Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 4

by Pam Funke

“What? How do you know these things?”

  “I’m not at liberty to tell you. All I can say is if you cover these stories, you will be the envy of all the other reporters—you will have breaking news stories before anyone else. They will definitely help to boost your career.”

  She held out her hand, “I will be in touch. Keep doing me proud with your excellent reports.”

  Gage stood up and shook her hand. “I really do appreciate what you are doing for me, but why me?”

  “Do you doubt your work Gage?” she asked standing up to leave.

  He looked at her offended. Of course, I don’t doubt my work. What kind of reply is that? He walked Ros to her car then walked to his own car rental. Gage was excited about the information that was just given to him, but he had a lot of questions as well. He could not wait to get started. He figured he had better find his camera man, Byron, and head to Rome, Italy. What a story this is going to be, if it truly does happen. But how does Ros know these things?

  Ros settled into the back of the Town car. “Did he buy it?” the man asked.

  “But of course; he always does.”

  “Good. Good. We may have a use for him yet.”

  The man smiled to himself. He had the driver take them back to his private plane. Things were most definitely going according to plan.


  Down in the lab of the new top secret facility at Fort Stewart, Georgia, a group of scientists had started working on a new biological experiment. They weren’t the only facility to begin experiments as all of the facilities had been ordered to do one experiment or another. They were creating BTX and testing its strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Charlie Andrews hated the testing phase of this as they were testing various stages of the BTX on animals and studying the effects. Some of the animals had died which made Charlie really sad and angry. He was an animal lover and despised harming them in any way.

  “Charlie, how else are we going to gain the knowledge we need? We cannot test this on people. You know that, right? Besides, just think about how many humans and animals we will be able to help when we’re done. We will have the cure to reverse the process,” Grant consoled him.

  Charlie just looked at him. He knew Grant was right, but that didn’t make it right. Charlie just nodded. He held the animal which had just died gently. He smoothed the fur and closed its eyes. He secretly wanted to kiss it goodbye but did not want to be labeled a wuss so he didn’t. Instead, he gently put it in the box and closed the lid. He labeled the box accordingly and placed it with the others for dissection and study. He was glad he was not a part of that portion of the project. He didn’t have the stomach or the heart for it.

  Grant went back to work on the project but kept a close eye on Charlie. He thought of Charlie as a sweet kid with a heart. Grant did not believe a guy like Charlie should have been involved in something like this. He hoped nothing bad happened to damage Charlie’s kind heart.


  chapter four

  On the outskirts of Washington D.C., Richard Smith was finally home from a long, hard day at work. He couldn’t wait to relax in front of the television and eat his dinner. He hoped Halle had dinner waiting as he was extremely hungry, but he walked into a dark, quiet, empty house. Now just where is Halle? I bet she’s up at that stupid church again. I don’t know why she even bothers with that stuff? He plopped down onto the couch and turned the television on to watch the news.

  He grumbled as he flipped channels finally settling on watching the news. Richard kept contemplating going up to the church to make his wife come home. Besides, he had no idea what kind of nonsense they were feeding her mind. He was in the process of turning the tv off and doing just that when a particular story caught his eye. He laid the remote on the arm of the chair and settled down to watch.


  Nicolaitanes Balac was in the process of going to Barcelona, Spain for a UN convention. He had been invited to attend by President Adamo Ricci. Rosalind was also coming along as Nicolaitanes’ assistant. The meeting was a very important development for Nicolaitanes’ success Rosalind knew. She doubted if anyone else would know the significance. She smiled to herself.

  More than 200 delegates from around the world were in attendance.at the UN convention. There were people representing various religions and nationalities from around the world. There were representatives of the Catholic, Episcopalian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish and Sikhs present. Also, in attendance were leaders of countries. The men and women were dressed up in their Sunday best. Rosalind was definitely impressed. She sat proudly in her chair next to Nicolaitanes. It is wonderful watching a major historical moment in time. I wonder if Nicolaitanes is going to speak here.

  Nicolaitanes laid his hand on her shoulder. “No, Rosalind. It is not my place to speak here today. We are here for other purposes,” he whispered quietly. Nicolaitanes is being compliant. I wonder why?

  CHAPTER five

  The archdiocese was awaiting the arrival of Patriarch Bartola in Rome. Lou Spiel, the archdiocese’s personal assistant, had left half an hour ago to pick him up from the airport. The room was filled with excitement; even Pope Paul John had arrived unexpectantly. This is a meeting no one will soon forget.

  At the airport, Lou waited near the baggage claim holding a sign with Patriarch Bartola’s name on it. He wasn’t sure exactly what to expect as he had no clue what the man even looked like. Lou certainly wasn’t expecting the young, handsome gentleman that walked over to him.

  “Patriarch Josef Bartola?” he asked extending his hand.


  “I am Lou Spiel and will be driving you to the meeting. I am also your personal assistant while you are here. Let me know if you need anything at all, okay?”

