Wicked Love

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Wicked Love Page 51

by Michelle Dare

  “What’s your desire, lamb?”

  She turned to look at me with her head ducked down shyly. Jane hummed and I watched the blood under her skin pulse. It was like a symphony playing a tune only I could hear.

  “Since you won’t tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine. I want to consume you.” I hissed against her ear watching her eyes flutter shut. I smelled her desire change, grow thick, humid in that sacred place between her thighs.

  “Kiss me?” She stuttered. My god she was fucking adorable.

  “No. Consume.” My nose touched her cheek and rubbed it basking in her aroma.

  “I’m not ready for that.” She whispered against my chest and I held her close feeling her body shudder against mine.

  “Of course not.” I murmured kissing the top of her head and picking her up in my arms to carry her upstairs. I wouldn’t debauch her here inside the club. Not now, not this time. She deserved a bed and a kiss. I wouldn’t be a gentle lover and best she learned that with some comforts to assuage her fragile human mind.

  She clung to me as I whisked her away. Creatures stared at us and I showed them my fangs forcing them to back off. This was my club. My territory, and now my woman. The elevator brought us upstairs to my private office. I brought her to the bedroom I preferred to use at the club, but it felt wrong. I should have her at home, in my bed, not here. A study in contrasts, I wasn’t willing to examine in that moment.

  She lay underneath me wiggling and moaning. Her soft skin rubbed against mine and her heat caused friction against my typically cool temperature. I didn’t feel the same way mortals did and I hadn’t had a heart beat in ages. My cock might as well have been a block of ice, but this girl, she’d melt me, come all over me, heating me from inside her tight sheath.

  “Easy my little lamb.” I rested my lips against her neck. Her pulse vibrated against me, and I ran my nose up and down her soft skin. My hands gripped her hips keeping her steady. I’d take her home after I had a taste to keep my beast at bay.

  She whimpered when I grazed my elongated fangs against her. I would have to be careful. One bite and I might kill her accidentally if she couldn’t keep herself immobile. A hazard of not having a mate who understood my specific needs.

  She gasped and squirmed as my chilled fingers traced over her smooth abdomen. The ripples of her youthful muscles contracted with need. I scented her again. I was greedy. I knew biting her the way I wanted to would leave her weak, but to not bite her and deny myself the pleasure of her taste was a madness I couldn’t face.

  “I need you to relax lamb. Deep even breaths.” I spoke against her cheek licking a lone tear that escaped her shut eye.

  “But I’ve never…”

  “Never what?” I snuggled her in my embrace preparing her for the heady reaction she was bound to have to my bite. She’d struggle no doubt until the toxin in my saliva drugged her with pleasure so intense she’d orgasm as my fangs sank deep.

  Her throat undulated as she swallowed back her words. “Never been…” She cried out as I scrapped against her neck, my mouth salivating, the toxin leaking from my mouth to slide down her neck in poisonous rivulets. It would take longer absorbing through her skin, but it worked the same way even if it was slower.

  I took my finger and swirled it against my spit tracing it down her body. My nail sliced away her clothing like it was nothing but feather light dust and ash. Her heart beat raced and when I got to her panties those split away with the magic of my beastly caress. The tip of my finger pressed gently over her clit. I retracted my nails so I wouldn’t injure her and pressed lower letting the anticipation of pressure build.

  “Please.” She hissed clutching my shoulders cute in her demand. She had no idea the evil she grasped in her hands. I tried to protect her. I tried to stay away, but Dorian dangled her in front of me like a carrot. She practically held the good and bad of the world in her palms. Her command meant nothing to me, but I enjoyed it all the same. Never in my long lonely life had I wanted to give a woman the opportunity to top me from the bottom, except this one.

  “Alright, lamb. Hang on to me.” She spasmed in a short orgasm as I slipped a single blunt finger barely an inch inside her tight pulsing cunt. My free hand cupped the back of her head tangled in her hair, forcing her neck to elongate. I licked from the ball of her shoulder to her collarbone to under the delicate pale shell of her ear.

