Wicked Love

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Wicked Love Page 36

by Michelle Dare

  I set the tray down on the nightstand, next to her bed. “You’re the love of my life, beautiful. Everything I do, I do it for you.”

  She smiled. “Whitney Houston.”

  I raised my eyebrow. “Who?”

  Sophia gave me a strange look. “Uh, she was a singer. Those were lyrics from one of her most popular songs.”

  “Oh.” Had I heard the song? Sometimes my memories became a bit cloudy. Ever since that bitch friend of Sophia’s, Marcy, had hit me in the head with a damn rifle. It had taken all I had not to shoot the woman. But I knew Sophia would have held it against me and decided not to. Even though the cow had deserved to die.

  Sophia scratched her arm. “So, when are you coming home from work so we can celebrate your birthday?”

  I looked at my watch. I had recently taken a job at a steel plant using fake ID It was grueling work, but the pay was good and Auntie’s money wasn’t going to last forever. I wanted to save as much as I could for our future. In fact, I was planning on surprising Sophia with a trip to Amsterdam after the holidays. Hopefully by then, I could trust her completely. Between what the psychic had said, and Stockholm Syndrome, which I’d been reading quite a bit about, I knew the odds were definitely in my favor. Plus, we’d been getting along so nicely.

  “I should be home by five. I’m getting off early.”

  She yawned again. “Good.”

  I sat down on the bed next to her and slipped my hand through hers. “So, do I get my surprise now or later?”

  “Later, silly.” She patted my hand and then stood up. “I’m so hungry, I honestly think I could eat a horse. Thank you for breakfast, by the way. It looks delicious as always.”

  “You’re welcome. Wait until you see what we’re having for dinner. You’re going to love it.” I was picking up lobster and steak from a nearby restaurant. She’d mentioned loving seafood and I knew this would be a great surprise. We weren’t just celebrating my birthday, but a new chapter in both of our lives.

  She crunched on some bacon and replied, “Wait until you see what’s for dessert. You’re going to love it.”

  “Are we talking food or something else?” Considering I only allowed her to go upstairs when I was home, and hadn’t seen her cook anything, I was very curious.

  She gave me an impish smile. “Oh, there definitely might be some tasting involved.”

  I felt myself getting hard. She’d allowed me to kiss her yesterday and I’d felt like I’d died and gone to heaven. There had even been some tongue action. At least for a couple of seconds. “Is that right?”

  She stepped next to me and trailed her finger over my shoulder seductively. “I mean, it is your birthday and we both have needs.” Her eyes held mine. “I think it’s time we explored some of them.”

  I adjusted myself and stood up. A lesser man would go crazy at that point. Throw her down and have his way with such a lovely creature. But, I was determined to make our first time together romantic and completely consensual. Admittedly, there’d been times I’d thought about bribing her to have sex with me. Fortunately, it looked like she was finally coming around. “I would love that. I can make you feel real good, Sophia. Better than anyone else could. But, don’t worry, I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to.”

  I noticed her eyes darken for just a second.

  Was she having second thoughts?

  Sophia smiled brightly again. “I wouldn’t offer dessert if I didn’t want to serve it up.”

  I moved my hand to her leg and saw her break out in goosebumps.

  She must be as turned on as me.

  “You know, I don’t have to go to work. We could spend the entire day together.” I trembled with desire as my mind raced with sinful, wicked thoughts. I wanted to tear her clothes off right then and there. Run my hands over her curves. Touch her most intimate spots and make her beg for more. I knew that Sophia would keep me satisfied, too. Like no other. I might not even have to choke her.

  Like Leah…

  “All good things come to those who wait. Don’t worry though. I’ll make sure yours is well worth it,” Sophia flirted.

  “I bet you will.” I stood up, my excitement almost beyond containment, especially after recalling Leah’s last breath.

  I knew I had a problem. A kink that sometimes took control and made me do very bad things. This time it would be different, though. Sophia’s beauty would be enough to carry me over the edge. We would both share in the ecstasy.

  Nobody had to die…

  “How about a little sample before I leave?” I asked huskily, trying not to imagine my hands around her neck. Squeezing and choking...

  She wagged her finger at me. “Now, now…”

  I let out a ragged breath and smiled. “Okay, how about just a quick birthday kiss to start my day off right?”

  She stared at me for a second and then nodded. “Okay.”

  I pulled her into my arms and began kissing her. I could taste the bacon on her lips and feel her soft curves pressed against mine. My kisses turned deeper and that was when she pushed me away.

  “Hold on, that was more than a sample,” she said, her face flushed.

  I smiled sheepishly. “Sorry. You bring the animal out in me.”

  “Well, he needs to be re-caged until tonight. Then you can let him go wild.”

  My smile deepened. “You’re going to make my day at work challenging with a stiffy.”

  She laughed. “A stiffy?”

  My smile fell.

  Was she mocking me?

  I remembered my stepmother, laughing when she caught me in the bathroom when I was twelve. I’d been pleasuring myself while looking through a Victoria’s Secret catalog.

  “Patrick, what are you doing? Do you have a stiffy?”

