Wicked Love

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Wicked Love Page 73

by Michelle Dare

  Gruesome grabbed me from behind, his insanely strong arms banding around both of mine, as Twosome announced, “Jorje found this one snooping around Venom.”

  Panic churned in the pit of my stomach. “I told you guys, I’m friends with Jessie.”

  GI lowered to a half-squat, his blue eyes capturing mine. “What’s your name?”

  “Diortha,” I managed to say without flinching.

  “Well, Diortha, Jessie doesn’t run the show around here, I do.”

  His blue eyes flashed red, not deep red like Zack’s, but blood red with tinges of pink, and I tried not to freak the hell out. The asshole’s trying to trance me. This is how he gets the girls into that room with those things.

  His creepy voice ghosted inside my head. You’re going to walk inside the room and lie down on the floor. Move, and you will be punished. Scream, and you will be punished. Fight, and you will be punished. Do you understand?

  “Yes,” I replied in a zombie-like monotone voice, while thinking, fuck you. I waited for Gruesome to release his hold on me so I could take the three assholes out. When GI took a step back and slammed his fist on the door three times, the panic that had been swirling in my gut shot into my throat. Letmegoletmegoletmego, I silently chanted as the door swung open. The light from the hallway poured into the dark room, illuminating my worst nightmare. There were at least a hundred of them. Like giant fanged bugs, they hung from the ceiling and crawled across the walls. This was what Tamara had been trying to show me.

  Gruesome’s hold tightened, and I lost it. To hell with putting on a brave front. Panic turned into a scream as he lifted me off my feet and carried me through the gates of hell.

  The smell hit first—it was a mixture of blood, excrement, and fear. As he casually strolled to the middle of the dirt floor, not a twitch was made from the peanut gallery.

  “Be a good girl,” he whispered in my ear.

  The minute my feet hit the ground, I leaned forward and vomited all over his shoes. The blow came fast. My face exploded in pain as I flew through the air and landed on my side with a loud grunt.

  “That’s one way to get her on the floor,” a voice spoke. Two others, including Gruesome, chuckled. Fuckers.

  Thankfully, I landed at an angle that put my foot within reach. As my hand inched toward my boot, I prayed for Zack to get his ancient vampire ass here and save me. Slowly, I extracted the serrated throwing star. It was smaller than a normal throwing star but perfect for slashing throats. Now, if I could only get to my machete, I might have a fighting chance.

  “It’s chow time!” One of the vamps called out.

  That was my warning to move. I sprang to my feet and reached for my machete as the bug-like vamps began dropping from the ceiling. I immediately started slashing. They were fast, beyond fast, so fast that I couldn’t keep track of their movements.

  “She’s up!” I heard someone shout.

  Fangs pierced my shoulder. Flaming-hot pain seared through me, and I let out a terror-filled scream in the form of a giant “Fuuck yoou!” While I managed to dislodge the one on my shoulder, another latched onto my leg. That’s when I saw them coming.

  “PHD sent me! They know I’m here!” I shouted.

  Gruesome came in fast. I let out a streak of curse words, then I swung. He exploded into a pile of ash. Talk about lucky. I took out two others before Twosome came at me. He took me down hard. I got his throat with the machete but not before he crushed my star-throwing hand. Excruciating, teeth-rattling pain scorched through me, and I screamed in agony.

  I must have blacked out because when I came to, GI Fang was standing over me. Grasping the machete with my good hand, I pushed to my knees and vomited from the pain.

  GI laughed. “Stupid bitch, I’m the only thing stopping them from eating you alive.”

  My vision wavering, I got to my feet. It was at that moment that I realized the bugs were no longer moving. They just stood there, like creepy, inanimate statues of horror.

  “So, you’re the new PHD bitch. I heard about you.”

  GI wants to chat? I could be down with that. “Get me out of here, and we can work out a deal,” I panted.

  He laughed. “And miss all the fun of seeing them rip you to shreds? I don’t think so.”

  From what I could see, there were several baby vamps and one giant dickweed standing between me and the door.

  Time to slash and burn. Burying the pain, I dodged left, and sprinted for the door, slashing as I went. As the first vamp’s head started to teeter from its shoulders, I was already to the second. Off with his head! I was almost to the third when GI dumbass finally caught on.

  With an enraged roar, he charged. I tried to change directions, but it was too late. Five million pounds of pissed-off vampire tackled me from behind. Something snapped as I hit the ground, I was pretty sure it was a rib, possibly all of them. He pinned my machete arm to the ground with one hand while grinding my face into the nasty, blood-encrusted dirt with the other, all the while talking smack about how he was going to drain me dry.

  The hell you are.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you who sent me, just let up so I can breathe.”

  He rolled from my back, taking the machete with him, and ordered, “Talk, bitch.”

