Robert Ludlum - Aquatain Progression.txt

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Robert Ludlum - Aquatain Progression.txt Page 84

by The Aquitaine Progression [lit]

  had shouted; he pivoted on his knees and remained

  still, facing the floodlit expanse beyond the bushes.

  It happened, as it had happened before when

  three children in official pajamas had killed another

  child indelicately in the jungle. Anxious men were

  drawn to the last sounds they heard as this hunter

  from Aquitaine was drawn now. The man stalked

  out of the darkness of the railroad station's rear

  platform, his gun extended, held steady with both

  hands. He walked directly, cautiously, to that small

  section in the overgrowth where the screams had

  come from.

  Converse scratched the ground noiselessly until he



  a rock larger than his fist. He gripped it and waited,

  staring, feeling the drumming in his chest. The killer

  was within eight feet of the border of greenery. Joel

  lobbed the rock, arcing it in the air to his right.

  The crunching thud was loud. Instantly

  Aquitaine's soldier crouched and fired one round

  after another two, three, four! Converse raised his

  weapon and pulled the trigger twice. The man spun

  to his left, gasping, as he clutched his stomach and

  fell to the ground.

  There was no time to think or feel or consider

  what had happened. Joel crawled out to the gravel

  and raced over to his would-be executioner; he

  grabbed him by the arms and dragged him back into

  the bushes. Still, he had to find out. He knelt down

  and held his fingers against the base of the man's

  throat. He was dead, another scout taken out in the

  war of the modern Aquitaine, the military

  confederation of George Marcus Delavane.

  There was no one around if there had been, the

  gunshots would have provoked screams and brought

  running feet; the police would have been summoned;

  they would have been there by now. How far away

  was Osnabruck? He had read the schedule and tried

  to figure out the times, but everything had happened

  so swiftly, so brutally, he had not absorbed what he

  read. It was less than an hour, that much he knew.

  Somehow he had to get word to the station at Osna-

  bruck. Christ, how?

  He walked out on the platform, glancing up at

  the sign: RHEINE. It was a start; he had counted

  only the stops, not the names. Then he saw

  something in the distance above the ground, high

  above with lights on the inside. A tower! He had

  seen such towers dozens of times in Switzerland and

  France they were signal depots. They dotted the

  Eurail's landscape, controlling the trains that sped

  across their sectors. He started running along the

  tracks, suddenly wondering what he looked like. His

  hat was gone, his clothes soiled, but his clerical collar

  was still in place he was still a priest.

  He reached the base of the tower. He brushed off

  his clothes and tried to smooth his hair; Composing

  himself, he began climbing the metal steps. At the

  top he saw that the steel door to the tower itself was

  bolted, the inch-thick bulletproof glass a sign of the

  terrorist times speeding trains were vulnerable

  targets. He approached the door and rapped on the

  metal frame. Three men were inside, huddled over



  tronic consoles; an elderly man turned from the

  numerous green screens and came to the door. He

  peered through the glass and crossed himself, but

  did not open the door. Instead there was a sudden

  echoing sound projected into the air, and the man's

  voice emerged from a speaker: "Was ist, Hochwur-


  "I don't speak German. Do you speak English?"


  "Yes ja. "

  The old man turned to his associates and

  shouted something. Both shook their heads, but one

  held up his hand and came to the door.

  "Ich spreche. . . a little, Mr. Englander. Nicht

  come enter here, verstehen?"

  "I have to call Osnabruck! A woman is waiting

  for me a Frau!

  "Ohh? Hochwurden! Eine Frau?"

  "No, no! You don't understand! Can't anybody

  here speak English ?"

  "Sie speeches Deutsch?"


  "Warten Sie, " said the third man from the

  console. There was a rapid exchange between the

  two men. The one who spoke "a little" turned back

  to the door.

  "Eine Kirche, " said the man groping for words.

  "Church! Din Pfarrer priest! Er spricht Englisch.

  Drei . . . three strassen . . . there!" The German

  pointed to his left; Joel looked down over his

  shoulder. There was a street in the distance. He

  understood; there was a church three blocks away,

  and a priest who spoke English, presumably a priest

  who had a telephone.

  "The train to Osnabruck. WhenP When does it

  get there?" Converse pointed to his watch. "When?


  The man looked over at the console, then

  turned back to Joel and smiled. "Zwolf Minuten,


  "How? What?"