  She whimpered with the tell-tale combination of unmet desire and the pain to come. I kissed her neck tenderly and opened my mouth to bite as she spoke.

  “I’m a virgin.”

  My fangs sank deep as my finger tore through her contracting walls below. My ears didn’t quite register her admission as sweet citrus tasting blood filled my mouth in a constant flow. I shut my eyes with the most shame I’d ever felt. The whole reason I owned a sex club was to avoid fucking shit like this. I didn’t do innocent. I didn’t fuck virgins and I certainly didn’t drink their blood. I’d had more than enough lifetimes racked with guilt.

  She tensed underneath me. It was my undoing and her fatal mistake.

  “No!” Her voice gurgled, and I clamped down tighter. I couldn’t exactly release her as she was currently bleeding out like a mess.

  I shut my eyes tight and willed for her to calm down. The more I drank, the more panicked she became, and the wilder I got. I tried stroking her like a good pet, so soft, so obedient, but I realized too late that she only ceased struggling when I’d drunk too much.


  I’d killed my lamb.

  I squeezed her until her life flitted away into the night.

  “No!” I shook her body in my arms cursing me. I was an animal. I was the monster in the night, doing the very bad things that monsters do.

  I tore open my wrist and pressed it against her mouth. I prayed to whoever would listen to my heathen prayer to save her life.


  First aid with a kiss.


  I woke with a pounding headache like I’d drank too much. My body hurt like I danced way past my bedtime in the club, except for the floating feeling like my feet disappeared. The soreness around my neck was alarming and I reached for it touching a wide cotton bandage I hadn’t left the house with. Halloween had a been a week ago. What the hell had I done last night?

  “Shhhh…you’ll be alright lamb.” Hands caressed my skin and I shivered despite being covered. I didn’t want to open my eyes. This was all a bad dream and if I kept my eyes shut it would all go away wouldn’t?

  But I knew that voice.

  I know you do. Don’t be afraid lamb. I won’t hurt you again.


  My eyes popped open and I both saw and felt him sitting next to me on the bed. I was in a bedroom I didn’t recognize, on a bed that felt too soft and too big to be the one inside my shared apartment. His hand traced up and down my bare arm. I moved to sit up, but he held me down. His hands cupped my shoulder keeping me immobile. I didn’t like the restraint but I didn’t fight him.

  “You’re very weak right now. Lay back and go easy. You’re quite the temptation for me.” His eyes had an ethereal glow being so light with his dark hair and tanned skinned.

  My hand reached for my sore throat again.

  “No. Leave the bandage be.” He commanded.

  I felt a pulsing pressure in my head and my hand slipped from neck dropping to the side as if the limb was no longer connected to my body. I knew somehow that it wasn’t paralyze, but the ability to do much more than squirm under his gaze was impossible.

  “Who are you?” I croaked out. My captor, or the man who was keeping me here and deflecting my questions cocked his head looking at me with a worried expression. His voice was deep, soothing, but I didn’t want to get sucked back down the rabbit hole. I was here against my will, or at least from my hazy memories it seemed as such.

  “Ah, you’re not a prisoner, darling. You are my beloved guest.” The tip of his finger rubbed out the crease in my forehead before cupp
ing my cheek. He was cool to my fevered touch and I liked it despite my confusion.

  “Why am I here?”

  “You had an accident.” He murmured tucking the sheets around me.

  “An accident?”

  “Yes.” He replied.

  “Oh.” I had no idea what I had except what felt like my brain in a vacuum.

  “You must replenish…your strength.” He smiled, but I didn’t feel at ease, I felt like a dessert he wanted to consume. It made my belly flutter and a slick slippery heat seep between my legs.

  “Do you think I could shower?” I felt his gaze rake over me again and his nostrils flared. I didn’t even know his name.

  “Yes you do, I’m Bash.”

  He was right, I did know him and the strange memories that once haunted me came alive and the flashes of darkness made sense.

