Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 25

by Pam Funke

  Perhaps this can all work to my advantage. She took out the business card the woman had given her and looked at it—it had Nicolaitanes’ name and phone number on it. She didn’t know what she was going to do just yet. She tucked the card back into her wallet, perhaps it would come in handy. She turned off the computer and went back to complete her shift, keeping her eyes and ears open for any gossip. She didn’t see Dr. White around anywhere, she wondered why that was. He must be avoiding me for some reason. She decided to poke her head in the director’s office. Perhaps she’d hear something she could use.

  She walked down to the director’s office. The door was open a crack; she could hear voices. She peered into the office. So this is where Dr. White has gone. He certainly does look a little nervous. She made herself comfortable so that she could eavesdrop, but a minute later the door was closed and she could no longer hear them.

  “Drat!” she mumbled. She went back up to her floor frustrated.

  CHAPTER ninety-six

  James Dean, the hospital’s director, was pacing back and forth in his office. He was highly annoyed at the fact that they had a missing patient, but what aggravated him, even more, was the fact that he had been yelled at by some pompous wind-bag who thought James did not know how to do his job.

  “Just who does Nicolaitanes Balac think he is? How dare he just rush into my office and demand to see me like that? I do not answer to that man!” James yelled to no one. He slammed a book down onto the desk. He was furious.

  Dr. Ezekiel White knocked on the door. “What!” yelled James.

  “You wanted to see me?” Ezekiel asked timidly.

  “Sorry, Ezekiel. Please come in and have a seat,” James said gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.

  James sat on the edge of the desk facing Ezekiel; frustration written all over his face. Ezekiel felt a little intimidated. He could not let on that he knew anything about the missing patient; it would mean his job and maybe Serenity’s life.

  “Ezekiel, we have a bit of a problem. One of your patients, a Miss Serenity Lambert, is missing. No one seems to know what happened to her. No discharge paperwork has been done on her, no death certificate, no anything. One moment she was in her room, the next she simply vanished. Poof. Any idea of how this happened?” James asked suspiciously. Ezekiel shifted nervously in his seat. He was definitely uneasy.

  “James, I have no idea. She was in her room at 1200 hours when I checked on her. Is it possible she simply walked out the front door?” Ezekiel replied.

  “Are you sure that you know nothing about this?” James asked again.

  “Yes, I am sure. She was here, in her bed, earlier today. I have not seen her since!” Ezekiel replied getting angry.

  “Okay. Okay. I believe you, Ezekiel. You may go,” replied James throwing his hands up defensively.

  Ezekiel walked out of the office.

  “That man is definitely up to something. He was acting a little too defensively for my taste. He should be more concerned about this hospital’s liability,” James huffed.

  He stood up and stared out of the window of his office. Was it possible the patient had just walked out of the hospital as Ezekiel claims? Or did she have help? Why is she so important to Mr. Balac? He decided to find out.

  I am going to have to be more careful. That man is off his rocker. Ezekiel knew the director was going to be keeping a close eye on him. He would have to wait until his shift was over to check on Serenity. Calling her from the hospital just wasn’t a good idea. He checked his watch as he walked down the hallway. It was nearly 1700 hours. He would go on his final rounds for the day before heading home.

  At the end of his shift, Ezekiel walked to the garage to get his car. He was really uncomfortable. Something didn’t feel quite right. He felt as though someone was watching him. Was there? He wasn’t sure. He looked around, but he was alone in the garage. At least, it seemed as though he were alone. He got into his car and called Katy before leaving the hospital.


  Nurse Joy stood in the shadows of the garage near the elevators. She was watching Dr. White. He was definitely acting a little odd. Should she report him? She wasn’t sure—she really didn’t have anything on him. He was just acting very bizarrely. She decided to keep an eye on the doctor for now. She turned and walked back into the hospital.

  As Nurse Joy came out of the elevator she ran into James Dean knocking him onto his butt.

  “Mr. Dean, I am so sorry,” she said helping him to his feet. James was highly annoyed.

  “You need to watch where you are going. Nurse……Nurse…..what is your name?”

  “Nurse Joy, sir.”

  “Oh yes, the nurse from the incident this morning. Thanks so much for bringing that to my attention.”

  “You’re welcome. Did you ever find out what happened to that patient? Why is Italian President Balac looking for her?”

  The last thing this hospital needs is you spreading some gossip. “No, we are still looking for….wait Nicolaitanes Balac is the Italian President?” he replied surprised.

  “Yes. He was inaugurated last month when the then current President died suddenly. It was all over the news.”

  Joy was glad that she had done the research. She kind of enjoyed knowing something James didn’t.

  Hmmm. Now, what’s his interest in a young American girl? “I’m sorry Nurse Joy, but shouldn’t you be getting your work done?! The patients are waiting.”

  Nurse Joy stared at him; he was dismissing her. Annoyed she turned and walked back to her station.

  CHAPTER ninety-seven

  As Katy was heading upstairs, the phone started ringing. “I am coming. I am coming,” Katy said as she hurried to answer the phone.

  “Hello?” Katy said cheerfully.

  “Katy? It’s Ezekiel. How is everything?”