  She’d humiliated me, even joking about it to her friends while they played Rummy that afternoon. I still hated her for the way she’d treated me, especially when my father had been away.

  The bitch had made me feel like a fool.

  Well, nobody laughs at me anymore.




  “No. Of course not. I actually think it’s cute.”

  He relaxed.

  Thank goodness.

  The last thing I needed was for him to have one of his off-the-wall tantrums. It had been a couple of days since the last one, and they were scary. Something stupid would set Patrick off and he’d start throwing stuff, sometimes even screaming obscenities. The guy was crazier than I’d first imagined. He was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

  “Anyway, you should head out to work so you can get back here and we can celebrate,” I suggested, wanting him to get the hell out of the house so that I could mentally prepare for what was to come.

  “Good idea.” He leaned over and kissed me again quickly. “Goodbye, my love.”

  Trying not to show my revulsion, I forced another smile to my face. “See you soon.”

  He turned to leave but I touched his shoulder. “Wait, did you ever get that small mirror I asked for?” I smiled shyly. “You know, so I can make sure my lady-bits are cleanly shaven.”

  Patrick looked like he was about to climax right then and there, hearing me talk about lady-bits.


  “Oh, yeah. I almost forgot all about it. I’ll go and grab it for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  He raced upstairs and returned shortly with a small, round mirror. “One size is even magnified, so you can really see what you’re doing.”

  I took it from him. “Thank you.”

  He grinned wickedly. “You sure you don’t want some help?”

  Not even if Hell froze over.

  I shuddered at the thought of him touching me intimately. I hated the bastard with every fiber of my being. Kissing him had taken so much effort on my part. All I’d thought about was how he’d murdered the man I loved and wanting to return the favor.

  I took a step back. “I appreciate the offer
but I want to be perfect when we’re together tonight.”

  His eyes roved over my body. “You already are. But, I get it.”

  I relaxed.

  “Be careful with the razor,” he said, his eyes burning into mine.

  “I told you before, I’m not suicidal.” It hadn’t taken much for Patrick to allow me a razor. When the hair on my legs started to grow, it had disgusted him. He hated bodily hair on women.

  “I know. I just… be careful. I wouldn’t want you hurting yourself.”

  “It’s a lady’s disposable razor. I’ll be fine.”

  He smiled. “True. Have a good day, sweet Sophia.” He swore. “I forgot to make you a sandwich for later and I’m running late. No worries though, I’ll stop back here around noon and drop off something for you to eat.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you.” He turned to leave.

  “Wait. Don’t forget to lock the door,” I said, thinking he was probably testing me again. At least once a week he’d “forget” to lock it. The first time I’d raced up the stairs, only to find him waiting for me. Now I knew better. Gaining his trust was everything right now. “Not that I’d try and leave. You were right, Patrick. We are meant to be together. I see that now.”

  His face lit up with emotion. “I knew you’d come around.”

  I slipped my hand through the bars, reaching out for his. “If you thought you loved me before, wait until tonight. I’m going to take your breath away.”

  He placed my hand against his cheek and let out a soft groan. “I can’t wait.”

  Nor could I.



  I returned around lunchtime with a sandwich from Subway. I was delighted to see that she had already started preparing herself for our evening together. I’d purchased a sexy red dress for her about a week ago, which cradled her like a glove. Her hair was up in a loose, sexy bun and she had on some of the makeup I’d also gotten her. She looked like a movie star.

  I stared at her seductive, ruby-red lips and felt myself begin to stir again. “You look breathtaking, my dear.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, how did your other preparations go? Everything turn out the way you wanted?” I asked, lowering my eyes to her hips. This morning I’d been so turned on, I’d had to relieve myself of the stiffy before taking off.

  Her eyes sparkled. “Oh, yes. I think you’ll be pleased.”

  I swallowed. If only it was the end of the day. I could hardly wait until our night together. Dessert might have to be served before the main course.

  “I’m pleased with what I see already. You are ravishing.”

  She lowered her lashes and smiled.

  “Where is the razor?”

  “In the bathroom.”

  “Could you get it?”

  Her smile was almost too wide. “Sure.”

  As much as I wanted to trust her, I knew doing so could be deadly. Especially if we were going to intimate.

  She brought me the razor and I put it into my pocket.

  “So, are you hungry?”

  Sophia nodded. “Yes.”

  I handed her a Subway bag and a bottle of water. “There’s a cookie in there, too. Chocolate chip. I know how much you love your sweets.”

  “You’re so kind. Thank you.”

  “Anything for you.” I sighed and looked at my watch. “Well, I need to get back but I’ll get home as soon as my shift is over.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  My eyes roved over her beautiful body again. Tonight, I would own every part of her. “Not as much as I am.”

  She winked. “We’ll see.”

  “Yes, we will. See you soon.” As I was about to turn away, something sparkly on the floor caught my eye. I frowned. “What’s that?” I pointed.

  “What’s what?” she asked, looking confused.

  “There. On the floor. Can’t you see that small shiny object?”

  She walked over to where I’d pointed. “Sorry, Patrick. I don’t see anything.”

