Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 39

by Pam Funke

  “Is she going to be okay?” Gage asked.

  “I truly hope so,” Prime Minister Olmert replied.

  CHAPTER one hundred and sixty-eight

  Byron was frustrated; he still could not get his wife to answer her cell phone. He was really worried about his family. What was he going to do? He had called the number on the card, but they either wouldn’t or couldn’t help him. He was going crazy just sitting here in his hotel room. He didn’t feel like going for a walk either—he in the mood. He reached into the nightstand beside the bed and pulled out a copy of the Holy Bible. He opened it and started to read; he knew not what else to do.


  Mary finally found Karin and the twins in a bedroom.

  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Karin. Are you okay?” Mary asked.

  “No, not really. How could I be? My entire family was in New York City. Now, the only family I have are my twins and my husband. And I don’t even know whether my husband is okay or not.”

  One of the twins started to cry; Karin picked him up and gently rocked him. Mary’s daughter, Shilah reached over and held the baby’s hand.

  “Remember Shilah, you have to be very careful; he’s not a doll baby,” Mary scolded.

  “She’s okay, Mary. She’s just curious.”

  Karin gently laid the sleeping child back in the crib.

  “Anyway Karin, I wanted to tell you that they’ve found a way for us to be able to call outside of the area. So maybe you could use one of those phones to call your husband.”

  Karin’s eyes lit up. “Do you think it’s possible?”

  “Look, I know you’re worried. Why don’t I stay here with your boys while you go give it a try? I can handle it you know.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, now go. It’s the room to the left of the dining room.”

  Karin hugged Mary. “Thank you so much.”

  Karin turned and ran down the hallway. She sprinted all the way there. She sat down in a chair for a moment to catch her breath.

  “Can I help you with something?” a lady asked.

  Karin looked at her. “Yes, I was told you had a way to call outside of the New York City area,” Karin replied.

  “Yes, but…,”the woman replied.

  “I want to call my husband. I don’t want him to worry about us. He’s been overseas for quite some time now and I don’t think he knows what happened here.”

  “I’d really like to help you, but calls are for emergencies only.”

  “Please, I promise that I’ll only be a minute. He’s the only family I have left.”

  The woman looked at her. “Hurry up before I change my mind.”

  Karin entered the room. The woman took her over to a desk near the back and showed her how to work the radio phone. Karin thanked her while she waited for the phone to ring.

  Byron’s cell phone started to ring. He looked down at it as though it weren’t real.

  “Maybe, just maybe,” he said snatching up the phone before it could stop ringing. “Hello,” Byron answered. Karin’s heart lit up.

  “Byron? Is that you?” Karin asked.

  “Yes darling, it’s me. It is so good to finally hear your voice. Are you alright? How are my boys?”

  “We are all fine.”

  “How’s everything going over there in Israel?”

  “Sweetheart, I’m not in Israel.”

  “What? Where are you, Byron?”

  “I’m home sweetheart; I’m home.”

  “No Byron, you cannot come to New York City. It’s not safe.”

  “I know darling, I’m in Jersey right now. They won’t allow anyone into the area. Wait. Karin, where are you and the boys?”

  “Don’t worry dear; we are not in New York City. We are in a safe house with a friend of mine. So for now, we are safe.”

  The woman looked at Karin and tapped her watch.

  “Listen, darling, I have to go now. They won’t allow us to use the phone for long here. Just know we are okay, that I miss you terribly and I love you with all my heart.”

  “Okay dear. Don’t worry; we shall be together again soon. I love you more than anything. I will find you and the boys. I won’t give up until I find you,” Byron replied before hanging up.

  CHAPTER one hundred and sixty-nine

  Germaine drove towards the safe house. He drove out of the way then back tracked toward the road leading to the back roads of the safe house. He kept his eyes open but did not notice anyone following him. Andrew and Tara were driving stealthily behind him. They weren’t familiar with the area in which he was driving.

  “Where in the world is he going?” asked Andrew.

  Tara just shrugged, “I have no idea. Whatever you do don’t lose him.”

  Andrew sped up just a little, but still kept three to four cars in between them.

  Germaine glanced at his watch, it was getting late. He was going to have to pull over and give Meredith a call so she wouldn’t worry. Germaine got off at the next exit and pulled into a truck stop. He refueled his car and went inside. He made a cup of coffee then paid for it and the gas. He walked over to the payphone to make the call.

  “Hi sweetie, it’s me. No, this is a public phone. Yes, I am on my way. I got a late start, but I should be there in approximately 30 minutes,” Germaine said.

  “Strange conversation,” Andrew mumbled as he eavesdropped.

  Germaine looked up from the phone. Andrew pretended to be skimming a magazine. Germaine looked away.

  “Is everything alright with the pets? Yes, that’s good. Thank you so much for taking care of them while I was away. No, no I’m not bringing the pets any surprises. Yes, I’ll be careful dear. See you soon,” Germaine continued before hanging up.