  The pain was too much, and my stomach threatened to revolt again. As I slid my hand into my cargo pocket and pulled out my one and only stake, I considered vomiting on him. My ribcage seized as I flipped onto my side. I was a mess. Breathing deeply, I bit back the pain and focused on GI. His face was nothing more than a shadow but his heart was right where I needed it to be. Leaning forward, I whispered, “You. Are. A. Moron,” then struck.

  Three things happened at once: GI Fang burst into a giant poof of vampire dust, the hoard of baby vamps exploded back to life, and I screamed bloody murder for Zack.

  The little shits were quick—so quick that I barely got to the machete before they were on me. I somehow managed to hack my way into a corner before I felt the bite. It was on my leg, right above my boot. As I ashed one, another took its place. Two bites turned to ten, and before long, I started to run out of steam. I was also running out of blood.

  There were too many of them. With an anguished cry, I dropped to my knees. Mick’s face flashed before my eyes, and I smiled. It was only fitting that I go out the same way. My vision wavered. Right before I fell, I thought of Bailey and Zack, and let out a whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  What happened next felt like a dream. The baby vamps froze as a body appeared in the doorway. I knew it was Zack. His hands lifted into the air, his fire-red eyes glowing brightly as he let out an agonizing roar. From one blink to the next, they were all gone. Every last vampire in the room had exploded into ash.

  Then he was there, kneeling beside me. “Took you long enough,” I whispered.

  Anger and something else flashed across his face as he bit into his wrist and held it over my mouth. “Drink,” he ordered. For once, I didn’t argue. His eyes held mine, his hand tenderly stroking my head, as his blood slowly stitched me back together again.

  When I was strong enough to move without screaming, I lifted my mouth from his wrist, and said, “Bailey.”

  “Status!” he called out.

  “The girls are all fine, sire. The paramedics have been called. They should be here soon.”

  “I need to go with her,” I rasped.

  “What you need is a spanking.”

  At my whispered, “Yes, please,” a male voice said, “I like her.” I tried to get a look at him but was still too weak to lift my head.

  “More,” Zack ordered, shoving his wrist in my face. I gave him an eye roll, then I drank. His coppery-sweet blood wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

  More vampires entered the room. By that point, I could move my head. My eyes widened at the sexy goodness that stood before me. Holy vampire hotness.

  Zack’s eyes narrowed as if reading my thoughts, and I gave his wrist an extra-long suck.
/>   “Diana, this is Quinton, Rhys, Rocco, Isaiah, and Kyst. They are all members of my seethe.”

  The vampires took turns briefing me on what they’d discovered. As it turned out, the nest was located under SangreLa. I totally called it. Jessie was in cohorts with Ernie. Ernie, by the way, was GI Fang. Jessie had stolen some money from Ernie and Ernie was letting him work off his debt by providing the girls for the nest. No one knew why Ernie had the nest in the first place. I suspected Lenora was behind it. Once I was on my feet again, I was going to investigate.

  When the bites were gone, my ribs healed, and my hand was healed, Zack finally gave in to my requests to see my sister. His blood carried a strong punch. After what I’d seen today, his blood wasn’t the only thing with a strong punch. He’d decimated a room of vampires with his mind. I was going to have to dissect that one later. Right now, I needed to see my sister.

  Bailey broke into tears when she saw me coming. I held her to me, and we both cried. Zack’s eyes never left my face as he and his band of sexy brothers stood watch over us.

  Amos arrived minutes before the ambulances. The love on his face when he saw my sister made me rethink my opinion of the guy. Yes, he was a giant pussy, but he loved my sister to pieces.

  As the paramedics loaded the women into the ambulances, I had a moment with Zack.

  “So, what’s next?” I asked, hoping he would suggest another sex-fest at his place.

  “Tobias has Jessie. He’s holding him at Venom. I’m going there now to question him.”

  “I was talking about us.”

  “Aaah, us. Well, I thought perhaps we could have dinner.”

  My brows hit my hairline. “I thought you didn’t do food?”

  He smiled. “I need to train my new nourisher.”

  I returned his smile. “You most certainly do. Your place or mine?”

  “How about tomorrow night at my place, let’s say eight.”

  “It’s a date.”

  He leaned in, and just when I thought he was going to kiss me, he whispered, “I’m still going to spank you,” then stepping back, he said, “See you tomorrow, Diortha.”

  About RB Hilliard

  RB Hilliard lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband, two teenagers, and crazy dog, Oscar. She loves music, a good book, red wine, chocolate, and to write twistedly suspenseful stories. Alpha men and rock stars are among her favorites, but don't worry, if suspense isn't your bag, she also writes funny tales about exceptionally hot men who are in desperate need of taming. In 2014, Hilliard published her first novel. She has since published multiple novels across several genres.

  Bayou’s Edge

  A Crimson & Clover Lagniappe

  Sarah M. Cradit

  Life as a vampire is already hard. But it's a real bitch when you fall for the human you have to kill.


