The empty chair between us is pulled out, and I turn, expecting another single bloke.
“I think this is my seat,” says a tallish girl with dark eye-makeup, short jet-black hair and flawless olive skin. Her tits are practically bursting from her tight aqua dress, and then she does something with her tongue, and I get a flash of a piercing.
There’s only one reason a girl gets that done.
And tonight I’m going to reap the benefits.
Ryan stands to his feet, and extends his hand. “I’m Ryan, and you are?” he asks expectantly.
“Bridget,” she says low and husky, while she gives him a good eye-fucking. ”It’s nice to meet you, Ryan.” She says “nice”, but it’s like she’s thinking something else. And she all but growls his name.
Me? I’m still staring at her tits.
I guess I’d better do the gentlemanly thing and stand. So I do. When Ryan decides to let go of her hand, I offer mine to shake.
“Well, hello there,” I say. “I’m Jones. Aidan’s teammate.”
She raises a perfectly groomed eyebrow. Motocross gets the girls wet. Every. Single. Time.
“Hey, Jones, nice to meet you too.”
“Please, sit down,” Ryan says, gesturing towards her chair. Look at Captain Manners.
“Why, thank you,” she says sweetly, taking her seat and placing her glittery-looking purse on the table. She pulls her chair in close to the long white tablecloth.
“And what do you do, Ryan?” she asks.
“Ah, I’m a goat farmer,” he says, and smirks, before taking a long swig of his beer.
She giggles like a complete ditz, and grips his bicep with her closest hand. It lingers longer than it should.
“Well, I can safely say I’ve never met a more gorgeous goat farmer,” she says, and lets out a rehearsed laugh.
What a load of shit. Goat farmer. And she’s eating it up. I’ve had beers with Ryan a couple of times at Aidan’s place, but he’s always avoided the topic of what he does for a crust. He’s definitely no fucking goat farmer, I know that much. I can tell by the way he sizes people up that he’s a smart prick.
Ryan smirks at me, and his brows briefly jut up and down, just the once, but enough to piss me off. The fucker thinks he’s in with a chance. I’ll show him how to play this game. I’m the fucking master. I’ll be the one getting fucked tonight. Not him. It’s the only way I’m getting through all this sappy wedding-shit.
I slip my hand beneath the hem of the heavy linen tablecloth, and let my fingers softly glide over to Bridget’s knee.
She sucks in a quick breath through her parted lips, and her body shudders. She slowly turns her gaze to me, but she doesn’t do a thing to stop me.
Let’s see how much further I can get with this. It might end with a slap across my face, but at least I tried. If this one doesn’t work out, at the buffet I saw a young bird in a green dress who kinda looks like Eevie. She’d sure as shit look good bouncing up and down on my dick, whoever she is. She must be a cousin, because I’d already asked Aidan tonight if Eevie had a sister. Then he told me if she did have one, I wouldn’t be allowed within ten square kilometres of her.
She clears her throat, and flutters her lashes like there’s something stuck in her eye.
“So, what do you do for a job?” I ask, and explore higher up her leg, circling the soft flesh of her inner thigh.
“I, um, work part-time in a café, but for the most part I’m at uni. That’s how I know Eevie. I’m studying clinical psychology.”
“And do you like it?” I ask, slipping her silky soft panties aside and rubbing on her hot, wet clit. Damn. So wet. I knew it.
Her mouth drops open. “Um, yeah,” she whimpers after a long silence. I slip a finger inside her heat, and slowly withdraw it before sliding it in deep.
She nods several times and nervously grips the edge of the table. “I like it a lot,” she adds.
“I bet you do,” I reply, and wink.
“Can I get you a drink, gorgeous?” Ryan interrupts, placing a hand over her white knuckles. She shifts her gaze to his thumb as he smooths it over the back of her hand in a comforting gesture.
“Please. Champagne,” she begs. So I rub that little bit harder. Her legs begin to shake, but I’m afraid, princess, it’s not time … yet.