  “Well, all is quiet now. I think that she has gone to bed.”

  “Okay. I will stop by in half an hour or so to check on her. Okay?”

  “That is fine, Zeke. Is everything okay?”

  Ezekiel’s voice did not sound right to her.

  “Yes, everything is okay. Oh and Katy?”


  “Do not answer the door unless it is me and only if I am alone,” Ezekiel replied as he hung up.

  “Zeke? What’s wrong? Hello? Are you still there? What’s going on?”

  But Zeke had already hung up the phone. Katy stood there staring at the phone in her hand. She was really puzzled. What is going on? Zeke sure is acting funny.

  Katy took the roast out of the oven and turned off the stove. Everything was ready for dinner. She had outdone herself this time. Roast pork, home-made mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, rolls, and sweet potato pie for desert. Everything smelled delicious.

  “I had better go up and check on her. Perhaps Serenity can fill me in on what is going on. I’m sure she knows much more than she’s letting on,” Katy murmured as she hurried up the stairway with a plate for Serenity.


  “Are you sure that is the house he wants us to watch? It does not seem like a threat to me. What harm can a little old lady do?” he asked.

  “I do not know, but I am not about to disobey him. I for one, like my life and I suggest that you do the same. Besides, we have already been paid,” she replied.

  They continued to watch the house from across the parking lot. The cell phone in the car started to ring.

  “Well, aren’t you going to answer it?” she asked looking at the phone.

  “Yes,” he replied reaching for the phone.

  “Is she there?” a voice asked. “Have you seen Serenity there? She has to be there with the old woman. I want you to find her. She is a threat to this project. I will not tolerate anyone double crossing me. Let me know when you find her.”

  “So far we have only seen the old woman and no one else,” he replied.

  “I see. Well, make sure she does not leave,” the voice said.

�Yes, sir,” he replied hanging up.

  “He does not sound pleased,” he told the woman in the car.

  “Well, what does he want us to do?” she asked.

  “Continue watching the house and make sure the old woman does not leave,” he replied opening a bag of chips. How does he even know this is where she’s hiding out? How does he ever know anything? She didn’t know and didn’t want to.

  CHAPTER ninety-eight

  Serenity finished the slice of coffee cake and put the empty plate and fork back on the tray. She took the cup of hot tea, added milk and honey to it, and then wrapped her hands around the cup watching the steam swirl away from the cup. She got up from the bed and went to the window. Something was drawing her to the window. She looked out of the window. It was a pretty day outside. She watched the birds flying past the window. She looked down into the parking lot; one car, in particular, drew her attention. I know that car. Why do I know that car? An image of the car driving away from the hotel moments before the bombing came to her. She was terrified.

  “Serenity?” Katy called entering her room. Serenity was staring out the window.

  “Serenity?” Katy called again approaching her slowly. “What is wrong dear?”

  “Something does not seem right out there.”

  Serenity pointed out of the window. Katy leaned closer to look out of the window. She did not see anything unusual. Just a few cars parked out in the parking lot. Not much anything else.

  “Are you sure? I do not see anything.”

  Serenity continued staring out of the window; she was shaking like a leaf. Katy was a little concerned, maybe she should call Ezekiel. Katy stared at Serenity, something was wrong. She decided to make a quick phone call to her special friend, just in case. Hopefully, we won’t need to go into hiding, but you never know. She placed the plate on the table before quietly leaving the room and heading to her bedroom.

  The phone rang a couple of times before he picked up. “Hello?” a voice said.

  “It’s me, Katy,” she replied.

  “Katy, how are you? I haven’t heard from you in a while. Is everything alright?”

  “I’m fine. I’m sorry that I haven’t been by to see you. Work has been a little crazy, but I promise to come see you real soon.”

  Katy hoped he was getting what she was trying to say. The man was silent for a moment. Something is definitely not right. Katy has never come to visit—unless…..surely she cannot be in some sort of trouble. Who would want to harm her? She’s a sweet little old lady. She usually invites me over for tea or Sunday dinner, but Katy is saying that she will be coming to visit me soon. This can only mean one thing.

  “Well, you know the way. I look forward to seeing you soon. Remember to knock and the way will be opened for you. And Katy? Be safe,” the man replied concerned.

  “I will. I promise,” Katy said before hanging up the phone.

  At least, we will be safe there. Katy hoped she wouldn’t have to resort to that, but you never know. At least, we will have a place to hide from whoever is after Serenity. Katy enjoyed being in her own home, but she had the feeling she would be leaving it for good soon. She went downstairs to eat her dinner. Katy figured she should probably eat something while they waited for Zeke. Depending on what has Serenity spooked, they might have to leave in a hurry.

  CHAPTER ninety-nine

  Half an hour later, Ezekiel pulled up outside of Katy’s house. He glanced around to make sure that he had not been followed. Deciding that everything was okay, he parked the car. He grabbed his doctor’s bag as he exited the car. He hurried up to Katy’s door and knocked. There was no answer. He was beginning to get worried when he realized he had forgotten to call Katy so she would answer the door. He walked back to his car and called her on his cell phone. He did not want anyone to see him use the phone outside of her door. Although, he was not sure why.

