciting the impromptu script we’d planned for her guise as a working girl.

  “I wouldn’t fuck a vampire, bitch.”


  I raced around the corner with the gun in my hand, ready to kill this guy if he hurt my woman, but I found him already dropped onto the ground, a wooden stake a foot away from his hand. Dani stood over the body as I skidded to a stop. “Is he dead?”

  She looked at me. “Nah, just sleeping.”

  I looked at her quizzingly. “Sleeping? How? You use a sleeper hold on him or something?”

  “No, I just told him to go to sleep, and he did.” She laughed. “What’s a sleeper hold?”

  “Never mind,” I replied, licking my lips. “Just glad you aren’t hurt.”

  She reached down and picked up his wooden stake, then broke it in half over her knee. “Shove the note into his hoodie pocket.”

  I’d almost forgotten. We had penned this guy a note to hopefully save his life:

  Stop hunting vampires. Killing them will not bring Marci back. The Vampires That Be are on to you, and you have a bounty on your head. Lay low, stop killing, and you will live. Murderous vamps are being dealt with. Stick to being a deputy. Protect and serve, man.

  “That last comment was unnecessary,” Dani remarked, biting back a smile.

  “I know.” I shrugged and shoved the note into his hoodie pocket. Daniela and I quickly ran off, her depositing the broken stake into a nearby dumpster on our way to my bike.

  As we lay in bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms, I looked down at the beautiful brunette and said, “Well, we know who the vigilante is. What do we do now to get this Ringo guy off my back?”

  Daniela sighed. “I’ve been thinking about that. If we tell Ringo it’s Vanhoose, then he’ll put a hit out on him and I’m fairly sure the Deputy’s experience tonight will get him to stop. But if we don’t tell Ringo, I’m still expected to bring him your body.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that. “So, basically, it’s him or me?”

  She nodded. “Pretty much.”

  “What if you tell him you took care of Vanhoose yourself?”

  “He’ll want proof. Plus, he’ll know he’s still alive, the guy’s a public servant for God’s sake.” She looked up at me. “I can try to explain what we did, but Ringo’s a thug and a bully. He’ll want him dead, period. There’s no negotiating with that asswipe.”

  “I see that,” I murmured. “We also have another problem, though.”

  “I know. We still haven’t found who killed Audrey.” She sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover herself, which I wasn’t sure why. She had beautiful tits I could stare at all day. “I promise you, Judson, we will find him.”

  “I’m never going to stop looking. Ever,” I replied.

  “I know,” she said quietly, then lay back down on my chest.

  As we lay in comfortable silence, me lightly stroking the soft but cold skin of her arm, I wondered how my life had so quickly spiraled out of control like this. Six months ago, I was just playing in a band, living my best life, had my whole future ahead of me. Now, I found myself an only child, barely holding onto a band full of drunks and addicts, and a vampire for a girlfriend.

  What the hell?

  “The problem is, the vamp who killed your sister won’t be as easy to lure,” Dani said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “I know. I’ve been trying for months to think of a way to find and trap this animal. But it’s near impossible.” I sighed. “I mean, if your boss is so hellbent on killing this guy hunting vamps, why isn’t he punishing the vampires who are actually exposing you guys? Wouldn’t that be sort of a ‘cut out the middle-man’ type of thing?”

  Dani laughed. “Yeah, you obviously haven’t met Ringo and his cronies. Smart, they are not.”

  “I want to kill him,” I said softly.

  She stroked my chest with her long red fingernails. “Of course you do, baby. I would kill anyone who hurt my family.”

  “No. I wasn’t talking about Audrey’s murderer. Ringo. I want to kill him.”

  She snorted. “Get in line. I’d love to kill him, too.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” I asked. “Why not cut the head off the snake? With him gone, we can be free to live our lives as we want. No hiding. No pressure. No deadlines. And most of all, no more killing of humans.”

