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Somebody: A Country Romance

Page 7

by Shayne McClendon

  “Who protects you?” the blonde asked with a tilt of her head. “You seem kind of…solitary, if that isn’t wrong to say.”

  Elliot sat forward and Aubrey wondered why he seemed so interested in her answer to his sister-in-law’s question.

  She shrugged. “I’m sort of in a different, in-between place, I guess you’d say. I don’t have power or money or even family. What I have are roots that run deep. I’ve always lived here and I’ve always been involved in the community, in babysitting, in helping. As a result, I know the dirty little secrets of all the fat cats. That I never use the knowledge offers me a layer of protection to keep someone like Victoria from attacking me directly.”


  “Yes. Loyalty and discretion means more to old money types like the Newgates than anything else. At the gala, you didn’t rub your money or what you knew in their face. You played the game and it wiped the slate publicly. They can’t go back on that now or they seem small and petty.”

  “You’re even smarter than Gage said you were.”

  Sipping her coffee, she grinned. “I realized when I was ten that my brains were the asset I had to use if I wanted to get where I wanted to go.”

  Gage leaned his arm on the table and asked, “Where is that, Miss Price?”

  “Right where I am doing a job I love. In my lifetime, I hope to see McAllister Modern Fuels blaze the trail for alternative energy that changes the face of energy consumption on this planet.” She winked. “To make that possible, I have to keep y’all’s name out of the papers.”

  The big man’s look turned embarrassed. “I didn’t realize the true extent you’ve been our personal damage control consultant. I’d like to apologize for our horrible behavior.”

  He took Tiffany’s hand and kissed it before turning back to Aubrey. “Did you really tell Newgate the legal pit bulls would spend years chewing on what was left of his ass?”

  She laughed with a shrug. “Something like that.”

  “After Gage calmed down, we couldn’t stop laughing.” Looking Aubrey over more thoroughly, Tiffany suddenly changed gears. “So. Do you have a boyfriend, fiancé, or husband stashed somewhere?”

  At the shake of Aubrey’s head she exclaimed, “You’re single? How the hell is that possible?”

  Aubrey sipped her coffee to buy time. It didn’t help. “Men are more trouble than they’re worth. In my experience.”

  Tiffany laughed happily. “Then we need to get you some new experience, darlin’.” Aubrey snarfed her coffee through her nose. “You’re too pretty to be out here by yourself. Men are good for lots of things.” She followed this statement with a wink.

  “I don’t mind my own company.”

  “Well, you’re the most feminine knight in shining armor I’ve ever seen. I thought Gage was bad and he’s never told anyone he was going to crucify them or rain hell on their head. I have a total girl-crush on you. You’re my first friend here. Congratulations.”

  Gage took her hand across the table. “Thank you again, Aubrey. I always knew you were brilliant, I never realized you were fearless. You’ll have to make a list of all the incidents you’ve kept me out of over the years. I’m curious. The three of us must have kept you on your toes.”

  “I’ll say this, watching you guys has expanded my vocabulary to previously unchartered territories. Would you like the photos, videos, emails, and letters?”

  This time, both McAllister men choked on their coffee.

  “Just kidding. There aren’t videos. Anymore.” She barely caught the giggle that tried to escape. To Tiffany, she explained, “I have some that are wife-appropriate you’ll find highly amusing. I’ve always had to laugh alone.”

  The little blonde was shocked. “You’ve never said anything to anyone? I’d have had to share.”

  “Nope. Now that you and Gage are married, I can share with you and not feel as though I’m breaking a sacred trust.” She grinned. “I can’t share everything, of course. If they’re naked, I can’t, in good conscience, share pictures of the other brothers.”

  There was more choking from the men. Elliot pounded on Gage’s back as he stared in shock at Aubrey.

  “There are very few of full nudity. Only two or three with full frontal.” Meeting Tiffany’s eyes, she said, “One girl, furious that Elliot shunned her, had a high speed telephoto trained on him for, I don’t know, had to be ten minutes.”

  Glancing at him, she mouthed, “The lake.” Realization dawned on his face and Aubrey laughed when his mouth opened and closed several times. “She threatened to post them on the Internet. I enjoyed changing her mind.”

  Tiffany was hysterical. “They didn’t realize how awesome and positively funny you are. We’re gonna have a blast.” She grabbed her husband for a big smack on the mouth.

  “I’m slightly terrified,” he confessed against her lips.

  “You should be. I’m evil and Aubrey is a genius. I’m sure we can keep things interesting.” Changing the topic, she asked, “What can I do to help with the Halloween festivities? I hear you run the local kids ragged.”

  For the next hour, she outlined her plans for the annual celebration the company hosted for children in the area. Parents came from as far away as Oklahoma City to join the fun.

  When the sun was beginning to set, she walked them all to the front door. Gage and Tiffany kissed her cheeks and told her they’d see her soon.

  Elliot lagged behind and his brother mumbled, “We’re waiting for you, bro.”

  Message delivered effectively, he gave Aubrey a half smile. “Will you go to dinner with me?” She inhaled carefully and he nodded. “Don’t worry. Thought I’d test the waters. I can wait.”