  Lou took the man’s bags and placed them in the trunk of the car. He then held the door open for Josef. This is going to be an interesting assignment. Lou was excited; anything to get out once in a while. He had been stuck in “the dungeon” working on scrolls and biblical prophecy for the church for years. Although his head was full of vast knowledge, he hadn’t seen much of the world. This was finally his chance to.

  Half an hour later, they arrived back at the Vatican. Lou led Josef quietly to the private offices and knocked softly on the door. A man wearing robes peered at the two men, before motioning for them to come inside. Another man stepped in front of Lou, gently placing his palm on the man’s chest stopping him. Confused, Lou stared at the man. He started to walk around him when the man spoke to him kindly.

  “You are dismissed, for now, Mr. Spiel. Please close the door behind you,” he said.

  Lou was disappointed, but he did as he was told. He went to a nearby bench in the hallway and sat down to wait.

  “Please have a seat,” the man said to Patriarch Bartola.

  Josef looked around the room. There were quite a few people in the room. However, that is not what surprised him; he was astonished to see the Pope in attendance. He was pleased, yes very pleased indeed. After everyone was sitting quietly, a gentleman to the left of the Pope got up and stood before the group.


  The man stood outside staring up at the Vatican building. He shook his head sadly. “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty,” he said and was gone.

  His voice boomed loudly that it could be heard for miles. Unfortunately, very few even bothered to listen. It was as though the man were speaking for the sake of talking. No one was listening.


  Inside the Vatican building, the meeting got underway.

  “Gentlemen, I am pleased that we could all be here today to meet with our esteemed guest, Patriarch Josef Bartola. Patriarch Bartola, I am sure you are wondering why we had you
come so far away from home. We have been watching your work and needless to say, we are very pleased. I, personally, am very impressed with your natural ability to lead and persuade your congregation,” he said.

  Josef smiled. “Thank you very much. I believe I have a natural ability for this. Spreading the word of God is my calling. I believe I was personally chosen by God to do this.”

  The Pope stood up slowly for he was extremely old and frail. He gently laid his hand on the shoulder of the speaker and gestured towards Patriarch Bartola. I don’t know why, but I feel it in my bones Patriarch Bartola is the one I’ve been waiting for. He will be my replacement; the one who will be the right hand of The Child once we find him. Thank you, God, for allowing me to live long enough to see this.

  “Patriarch Bartola, my son, please come forward to me. I wish to bless you,” Pope John said extending his arm.

  Isn’t this unusual even for him? I mean he just met me and knows absolutely nothing about me. Doesn’t he usually give his blessings to special people? Josef stood and walked over to the Pope. He kneeled before him and kissed each of his hands as was the custom. The men in the room all kneeled before the Pope and extended their hands towards Patriarch Bartola. Pope John laid his hands on Josef.

  “Before the eyes of God and the men before me, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May your comings and your goings be blessed. May your works be acceptable to God Almighty. May God be blessed in all that you do,” Pope John said. He helped Josef to his feet, “I am old my son. I would like very much for you to remain here in Rome teaching our congregation and studying to someday take my place here. This is right in the eyes of God. Will you do this, my son?”

  “Yes sir, it would be an honor.”

  “Good. Then here is your first assignment, I wish for you to go with Lou to attend the UN summit in Barcelona. Here are your tickets,” the Pope replied handing him two airline tickets and sitting back down. He felt good about the young man.

  The UN summit? Why on earth do I need to go there? Why is the Pope so interested in the UN? Josef took the tickets. He dared not question the Pope. It must be extremely important for me to be there. After all, they already had the airline ticket with my name on it. What would they have done if I had said no? Josef walked back out into the hallway. Lou immediately rose and walked over to Josef. Not wanting to appear too eager he casually inquired as to what happened in the meeting. In response, Josef hand Lou the airline tickets and they immediately left for the airport.

  CHAPTER seven

  Meanwhile in Barcelona, Spain, the assemblyman stood at the podium and asked for quiet. The UN meeting was still abuzz with excitement.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the United Nations (UN), thank you all for coming. I come before you this morning to propose that we create a United World Religion (UWR). As we are all aware of the turmoil, violence, war and civil unrest that is taking over the world at an alarming rate, especially in the Middle East. There are wars and rumors of wars for the sake of religious beliefs. We must agree that the majority of it, if not all of it, is due to religious differences—namely Christianity. Because of the vast diversity of beliefs, it causes humanity to quarrel and inflict war upon each other. In order to bring about peace we need to get rid of the hatefulness, the unwillingness to accept one another as brothers and sisters despite our religious and cultural differences.” he said pausing for effectiveness.

  “If we create the UWR, it will incorporate all religions into one. All will be welcome. A one world religion will unify the earth and bring about peace. With a single religion, no one will be coerced to participate in any religious rituals as with the Christian faith. No one will be made to feel as an outsider. Homosexuals will be welcome there; they will not be shunned by the people like elsewhere. No one will be made to feel as though their sinful nature is unforgiveable and not tolerated. This will be a growing global unity dedicated to enduring daily interfaith cooperation and ending religiously motivated violence, creating cultures of peace, justice, and healing for all the inhabitants of the earth.”

