Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 6

by Pam Funke

  The airport was in a chaotic mess. Polizia di Stato was trying their best to keep people from loitering in front of the entrance to the terminal. Everyone wanted to know what had happened. Gage and Byron got out of the cab.

  “What’s going on?” Byron asked one of the officers in Italian.

  “Not quite sure, but it has something to do with President Ricci.”

  The officer noticed the EMS team hurrying toward them with a gurney. It must be pretty bad if they need all of us here. I hope the President is alright.

  “Please keep back out of the way sir,” he ordered pushing the reporters back to let EMS pass through. They watched silently along with everyone else.

  Gage turned to Byron, “Make sure you film all of this. I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I bet there’s definitely a news story in all of this somewhere.”

  Byron picked up his camera and started filming the chaos all around him. He noticed some activity going on near the plane and focused the camera there. A moment later the EMS team exited the plane with a body covered by a sheet on the gurney. I wonder who they have under that sheet. It can’t be the President, can it?

  They all had their heads lowered as they exited the plane and walked slowly toward the waiting ambulance. All were extremely quiet. Behind the EMS team, Nicolaitanes Balac and Rosalind Carey followed with their heads down; a few tears were flowing down Nicolaitanes’ face. Put on a good performance. Nicolaitanes slowed down his stride and buried his face in his hands.

  “Nicolaitanes? Nicolaitanes? Can you tell us what’s going on here?” a woman with a microphone asked.

  Nicolaitanes paused for a moment looking at the cameras. I have to make this look good. He took a deep breath before responding.

  “I’m afraid, my good friend President Adamo Ricci has passed away,” Nicolaitanes said deeply saddened.

  “What’s to become of Italy? Who will rule her now?” another reporter asked.

  “I have been asked to take President Ricci’s place,” Nicolaitanes replied sadly.

  “President Ricci is dead? That can’t be. What happened to him?” the reporter asked.

  “I’m sorry, Nicolaitanes will not be taking any more questions at this time,” Rosalind said stepping up to the microphone.

  Nicolaitanes nodded to Rosalind and thanked her before pushing his way through the crowd to an awaiting Town car. Rosalind followed closely behind him.

  The waiting crowd was buzzing with conversations. A rumor was being said that Nicolaitanes Balac was going to be sworn in as President. Gage was ecstatic. “Byron, come on. I don’t want to miss that ceremony. We are going to go live with this,” Gage said. This seems a little unusual—Nicolaitanes Balac being sworn in to the Presidency without the people voting for a new President. Don’t the people have a say in this? How strange.

  Gage and Byron hurried back to their waiting cab. Byron wasn’t sure what he thought about all of this. Something just didn’t set right in his spirit. What’s wrong Lord? What has my spirit stirred up so? Is this normal procedure for Italy? Perhaps they just do things differently here then they would back in the United States. I guess this is just all a little strange to me.

  “So, what happened over there? Was that a body I saw them wheel over to the ambulance?” the cabbie asked.

  “I’m afraid so,” Gage replied.

  “I see. So who was it?”

  “It’s the body of President Adamo Ricci,” Byron said quietly.

  The cab driver turned in his seat to look at Byron, “Dio non voglia. Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes, I am sure. Is something wrong?” Byron replied.

  The cab driver turned around quiet in his seat. He stared at the cross dangling from his rearview mirror.

  “And so it begins,” he mumbled.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” Gage asked.

  “Nothing. Where to now gentlemen?”

  “Follow that Town car. I want to be there when they swear in Nicolaitanes Balac for Presidency,” Gage replied.

  The cabbie nodded and started up the car. He followed behind the Town car being careful not to drive too closely. Is this the man that you forewarned us about Lord? What should I do now? I don’t want my family to be exposed to the lies and deceit of the antichrist. Should we stay here in Italy or do I take my family and flee now? What do I do Lord?

  Byron noticed how quiet the cabdriver had become. Why is he so affected by the news of President Ricci’s death? It seems a little extreme to me. I don’t believe this cabdriver knew him personally so why? Perhaps this has more meaning to him then we know. Byron watched him quietly as they drove through the streets of Rome.

  A few minutes later, they pulled into a parking lot outside of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. I wonder why they are here. This isn’t where they normally swear in the President. There sure are a lot of people here. I hope these gentlemen are finished with my services as I would like to get back to my family. We have a big decision to make. He watched as Gage and Byron collected their things before exiting the cab.

  “Will that be all?” he asked.

  “Yes, as I don’t know how long this ceremony will be. Thank you so much for your services,” Gage said leaning back in the cab to pay the fare.

  The cabbie smiled at the tip Gage gave him.

  “Thank you so much. This will certainly help my family.” He waved before driving away.

  Byron stood there watching the cab drive away. The driver sure seemed eager to get away. Strange as he had been so interested before. So why the sudden change? Does he know something we don’t?