Ryan stands. “You thirsty, Jones?” he asks.
I slowly withdraw my hand from between her soaked legs, and wipe my fingers on the tablecloth before standing.
She blinks madly at me, and then does the same to Ryan.
“Don’t fret. We’ll be back in a sec.” I wink, and make my way over to the bar.
“Are you in to threesomes?” I ask Ryan as I shuffle up next to him at the far end of the bar.
For such a question, he doesn’t look as shocked as I’d expected. “It’s been a while, man.” He takes a swig of his beer, and looks suspiciously at me as he hands me a bottle. “Yeah, I’m into ‘em.”
“Yeah, well normally I’m into a two-girls-and-a-guy kinda threesome, but what say you and I tag-team this bird? I reckon she’d be totally into it. She’s that fuckin’ horny, and wet—“
“Wait a minute. How do you know she’s wet?”
I wipe my finger under his nose, and he jerks his head away, almost dropping his beer. “That smell like roses to you?” I ask.
He chuckles. “No, man. It don’t. You sly fucker. You were fingering her under the table? You dirty bastard.”
I throw back my head and laugh. “I reckon she was a good stroke or two from comin’. I’m just getting’ her worked up for later.”
“So, we gonna do this or what?” Ryan dares, putting down his beer to loosen his tie.
“Hell yeah.” I look back to the table, and her eyes are on us. “Just follow my lead. Don’t say anything stupid.”
“Nah, man. I’ll leave that up to you.”
Cocky prick. Still, I guess there’s no point bringing a wimp to a party for three.
“When we get back to the table, sit real close to her. We’ll give her a little … preview,” I add.
When we get back to the table, we sandwich her in, our thighs right beside each of hers. Yeah, this is totally gonna work.
I turn my upper body in the chair to face her, placing my hand on her closest shoulder. Ryan follows suit. The testosterone bouncing between us is fucking intense. This is some sandwich—or at least, it will be.
“You ever been spit-roasted, girl?” I whisper into her ear. I say girl, because I can’t remember her name.
She swallows hard and her cheeks go all pink. She looks at Ryan, and then back at me. Her eyes light up with mischief, and she bites down on her plump lower lip.
“Nope,” she says casually.
Ryan sits there, looking like he’s ready to rip her dress off. The fucker is probably as horny as me. And that’s saying something.
I slide my hand behind her neck, and make a pattern of circles at her nape with my finger. Leaning in close, my mouth grazes her ear. “You wanna be? ’Cause I reckon you’d be real good at it.”
I use the tablecloth again as some kind of protection, and grip her inner thigh. Exploring higher under her short-arse dress, my knuckles graze another hand. What the?
I’m tempted to make this girl come right here and now, maybe to show Ryan who’s boss, but she’s not getting some until I get some.
“Yeah. I’m up for it if you are,” she says, moving her knees apart further.
Well, this wedding just got a hell of a lot more interesting.
I stand up at the table, tapping the side of my glass with the nearest piece of cutlery I can lay my hands on. The hum of chatter comes to an abrupt halt.
“We didn’t want to go overboard with speeches, so I just wanna say a few words.” I loosen my tie, and clear my throat. “All of you a
re here today because your love and friendship are important to Eevie and I, and we wanted you to share in this special day. Some of you think my world is work and motocross; and it was, up until Eevie came into my life. I still have those dreams and aspirations, but now I get to share them with someone special, someone that I can build a future with. Build a home. Have a family.”
I take in a deep breath, and turn my attention to Mum.
“I owe a big thanks to my mum, for raising me to be the man I am today. You taught me to work hard for the things I want, and you did everything you could to make my dreams come true. I hope that I’ve made you proud.”
Mum blows her nose. Great. I made her cry. I guess it was a given.
“Thank you to those that made today possible, and for those who travelled. We know it was short notice, but when you decide to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want it to start as soon as possible. And we just couldn’t wait.”