  He went and used the restroom before returning to his car. Andrew hurried back to the car while the pastor was in the restroom. He was just replacing the fuel nozzle onto the pump when the pastor returned to his car. Germaine looked into his rearview mirror. That gentleman over by the fuel pumps looked familiar. He looks like that gentleman who came to the church this evening looking for Katy. But that can’t be, can it? He started up his car and drove back onto the freeway. As he looked into his rearview mirror he saw the car from the gas station get onto the freeway five cars later.

  “Hmmmm. I had better keep an eye on them,” Germaine said as he continued to drive.

  He only had four more exits until he was to get off and the car was still behind him. Thinking that he’d better be safe than sorry, he got off the freeway two exits early. The car from the gas station got off as well. Is that car following me? He slowed way down below the speed limit hoping it would force the cars behind him to go around him. He pretended to be having car trouble so he could close the distance between himself and that car.

  “Yes, that is the same car,” Germaine exclaimed.

  What can I do? He suddenly had an idea and pulled over to the side of the road. He turned on his emergency lights, grabbed something off the seat next to him and opened the hood of the car. He pretended to be messing around under the hood, but he was actually watching the car.

  “What’s this?” Tara said.

  “I’m not sure, but I think that he’s having car trouble. A minute ago he was barely driving 25 miles per hour. What do you want me to do, Tara? Should I continue to drive or should I pull over and pretend to help him?”

  “Wait a second and then pull over a few feet behind him,” Tara answered climbing into the back seat and lying down. Tara handed Andrew a fake mustache and an old man’s hat. “Here put these on then go and offer assistance to him.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  Andrew put the hat and mustache on then checked himself in the mirror. He certainly looked different. He decided to try to deepen his voice in hopes the Reverend would not recognize him. He took out the flashlight and slowly approached the car.

  “Hello? Hello, do you need any help?” Andrew called out.
  “Yes, my car started acting a little funny and I can’t quite figure out what it is. Do you mind helping me out?” Germaine called back.

  “Sure, I’ll give you a hand,” Andrew replied slowly approaching the car. He had a bad feeling about this.

  Germaine watched the man walk ever closer to his car. He didn’t know why, but he was almost sure this was the same man as the one from the church. If it was, he was more than ready for him. Andrew was approaching the driver’s door when Germaine came from in front of the car.

  “That’s close enough,” Germaine said pointing a hand gun at Andrew.

  “Whoa. What’s going on here? I don’t mean you no harm sir. I was just trying to do the good Samaritan thing. But I see that you don’t need any help so I will be on my way,” Andrew said raising his hands and backing off slowly.

  “Be still. Who are you?” Germaine commanded.

  “My name is James Newman. I was just on my way home from a convention,” Andrew replied.

  “Really? I saw you back at the truck stop. You’ve been following me ever since, haven’t you?” Germaine asked.

  “No sir. I just stopped for gas. This is my exit; I was going home, but then I saw you pull to the side of the road and figured you needed some help,” Andrew said.

  “It would be in your best interest to not lie to me,” Germaine said taking off the safety.

  Andrew tensed. Where is Tara? I definitely need some help here.

  Tara peered over the top of the front seat watching the scene develop in front of her. This was a bad idea. What can I do to fix this situation? This could turn out to be very bad—yes, very bad indeed. Germaine took the flashlight and shined it into the man’s face. He studied the man’s face. No, I have been mistaken. It’s not the same man, but I know you were following me. Why?

  “I am terribly sorry sir,” Germaine said setting the safety and placing the gun inside the waistband of his pants. “Please forgive me,” Germaine continued extending his hand.

  Andrew didn’t know what to make of this sudden change. Sweat was pouring off his forehead. He was extremely afraid. Fearfully he took the man’s hand and shook it.

  “No hard feelings sir. You never know who might stop to help you in the dark like this,” Andrew replied.

  He tried to smile, but it came out as more of a smirk.

  “Well if you don’t mind, I’ll be going. My wife is expecting me and she’ll be worried if I am late,” Andrew replied.

  “God be with you,” Germaine said.

  He turned and closed the hood of the car and got back in. Andrew turned and ran all the way back to the car. Germaine sat and watched him. He still wasn’t completely at ease with that man. He waited.

  Andrew got in and slammed the car door shut.

  “Are you still there?” he asked.

  Tara slowly sat up and tapped Andrew on his shoulder.

  “I’m right here,” she replied.

  Andrew yelped at her touch. “Don’t do that!”

  “What’s the matter with you? Surely you could have taken that man out if you needed to.”

  Andrew looked at her. “Let’s get out of here. He’s onto us, you know,” Andrew said starting up the car. He checked to make sure traffic was clear then drove away. He waved to Germaine as he passed him.

  “That was really close,” Andrew said. “What are we going to do now?”

  Tara climbed back up into the front passenger seat.

  “How is it that you are such a wimp?” Tara asked popping him in the back of the head.

  “Now, let’s see how you like being followed,” Germaine said pulling back into traffic.

  He followed him into town wondering what his game was now. He watched as he pulled into a hotel parking lot. I thought he said he was from this town. Why would he be going to a hotel? He parked across the street and turned off his headlights. He sat there quietly watching.