  She stiffened in my arms and looked up at me. “Do you think I only kill humans? I’ve taken out vampires, wolves, witches, and everything in between.”

  “Wolves… witches…” I was silent for a few seconds. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “What?” she asked, wide eyes blinking up at me. “They deserved it, trust me.”

  “No. I believe that.” I shook my head. “But… those things exist?”

  She let out a groan. “Oh, my God. Seriously… we need to have a long talk about the ridiculous amount of supes in Colorado.”

  “Soups? Mmm. Chicken noodle.”

  She laughed. “No, supes. Supernaturals. Not soups, like chicken noodle. I do miss a good hot bowl of tomato bisque, though.”

  God, she was so cute. I couldn’t imagine not being able to eat food. Or have beer. “Okay we will, but for now… let’s discuss how we can eliminate Ringo.”

  “We can,” she replied. “But once we do, we’ll have to move out of state. Or even the country. He’s not at the top of the food chain. There’s a higher organization he works for. He may be a dumbass, but they’ll definitely notice his disappearance, trust me.”

  I sat up. This was all too much, too soon. Information overload. “What fucking organization?”

  “They’re called the Vlasé. Ya know what? Let’s not go there. I’ll get you all caught up-to-speed after we take care of this whole keeping you alive thing. Then we’ll talk for hours about this world you thought you knew. But you really don’t.”

  I nodded and relaxed. She was right. So many questions, but so little answers. “Okay, babe. Let’s stop the bleeding now, then we’ll talk about all the stuff I have no clue on. All these questions swirling around in my mind.”

  “Speaking of bleeding,” she said in a playful tone. “I’m hungry, baby.”

  I chuckled. “So is my dick. Get on and take a ride. You feed him, I feed you.”

  She whipped the sheets back, and with unnatural speed, she hopped on top and began kissing me until I was so hard, she was easily able to slide on and take a ride. Then, she bit my wrist while staring into my eyes and I damn near exploded right then and there.



  I flinched when Ringo pounded his fist on his desk. “What the fuck do you mean it’s not him?”

  Despite our discussion, I decided to try to explain to Ringo that Judson wasn’t the killer. As expected, the asshole was having none of that.

  “I mean… it’s not him. We found who was really killing vamps. Even lured him out of a club. We set him straight—he’s done killing.”

  “What has gotten into you, Diaz? You falling for this stupid Backstreet Boy motherfucker? Please tell me you’re not that fucking stupid,” he bit out, murder still swimming in his dark-brown eyes.

  I shook my head and lied, “No, nothing like that. I lured a human male out of a club for a feed and he tried to kill me. Dude was wearing a hoodie and was about the same height and build as the subject. That’s when I realized it wasn’t Judson Creed. It was this guy.”

  Ringo relaxed a little. “Okay then. Where’s his body?”

  I bit my lip and looked away. “Well, therein lies the problem. After I fed, I knocked him out and lifted his wallet for some cash. But it wasn’t a wallet, it was a Deputy’s ID. I didn’t think killing a fucking cop would go over well, I so I left him.”

  “Are you insane?” Ringo
roared, pounding his fist again on the desk. “You don’t leave cops alive. He’ll be hunting you down until his last breath! And then there’s the problem of him continuing to kill our kind. I swear to Lucifer, I should kill you right now, you insolent little bitch!”

  “Whoa, calm down, man. Listen, I compelled him to stop killing vampires. I think he’s done. I really do.”

  He paced the space between his desk and the wall. “You know allusion of that kind doesn’t last more than a few weeks!”

  That actually surprised me. “Um, actually, I didn’t know that. I also didn’t know humans could see silver in our eyes sometimes. You know, because you haven’t taught me jack shit. You’re a horrible maker.”

  “And you’re a horrible bounty hunter! Now, get the fuck out of my office and don’t come back until that cop is dead. In fact, just to be safe, bring me the cop’s body and Creed’s! Now get out!” he roared.

  I didn’t have to be told twice. I left and got into my car. As I drove, I said, “Call Judson.”

