Robert Ludlum - Aquatain Progression.txt

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Robert Ludlum - Aquatain Progression.txt Page 93

by The Aquitaine Progression [lit]

  Comm Tech Corporation, for the purpose of

  finalising a contemplated business association

  referred to hereafter as the Comm Tech-Bern

  merger. On the morning of August 10, at

  approximately eight o'clock, I was contacted by the

  chief counsel representing the Bern Croup, Mr.

  Avery Preston Halliday of San Francisco,

  California. As he was an American only recently re-

  tained by the Swiss companies, I agreed to meet

  with him to clarify the existing points of argument

  and our positions with respect to them. When I

  arrived at the cafe on the Quai du Mont Blanc, I

  recognized Mr. Halliday as a student and close

  friend I had known years ago at the Taft School in

  Watertown, Connecticut. His name then was Avery

  P. Fowler. Mr. Halliday readily confirmed this fact,

  explaining that his surname had been changed upon

  the death of his father and the remarriage of his

  mother to a John Halliday of San Francisco. The

  explanation was acceptable, the circumstances,

  however, were not. Mr. Halliday had ample prior

  time and opportunity to apprise me of his

  identity the identity with which I was

  familiar but did not do so. There was a reason.

  On that morning of August 10, Mr. Halliday sought

  a confidential meeting with the undersigned regard-

  ing a matter totally unrelated to the Comm

  Tech-Bern merger. This meeting was the primary

  reason for his being in Geneva. It was the first of

  many disturbing revelations....

  If the very proper and distant British

  stenographer had the slightest interest in the

  material she was transcribing in segments from

  dictation to the typewritten page, she did not show

  it. Her thin lips pursed, her grey hair knotted into

  a forbidding bun on the top of her head, she

  performed like a machine, as if everything was

  accepted in rote and by rote. Valerie's somewhat

  guarded explanation that her husband was an

  American novelist intrigued by recent events in

  Europe was


  greeted with a cold stare and the gratuituous

  information that the legal secretary never watched

  television and rarely read the newspapers. She was a

  member of the Franco-ltalian Alpine Society, whose

  purpose was to defend the natural endowments being

  eroded by man; working for the society took up all

  her time and energy when she was not earning a

  living to enable her to remain in her beloved

  mountains. She was an automaton putting in her

  time; one could dictate the book of Genesis and Val

  doubted the woman would know what she was typing.

  It was the seventh hour and there was still no

  answer at Alan MetcalPs telephone in Las Vegas.

  Only a machine. It was time for the eighth call.

  "If we don't get him now," said Converse grimly,

  above the quiet tapping of the typewriter across the

  room, "go ahead and reach Prudhomme. I wanted to

  talk to this Metcalf first, but it's possible that_it may

  not be possible."

  "What difference does it make? You need help

  quickly, and he's willing to help."

  "The difference is I know where Prudhomme's

  coming from, you've told me. I got an idea what he

  can do and what he can't do, but I don't know

  anything about Metcalf except that Sam put him

  way up on a high priority. Whoever I call first I've

  got to make specific statements to him, accusations

  and observations that'll blow his mind. Those are

  commitments, Val, and I have to go with the

  strongest.... Try Metcalf again."Joel turned and

  headed for the telephone in the bathroom as Valerie

  dialed the international codes for Las Vegas, Nevada.

  "Caller C, message received. Please reidentify

  yourself twice, followed by a slow count to ten. Stay

  on the line."

  Joel put the phone down on the edge of the basin

  and rushed out to the bedroom-sitting room. He

  walked over to Val, holding up his hand as he

  reached for a pencil on the desk. He wrote out the

  words: "Go ahead. Stay calm. P.S.E."

  "This is Miss Parquette speaking," said Valerie,

  frowning bewildered. "This is Miss Parquette

  speaking. One, two, three, four . . ."

  Converse returned to the bathroom, picked up

  the telephone and listened.

  ". . . eight, nine, ten."

  Silence. Finally, there were two sharp clicks and

  the metaJlic voice came back on the line.

  "Confirmed, thank you.


  This is the second tape and will be microed out when

  completed. Listen carefully. There is a place on an

  island well known for its tribal nights. The King will

  be in his chair. That's it. We are burning."

  Joel hung up the phone and studied the

  half-legible words he had hastily scribbled in soap on

  the mirror above the basin. The door opened and

  Valerie walked in, a piece of paper in her hand.

  "I wrote it down," she said, handing it to him.

  "I wrote it sideways your way is better. Christ, a nd

  "No more than the one you gave me. What in

  heaven's name does 'P.S.E.' mean?"