  Katy hurried into the hallway to answer the ringing phone. “Hello?”

  “Katy, what is wrong? You sound out of breath,” Ezekiel asked worriedly.

  “Something isn’t quite right here. Something outside has her spooked,” Katy whispered.

  “Okay. Do you know what’s bothering her? I am right outside and am walking up to your house now. Come let me in, okay?” Ezekiel replied concerned.

  He looked around the parking lot and towards the other houses near Katy’s as he sat in the car. He did not see anything that seemed out of place. What could be scaring Serenity so?

  “Okay, I am coming,” Katy replied as she hung up the phone.

  Ezekiel got out of his vehicle and walked back to Katy’s house. Once again he had that nagging feeling that he was being watched or followed. He turned around quickly but did not see anything out of the ordinary. He did not see the man and woman sitting in the car watching him. Maybe Serenity didn’t really see anything. He knocked on the door twice. Katy looked through the peephole to make sure that it was Ezekiel before opening the door.

  “Come in quickly,” she said.

  The man and woman sat watching the doctor head towards the old woman’s house. He is acting really peculiar.

  “What is he looking around for?” he asked.

  She just looked at him and shrugged, “How should I know?” She looked at the bag the doctor was carrying. “What do you suppose that’s all about? I did not know doctors still made house calls.”

  “I’m not sure. We will just keep an eye out for anything suspicious,” he replied.

  They sat in silence. She stared at the house. Maybe it was nothing, but then again maybe it was something.

  CHAPTER one hundred

  “Are you okay?” Ezekiel asked hugging Katy and looking her over.

  “I am fine, Zeke. It’s Serenity that I am worried about.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Up in her room.”

  Katy led the way upstairs. When they reached Serenity’s room, she was still standing by the window staring out of it. Serenity was shaking uncontrollably. Ezekiel rushed over to Serenity and pulled her gently from the window. He was really concerned now. He guided her over to the bed and helped her to lie down.

  “What’s wrong, Serenity?” Ezekiel asked.

  Serenity shrank away from Ezekiel in fear. She curled up into a ball whimpering and staring at him not saying a word.

  “Serenity, it’s Dr. White. Don’t you remember me from the hospital?”

  Serenity just blinked at him then sat up on the edge of the bed. She looked absolutely terrified. Ezekiel gently touched her hand. She stared at his hand.

  “That car outside,” Serenity started. “I saw it outside the hotel.”

  “What are you talking about Serenity?” Ezekiel asked.

  Serenity got up and walked over to the window. She pointed at a car across the parking lot. Katy and Ezekiel looked to see what she was pointing at.

  “That car right there was outside of the hotel right before the bombing. I saw it leaving from in front of the hotel right before the blast. Why is it here in front of the house?” Serenity asked fearfully.

  Now that’s an excellent question. Is she absolutely positive that that’s the same car? Katy looked back outside at the car carefully.

  “I have never seen that car here before, Zeke. Are you sure it’s the same car?” Katy said. She turned to look at Serenity.

  Serenity nodded, “I’m sure.”

  “Are you absolutely sure about the car, Serenity? Is it possible that you could be mistaken?” Ezekiel asked. I need to be absolutely sure about this before I give away Katy’s secret. And before I place Katy into any danger.

  “No! I am not mistaken. That is definitely it. I cannot forget that car,” Serenity replied.

  Ezekiel and Katy looked at each other. The same thought registering in their eyes. They needed to get Serenity out of there.

  They had to get out of here and now.

  “Katy, we need to use your secret,” Ezekiel asked.

  “Yes, that’s exact
ly what I was just thinking. Let me grab a few things,” Katy replied hurrying out of the room.

  “Father, we need help right now. Protect us as we do your will. Amen,” Katy prayed as she hurried to her room to pack a small bag. Ezekiel packed a small bag for Serenity.


  The phone in the car was ringing. The woman looked at the ringing phone and handed it to the man. “Well?” she said.

  “What?” he replied.

  “Answer the phone you idiot,” she replied.

  He sighed. Why must I always have to answer it? “Yes?” he said answering the phone.

  “I want you to go up to the house now and check on the old woman. Something isn’t quite right there,” the voice said.

  “What do you mean? We’ve been watching the place. We haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary or even a little suspicious here. Besides, I think the old woman is sickly or something. A doctor made a house call there just now,” the man replied.

  “Go over and check right now!” the voice yelled and hung up.

  “What was that all about?” the woman asked.

  “I don’t know, but he’s flipping out. Go check on the place, okay?” the man replied leaning across her and opening the car door.

  CHAPTER one hundred and one

  Serenity watched Ezekiel for a few minutes before returning her attention to the window. Outside, a woman stepped out of the car in question. She was walking towards the house. Serenity began to scream. Ezekiel ran over to Serenity and covered her mouth with his hand.

  “Sssshhh, Serenity,” he said gently.

  Serenity pointed to the woman outside. Ezekiel’s blood ran cold. He recognized the woman. She was the one that he had seen in the hallway with the nurse when he was helping Serenity to escape. He grabbed Serenity’s arm and ran out of the room stopping briefly to retrieve her bag.


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