Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 17

by Pam Funke

  Gage was puzzled. Haifa huh? Perhaps that is where my story is. They finally loaded up and picked up the rental car.

  “What do you say we find a hotel and crash for the night? We can get an early start tomorrow,” Gage said.

  “Sounds like a great idea to me.”

  “Great! In the morning, we head to Haifa. I wonder what story is waiting for us there.”

  Byron said nothing as he started the car and drove to Netanya, Israel where they had reservations.

  CHAPTER fifty-five

  Serenity was heading up to the situation room. She was in absolutely no hurry and decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. She wanted to be alone as long as possible. She still could not get over the reality of what had just happened. And she had actually taken part in all of this. What in God’s name am I going to do? Serenity wished she had never become involved in all this mess. God help me. She was overwhelmed with guilt. All those people were dead because of her, well partly because of her. Who was she kidding? She was a part of this. She did nothing to try to stop it. She was lost and alone in this world. She had to fix this somehow.

  “God please save me. Yeah right, like He would save me after all that I have done in the past and now this. I killed all those people. I watched them die and I did nothing. Oh God, I am so sorry. Please forgive me and help me to make this right,” Serenity said out loud falling to her knees in despair as if saying it out loud would make it seem more real to her. Her heart was torn in two. Part of it really desired God’s forgiveness while the other part doubted God’s very existence.

  Tears were streaming down Serenity’s face. She was very distraught about all of this. Serenity got herself into this mess and more than likely would have to get out by herself. Serenity slowly got up and continued walking towards the situation room. She paused just outside of the room trying to avoid going inside for as long as possible. She needed to get herself together as she didn’t want anyone to know that she had been crying, especially not Nicolaitanes. General Ludlow stood quietly watching Serenity in front of him. What is she doing?

  “Serenity! Are you going inside or what?” General Ludlow asked.

  He wondered why she looked so troubled just now. He stood there staring at her suspiciously. This can’t be good. Not good at all.

  “Hmmm? Oh…sorry. Yes, General, I am going,” Serenity said a little puzzled.

  Serenity had not realized that she had been standing in the doorway. Oh no, I hope that the General did not see me in the hallway before I came up here. When did he get here? I did not see him come up the stairs behind me. Perhaps I seriously need a vacation; I must be losing my mind.

  “Are you alright, Serenity? The excitement is just beginning my dear. Do not worry; everything will be explained in the end. I am sure that Nicolaitanes will fill in all the details at the appropriate time,” General Ludlow said patting her gently on the back. “Everything will be alright in the end.”

  “It will, won’t it?” Serenity replied. I honestly hope so.

  They walked into the situation room together. Serenity glanced around the room at the others. Everyone seemed ecstatic with the current events. She could not understand how they could feel that way. Did they not realize that this was not a game? This was for real. Did they not care that thousands of people had just died for real? She really did not know. She figured it was best, for now, to just fake the enthusiasm. She was still trying to figure out how she currently felt about all that was going on. Honestly, she felt kind of numb—no feelings whatsoever. Did that make her a monster? Is that what she had become? She really hoped not. The others were evil, but she was not. At least, she did not think that she was. One thing was for sure, she was most definitely the most confused person in the world right now. She couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel so that she could be alone. She needed some beauty rest.

  CHAPTER fifty-six

  Gage and Byron ate an early breakfast at the coffee shop before checking out of the hotel. By the time they had packed the car and gotten on the road it was 0900 in the morning. They enjoyed the scenery as they drove the 50 kilometers to Haifa. The entire drive down to Haifa had Byron feeling a little weird. He kept thinking about what the customs agent had said to him yesterday. Why did he warn me about Haifa? Why does Gage feel as though we need to go there now? His mind was a whirlwind of questions.

  Gage and Byron arrived in Haifa twenty minutes after the detonation of the missiles. The buildings were still aflame and smoldering. They were shocked completely by all of the chaos which enveloped the city. Byron found a safe place to park and set up the camera. Gage observed his surroundings to draw an opinion of what had happened before beginning his live newscast.

  CHAPTER fifty-seven

  Haifa before the missile attack

  The University of Haifa was swarming with students, at least, five thousand students and professors were strolling around the campus headed in various directions. As it was a weekday morning there were full classes everywhere. Students came from all over Israel to attend classes there. The University of Haifa was a very good school and had an excellent theology program.

  Sara Ben-Gurion and her friend Ahmad Caspi were chatting in the cafeteria square awaiting the time for their class to begin.

  “Sara?” Ahmad called.

  “Yes, Ahmad?”

  “What do you think about all the terrorism going on over here, Europe, and the United States?”

  Ahmad had been pondering about this all week. It had really been bothering him.

  Sara looked over at her friend curiously, “Where is all this coming from, Ahmad? What is going on?”

  Ahmad looked at Sara sheepishly. “I was just curious, you know. It is what everyone has been talking about lately. Do you think it was right for Iraq to attack the United States last November? You know when they blew up their capitol and New York for interfering with Iraq attacking Hezbollah troops in Lebanon. When the Americans thought that they should control Arab oil and that none of us have the right to protect ourselves from terrorism. I just do not get it, I thought this was what the United States was fighting against……….terrorism I mean.”