  " 'Psychological Stress Evaluator,' " answered

  Converse, leaning against the wall and reading

  MetcalPs message. He looked up at her. "It's a voice

  scanner you can attach to a phone or a recording

  machine that supposedly tells you whether the person

  you're talking to is Iying or not. Larry Talbot played

  around with one for a while but claimed he couldn't

  find anyone telling the truth, including his nine-

  ty-two-year-old mother. He threw it away."

  "Does it work?"

  "They say it's much more accurate than a lie

  detector, and I suppose it is if you know how to read

  it or use it. It worked in your case. Your voice was

  matched against the other calls you made, which

  means this Metcalf is into pretty high-tech equipment.

  That scanner tripped the second tape and it was all

  done by remote, from another phone, otherwise he

  would have answered himself after you passed the


  - "But if I passed, why the riddle? Why an island

  with tribal


  "Because any machine like that can be beaten. It's

  why they're not admissible in court. Years ago Willie

  Sutton was wired into a lie detector, and according to

  the result, he never even broke into a piggy bank,

  much less Chase Manhattan Metcalf was willing to

  take a risk, but not all the way. He's running too."

  Converse returned to what Val had written down.

  "An island." Val spoke softly, reading the soaped

  words on the mirror. "Tribes . . . The Caribe tribes;

  they were all through the Antilles. OrJamaica tribal

  nights, Obeah rituals, voodoo rites in Haiti. Even the

  Bahamas the Lucayan Indians they held puberty

  rituals, they all did."


  "You impress me," said Joel, looking up from the

  paper. "How come?"

  "Art courses," she replied. "Those nuts and bolts

  you won't grant us that go into the makeup of a

  culture's visual work.... And it doesn't fit. It's too


  "Why? It could mean someplace in the

  Caribbean, some resort that's advertised a lot. The

  King is an emperor and that has to mean

  Delavane Mad Marcus, as in Aurelius. It has to be

  Marcus; no one's named Aurelius! . . . All those

  television commercials, the newspaper ads pictures

  of people doing the limbo under torches with

  costumed blacks smiling down benignly, counting the

  dollars. Which one?"

  "Too loose," repeated Val. "Too abstract blocks

  and geometric shapes without specifics no

  representational images."

  "Now what the hell are you talking about?"

  objected Converse.

  "It's too wide, Joel, too many places to choose

  from, places you might not know anything about. It

  has to be closer, more familiar to you or to me,

  something we can recognize. Like Bruegel or

  Vermeer, littered with specific detail."

  "They sound like dentists."

  Valerie took the paper from him. "Manhattan's an

  in land," she said softly, reading and frowning again.

  "If there are torches and tribal puberty rites, it's

  not my part of town."

  "Not tribal rites, tribal nights," corrected Val.

  "Tribal not Black but Red? The King will be in his

  chair chair . . . table. His table. Tribal . . . nights.

  Nights! That's where we're misreading it. Nights!"

  "How else can you read it?"

  "Not nights but knights! With a k!"

  "And a table," broke in Converse. "Knights of the

  Round Table."

  "But not the King Arthllr legend, not Camelot.

  Much nearer, much closer. Tribal American natives.

  American Indians. "

  "Algonquins. The Round Table!"

  "The Algonquin Hotel," cried Valerie. "That's it,

  that's what he meant!"

  "We'll know in a few minutes," said Joel. "Co

  inside and place the call."

  The wait was both intolerable and interminable.

  Converse looked at his face in-the mirror;

  perspiration began to


  drench his face, the salt sunging his scrapes and

  burning his eyes. Far more telling, his hand shook

  and his breath was short. The Algonquin

  switchboard answered and Val asked for a Mr.

  Marcus. There was a stretch of silence, and when

  the operator came back on the line, Joel thought he

  would smash the telephone into the mirror.

  "There are two Marcuses registered, ma'am.

  Which one did you wish to speak to?"

  "Already it's a rotten day!" Val broke in suddenly

  over the phone, startling Converse with her words.

  "My boss, the clown, told me to call Mr. Marcus at

  the Algonquin right away and give him the time and

  place for lunch. Now the clown's disappeared to a

  meeting somewhere outside and I'm left holding it.

  Sorry, dear, I didn't mean to take it out on you."

  "It's okay, hon. we got a few like that around here."

  "Maybe you can help me. Which Marcus is

  which? Maybe I'll recognize a first name or a


  "Sure. Lemme plug into Big Reggie. We all

  gotta suck together when it comes to the clowns,

  right? . . . Okay, here they are. Marcus, Myron.

