Man of the Hour
Page 76
“Well, the whole fact . . . never free from that”: Ibid.
“negative voices about science . . . willing to go without”: JBC to George Kistiakowsky, June 23, 1972, CFP.
“The natural tendency . . . all things are sold”: JBC, On Understanding Science, xii–xiii.
“cool Yankee . . .”: George Kistiakowsky, “James B. Conant: Chemist and Statesman of Science,” James Bryant Conant: A Remembrance,” memorial address, April 4, 1978, CFP.
“Never again . . .”: Louis S. Auchincloss to GRC, February 14, 1978, CFP.
“to say that he was the last . . . The Conant Vacancy”: NYT, February 14, 1978. Also Frank Keppel, “Mr. Conant’s Influence on Education,” James Bryant Conant: A Remembrance,” memorial address, April 4, 1978, CFP.
* * *
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