  I opened up the cell and walked over. Bending down, I noticed that it was a tiny piece of glass. I picked it up and examined it.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “It looks like part of that mirror. Did you drop it?” I was about to stand up when her hand flew down toward my face. I howled in agony as something sharp plunged into my eye.



  After stabbing him with a shard of the mirror, I made a run for it. I’d meant to wait until the evening, when it would be dark and easier to disappear, but it was what it was.

  “You bitch!” he screamed, already back on his feet.

  I raced up the stairs, wishing I’d had enough time to lock him in the cage, which had been part of the original plan. But he was too quick, even with his damn bloody eye.

  Fortunately, I made it to the top of the stairs and into the kitchen before he could get his hands on me. Heart racing, I grabbed a butcher knife from the counter just as Patrick appeared.

  “Put the knife down, Sophia!” he snapped angrily. “Even with that thing, you’re no match for me. You know that. I swear to God, if you try stabbing me again, I will kill you.”

  “I’d rather die than spend another moment with you, you pathetic fuck!” I hollered, trying not to look directly at his bloody wound. He’d managed to pull the shard out and there was blood everywhere. It had to hurt like hell.

  His good eye stared at me with hatred. “Then die you will.”

  I had to admit, even with the butcher knife in my hand, I was terrified and uncertain of my next move.

  Patrick made the decision for both of us. He lunged toward me and tried knocking the knife out of my hand, but I managed to stab him in the side. He screamed again and slammed his fist into my face. I stumbled backward, but still managed to grab a cast-iron skillet that had been sitting on the counter. As he was trying to remove the knife from his side, I hit him hard in the face with the heavy skillet. He went down and I took off running again. Unfortunately, the back door was locked and a key was needed to get out. Not seeing one, I turned and ran down the hallway, but he managed to grab ahold of me. I tried fighting him off and we both stumbled, landing on the carpeting in the living room.

  “You… little… bitch…” His hands went around my neck and he started choking me.

  I tried pulling at his fingers, but even with his injuries, he was too strong. Unable to breathe, I slapped and clawed at his face as he stared down at me. It was then that I felt him getting hard.

  Good God… he was sick and twisted!

  Something inside of me refused to give up, especially knowing how much pleasure he was getting out torturing me. Remembering my updo, I reached into my hair and pulled out one of the large bobby pins I’d used to secure it. Like the razor and mirror, him agreeing to buy a few hair accessories had been another small victory.

  “Die, bitch,” he growled.

  Just as things started to get blurry, I managed to plunge the bobby pin into his other eye.

  Screaming in agony, Patrick released my neck and cupped his eye. Unfortunately, he was still on top of me and I was trapped under his weight. I knew if I didn’t get away now, I was dead. But, I barely had any fight left in me.

  Not knowing what else to do, I buried my thumb into his other injured eye-socket. He howled, the pain obviously excruciating.

  “You bitch!” he cried, rolling of off of me.

  Still gasping for breath, I managed to get to my feet and make it to the front door. Fortunately, this one was unlocked.

  When I stepped outside, the fresh air hit me first and I almost started sobbing. I hadn’t been outside in weeks and I was now inhaling freedom.

  “Sophia!” hollered Patrick, his voice drawing nearer.

  Noticing an old pickup parked outside, I ran over and got in. Luck was again on my side—he’d left the keys in the ignition!

  I started the engine and was about to bac
k away from the house, when Patrick staggered outside. I had no idea of how he was able to see clearly, but he managed to move toward the truck holding his gun and waving it carelessly.


  He fired the revolver, but his aim was way off. He fired it again, this time a bullet hit the headlight, smashing it into pieces.

  As I began backing away, I knew that if I didn’t do something drastic, he might eventually come looking for me again. Even with his injuries. I’d always be looking over my shoulder, terrified and uncertain.

  I studied him as I drove backward. He looked so damn determined. I needed to end this shit-show now. I didn’t want to live in fear for the rest of my life.

  Taking a deep breath, I put the truck into drive and floored it, now on the verge of madness myself. The last thing I saw was the look of shock on his face before I rammed him with the rig. He went down and I closed my eyes, sickened by the sound of the tires rolling over his body.

  At least I was free.

  Or was I?

  The man had already survived both eye injuries and the stab wound.

  Heart pounding, I opened my eyes and checked the rearview mirror, half expecting him to get up again, like the bad guys in the movies. But from the look of his mangled body, I knew he’d be celebrating the rest of his birthday without candles. Just fire and brimstone.

  “Happy birthday, you crazy fuck,” I mumbled.



  Shaken and in shock, I drove until I made it to Flagstad, a town about twenty miles away. After driving around in a fog, I eventually located the police station and went inside.

  “Jesus, are you okay?” asked one of the officers behind the front desk.

  From his expression, I realized I must have been a sight. I glanced down, and that was the first time I noticed how much blood was covering me. I looked like something out of a horror movie.

  I cleared my throat. “I am now.”

  After interviewing me, the police left to find Patrick with the directions I somehow managed to give them. I also gave them Marcy’s number and was soon told that she was on her way.


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