Wicked Love

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Wicked Love Page 19

by Michelle Dare



  The store the girls brought me to is exquisite, for such a small town. I was informed, with much excitement, that getting a dress for this party was essential. It’s been a couple of days since I got the invite, and with the party taking place tomorrow, I’ve decided to chance it and walk right through the doors and look for the mysterious Creed Haven.

  Grabbing a hanger from the railing, I hold it against my front, taking in my appearance in the full-length mirror. The silver material shimmers as if a million little lights have been sewn into the fabric. The V-cut of the neckline offers a peek of cleavage, and the sheer back will show off bare skin all the way down to my tailbone.

  Back home, I would wear things like this for parties when my father allowed me to attend. And those times were only when he was by my side. With my father being influential in the city, we were constantly invited to gala dinners and charity balls. If I must admit, I am more nervous now than I was when I first received the invite.

  “That is epic,” Paula says, causing the other two girls to turn my way. Their eyes are practically popping out of their heads when they notice which dress I’ve pulled out.

  “You have to try it on.” Tamika grins, holding up her own hanger with a deep-blue dress that looks exquisite against her front.

  “I don’t know,” I say, playing with the idea of perhaps just going with a little black dress, which I’m certain you can never go wrong with.

  “No.” Paula is the one who answers with a shake of her head. “You are trying it on, and you’re going to love it.”

  “Fine.” I smile at all three girls who’ve taken me under their wing. I’m not sure why they’re so friendly. I’m not used to it. In the high society of New York’s upper class, the girls are constantly jealous of one another. This is new to me.

  I head into the back, shutting myself in one of the fitting rooms. The mirrors in here showoff my front and both sides, and I quickly strip to my underwear. Picking up my discarded clothes, I’m about to set them on the bench to my left when I see a black envelope sitting on the wooden top.

  My brows furrow in confusion, but my heart rackets against my ribs in warning. It’s the same envelope the invite came in. I didn’t see anyone enter the room before I did, and we’re the only three in the store except for the sales lady.

  With trembling fingers, I lift the offending item and leave my clothes in its place. Flicking the back open, I pull out the small black card, which has the logo I now recognize as the Haven coat of arms emblazoned on the front.

  On the back, in a neat scrawl of silver pen, is a message that has goosebumps rising on every bared surface of my skin.

  I look forward to seeing you in that dress. I’ll be waiting, little mouse. C

  My stomach tumbles wildly, and my chest tightens with awareness. Ice takes hold of me, skirting down my spine, as if his words were tattooed on my skin. He’s been here, he’s seen me, and I have no clue what he looks like.

  I didn’t think to ask the girls. The only thing I had been concerned about was the invite. After seeing Keirin, I thought perhaps he’d be just as handsome, but now I realize the girls did tell me that they’re all adopted. Not blood brothers.

  “Hey, are you asleep in there?” A giggle comes from outside the room, knocking me out of the stupor I’d been thrown into.

  “No, I’ll be right out,” I call to them, before setting the card down and changing into the dress. The moment it slips over my body, I feel different. As if material could transform me from a peasant to a princess.

  The fluttering of my heart makes me smile. I’ve always enjoyed dressing up, even though I don’t do it often enough. If Creed Haven thinks he can play games with me, he’ll understand his mistake the moment I find him.

  Because I will slap some sense into him.

  I may be a girl, but I’m not someone who can be toyed with. Growing up the way I did ensured I would always be able to look after myself. My father taught me at a young age how to defend myself against anyone.

  But that didn’t help your heart against Devon.

  Shaking my head of the reminder, I open the door to the fitting room and step out into the main area of the store. All three sets of eyes land on me, and once more, they’re wide with excitement.

  “Yes!” they all shout at once.

  Looks like I have a dress. Now all I have to do is go to the ball.

  Rolling over in bed, I glance at the clock glaring at me with large red numbers. A warning. I’m meant to be asleep, resting, but I can’t. It’s two in the morning, and I’ve been struggling to sleep since ten last night.