  "Zwolf... tvelf."



  Converse turned and clattered down the steps;

  on the ground he ran as fast as he could toward the

  streetlamps in the distance. Once there, he raced in

  the middle of the street clutching his chest, vowing

  for the five hundredth time to


  give up cigarettes. He had persuaded Val to throw

  them away; why hadn't he taken his own advice? He

  was invulnerable, that's why. Or did he simply care

  for her more than he cared for himself? Enough!

  Where was the goddamned church ?

  It was there, on the right. A small church with

  fake spires, a silly-looking church with what looked

  like a decorated Quonset hut for a rectory beside it.

  Joel ran up the short path to the door, a door with

  a hideously bejeweled crucifix in the center a

  rhinestone Jesus; rock along with Christ and

  knocked. Moments later an overweight, cherubic man

  with very little white hair, though perfectly groomed,

  opened the door.

  "Ah, Guten Tag, Herr Kollege."

  'Forgive me," said Converse, out of breath. "I

  don't speak German. I was told you speak English."

  "Ah, yes, indeed, I should hope so. I spent my

  novitiate in the Mother Country as opposed to the

  Fatherland you understand the difference in

  gender, of course. Come in, come rnl A visit from a

  fellow priest calls for a Schnaps. 'A touch of wine'

  sounds better, doesn't it? Again the Mother

  Country so soft, so understanding. My, you're an

  attractive youmg manl"

  'Not so young, Father," said Joel, stepping inside.

  "That's relative, isn't it?" The German priest

  walked unsteadily into what was obviously his living

  room. Again there were jeweled figures mounted on

k velvet on the walls the cheap stones glittering,

  the faces of the saints unmistakably feminine. "What

  would you like? I have sherry and muscatel, and for

  rare occasions a port I've been saving for very special

  occasions.... Who sent you? That wicked novice from


  "I need help, Father."

  "Great Jesus, who doesn't? Is this to be a

  confessional? If so, for God's sake give me until

  morning. I love the Lord my God with all my soul

  and all my strength and if there are sins of the

  flesh, they are Satan 's. Not I, but the Archangel of


  The man was drunk; he fell over a hassock and

  tumbled to the floor. Converse ran to him and lifted

  him up, then lowered him into a chair a chair by

  the only telephone in the room.

  "Please understand me, Father. Or don't



  me. l have to reach a woman who's waiting for me at

  Osnabruck. It's important!"

  "A woman? Satan! He is Lucifer with the eyes of

  fire! You thinly better than me?"

  "Not at all. Please. I need help!"

  It took ten minutes of pleading, but finally the

  priest calmed down and got on the telephone. He

  identified himself as a man of God, and moments later

  Joel heard the name that allowed him to breathe

  steadily again.

  "Frau Geyner? Es tat mir leid . . . " The old priest

  and the old woman talked for several minutes. He hung

  up and turned to Converse. "She waited for you," he

  said, frowning in bewilderment. "She thought you might

  have gotten off in the freight yards.... What freight


  "I understand."

  "I do not. But she knows the way here and will pick

  you up in thirty minutes or so.... You have sobered me,

  Father. Was I disgraceful?"

  "Not at all," said Joel. "You welcomed a man in

  trouble there's nothing wrong with that."

  "Let's have a drink. Forget Schnaps and 'a glass of

  wine'; they're a bore, aren't they? I have some

  American bourbon in the refrigerator. You are

  American, are you not?"

  "Yes, and a glass of bourbon would be just fine."

  - "Good! Follow me into my humble kitchen. It's


  through here, mind the sequined curtain, dear boy. It

  is too

  much, isn't it? . . . Oh, well, for all of that whatever

  it is I'm

  a good man. I believe that. I give comfort."

  "I'm sure you do."

  "Where were you schooled, Father?" asked the priest.

  "Catholic University in Washington," replied

  Converse pleased with himself that he remembered and

  answered so quickly.

  "Good Lord, I was there myself" exclaimed the

  German priest. "They shunted me around, you

  understand. Do you remember what's his name . . . ?"

  Oh, my God! thought Joel.

  Frau Hermione Ceyner arrived, and took Converse

  in tow commandeered him, in fact. She was a small

  woman far older than Joel had imagined. Her face was

  withered, remmding him of the woman in the

  Amsterdam station, and dominated by wide, intense

  eyes that seemed to shoot out bolts of electricity. He

  got in the car and she pushed the lock


  in place. She climbed behind the wheel and sped up

  the street, reaching what had to be sixty miles an

  hour in a matter of seconds.