  It was impossible to hide her surprise. Before she could censor the words, she blurted out, “You can?”

  He stepped closer and she found her back touching the doorframe. With every breath, her nipples brushed against his chest. His hand grabbed hers and squeezed gently.

  Dropping a chaste kiss on her lips, he murmured, “Yes, I can. I’m about to show you how much I’ve grown up.”

  “That was fast.”

  “Took too damn long, clearly.” Moving his other hand to her waist, he whispered, “Let me kiss you, Aubrey.”

  Her eyes flicked to his lips and he took that as consent. The kiss didn’t last long because he was painfully hard and in danger of dragging her to her bedroom if he didn’t put some distance between them.

  “That one will haunt me for the next month.” One more kiss and he added, “See you later, Aubrey.”

  With a wink and a smile that caused heat to unfurl in her stomach, she managed a small nod. Unwilling to look away, she watched him walk to his car.

  Gage and Tiffany pulled out first and she could see their smiles from her porch. The blonde waved as they passed.

  Elliot turned around in her yard and pumped the brakes as if he was going to park and return. She held her breath, unsure what she wanted him to do.

  Gripping the steering wheel with both hands, he headed for the road. Only when his taillights were out of sight was she able to close the door.

  To her quiet house, she groaned, “Damn.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Halloween 2013

  Elliot was thankful that Tiffany’s bubbly personality let slip what costume Aubrey planned to wear to their company Halloween party.

  It was one of the most popular occasions that she insisted on organizing every year for their community. The employees of McAllister’s Modern Fuels were encouraged to bring their children to the indoor fair that provided treats, prizes, and entertainment.

  Aubrey set up tables for craft projects, booths with games, face painting, and balloon animals. Over the years, they’d watched many of the local children grow up.

  As he entered the large training area on the second floor of the building, Elliot found her immediately.

  Every morning since the charity gala, he’d made sure to be at the office when she arrived. He wa
lked into the building with her and insisted on buying her coffee.

  In the evenings, he walked her out and saw her into her vehicle with a single kiss. After two days, he asked her to text him when she was safely inside for the night.

  Nothing had pleased him more than having her grant the request. Once the initial bridge was crossed, he felt confident about texting her every morning and at night right before he went to sleep.

  She always responded and gradually, their relationship was taking form. Never had he made the effort to seduce a woman. He liked her, desired her as a woman, and respected her completely.

  A perfect storm he’d never experienced.

  The more time he spent around her, the more relaxed she became and the more he wanted her with everything inside himself.

  Approaching from the side to watch her with the children gathered at her table, he grinned at the “laboratory” set up behind her with colored liquids that bubbled and steamed.

  Her hair was piled in a haphazard bun and she wore no makeup. In delicate embroidery over her left breast was the name Marie Curie. She wore a skirt and blouse that looked like a precise replica from Madame Curie’s time.

  He was enthralled as she told the children about the famous Nobel Prize winning scientist. Then she conducted several non-toxic experiments that they were able to duplicate.

  Glancing up, she did a double take of his costume and then met his eyes with a smile.

  One of the children followed Aubrey’s gaze and wrinkled her nose as she read the name on the lab coat Elliot wore. “Pierre Curie…?”

  Clearing her throat delicately, Aubrey replied, “Marie Curie met Pierre after she was forbidden to teach because she was a woman.” Several of the girls were outraged at such news. “Things used to be ridiculous but they get better all the time. Marie and Pierre shared a love of science and made many fantastic discoveries together. Theirs is one of the world’s great love stories.”

  “Like Romeo and Juliet?” one of the girls asked dreamily.

  “Goodness, no.” Aubrey’s voice was firm and it made Elliot chuckle. “Romeo and Juliet were dramatic fiction. Pierre and Marie were a real life romance. Their years together led to knowledge that’s still relevant today.”

  She continued her experiments and Elliot moved to her side. For almost an hour, they worked together to entertain the kids of all ages who stopped to visit.

  During a lull, she turned and took in his slicked back hair and glasses. “Very dashing. I’d say you resemble Nikola Tesla more than the studious Pierre.”

  Leaning close, he whispered, “Didn’t Tesla fall in love with a pigeon?”

  “Some would say she was the luckiest pigeon in history.”

  Reaching out, he smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear. “You’re so much more interesting than a pigeon.” He left his palm on her shoulder and she continued to look at him in silence. “I think you’re the smartest person I know.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Your brain is quite sexy, Miss Price.” The statement made her smile and he knew she valued such a compliment more than any focused on her beauty. “Let me take you for coffee when we’re done here.”


  The victory was won with so little effort that he frowned. “That was easy.”

  “Nothing in regards to you is easy. It’s always hard.”

  He quirked a brow. “I can tell you something else that’s always hard.” She burst out laughing and clapped her hand over her mouth. “Laughter makes you even prettier.”

  Aubrey blushed as she turned to greet the children who stopped for treats and an impromptu science lesson.

  * * *

  It was near midnight when she wrapped up the Halloween party. Elliot took her hand and led her to his car. He closed her inside and slid behind the wheel.

  “Too late for coffee, I think. You need sleep.”