  The cards have been haunting me. Creed’s words have been replaying in my mind since I left the store. We stopped and had lunch, but even then, I couldn’t focus on the conversation and ended up coming home early.

  The chill in the apartment has seeped into my veins, and I push off the bed and pad to the radiator, turning it up, so the place can warm. Even though winter is coming, and November will be here soon, this is ridiculously cold. Fall has always been my favorite season, the brown and orange leaves along with sweaters and pumpkin-spiced lattes, but winter is a whole other story.

  Perhaps it’s because I’m not at home. Maybe it’s because this new town has twisted me up in its dark secrets, and I’m no longer the city girl but someone else.

  That’s why my dad sent me away. To be someone other than the girl who fell in love with the wrong boy. I know he wanted me far from the shitstorm I’d created, but I wonder just what he’s doing to fix it.

  He hasn’t confirmed if Devon has been taken care of, and even the thought of it makes me shiver. My father is dangerous. The man I fell in love with, one of his foot soldiers, stole something valuable because I was stupid enough to trust him.

  When Dad found out I’d been sleeping with Devon, he lost his mind, hence the reason I’m here. I’ve been the cause of my father’s disappointment for so long, it doesn’t hurt as much anymore.

  At twenty, you’d think I’d be all grown up. You’d be led to believe I’m an adult, already in college, working toward a degree. But I’m nothing more than a pawn in my father’s empire.

  And my life will always be this—a chess game for men to push the pieces around, until I’m fighting a losing battle. At first, I didn’t want to come to Thorne Haven, but Dad insisted. He told me Devon was dangerous, and they would take care of it.

  I know what that means—Devon will lose his life because he made the mistake of taking what wasn’t his to take. Besides the money and jewels, which were family heirlooms, he got my virginity too.

  A crack of thunder has me jumping and a scream tumbles from my lips as the dark apartment is lit by the silver streak. I’m shaking when I turn to the window and see rain pelting the glass.

  I’m never going to sleep now. Sighing, I flick on the light in the kitchen and turn on the coffee machine. I may as well get ahead with my coursework while I’m awake. Once the brew has filled the mug, I settle on the sofa with my laptop.

  The screen glows in the faint light, illuminating me in a bright glow, leaving the rest of the living room in darkness. But the moment I have my homework open, ready for me, I can’t stop my fingers from flying over the keyboard, and I’m on the internet, searching for more about Creed Haven.

  He’s clearly well-versed in hiding in plain sight because there isn’t much about him online. No social media posts, not even on Brody or Keirin’s profiles, which have both been hidden from public view. The only way to take a peek into their world is to send a friend request, but I’m not brave enough.

  Instead of frustrating myself further, I dive into my work, but even as I complete my paper for English, I can’t shake the feeling I’m being watched, that somehow, Creed is right outside my window.

  Tonight will be a time for reckoning, and he’s going to have to answer for himself. And for the first time since I got the invite, I feel ready to go toe-to-toe with Creed Haven himsel



  The noise has been nonstop for the past twenty-four hours. I’ve spent most of my time in the forest. The silence at the lake has been a welcome salvation from contractors setting up for the party.

  Nobody can ever say Octavius Haven doesn’t go out of his way when he’s hosting a party. For years, these annual events have been the talk of the town, and Thorne Haven likes to talk.

  Tonight, everyone will be here, and with every entry through the front door, I’ll be looking out for the beauty in the silver dress. She didn’t see me while she was with her friends in the boutique, but I saw her. When she stepped out of the fitting room, I knew she found my note because her cheeks were flushed and her eyes had a faraway look in them, as if she was trying to figure out where I was.

  The shadows have been my best friend for a long time, and no matter how hard she tried, she would never have noticed me. But I’m almost certain she felt my eyes on her. The intensity of my gaze most certainly burned through the flimsy material of the dress she chose.