  “Calling Judson,” the female computer voice repeated.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he answered.

  “Well, that went over like lead balloon,” I said dryly.

  “That well, huh?”

  “He wants the deputy’s body. Not that I expected anything different,” I replied.

  “Fuck,” Judson said.

  “That’s not the worst part.” I bit my lip.

  “It gets worse?” he asked with a dramatic sigh.

  “He wants your body, too. Ringo wants me to bring him both of you. Dead.”

  “Goddammit. This guy needs to go. You need to kill him, Dani. Next time you’re there, just stab him. Cut his head off. Something.”

  I laughed, but it was completely without humor. “Easier said than done. I’ll be there in five.”

  I ended the call and realized that the only two options we had left were to kill Ringo or go on the fucking lam.

  “So, I hear Washington is nice this time of year,” I remarked as I sat and watched the man I loved eating Chinese takeout.

  He paused the noodle-laden chopsticks at his mouth. “Washington state or Washington DC?”

  “State,” I replied, looking down at my phone. “The northwest part of the state is the gloomiest. Hardly ever gets any sun. I could maybe go out during the day there if I had to.”

  “Sounds like a blast,” he replied dryly, shoving the noodles into his mouth. “Days and months without sun. That won’t be depressing at all.”

  “Colorado is too sunny for vampires anyway,” I continued. “Over three hundred days of sun per year. I’m surprised any vamps live here at all.”

  “I think you’re missing the point,” Judson said, wiping his mouth on a paper napkin. “This Ringo fucker needs to die. Period.”

  “He says the same thing about you,” I murmured.

  “Exactly,” Judson said. “I refuse to live in fear from the very same type of creature that killed my twin. I fucking refuse, Dani.”

  Realizing he was speaking out of grief and not taking it personally, I put my hand on his and said, “I know. But we have to be smart about this. I agree he needs to go, but Ringo is not that easy to kill.”

  “No shit. The question is… if you don’t produce a body—or bodies—by October thirty-first, he is gonna do it himself? Like come to my house or to Bash and just kill me in front of God and everyone?”

  “Good question. The answer is… I don’t know. I usually just get the information, kill the subject, get paid, and move on with my life. This has never happened before. I haven’t even been a vampire that long.”

  He put his chopsticks down and grabbed my hand. “I’m sorry. I’m just panicked right now. I’ve obviously never had a tag on my head before. Maybe moving away is the answer. For now, anyway.”

  I hated to agree, but he was right. I began to do searches on jobs and houses in Washington state. It made me sick that he would have to leave Innubis and doing what he loved to find some mundane job just because of me. For us to be together. For him to save his life. But we couldn’t stay here. Not as long as Ringo kept the bounty on his head. And killing Ringo would just draw more attention from the Vlasé… whoever the fuck those guys were. I realized in my short time of being a vampire, I should have been asking more questions. All these unanswered ones weren’t going to do me any good now, though.

  All of a sudden, an idea hit me.

  “Hey… what if I could find out where Ringo lives? Hit him at home? Flush his ashes down the toilet, make it look like he took off? It would take the pressure off.”

  Judson looked up from his rice bowl and said, “Huh. That’s not a bad idea. Sounds like a suicide mission, but a good idea nonetheless. So… Uh, yeah, no.”

  “Oh, come on. You can have my back like you did outside that club with Deputy Vanhoose.”

  He rolled his eyes. “That was one human. You’re talking the possibility of a houseful of vampires. Very different.”

  “I don’t know,” I said, chewing my lip and looking away. “I don’t get the feeling Ringo lives with a bunch of vamps. He seems like a loner. Maybe has a girl over every once in a while. I know he’s not in a relationship or anything.”

  “How do you know?” Judson asked.

  I lifted a shoulder and let it fall. “Just a feeling I have. He seems like the type to keep his options open, not be tied down. He always has whores hanging off his arm when he’s out in public and I’ve never seen or heard of any consistent woman coming around asking for him.”