  Sugarman's Original Replicas, Los Angeles. And

  Marcus, Peter . . . not much help here, sweetie. Just

  says Georgetown, Washington, D.C."

  "That's the one. Peter. I'm sure of it. Thanks, dear."

  "Glad to be of help, hon. I'll ring now."

  The folded New York Times resting on his knee,

  Stone inked in the last two words of the crossword

  puzzle and looked at his watch. It had taken him

  nine minutes, nine minutes of relief; he wished it

  had been longer. One of the joys of having been

  station chief in London was the London Times

  crossword. He could always count on at least a

  half-hour when he could forget problems in the

  search for words and meanings.

  The telephone rang. Stone stared at it, his pulse

  accelerat~ng, his throat suddenly dry. No one knew

  he had checked into the Algonquin under the name

  of Marcus. No one! . . . Yes, there was someone,

  but he was in the air, flying up from Knoxville,

  Tennessee. What had gone wrong? Or had he been

  wrong about Metcalf? Was the supposedly angry,

  sermonising Air Force intelligence officer one of

  them? Had his own insuncts, honed over a thousand

  years of sorting out garbage deserted him because

  he so desperately sought an opening,


  an escape from a steel net that was dropping down

  on him? He got out of the chair and walked slowly,

  in fear, to the bedside table. He picked up the

  insistently ringing phone.


  "Alan Metcalf?" said the soft, firm voice of a woman.

  "Who?" Stone was so thrown by the natne he

  could barely concentrate, barely think!

  "I beg your pardon, I have the wrong room."

  "Wait! Don't hang up. Metcalfs on his way here."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Please! Oh Christ, please! I was tired, I was

  asleep. We've been up night and day.... Metcalf. I

  talked with him two hours ago he said he was going

  to reprogram his machine, that someone was trying

  to reach him since one o'clock this morning. He had

  to get out of there. A man was killed, a pilot. It was

  not an accident! Am I making sense to you?"

  "Why should I talk to you?" asked the woman.

  "So you can trace the call?"

  "Listen to me," said Stone, his voice now in total

  control. "Even if I wanted to and I don't this is a

  hotel, not a private line,-and to do what you suggest

  would take at least three men on the trunk lines and

  another controlling the switchboard. And even with

  such a unit it would be at least four minutes before

  they could isolate the wire and send out a tracer sig-

  nal which initially would only give us an area

  location, not a specific phone. And if you were

  calling from overseas we'd have to have another

  man, an expert, in that specific location to narrow it

  down to perhaps a twenty-mile radius, but only if you

  stayed on your phone for at least six minutes.... Now,

  for God's sake, give me at least two!"

  "Go on. Quickly!"

  "I'm going to assume something. Maybe I

  shouldn't, but you're a clever woman, Mrs. DePinna,

  and you could do it."


  "Yes. You left a telephone book open to the blue

  pages, the government pages. When the accident

  happened in Nevada, I made a simple connection

  with a listing, and two hours ago I learned I was

  right. Metcalf returned my call from a pay phone at

  an airport.
A pilot, a general, had talked to him at

  length. He's joining us. You ran from the wrong

  people, Mrs. DePinna. But as for what I'm thinking,

  I think the man we want to find is listening on this


  "There's no one else here!"


  "Please don't interrupt me, I've got to use every

  second." Stone's voice suddenly became stronger.

  "Leifhelm, Bertholdier, Van Headmer, Abrahms. And

  a fifth man we can't identify, an Englishman who's

  down so deep he makes Burgess Maclean and Blunt

  look like amateurs. We don't know whohe is, but

  he's there, using warehouses in Ireland and offshore

  cargo ships, and long-forgotten airfields to transport

  materials that shouldn't be going out. Those dossiers

  came from us, Converse! We sent them to you!

  You're a lawyer, and you know that by using your

  name I'm incriminating myself or committing suicide

  if anyone's taping this. I'll go further. We sent you

  out through Preston Halliday in Geneva. We sent

  you out to build a legal case from left field so we

  could abort this thing with a minimum of fallout,

  sending all those goddamned idiots back to reality.

  But we were wrong! They were much further ahead

  than we ever suspected we ever suspected but not

  Beale on Mykonos. He was dead right, and he's

  dead because he was right! Incidentally, he was the

  'men from San Francisco.' It was his five hundred

  thousand dollars; he came from a rich family, which,

  among other things, bequeathed him a conscience.

  Think back to Mykonos! To what he told you what


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