I take Eevie’s hand, and pull her to stand in front of me, holding the hand now bearing her wedding ring. I stare into her watery eyes, and suck in a deep breath.
“To my beautiful bride, Mrs Genevieve Stone. To say you look stunning wouldn’t do you justice. You have never looked more beautiful, and anyone can fight me for the title, but I’m the luckiest man on earth.”
Eevie’s cheeks gather a pink hue, and she dabs a tissue under her eye and laughs quietly.
“I never thought it possible to love someone, as much as I do you, and it gets stronger every day. That first time I held your hand, I knew. I think we both knew that there was something special bringing us together. If only that was the beginning for us, but we had to find ourselves first, but when we got our chance no one could have held us back. You’re the most selfless, giving person I’ve ever met, and I’ve never been prouder than I am today to stand beside you as your husband.”
Aw shit. I’m tearing up; fuck it. In front of everyone. Mum’s bawling her eyes out, and Eevie is barely holding it together. Who thought that this shit would be so hard to say? I’d practised it a hundred times in my head, and with Sergeant, but with this many eyes gawking … I just need to suck it up, and get this over with.
“Eevie, you helped me get back on my feet after the accident, and there is no doubt in my mind that you’ll make a wonderful mother … someday. One day, our home will be filled with the sounds of our kids’ laughter, and probably tears, and I promise to be the father to them that they deserve. Every single day.”
Tears stream down Eevie’s face. Fuck. I forgot about how hormonal she is. Maybe I should have toned it down a bit on the kids part, but damn it, I want everyone to know. I will be the best dad and the best husband I can be.
“I thought I needed a bike to be able to fly, but I’ve never flown higher than when I’m with you. With you is my favourite place to be. I’m gonna spend the rest of my life making you laugh, making you smile, and no matter what comes our way, we’ll take it on … together.”
A mutter of “ooh” and “aah” comes from everyone.
“Would you all please raise your glasses to my beautiful bride.”
I put the microphone down, and pick up my champagne.
“To Eevie!” everyone shouts out, filling the room with the clanging of glasses, and cheers. Eevie and I gently clink our glasses together, and we both take a sip. I put my glass down, and it’s barely on the table before Eevie throws her arms around me and I squeeze her tight.
“I love you so much,” she whimpers into my ear.
I pull back, and sweep her tears away with my thumbs. “I love you too, baby girl. You’re a wreck today, you know that?” I say, quiet enough for only her to hear. I chuckle, wondering if that’s the last of the tears for today.
“I know,” she says, smiling through her tears. “For some reason I can’t help it.” She winks at me, and it kills me not to be able to rub my hand over that little belly. My hands have been glued there ever since she told me, but it’s not time to tell everyone. When we come back from the honeymoon and have the first scan, then I’ll tell every man and their mangy dog we’re having a baby.
Chris, who was good enough to be MC tonight, picks up the microphone from the table and pats me on the back.
“Okay, everyone. Time for the cutting of the cake, and then we’ll have the first dance,” Chris says. It’s funny now, that I can call him my brother. As an only child, I always wanted siblings, and as well as officially having Eevie as my wife, I now have three younger brothers. Man, are we gonna have fun on our property with the bikes.
I take Eevie by the hand, her diamond ring sparkling under the light as we settle in the middle of the dance floor. A slow song starts, and Eevie’s long lace gown sways softly from her hips. I pull her close and drink in the sweet scent of my bride for the umpteenth time tonight. Fuck, I can’t wait to get outta here. I have to secretly chant to my cock to calm down. The last thing I need is a walking hard-on with all these people around.
“I’m done with the festivities. I just wanna make love to my wife,” I whisper softly in her ear as I dip her and kiss those sweet lips. I kiss around her neck, up and around her jaw, and she relaxes, moaning like she will the moment I get her alone. The audience I’d quickly forgotten about makes some noise, the boys having had more than their share of grog, wolf-whistling from the bar.