  “Bash.” I said his name and touched my fingers to my numb lips. I felt certain he kissed me, but I didn’t know how I knew that either. I just did.

  “It’s all true, Jane, and I’m sorry I didn’t come to you sooner and confess my sins.” He was worried but I’d already forgiven him. Being here with him like this made me feel whole, complete, and I never wanted to go back to the darkness unless he was with me.

  “Sleep.” The push came again and this time I was too weak to fight back.

  Bash chuckled like something was funny and got off the bed leaving the room. I flopped against the pillows and shut my eyes snuggling deeper into the sinful bedding, my shower forgotten.


  Decision, Decisions…


  I left my beautiful guest minus a healthy pint of blood, woozy, and under my compulsion. I shut the door to the guest room and strode downstairs to my office for a drink of whiskey. It wouldn’t make me drunk, but the habit would calm my nerves. I had a feeling at full strength she’d return to the sassy girl I met in my club the night before. I’d need a calm head around her. She twisted me up, my little human. I fantasized about her riding my cock until she coated me with her warm cream. She’d bring me as close to life and a heartbeat as I could get before I turned her. That was the downside to turning a companion. Once they lost their human side, they would be just as cold as I was.

  My fists clenched and I snarled as my fangs descended. I wanted to feed again, but I couldn’t. For one, I’d kill her, and secondly, I only wanted her taste in me. It was a hell of a quandary to be in. I’d kill Dorian for this if he wasn’t already theoretically dead.

  Soon enough Jane would feel the bonding fire. She’d either want to die or turn over and submit becoming one of us. The exchanging of blood had a few interesting quirks over the years. Slow acting poison that would leave the body in time, hence the heightened sexual experiences, or death in huge quantities. As supernatural magic waned, so did our abilities to regulate this. We could feed as needed and for pleasure, but to turn a human became more dangerous as generations went on. I didn’t want to lose her and I hate Dorian for putting me in this position, because if I didn’t try to turn her, he’d do it himself and probably kill her in the process.


  He kisses like he means it.


  “What are you doing?” My body felt like it was on fire. Bash’s right hand circled my wrists over my head and his free hand arched the curve of my back forcing my soft belly against his hard muscles. His cool skin made me shudder and I tried to dislodge him from on top of me. He was immovable. My very own stone gargoyle on the precipice to fucking me hard. I felt his rigid member thick between my legs. The top bobbed over my belly button dribbling his precum over me. His hips swiveled and rubbed his juice into my skin. It was the only place on my body he touched where the itch of desire consumed me and the heat was unbearable.

  I’d never been with a man before and this felt otherworldly. I expected mist to roll in and off his cold body that covered me in sin. The dread of being held down was diminished by his kiss. It was the only reassuring thing about this. I had agree to be his, but I didn’t understand what that meant and I didn’t want tonight to end with regret.

  “Submit my pretty lamb. I don’t want to hurt you.” He coaxed me.

  It was as if he could read my mind.

  “Bash, I need something, but…”

  “I will give you everything you need and more. Just don’t fight this, promise me.” His jaw was hard in the dim light and he looked anywhere, but at me, as he continued his punishing hold. I nodded my head and then gathered my courage to articulate what he needed to hear.

  “Yes. Okay. I’m yours.” I’d tell him anything if it meant him holding me close.

  “Mine.” He snarled into the night before laying claim to me. His knee knocked my legs wide and I shifted my hips to take him. I convinced myself that this was okay, and that I would be alright. Bash pushed forward and pressed against my center. I was sore from holding this position and my body so tight in anticipation. It was hard to let the desire happen organically. I wished he would kiss me, I wished he would make me feel good the way he did that first night and I sniffled with worry.

  “Ah, my lamb. Don’t cry. Your wish is my command.” His tongue licked my tears away and he did as I wished and kissed me senseless. He kissed me until I felt slick and unsteady undulating against his hard body. I rode his thigh until I soaked his skin and his smile played over my lips.