  Judson nodded and picked up some rice with his chopsticks. “Okay, then. If we do this, we need to scope out his place first. Just to be sure.”

  “Agreed. Now, I think I know a way to get his home address. You’re not gonna like it, though.”

  He didn’t look like he liked the sound of that, and said, “Continue.”

  “I may have to flirt or even make out with Jonas. I thought at one time he might be gay, but I don’t think he is. He’s just pretty shy.”

  “Who the fuck is Jonas?” he snapped, looking like he wanted to kill the guy.

  “He’s the resident hacker-slash-accountant-slash-bookie-slash-paper-pusher. You get the gist.”

  “And you think he’ll have Ringo’s home address?” he asked between clenched teeth.

  “Yes,” I quickly replied. “I know he will. I’ll just have to butter him up for it. I promise no sex, though.” I let out a small shudder. “Definitely not my type, anyway.”

  “Good to know,” he said wryly.

  I got up from the table and headed toward the door with my purse. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

  Judson followed me to the door and wrapped his arms around me. “Be safe, please.”

  “I will,” I replied, standing up on tiptoe to kiss his beautiful lips. “I will.”

  “I’m, ah, not sure I’m supposed to give that out, Dani,” Jonas replied, pushing his glasses up his nose further. Jonas was human and pretty much scared shitless of all vampires. Ringo paid him so well, though, that he stayed. He was a pretty valuable asset.

  “Please,” I whined like a sixteen-year-old girl. “I need it. I am on a deadline and I have what Ringo wants but I have to give it to him now or else he’ll probably kill me. I also need to get paid, my rent is due soon.”

  Such lies, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

  “I don’t know. He told me to never give it out.” His eyes darted around the small office.

  I pulled his chair out and straddled him in it. Staring deep into his eyes, I said, “Please, Jonas. You know I’ve always wanted you. You help me out, I’ll help you out.”

  He blinked a few times and said, “You’re not trying to use allusion on me, are you? Because the conditions of my employment here state that no vamps are allowed to use it on me. So Ringo gave me a drug that blocks it.”


  I swallowed hard and plastered a smile on my face. “Of course not, sweetie. I meant every wo
rd. You give me his address, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

  He sighed and pushed me off him. “Sorry, Dani, but you’re just not my type. But I’ll give you the address just so you’ll get out of here.” He typed something on his computer and then scribbled something on a sticky-note. “Here you go. Now don’t say I never did anything for you.”

  I looked down at the address and smiled broadly, then kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks, Jonie, you’re the best!”

  As I was leaving, he called out, “Thanks for making our future working relationship hella awkward!”

  “You’re welcome,” I sing-songed from the hallway, knowing that was probably the last time I’d ever see him again.



  I stared incredulously at the humongous white mansion sprawled out before me.

  “He fucking lives here? What kind of money is this guy making?” Judson asked, mirroring my thoughts.

  “I don’t know but it’s much too big for just him.”

  Just then, a Bentley pulled up and a distinguished-looking man—a vampire who wasn’t Ringo—emerged from the house. A driver with white-blond hair got out and opened the back door for the man. After he got in, they drove away, and the house seemed even more eerily quiet.

  I observed the circular driveway with a thick overhang in front—no doubt to shield from the sun—immaculately trimmed bushes and flowers, and all-black windows. An ornate door-knocker sat on the huge wooden front door. “Let me find out this asshole is living like this while I rent a damn room from a human just to have a roof over my head.”

  “No shit,” Judson replied from the passenger seat of my SUV.

  “So you think I should just knock on the door and ask for Ringo, or what?” I asked.

  “Not sure… don’t think there’s any other way. Surely there are cameras and security everywhere else if you try to sneak in.”

  I sighed. “Agreed. If he answers the door, which is unlikely, I’ll just stab him in the neck. If he doesn’t, I’ll kill him once I reach him. If I’m not out in an hour, just leave. Okay?”


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