  Sara could tell that Ahmad had put a lot of thought into this. He seemed really passionate about it. Strange, his view had been totally opposite before. She had helped him put up pro-US posters. She had even helped him to write a pro-US speech. She cheered him on when he addressed the small group which had come to listen to his speech. Why the sudden change now? Is he hanging out with Namir again?

  “Ahmad my friend, I thought that you were all for the United States and what they are trying to do. What changed your mind? Have you been listening to all those anti-US propaganda rallies? You know how I feel about those rallies. I think that they are wrong. Rallies should give both sides to allow the people to be able to choose for themselves. We can see for ourselves what is happening around the world. God would not be pleased with us thinking in that way. At least, that is what I honestly believe,” said Sara becoming a little annoyed.

  Sara was very emotional when it came to things of this nature. But then again, she was a very emotional and passionate person to begin with.

  “I am sorry, Sara. I guess that I have been allowing Namir to talk me into going to more of those rallies. I honestly do not know what to believe right now. My folks are saying things about it also, only everything they say bashes anything good said about the United States. They are very anti-US right now. I just do not know who is right. I wish that all the fighting was over with and that things could get back to normal. Can we talk about something else?”

  Ahmad knew that there was no use in arguing with Sara. Some things she just would not understand; after all Sara had not been born and raised here. Her family moved there only two years ago.

  “Sure Ahmad, do not worry, though. Everything is going to be okay. Just have trust in the God of Israel. He will protect us. You will see. Did you do your homework for physics?” asked Sara.

  The homework had been very extensive and hard. It had taken her half the night to complete. She hoped that Ahmad had done his. Lately, though, she knew he had been putting off doing his homework until the last second if he did it at all.

  Sara knew not to push Ahmad as far as God was concerned. He was raised Muslim, she was a messianic Jew and their beliefs were totally different. But at least, he was interested in what she believed. She was glad that he was asking questions, but Sara knew that the decision had to be his and knew if she pushed it too much he would lose interest altogether. So she never pushed the issue. She just did her best to answer his questions whenever he asked.

  “I did some of it, but parts of it I did not understand. Did you get question seven?” asked Ahmad.

  “Yes, I did all of my homework. Would you like me to explain it to you?”

  “Yes, please. Thanks, Sara.”

  He was anxious to change the subject. He really did not want to make Sara mad. He hated when she got mad, she could give out the silent treatment for weeks at a time. There was nothing worse than being ignored. He always did his best to not make her angry.

  He listened carefully as Sara explained the physics homework to him, asking questions when he did not understand. She explained everything to him until he understood. She was good at this. Sometimes he joked around that she should become a teacher.

  CHAPTER fifty-eight

  Chaim was lost in thought. He was thinking about his conversation with Sara a few days ago. Actually, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. He’d asked Sara to tell him more about the God of Israel and the Messiah, Jesus Christ. She had read the entire book of Mark to him as he listened intently. It was all so amazing. Even though he’d had tons of questions, Sara had not gotten angry or annoyed with him and had answered every question. He hoped that she’d have some time today, he wanted to hear more from that Bible of hers. Especially since he knew he could never have one of his own. He had not shared any of this with his brother yet; he wanted to know as much as he possibly could first. His brother, Abdul, was stubborn like their father. Chaim would need proof to change Abdul’s mind. If he could change his brother’s mind, the two of them together could work on changing their parents’ minds.

  CHAPTER fifty-nine

  Abdul Hakim and his brother Chaim were walking through the cafeteria square when they noticed Sara, Ahmad and someone else at one of the nearby tables. They decided to join them.

  “Hey Sara, Ahmad. Who is your friend? I have never seen him around before,” said Abdul.

  “Hi Abdul, Chaim,” Ahmad and Sara said together.

  “Who are you talking about?” asked Ahmad.

  “The man standing next to Sara.”

  “Are you two out of your minds? There is no one else here, it’s just- the four of us. I think you two have been losing way too much sleep over this class,” laughed Ahmad.

  Both Abdul and Chaim looked at each other blankly. They rubbed their eyes, blinked them a couple of times and then looked back at the man standing next to Sara.

  “Nope, that did not work. He is still there,” sighed Abdul. He was beginning to doubt his eyes, perhaps Abdul really was not seeing what he was seeing.

  “Sara, will you please tell us who that gentleman is? If it is some kind of secret you know we would never tell anyone. So who is he?” asked Abdul. Sara and Ahmad were puzzled. What had gotten into their friends?

  Sara looked over to where her friends were all looking and was startled to see a man standing there that she had never seen before. Ahmad looked at Sara extremely confused. What in the world was wrong with their friends, Abdul, and Chaim? There was no one standing where they claimed there was. Surely they were playing some kind of joke on them—whatever it was he just didn’t get it.

  “Guys come on, enough is enough. Quit playing around, it is not funny at all,” said Ahmad.