  His hand moved from my back to my hip and his finger bit the joint pulling me into position.

  “Bash.” I moaned his name over and over again into his mouth. I licked inside, my tongue grazing his mouth and his sharp canine teeth. I pulled back when I felt the sharp sting followed by a strange euphoria.

  “Shhhh.” He hushed me and traced his finger over my lip.

  “Did I cut myself?” I asked unsure how that would have happened in the first place.

  He snorted a laugh. “I bit you.” He said.

  “Bit me?”

  “Yes, and now your mine.” I didn’t understand the soul sucking pleasure that followed, nor the way he licked my cut lip before sucking on it in such a way I felt my life pulse with the all-consuming kiss. Lust flooded my senses and my core fluttered with the telltale ache to be filled and ravaged by this man.

  Bash kept kissing me while his body pushed me deeper into the bedding. Hands pushed covers away and lifted my knees up high. His mouth never left my body kissing down my belly and between my legs. I felt pulled apart, and put back together again. A sharp sting plucked at my inner thigh and I thrust my had back on a cry. My hands reached for Bash and fisted in his hair as the pulsing feeling returned.

  “My god you’re a devil between my legs.” I whimpered feeling that ever-present smile on his kissing lips. The bed beneath me felt hot and wet with our lovemaking and I feared I’m made a mess with my slick. The wooziness returned and with it Bash sliding up my body like a serpent claiming its prize.

  “You undo me with your trust, little lamb. I don’t deserve this, and I definitely don’t deserve you.” Bash pushed his icy cold cock inside me. I winced from the pressure of ice wedging me open on that first thrust.

  My arms reached for him pulling and pushing unsure how to abate the pain. He moved again and this time seated himself so deep my insides felt the bulbous tip like an anchor staking its claim. I cried out again, the invasion too much. Bash tilted my chin to look at him. Cold grey ice examined me and laid a gentle kiss upon my lips before turning my face away from him. I whimpered watching the flames in the fireplace burn and then felt the heat in the crook of my shoulder where the skin was thinnest and the muscle stretched between bone and neck. Fire and ice hit me at once like life and death were battling a war within my body. I didn’t know how long I stayed like that, impaled below and caught in his trap above. The lethargy came first and my struggle stopped as my eyes slipped closed and the press of his body left mine all together.


  The sun will come out tomorrow.


  Jane slumber
ed deeply. This second claiming bite much deeper than the first. Only this time she’d tasted me as well when her lip caught on my fang accidentally. She could never leave me now and the change would come over her quickly. My little lamb could be an aggressive lover given time. In her human life, her bones were fragile, organs easily bruised, and I had no desire to hurt her. No. My decision now made, she would be with me always, my soul mate for eternity.

  Fingertips traced the conjured ink branded into my shoulder. Soft pads moved up and down and the around in smaller circles.

  “What is this?” Jane leaned in closer. Her breath tickled my taut skin and I closed my eyes savoring the feel of it. She was a rare and beautiful thing that forced me to feel more intensely. My senses were heightened around her and perhaps for all the wrong reasons I had yet to explore. The denial was only veil thick and sooner, rather than later, I would have to explore what this meant. We were bonded together, her and I.

  I cleared my throat to explain the old tattoo. “It’s my daylight marking.”

  “So this is what allows you to walk around whenever you feel like it.” Her fingers kept up their rhythmic movements and I craned my neck back to glance at the consternation on her face. It was easy to forget how little she knew the truth of things.

  “I forget how new these revelations are for you.” I forget many things in her presence like her fragility and humanity.

  “I’m an art history major with a minor in ancient literature texts. I don’t know what’s left to be a revelation. I mean, were the Knights Templar even real?”

  I chuckled at her dismissive comment, and then I pounced on her rolling her over on the bed. “I think there are quite a few revelations left, but I’ll let this one slide.” She smiled at the innuendo and I focused on her face. So expressive and every nuance showed.


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