  He turned to see where Gage had gone and hurried to catch up. Byron waited patiently for Gage to decide what vantage point he wanted before setting up the camera. There certainly are a lot of people here. How? How did they set something like this up so fast? I’m confused. The man just died for heaven’s sake. He looked around at the large crowd gathering for the ceremony. Wait a minute. Where are all the other reporters? There were at least 20 others back at the airport. Why aren’t they here? Surely, they followed Nicolaitanes’ car here just as we did. Are we the only ones here? Is this the exclusive that Gage’s source recommended? Byron stood there quietly staring off into the distance. He saw something peculiar. What is that? What’s going on?

  “Byron? Are you ready? I think we….hey Byron, are you alright?” Gage asked.

  What on earth has captivated Byron’s attention? Gage walked over to his friend and laid his hand gently on his shoulder. Byron flinched at the touch.

  “Byron?” Gage said gently.

  “Gage, what are you doing? Shouldn’t you be getting ready to tape your report?”

  “I was waiting for you. Where were you a minute ago?”

  “Sorry, something caught my attention. Anyway, it looks like they’re getting ready to start the ceremony. Come on, we didn’t come all this way for you to miss it.” Byron turned the camera on.

  Gage looked at him curiously, “Okay, I’m ready.”

  CHAPTER twelve

  Just outside of Washington, D.C., Richard sat watching the latest newscast. “Italian President Adamo Ricci was found dead this morning. The circumstances surrounding his death are currently being investigated although there is no evidence of foul play. Nicolaitanes Balac is being sworn in as the President of Italy as we speak. We take you now to the Presidential ceremony already in progress.”

  “Thank you, James. This is Gage Cameron at the Presidential swearing in of Nicolaitanes Balac. Although, he is not the obvious choice to fill the late President Adamo Ricci’s shoes; he seems to be a choice that the people here are thrilled with. There are thousands of people here for his ceremony as you can see. They are cheering, waving flags, and just altogether ecstatic by this. This is just so amazing. Let’s watch for a few moments. You would have to be here to feel the love and support the people are showing President Nicolaitanes Balac. This is Gage Cameron, ICNN news.”

  Something seemed really odd t
o him about the media’s portrayal of President Ricci’s death.

  “Now this is just weird. That man, President Adamo Ricci, was just on the television the other day, something about a summit meeting or something like that. Now, he’s a dead man. Hmmm, seems downright peculiar. But, what do I care as it doesn’t have anything to do with me. What does this have to do with us anyway? That’s over in Italy,” Richard Smith said out loud to no one.

  He looked over at the clock on the wall as his stomach grumbled again. Where is that wife of mine? Doesn’t she know I’m starving here? How much longer is she going to make me wait? He returned his attention back to the television and flipped through the channels until he found a comedy to watch.


  “Congratulations, Nicolaitanes. I knew you would be chosen,” Rosalind said laying a hand on Nicolaitanes’ back.

  “Thank you, Rosalind, but this is just the beginning. We have much work to do.”

  Was there ever any doubt? He waved once more to the people, his people, and turned and walked into his new Presidential office. He sat down behind his new desk and smiled to himself.

  “Yes, all is going according to plan,” he said smiling.

  CHAPTER thirteen

  Halle thanked Bishop Williams for his help and walked back to her car. She was filled with excitement. The answers the Bishop had given her were so empowering. She couldn’t wait to get home so she could share all of this with her husband. She glanced at her watch. Uh oh, he should have gotten home an hour ago and I haven’t even gotten dinner started yet. He is going to be mad. She decided to pick up some fast food on her way home.


  A few months later, Nicolaitanes Balac made his bi-annual business trip to the United States. His architecture company obtained more contracts to build for the military; he also had the same sort of contracts in other countries as well. He was pleased with the work his company had already accomplished. Their specialty was building elaborate top secret military office buildings. He had the architectural ability to make them look like beautiful regular office buildings on the outside. But, he like the military knew better.

  Nicolaitanes was going to Washington DC to personally oversee the buildings currently being built near the Pentagon. Besides, he also had another reason for making this trip personally. After the trip to DC, he would make his rounds to the various military posts where he had already built these buildings to ensure the military was 100 percent satisfied with the work. He didn’t really care whether they were or not, but he did need to keep them happy to ensure he would continue to obtain the government contracts year after year. He needed this in order to continue with his plans for his rise to power.

  It was on this particular trip that he met Adolphe Christophe, Tara Matthews, Victor Bartola, Annamaya Varnedoe, Andrew Jackson, Richard Smith, Sampson Perry, Serenity Lambert, and Caitlin Rogers. Though he met them at various military posts and at the Pentagon, he knew they would be important for the next phase of his plan.. He was impressed with each of their job capabilities and work ethics. Each had a specialty that Nicolaitanes needed. He invited each of them privately to become a part of Operation Dark Angel. They each agreed without much resistance. Now, he needed only to find one more person to complete this task. Upon reaching Fort Stewart to check on the status of a building in the process of being built, he met General Alexander Ludlow.