  The thought of ripping it from her perfect hourglass figure has made me think once more about how she’d look while she found pleasure. Her lashes would flutter like butterflies on the apples of her cheeks, and those pouty fucking lips would part with a moan and mewl, and—I can only hope and pray—an utterance of my name.

  “Are you ready?” Brody asks, as he walks into my bedroom without so much as a knock on the door. It’s my fault for leaving it open. My brothers know I love my space, my private time alone, and mostly, they’ll respect that, but there are those moments when they forget themselves.

  “I am.” I stare out the window, watching the workmen install the maze. It’s an intricate structure with the cage in the corner. That’s where I’ll catch my little mouse. A smile spreads on my face when I think about just how alluring she’ll be locked up for me to toy with.

  “Do you really think she’s going to listen to you?”

  “Maybe.” I’ve pondered this for a while. I didn’t think about what would happen when she learned the truth, but that’s something I’ll have to deal with when I get to it. She can’t run, and even if she does, I do love a good chase.

  “You seem more intrigued by her than any of your other girls,” Brody muses from behind me. I’ve had girls here before. Some stuck around for a while, and others, they ran the moment they could. It was always about the hunt in the forest, but this time, it’s different. I just need to make her see it my way.

  “I am.”

  “Is it because of what you have to do?” My youngest brother is asking too many questions. Even though he and Keirin have agreed to complete this particular job with me, I don’t like his train of thought because it’s dangerous.

  “No. It’s because I want her.” I finally turn to him, taking him in. “She’s mine, and she’ll know she is by the end of tonight.”

  Brody grins. “A deal with the devil, and you’re already one of his minions.” I can’t help but chuckle. Perhaps that’s true, but maybe, just maybe, I’m only doing it because I want to claim her as mine. And how sweet a victory that will be.

  “Let’s get ready.”



  The long drive up the road toward the hill is filled with excited chatter from the girls, but my focus is on the house before us as we reach the looming wrought iron gates that are left open to welcome the guests tonight.

  A driveway over a mile-long beckons and at the end sits a house that really and truly is a castle. Turrets shoot into the sky, and the normally black open brick of the walls are lit by strobe lighting of every color imaginable. As the car curls around a large fountain, the entrance is exposed, decked in Halloween decorations meant to scare.

  Ghosts and goblins greet us as we exit the car, and the valet takes the keys from Paula before we’re escorted toward the door. Everything is breathtaking, from the old building that’s home to the Haven family to the sparkling fairy lights and costumes that adorn each person as they mingle.

  Stepping into the entrance hall is like taking a walk back in time. The high ceilings are sculpted in such a way I’m reminded of the medieval churches in England. A black banister rounds the staircase on either side, guiding people upstairs to the second story of the house. The carpets are patterned with deep red-and-black paisley print, and the chandelier hanging above the top of the staircase shimmers with glinting gold.

  This isn’t some ordinary castle to gawk at. It’s something so much more than that. A gothic masterpiece.

  Waiters dressed in black with skeletal bones painted on the cloth offer champagne and hors d’oeuvres. The black lace mask I chose to wear covers my eyes, but my flame-red hair hangs in loose waves down my back.

  As much as I’m taking in the décor, awed by the beauty of opulent furnishings and art hanging on the walls, I’m hyperaware Creed could be any one of these men passing by me.

  “This is incredible,” Tamika announces, when we reach the garden that looks like a film set. One corner has a maze I’m curious about, and the rest of it has been set up with a real house of horrors feel to it. Blood-stained women giggle as they pass, and I notice a man in the shadows, watching everything play out before him. For a moment, I want to go to him, but when a leggy blonde sidles up beside him, I think better of it. He pulls his mask up to kiss her, and he’s older than I first thought.

  “How old is Creed?” I ask, looking at the girls who snap their attention from the garden to me. I meant to talk to them about him, to ask more about the man who’s clearly captured my attention, but I didn’t want it to seem like I’m interested.