  When she didn’t respond, he looked over and saw that she’d dosed off. Taking advantage of the rare opportunity, he leaned toward her with his arm on the back of the seat.

  He’d never seen Aubrey completely still. Her energy levels were to be envied. Seeing her fully relaxed, at ease enough in his company to sleep, caused his heart to pound in his chest. Cupping the side of her neck, he placed kisses on her forehead, her jaw, and her lips.

  When he pulled back, her eyes were open. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” He started to let her go but her hand lifted to settle on the back of his. “Not yet.”

  Taking a chance, he leaned closer. He gave her time to withdraw, to reject him.

  She didn’t.

  Their first true kiss went through him like an open flame. This time, both of them were engaged, involved, and willing without anyone watching.

  It made everything different.

  Sitting up in the seat, she stroked her hand up his arm and around his neck. The way her slender fingers felt massaging the skin there felt incredible.

  Her tongue coiled against his and he groaned into her mouth. He wasted no time wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer.

  There was a tap on the hood of his car and they broke apart. Noah stood there with his hands on his hips and a furious expression on his face.

  “Dude. There are cameras now. Remember? Get her out of here before the entire security team gets a free show.”

  His brother walked away shaking his head.

  “I forgot about the cameras, Aubrey.”

  “So did I.” She smiled. “We should probably go.”

  Leaning close, she planted one more kiss on his jaw.

  Chapter Twelve

  Pulling into her yard, he killed the engine but didn’t get out. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything or anyone in my life, Aubrey. If I walk you to your door, I’ll say anything, do anything, to get you in bed.”

  Turning his face, he watched her expression by the light on her porch. She gave him a slow smile.

  “Then I guess you should kiss me here and say goodnight.”

  He managed to laugh despite feeling as if his cock was going to bust his zipper. Reaching out, he gripped her slender neck carefully to pull her closer.

  Nothing could have surprised him as much as her crossing the console and straddling his lap. Her ass honked the horn and she collapsed in fits of giggles as he moved his seat back.

  There was not one thing on earth that could ever compare to kissing Aubrey while she laughed.

  Both of her arms went around his shoulders and she let him lead her into what he knew was her first make out session in a car.

  One of her small hands drifted over him and he wanted to feel her touching him everywhere, skin to skin.

  Then her hand was at the waist of his slacks and he held his breath in shock and anticipation.

  Slowly, clumsily, she worked the button and zipper apart and rested her hand over the ridge that felt like it could burn through his boxer briefs.

  A gentle palm coasted over him and he worried about embarrassing himself. “Aubrey. I’ll never be able to stand it. I’ll come.”

  Brown eyes that seemed black in the dim light met his. “I don’t mind. Do you mind?” He slowly shook his head. “I’d love to make you come, Elliot.”

  Gritting his jaw against innocent pleasure he’d never dared to hope for with the one woman who made it almost impossible to sleep, he let her touch him.

  Her breath came in little pants as her hands settled over his cock and learned him. “I wondered what you felt like. I wanted to touch you.”

  Then she was kissing him and he thought the top of his head would blow off from so many sensations. He pulled her close. Moving her hands, she let him press the center of her against his hardness.

  Gasping, she broke the kiss and moved her knees on the seat to get closer still. The slim skirt she wore rode up her thighs and he let his hands roam beneath it. Smoothing back to hold the cheeks of her ass, he stared at her face as he moved her over him, stimulating them both.

p; She learned the rhythm quickly and took over, bracing herself by gripping his shoulders.


  “Aubrey.” He didn’t recognize his own voice.

  “I’m coming.” Then her head dropped back and she moaned as damp heat penetrated the thin layers that separated them. “Help me…I want you to come, too.”

  Bracing her lower body with his hands on her hips, he ground himself against her, aching to be buried inside her.

  After what felt like years of denial and need for this one small woman, he took what he could get and admitted that actual sex with most of his conquests had never been so stimulating.

  He rolled his lower body, moving over her clit as he claimed her mouth in a brutal kiss.

  “Oh…yes.” Then she came again and he reached the end of what he could endure.

  She was shaking and whimpering in his arms as he pressed as much of his cock against her warmth as he could. He might have growled her name as the vise around his balls released for the first time since he’d stared at her across her desk that long-ago Monday.

  They gasped for air and he was distantly amused to realize they’d steamed up the windows.

  When the most intense orgasm of his life began to ease, he gathered her against his chest and smoothed her hair. He planted several kisses along her neck and the top of her head.

  Hugging her was a heaven all its’ own and he soaked it up.

  After a long time, she sat up enough to look at him. Her fingers traced the lines of his face in silence for more than a minute.

  “You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Thank you for giving me a teen experience I never had, Elliot.” Her teeth were bright white as she smiled. “I always wondered what the big deal was but I understand it now.”

  Sliding his palm along her neck, he stroked the line of her jaw with his thumb. “You are something else.”

  He took his time kissing her because Aubrey’s kisses tore him down to his basic foundation.

  Resting his forehead against her, he whispered in near-agony, “Don’t give in yet, Aubrey. I haven’t earned it. Make me work for what you deserve.”


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