  Josef could not believe his ears. This was exactly what he dreamed of doing. How did that man possibly know? So this was why I was sent to this summit. Now, how will I get myself implemented into all of this?

  “Do not worry Josef. Your steps have been ordered,” the voice said.

  Josef looked around; no one was paying any attention to him. So who just spoke to me?

  The man stood in the middle of the general assembly. He looked around at all those in attendance.

  “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.,” he spoke with a loud authoritative voice. No one seemed to pay him any mind. He looked at the assembly once more and was gone.

  Josef was pulled out of his reverie when the spokesman started to speak again.

  “I would like to introduce to the assembly a young man sent to us by the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See. A man who has envisioned peace throughout the world through a program such as this. I am pleased to introduce you to Patriarch Josef Bartola. Please would you come forward sir?” the assemblyman said clapping his hands.

  The whole assembly stood to their feet cheering and clapping. Josef was impressed. How did they know? Wow, what a warm reception. They love me already. He walked up to the podium. Surely this must be the will of God.

  “Thank you so much for that warm welcome. It is an honor to be invited here today. I truly believe a unified religion is the answer to stopping the majority of the violence around the world. The UWR will be a world assembly for humanity’s spiritual traditions. It will incorporate Catholic beliefs, Episcopalian beliefs, Muslim beliefs, Buddhist beliefs, Hindu beliefs, Jewish beliefs, Sikh beliefs, Wiccan beliefs, Polytheistic beliefs, Animism beliefs, Pantheism beliefs, and even atheist beliefs. By incorporating these various religious beliefs and customs it will serve to bring together a diverse people rather than to segregate them, thus giving a more unified result. It will reach out and embrace all those who profess to believe in god, no matter who or what their god may have been previously. We, those who are chosen to head this new assembly, will create a charter to govern the UWR. It will be held accountable to you, the UN. The charter will ensure the entity has no more power than deemed necessary. This is definitely a step in the right direction. I propose we vote today to create the UWR,” Josef said.

  He took a long drink of the cool water that was offered to him. He stood watching everyone for a moment before continuing; he wanted what he was saying to sink in.

  “I want the same things that each of you does, a world free of war, famine, pestilence, hatred, et cetera. I truly believe this will accomplish that,” Josef said full of passion. “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, of the assembly.”

  He bowed humbly before the assembly before returning to his seat. He smiled to himself, things are going well.

  Rosalind was impressed with the man. So this is why Nicolaitanes is here. I wonder how Patriarch Bartola will fit in with Nicolaitanes’ plans. She glanced over at Nicolaitanes; he was sitting quietly, completely emotionless. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  President Ricci turned to Nicolaitanes, “What do you think about all of this my friend?” he asked quietly.

  Nicolaitanes folded his hands together in thought. “If it were a perfect world; the idea might work. Perhaps, with an exceptional leader in charge of the whole world and their complete freedom to run things as they see fit, I think it would be very successful. However, there are still many flaws with the idea,” Nicolaitanes commented quietly. President Ricci and Rosalind looked at Nicolaitanes puzzled.

  “I think it’s a marvelous idea, Nicola
itanes,” Rosalind said.

  Nicolaitanes raised an eyebrow at her. She closed her mouth and kept quiet. This was not the time or the place to question Nicolaitanes about his motives. She sat there quietly listening to the murmur of voices talking amongst themselves.

  President Ricci abruptly stood. “Excuse me, assemblyman, but I would like to second the motion to create the UWR. I further propose we set a date to meet for the creation of the charter and regulations and implement this to the world,” President Ricci said.

  “Are you sure you wish to do that my friend?” Nicolaitanes asked concerned.

  President Ricci smiled. “Of course Nicolaitanes, it is a good thing that we do here,” he replied.

  Nicolaitanes smiled to himself; everything was going according to his plans. Now there are just a few more things that need taking care of.

  “Why don’t we put it to a vote. Please think carefully before choosing your ballot. Thank you,” the assemblyman said before returning to his seat.

  The UN assembly voted unanimously in favor of creating the UWR. It would remain a secret from the outside world for now. The world would know once they had it up and running and could enforce it.

  CHAPTER eight

  On the plane ride back to Rome, President Ricci asked Nicolaitanes to join him in his private quarters. Nicolaitanes knocked quietly on the door.

  “Come in, my friend,” President Ricci called out. Nicolaitanes entered the room.

  “Ah Nicolaitanes, I am so glad you were able to accompany me. That was a very enlightening revelation. When we return I would like for you to help me with a speech for the people of Italy. What the UN is doing has given me an idea to help our own country,” President Ricci said. “Come, I wish to show you something,” he continued, unrolling a parchment on the desk.


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