  Andrew took off the fake mustache and the hat then got out of the car.

  “What are we doing here?” Tara asked.

  “Look, we’re not going to be able to follow him tonight as he suspected we were. The man has a gun in the car and we have nothing. But mostly, I’m tired now and I’d like to get some sleep,” Andrew replied. “Any objections?”

  “No, I guess not,” Tara resigned.

  She too got out of the car and they headed inside. Now where did the woman come from? He could have sworn that no one else had been in the car when they were on the side of the freeway. The man turned towards Germaine. What happened to the man with the mustache? He looked at the car again. No one else was in the car. He looked back at the man again. No! It is the couple from the church. They were following me.

  “I’ve got to find out who they are and what they want,” Germaine said getting out of the car.

  He waited until they had gone inside before walking over to their car. He checked all the doors and discovered that the passenger side door was unlocked. He quietly opened the door and got inside closing the door behind him. He looked through the car. He didn’t see anything. He was about to look in the glove compartment when he heard someone coming.

  “You idiot, you left the cell phone in the car. Really? You are supposed to be keeping track of it. Oh just forget it, I’ll get it. Just take our bags out of the trunk and up to our room. Can you do that much?” Tara said hurrying towards the car.

  Great, just great. Germaine quickly climbed over the seat and lay down on the floor. He prayed they wouldn’t look in the back seat area and discover him.

  “Lord, I need you,” Germaine prayed.

  He heard the trunk being opened. Then murmuring as the person scrounged around inside the trunk and then the trunk being closed.

  Andrew dragged the bags into the hotel. He was highly annoyed. Tara reached over and opened the passenger side door. She felt around on the seat for the cell phone. She couldn’t find it. Grr, where is it?

  “It must have slid down onto the floor somewhere,” she mumbled.

  Germaine tensed up. He hoped she wouldn’t look too hard for the phone. She looked around on the floor and felt down alongside the seat. She was about to look around on the floor in the back when she found the phone wedged in the seat. She grabbed the phone and locked the door.

  Whew. That was close. I had better get out of here while I can. Germaine peered out of the window watching the couple disappear into the hotel. He then quickly got out of the car, locking it behind him. He wrote down their license plate number before walking up to the hotel. He watched from the doorway as they walked over to the elevator and disappeared inside. Germaine turned and got back into his car. He backtracked to the freeway then got off at his exit. He was now positive they were no longer following him and he drove directly to the back entrance of the safe house. He called Meredith to tell her that he was about to walk into the tunnel so she would be waiting. He hurried down the tunnel and into the large room. He went over to the locked door and knocked urgently.

  Meredith called out, “Jesus is the way and the life.”

  “None can come to the Father except through Him,” Germaine replied.

  Meredith unlocked the door and hugged her friend. “I’ve been so worried. What happened?” she asked as she locked the door behind him.

  “Come let’s go into the kitchen for some tea and I’ll tell you all about it,” Germaine replied.

  “Should I wake Katy, Ezekiel, and Serenity?”

  “No, let them sleep. I have a feeling that they are going to need it.”

  He took Meredith’s hand and led her up into the house. Serenity peered down the hallway. Why is that man from the church here? She watched him hug Meredith and then as they held hands and walked up the stairs leading to the house. That certainly seems suspicious. She walked back into her room and got back into bed.

  CHAPTER one hundred and seventy

  Halle finally arrived at the safe house. She wasn’t sure if she was in the right place. She looked around her, but the
re was nothing else here. She was at an old abandoned airfield. She drove up to the gate and got out of the car. How was she supposed to get in as there was a chain and a lock on the gate? She walked up to the fence and peered in. What am I supposed to do now? She went back to the car and took out the sheet of paper.

  “Well the address is correct,” she said.

  There was nothing on the sheet of paper about there being a locked gate. Frustrated she slammed her hands down on the steering wheel. The horn went off sending out a loud high pitched honking noise which echoed over and over. A moment later, she heard dogs barking. As she watched three large Doberman pinschers appeared at the gate. Good thing she had not been able to get inside. A few minutes after, a man appeared at the gate with a lantern.

  “What do you want here?” he asked.

  “Jesus is the way and the life,” Halle called out.

  “None can come to the Father except through Him.” He looked at her suspiciously. Who is she? “Are you alone?”


  He looked over at her car and seeing no one else called off the dogs. He then unlocked the gate and beckoned her inside. Halle drove inside the gate.

  “Follow the road to the y in the road and take the left fork. When you come to the hangar honk four times and flash your headlights twice. After the door opens drive inside and park your car, someone will take you into the safe house,” the man said.

  “Follow the road to the y. Go left to the hangar. Honk four times and flash twice then drive inside the hangar. Okay, I think I got it,” Halle repeated.

  She rolled up the window and drove down the road. It’s really quite beautiful out here. Wild flowers were growing everywhere and in bloom. It wouldn’t surprise her if she saw some deer or some other sort of wildlife. It was really quiet and peaceful here.


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