  "I appreciate everything you're doing for me,"

  said Converse, bracing his feet against the


  "It is nothing!" exclaimed the old woman. "I have

  myself taken out officers from airplanes that crashed

  in Bremerhaven and Stuttgart and Mannheiml I spat

  in soldiers' eyes, and crashed through barricades! I

  never failed! The pigs could not touch me!"

  "I only meant that you're saving my life, and I

  want you to know I'm grateful. I'm aware that

  Valerie your niece, and my . . . my former

  wife told you I didn't do the things they said I did,

  and she was right. I didn't."

  "Ach, Valerie! A sweet child, but not very

  reliable, ja? You got rid of her, jaP"

  "That's not exactly the way it happened."

  "How could she be?" continued Hermione

  Geyner, as if he had not spoken. "She is an artist,

  and we all know how unstable they are. And, of

  course, her father was a Frenchman. I ask you, could

  she have a greater disadvantage? Franzase! The

  worms of Europe! As untrustworthy as their wine,

  which is mostly in their stomachs. They're drunkards,

  you know. It's in their blood."

  "But you believed her where I was concerned.

  You're helping me, you're saving my life."

  "Because we could! We knew we could!"

  Joel stared at the road ahead, at the rapidly

  oncoming curves taken at sixty miles an hour as the

  tires screeched. Hermione Geyner was not at all what

  he had expected, but then nothing was anymore. She

  was so old and it was late at night and she had been

  through a great deal these last two days; it had to

  have taken its toll on her. Old prejudices come to the

  surface when very old people are tired. Perhaps in

  the morning they could have a clearheaded

  conversation. The morning it was the start of the

  second day, and Valerie had promised to call him in

  Osnabruck with news of Sam Abbott and the

  progress she was making to reach the pilot. She had

  to make that call! Sam had to be told about the

  strange language Joel had heard from an old man in

  Amsterdam, where a word meaning one thing also

  meant something else entirely. Assassination! Cal,

  call me. For God's sake, call me!


  Converse looked out the window. The minutes

  passed the countryside was peaceful but the silence


  "Here we are!" shouted Hermione Geyner,

  turning crazily into the drive that led to a large old

  three-story house set back off the country road.

  From what Converse could see, it was a house that

  had once had a certain majesty, if only by its size

  and the profusion of roofed windows and gables. In

  the moonlight now, it looked like its owner very

  old and frayed.

  They walked up the worn wooden steps of the

  enormous porch and crossed to the door. Frau

  Geyner knocked rapidly, insistently; in seconds an

  old woman opened it, nodding solemnly as they

  went inside.

  "It's very lovely," began Joel. "I want you to know "

  "Sshh!" Hermione Geyner dropped her car keys

  in a red laquered bowl on a hall table and held up

  her hand. "This way!"

  Converse followed her to a pair of double doors,

  she opened them and Joel walked in behind her. He

  stopped, confused and astonished. For in front of

  them in the large Victorian room with the subdued

  lighting was a row of high-backed chairs and seated

  in each was an
old woman nine old women!

  Mesmerized, he looked closely at them. Some

  smiled weakly, several trembled with age and

  infirmity, obviously senile; a few wore stern, intense

  expressions, and one seemed to be humming to


  There was an eruption of fragile

  applause hands thin and veined, others swollen

  with flesh, flesh striking flesh with obvious effort.

  Two chairs had been placed in front of the women;

  Valerie's aunt indicated that they were for Joel and

  herself. They sat down as the applause dwindled off

  to silence.

  "Meine Schwestern Soldaten," cried Hermione

  Geyner rising. "Heute Nacht . . ."

  The old woman spoke for nearly ten minutes,

  interrupted occasionally by scattered applause and

  expressions of wonder and respect. Finally she sat

  down. "lean. Pragen!"

  The women one after another began to

  speak frail, halting voices for the most part, yet

  several were emphatic, almost hostile. And then

  Converse realized that most were looking at him.

  They were asking him questions, one or two

  crossing themselves as they spoke, as if the fugitive

  they had saved were actually a priest.


  ' Come, my friendI"cried Hermione Geyner.

  "Answer the ladies. They deserve the courtesy of

  your replies."

  "I can't answer what I can't understand,"

  protested Joel quietly.


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