  Although Nicolaitanes had not met the General on his previous trips to the post, Nicolaitanes liked him immediately. He had heard from other officers that the General was a ruthless man. General Ludlow had not cared who he had stepped on to get what he wanted. He had all of the characteristics Nicolaitanes was looking for; he was perfect. Upon meeting the man in person, Nicolaitanes invited General Ludlow to be in charge of Operation Dark Angel. The General, though, was a little reluctant at first. After much deliberation, he finally agreed to be a part of it. Satisfied, Nicolaitanes returned home to Italy pleased with himself. Now Nicolaitanes’ special group was complete.

  “Now it all truly begins,” he said smiling and pressing his fingertips together.

  CHAPTER fourteen

  The man walked slowly through the town. Why is it the same, town after town, city after city? He was so disappointed and saddened by what he saw. All the hateful graffiti, the young boys hanging on street corners sipping 40s, the young women standing on the street corners selling their bodies, the homeless wandering the streets in search of somewhere to sleep, the drug dealers selling drugs to anyone who would buy them (including children), people eating out of garbage cans because they had nothing to eat. Where are all the caring people? What is wrong with the world? Where is all the love? The man sighed disgusted by all he had seen.

  He watched people walking by those who were hurting and needing help without so much as looking at them nor speaking to them. Most people acted as though they didn’t even exist. Most crossed the street to avoid them though some simply stepped over them. A few had even kicked or spat on them as they walked by. Not one had a kind or encouraging word for them.

  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life,” the man proclaimed. No one seemed to even hear him. If they had, they didn’t acknowledge it. A moment later he was gone.

  The man walked through another section of town where all the churches were. It was a more upscale area of town. There were pretty decent looking homes here, probably middle class. Strange, how there were so many churches here in the nicer neighborhood, but none where it was needed most—in the neighborhood where he had just left. This greatly troubled him. The world was in so much turmoil and it was only going to get worse from here on out. Mankind just didn’t seem to need nor care about God. His heart was incredibly heavy. If it hurt him this much, he could only imagine how the Master must feel.

  He walked closer to the church of Bishop Williams. Something didn’t feel quite right. He must warn them.

  CHAPTER fifteen

  Bishop Williams was working late in his office. He had gotten caught up in the new sermon series he was doing. Bishop Williams was so excited by how much the congregation seemed to absorb everything like a sponge. He was proud of himself. He was practicing his sermon for tomorrow night.

  “In Revelation 11:7, we hear about the beast that comes out of the bottomless pit. He will declare war against God’s people. He will conquer them and kill them. Many of us will die for God’s sake during the end times. Many of us will be martyred in His name. Now, the martyrs will not be the Christians who are here today, for we will be called up to Him when the trumpet sounds. These will be new Christians; those who come to God during the time of the Tribulation,” he rehearsed in front of his mirror.

  He paused here staring at the mirror; there was a reflection of a man he had never seen before standing behind him. Bishop Williams turned around startled. Where had he come from? I don’t remember hearing the door open plus the chimes didn’t sound. Did I forget to turn the system back on again?

  “I’m sorry, may I help you with something?” Bishop Williams asked smiling.

  The man stood there quietly for a moment. He tilted his head as if listening intently to someone. The man nodded before speaking, “Take your flock into hiding for it is not safe for you to be here. The enemy of God is prowling around here seeking to devour your sheep. God does not want any should perish.” The man then turned and walked away.

  Bishop Williams stood there stunned. He stared at the man until he couldn’t see him anymore. He looked briefly at the sermon in his hand before turning and running down the hallway.

  “Hey? Hey! Hey, you stop,” he called out.

  He may as well have been talking to the walls, for the church was empty except for himself. Strange. Where had the man gone? I didn’t hear the man leave. Who was he? Was he serious? Is God warning me about something yet to come? He walked through the entire church looking for the man and thinking about what he had said
. Although the message had been strange, could he risk his flock by ignoring the message? He couldn’t explain it, but with every step he took his heart was filled with impending doom. This could only have come from God and who am I to doubt it.

  He decided strange or not, it wasn’t worth risking the lives of anyone and decided they would continue church services at the safe house from now on. Bishop Williams returned to his office and called the church secretary at home. He asked her to call all of the church members and let them know of the new plans effective immediately. No one was to come back to the church for any reason. Everyone was to take their emergency bags and head for the safe house immediately. She was puzzled by the Bishops’ request, but followed his orders nonetheless and began calling everyone that she had a phone number for. Once she was finished, she grabbed her own emergency bag and left her home. She was sure he would explain when the time was right.


  “Hussein Amir has been found guilty for his role in the killings of 148 Shiites in the 1980’s. He is sentenced to die by hanging to be commenced within the week. The world can now rest easy with one less madman on the loose. We will keep you updated as new developments occur. This is James Callahan, ICNN News,” blared from the television in the living room of the Smith home.

  “Well, he finally got what was coming to him. Don’t you think so dear?” asked Richard Smith.


  Halle was deep in thought and had not heard a word her husband had said. She was still thinking about what Bishop Williams had told her.

  “Sorry, dear. What did you say?”

  “Amir is finally going to pay for what he has done. I asked what you thought about it.” Richard was a little annoyed. He hated to repeat himself.


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