  “You cannot see him?” asked Chaim pointing at the man. Sara was really puzzled. Why can’t Ahmad see the man that is clearly standing there? Sara was afraid to admit she could see the man so she chose to remain silent. Clearly something was going on here; she had never seen her friends so adamant about something before. Why is it that she, Chaim and Abdul could see him, but Ahmad could not? What is so different about Ahmad?

  “Sara, time is running short. Reach as many as you can. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance,” the man said nodding towards her friends and the others.

  “I will try,” Sara replied a little confused.

  “What does he mean by that, Sara?” Chaim asked.

  Sara just stared at him. She still was pondering three things. One, how it was that they could all see the man, but Ahmad could not? Two, why is it that Chaim and Abdul could hear the man? Sara thought that only she could hear him talking. And three, why had he picked her out of all these people?

  “I am sorry guys. I really do not see anyone. Are you sure about this?” asked Ahmad. Why isn’t Sara saying anything? Does she see something that I do not?

  “Hey, who is that?” asked Ahmad pointing at the man who just appeared. He fell backwards onto his rear startled. It’s like the man just appeared out of thin air. That is impossible.

  “Yes….maybe you are right.…,” was all Abdul was able to say before the man interrupted.

  “Repent for the day of the Lord is at hand. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for the devil has come down to you in great anger, for he knows that his time is short,” said the man.

  “Where did you come from? What do you mean woe to the inhabitants of the earth?” Ahmad asked the stranger. The man really seemed to poof from nowhere, but how could he?

  “Who are you?” asked Sara.

  “The Great I Am has sent me. Who I am, is not important,” replied the man. “I have come to warn the world that the end is near, but for those who repent and come to Christ salvation is near,” the man went on and then he was gone-poof.

  “Where did he go? I wonder what that was all about,” asked Ahmad.

  But Sara wasn’t listening; she was busy staring at something in the sky. She suddenly looked terrified. She understood now what the man had meant.

  What is wrong with Sara? “Sara? Sara!” called Chaim.

  Sara turned quickly toward her friends. Fear had suddenly crept into her soul, but she knew that she had to let the fear go. She had something more important to do right now. She could be afraid later. They were in big trouble—it was urgent that she get through to her friends and anyone else right now. Oh, why had she waited so long? It was going to take a miracle just to get through to Ahmad. She sighed. Lord, please let them listen to me. And please let there be enough time.

  Time was running out, and it was running out quickly. She figured that she had less than fifteen minutes to get through to her friends. Would it be enough? Her mind wandered to thoughts of her family and what they were doing, but she quickly refocused on her task.

  “Listen to me very carefully! It is imperative that you repent and turn towards the God of Israel. Your very soul depends on it; you may not get another chance. In fact, I am pretty sure that you won’t. I love each and every one of you, my friends. I cannot bear the thought that your soul would be lost if something were to happen to you. I cannot sit by and watch my friends be doomed to eternal damnation in hell because you do not know the God of Israel. I know that I have never pushed it before, but it’s important that I do so now,” Sara said urgently. Please let them be willing to listen, but more importantly, let them choose You. Father, please give me enough time to reach them.

  Ahmad was extremely confused; his friend had never pushed her God on him before. She had never acted this way before. What is the dire need for her to do so now? After all, Allah has always taken care of me and my family. Why the rush now? Why did she always tell him about the God of Israel? Why is He so important?

  Abdul looked at his brother. Something in his brother’s eyes got to him. Maybe Sara is right about
her God. He decided that he would, at least, listen to what she had to say with an open mind and decide for himself. Besides, she seems to have already won Chaim over. That was no easy task. He would think for himself, though. He had plenty of time to think about it.

  “Sara, why are you throwing your God in our face like this?” asked Ahmad a little offended.

  “Look. I want to see you in Heaven and that is not a possibility if you have not accepted Christ. I love you, my friend. I care what happens to you. What kind of friend would I be if I sit idly by and watch you be condemned eternally? Today could possibly be your last day alive. How would you feel if you do not go to Heaven? Better yet how would you feel to die and find out that you were wrong about everything, Ahmad?”

  Ahmad looked as though he wanted to punch Sara in the face to shut her up. He was really angry and defensive about his beliefs in Islam. How dare Sara even suggest such heresy to me? What on earth makes her think I would ever swallow this hogwash that she is trying to feed me? I am not a fool.

  “Look, Ahmad. I know that I am right. Please just listen to me now and choose for yourself,” Sara begged.

  “Sara, everything is going to be alright. You will see,” said Abdul.

  “I think that Sara is right. Don’t ask me how I know; I just know, Ahmad. We should say that we are sorry and do whatever it takes to go to Heaven,” said Chaim quietly.

  Chaim’s attention had also been captured by the thing in the sky and it terrified him. He had seen missile attacks on television and recognized the thing in the sky as being a missile. Chaim stood there shaking uncontrollably. Abdul stared at his brother disbelievingly. What has gotten into Chaim? The color drained from Chaim’s face.

  “Chaim are you alright?” asked Abdul.


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