  “I’d say about twenty-seven,” Paula answers with a shrug. “I know he’s the oldest, and Keirin is twenty-five. Why?” she asks, waggling her eyebrows at me.

  “Curious.” I try not to grin stupidly, like a teenager with a crush on someone I’ve never seen.

  “Curiosity killed the cat.” A deep voice comes from behind us. “Unless you’re the mouse.” A young guy walks around the four of us, stopping in front of Paula. “Nice to see you again.”

  Her cheeks darken; even in the dim yet colorful lighting of the garden, I can see her blush. “Brody.” His name is a whisper on her lips, but she turns away, refusing to meet his eyes. I know they’ve been together. That’s what she said when we first spoke, so why the shyness?

  “Ladies,” Brody says, his gaze casting long, lingering looks at each one of us as he takes us in. But when those dark eyes settle on me, I feel them right down to my soul. He’s dressed in all black, his mask that of a bat with the pointed ears glinting as the light hits the tips. “You’re the new girl.” It’s not a question. He knows who I am because his brother has been toying with me for the past few days.

  “You’re the youngest brother.”

  He grins. “I see the girls have been talking about me.” His eyes land back on Paula, who’s now shifting on her heels.

  “Your reputation precedes you,” Tamika states, before Paula can get a word in. “And that’s not a good thing.”

  Brody tips his head to the side, a smirk curling his full lips as he eyes her like she’s his next meal. “I beg to differ.” He sneaks a glass of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray before slowly sipping the golden bubbly.

  “You would,” Miriam pipes in. “Because Haven boys are overconfident, rude, and they—”

  “Easy tiger.” Brody chuckles, holding his hand up to Miriam. “I may have broken a few hearts, melted a few panties, but I only learned those tricks from the master himself.”

  “And who is that?” Even as I ask the question, I know the answer. And the way Brody looks at me, he’s quietly wondering just what the fuck I’m doing here. I wish I knew. I’m nothing like the girls. I’m not used to small-town cat fights and arguments about who slept with whom.

  “I can see why he’s so intrigued by you,” Brody says, instead of answering my question. He takes another sip of his drink before leaning
in close so his mouth is at my ear. “My brother will find you tonight, and when he introduces himself, don’t be afraid.”

  I step back. My eyes lock on his before I answer, “I don’t fear anything.” Even though my words are spit with fire, the look on Brody’s face tells me I’m certainly not ready to meet Creed.

  A languid smile tilts his perfect lips. “I’m sure you believe it,” he tells me. “But I know my brother.”

  “What is his fascination with me?” I can feel all three girls’ eyes locked on our exchange, watching as I take on one of the brothers they’re most certainly fearful of.

  Brody reaches for a curl of my red hair and twists it around his finger before tugging just enough to elicit a whimper from me. “Perhaps it’s your fiery red hair, or . . .”

  “Brody,” a male voice calls to my tormentor, catching his attention. His eyes sweep to the familiar face making his way toward us. Keirin.

  “What?” Brody’s annoyance is etched in the way he looks at his brother. He was enjoying himself. A bully with the face of an angel.

  “It’s time.” Keirin glances at me through the sharp, glossy mask that reminds me of a raven’s head. “My brother would like to play a game. If you’re able to get to the center of the maze, he’ll find you and tell you the truth about why you’re here.”

  “Why wouldn’t he just come here and tell me himself?” A smile passes over Keirin’s face, and awareness holds me hostage. It’s not a friendly grin, so it makes me pause for a moment. “Fine.” Twisting on my heel, I head to the maze in question. It’s quieter on this side of the garden, but I have a feeling that’s why Creed chose it as the place he finally shows me his face.

  The high hedges are made of fake grass. And with every turn I take, I feel less sure of myself. While I was around my friends and the two Haven brothers, I felt confident I could do this, but now, not so much.


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