I suddenly feel the eyes on us. I’d better tone it down a notch.
“How do you think married sex is gonna be?” she whispers in my ear.
“Fucking sensational. But right now, I just wanna bury myself deep in my favourite place on earth.”
“Stop it … You’re making me wet,” she says, laughing through her words. As expected, I get harder. We really should have fucked this morning. But even if we did, it wouldn’t have mattered. I still wanna ravish the hell out of her.
I brush against her hips, making it perfectly clear what she’s doing to me.
“Maybe we should duck out for a second. Do you think anyone would miss us?” I dare, wondering if I can convince her.
“As much as I’d love to, people would notice. And where would we go, anyway?”
I know exactly where, but that’s my wedding night surprise for Eevie.
“It’s almost time to say our goodbyes, and then we can sneak out to the farm.”
Eevie throws her head back and laughs, the happy sound echoing in every corner of my heart. She waves for everyone to join us on the dance floor.
Crystal wraps her arms around me tight. “So happy for you guys!” she squeals, tackling me in the middle of the dance floor.
“Thank you. You guys have really made today perfect.” Even though we only had a small bridal party of just Rob and Cassie, Crystal was so good about it. She helped with the decorations, and of course, came up with a killer playlist for tonight.
She lets me go, and in typical Crystal fashion starts flailing her arms about and wriggling her tiny arse when “Happy” by Pharell Williams comes through the speakers.
I laugh and kiss her on the forehead. “Love your work, Crystal.” She winks, and I turn and make my way through the crowd to a handsome guy in a sharp suit leaning up against the wall. He’s probably been watching Crystal liven things up. And boy, does she know how to liven up a dance floor.
In a cheeky move, I roll my shoulders, one in front of the other, as I approach him. I outstretch my hand.
“Come on, wallflower,” I say, taking Ryan’s hand and pull him towards the dance floor. “Everyone has to dance with the bride so I can say thank you.”
When we settle in the middle of the crowd, I place one hand in his and the other on his shoulder, which causes him to wince slightly. He weaves his arm around my waist, and rests it gently on the small of my back.
“Sorry,” I say and recoil my hand. I didn’t think I squeezed so tight.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Just sore from the gym.”
His eyes
wander lower, but he tenses and then shoots his gaze back up to return eye contact. He raises his arm and flicks his wrist, and I spin around. I recover on my heels, and smile. It appears Ryan knows how to dance.
“You look beautiful, Eevie. It’s been a perfect day, and I’m honoured to have been a part of it. You guys deserve to be happy.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet. Thank you so much for coming. It’s been nice to get to know you, and I know Aidan’s enjoyed having another guy around.” When Ryan told us a few weeks ago he’d joined a special taskforce and was leaving for an assignment, it was tough news to take. Aidan and Ryan had been getting along so well. Of course, Aidan and I are thrilled for him, but it’s hard not to be sad about his departure. Ryan can’t even tell us where he’s going.
“Yeah, I’m gonna miss you guys. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone for; depends how things go.”
“So, when do you head off?”
“Not for a few weeks, but I’ve got stuff to get sorted.”
“Well, best of luck. Let us know when you come back for a visit, and we’ll have you over for dinner in the new house.”
“That’d be great,” he says, the corner of his mouth curling up.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Aidan dancing with his mum, and I realise there’s someone I can’t forget. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d better dance with my new father-in-law.”
“Sure. I might say goodbye to Aidan in a minute and sneak off, if that’s okay.”
He glares in Bridget’s direction. Jones is getting a little bit friendly with her. I had no doubt that those two would hit it off. After all, Bridget had practically begged me to put her on a table with some single guys. That girl sure is wild when it comes to men.
I stand on my tippy-toes and give him a hug. He slowly puts his arms around me, but even though it’s kinda awkward, I don’t care. Today is the happiest day of my life. I kiss him swiftly on the cheek, and then point my finger at him accusingly.
Spike (Spark Series #2) Page 23