  Copyright © 2020 Sarah M. Cradit

  Edited by Emily A. Lawrence

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners



  Kieran Landry was positive he was getting laid tonight. Or, fairly positive. First, he had to remember her name.

  In his defense, it wasn’t as if he’d picked her up in a bar. She’d been a blind date, a fix from his friend Charlie after what all of Kieran’s friends now called The Dark Age of Kieran. They didn’t understand. How could they? He’d been with Tessa since middle school, and they’d survived the volatile high school years of weekly breakups, and four years of separation when they went to different colleges. This last one included a break long enough for Kieran to miss her like crazy, and Tessa, to get pregnant by her grandfather’s lawyer.

  Which cut extra deep, considering Kieran hailed from a family of New Orleans lawyers that dipped back almost two hundred years. The Sullivans were probably pictured in the dictionary next to the word attorney. He’d just started law school himself, and would have an offer waiting for him, like his aunts, uncles, cousins, and everyone else with Sullivan blood.

  “I’m thirsty. Buy me a Coke?” said the pretty blonde whose name was just on the tip of his tongue. He could text Charlie, but Charlie had already told him never to pull his phone out on a date. He’d had other rules for Kieran as well, bestowing them upon him like a benevolent overlord fearful his hopeless subject would be unable to avoid humiliating himself. He’d been out of the dating game so long, he had to take Charlie’s word for most of it.

  “Yeah, sure.” Kieran took her by the hand. It felt right, and Charlie hadn’t said anything about hand holding, so he hoped he wasn’t completely shitting the bed with this move. He led her toward the refreshment stand in the center of the fairway, between the Spinning Web—which was both the best the carnival had to offer and the lamest thing he had ever seen called a ride—and the one with the teacups for the little kids. There wasn’t anyone in line for snacks, or really, for anything. The carnival had been a total bust, with rides meant for toddlers, and half-asleep teenagers manning the games. The shitty cross-eyed bear Kieran’s date dangled from her left hand was the perfect mascot for the evening.

  He paid for her Coke and enjoyed the way her glossy lipstick embraced the red and white straw as she eyed him in gratitude.

  That was the first time he had the feeling he was being watched.

  Kieran turned toward the sensation. Young couples, kids, all moved past him in bored refrain, but he saw no one looking at him.

  “Something wrong?” his date cooed.

  “Nah. Thought I heard my name,” he lied, because that sounded less weird than saying he felt like there were eyes peering at him from the shadows.

  “You have an unusual name,” she said. “I would think you’d know it for sure if you’d heard it.”

  He wanted to say, yeah, you too, and what was it again? Instead, he nodded. “All these sounds are messing with my head, I think.”

  His date moved closer as they walked, tilting her head up toward him. “We could go somewhere more quiet?”

  Kieran started to say his apartment was a fifteen-minute walk from Armstrong Park, but she’d yanked him off his feet, headed in the direction of the pitiful funhouse at the end of the fairway. A grotesque clown mouth gaped wide at the entrance, looking more like a bored yawn than a howl meant to elicit fear. He didn’t have long to evaluate its inadequacy, because her crystal blue eyes twinkled at him as she glanced back, just before disappearing inside.

  “There might be kids in here,” he warned, but the blond beauty leading him farther inside was oblivious. She was on a mission. The kind of mission he’d been anticipating all night but was suddenly afraid to see through. He hadn’t been with a woman since Tessa. She’d been his first, and though there’d been a few in between, he was out of practice. In his heart, he’d always thought Tessa was end game.

  “Do you see any kids?” she asked as they slipped down the dark, musty tunnel. There were carts from a ride, but none were moving. Shut down, perhaps from lack of interest. No stoned teenager here to restart them, either. Kieran started turning over a number of other possible scenarios, wielding his great superpower of overthinking everything, when she silenced his curiosity with a kiss so deep he stopped breathing.

  “I like you, Kieran.” She sucked in her bottom lip with a li
ght nibble. He’d never seen a girl actually do this, but the stirring in his pants confirmed why she did it. It worked. “I know we’ve just met, but I’m a good judge of character.”

  Was that what they were doing? Judging one another’s characters?

  “Yeah? I like you, too,” Kieran said, gasping as her palm cupped over the growing bulge in his jeans.

  A new sensation, one less welcome, passed over him. A dark chill ripped down his spine, and he again turned, as he had in the fairway, toward the source. As before, he saw nothing, but now he was certain he was either losing his mind or there was something tickling a sense he hadn’t used in some time.

  Kieran came from a family that had a little extra than most. Extra senses; for some, even more. His had been the sometimes awesome, sometimes terrible gift of picking up on the feelings of those around him. Like his date. She was practically purring with desire, though he needed nothing supernatural to guide him toward that clue.

  But there was someone watching. Who?

  Or what?

  No, you outgrew that years ago, you idiot. It was stupid then, and it’s even stupider now.


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