Phoenix in Flames

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Phoenix in Flames Page 35

by Jaleta Clegg

  "Suit yourself," the medic said. "You want someone to walk you there?"

  "I'm fine," Tayvis insisted.

  The medic shook his head as Tayvis walked out of the room. Tayvis ignored him. He had to know. He had to see Dace.

  Clark was in the room next door. His face was pale and lined with pain. His arm was wrapped in bandages. Tayvis paused in the doorway.

  "It's broken," Clark said. "They won't let me leave yet."

  "They told me she was still alive."

  "Did they say what happened to the Phoenix?"

  "No one mentioned it," Tayvis answered. "I'll see what I can find out."

  A female medic rolled a cart covered with equipment past Tayvis into the room. She bustled around, setting it up.

  "I'll let you know." Tayvis backed away from the room.

  He turned down the hall, looking for the waiting room the medic had mentioned. It must have been late night on the ship. The halls beyond the medical treatment room were dark, lit by the dimmest of lights along the floor. There was one more door, further along, around the corner, that spilled light into the hallway. He shuffled his way towards it.

  He stopped in the doorway, taking in the scene inside. It was a waiting room, full of couches and uncomfortable looking chairs upholstered in the green that only hospitals ever seemed to use. It was also full of people he knew. He leaned on the doorframe in relief. Jasyn jumped up when she saw him. Everyone else turned to look at him, all except Lowell. He was off in the corner, standing with his hands deep in his pockets.

  Jasyn stopped next to him, looking anxiously past him at the empty hall beyond. "Clark?" she asked.

  "He broke his arm," Tayvis answered. "He said he'd come as soon as they let him. Down the hall to the left," he added as she pushed past him.

  He walked slowly into the room, aware of the questioning looks on their faces. He sighed and sat down on a couch. Ginni was perched on one arm. Darus was in the chair across from him, one leg wrapped in bandages and propped on the table in front of him. Beryn and Paltronis sat on a couch to his right, holding hands. He saw no sign of Twyla or the medic, Sikura.

  "So, what happened?" Darus asked.

  "We picked her up as planned," Tayvis said. "Where were you?"

  "We got bushwhacked," Darus answered. "They shot out the engine and hauled us up here. They put us in a room and left. And then suddenly they're at the door telling us there was some kind of emergency. They brought us here and left."

  Tayvis looked down, unable to meet Darus' eyes. "She was in bad shape when we picked her up."

  "Someone mentioned there was fighting," Paltronis said, the worried line between her eyes growing sharper.

  "She wasn't shot." Tayvis rubbed his hands together. "It was some drug Shomies had."

  "She's going to make it, isn't she?" Darus asked. He glanced at the other door to the room, one marked medical personnel only. The lights were on in the room beyond.

  Tayvis shook his head. "I don't know."

  Silence fell in the room, thick and heavy with despair.

  "She's strong, she'll make it," Ginni whispered. But even she couldn't quite believe her own words.

  The inner door opened. They all looked towards it, hope and worry on their faces. The medic in the doorway pulled his mask down. Blood spattered across his tunic. He looked the way medics look when they have only bad news.

  "She's awake," he said without preamble, "for now. We can let one person in for a few minutes." He didn't need to add it might be last anyone saw of her alive.

  "Is she going to make it?" Darus asked, rising slowly to his feet.

  "Touch and go right now," the medic answered truthfully. "We don't know."

  "You go, Darus," Tayvis said. "You're her father."

  Darus hesitated. "Tayvis," he started.

  "Just go see her," Tayvis said, his voice harsh.

  "If you're coming, you need to come now," the medic said. He held the door open.

  Darus gave Tayvis one last glance before hurrying towards the door. It closed behind him. Tayvis sagged on the couch. His face was empty of hope.

  Paltronis and Beryn shifted away, walking across the room to the drink dispenser on the far side. Lowell stayed in the corner, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. Ginni looked down at Tayvis. She reached out and laid her hand on his shoulder. He glanced up at her.

  "She was dead, Ginni," he said.

  "Don't, Tayvis," she answered. "You have to believe."

  "I can't," he answered. He dropped his head into his hands.

  "You did everything you could," Ginni answered.

  "It wasn't enough," he whispered. He lay down on the couch, too tired to struggle anymore.

  His eyes drifted shut. He felt Ginni stand up. A few minutes later, she tucked a blanket over him. He was too asleep to thank her.

  Chapter 53

  The door to the waiting room opened. Ginni looked up from her perch on the arm of the couch. Jasyn and Clark came in. Clark leaned on his wife. He had one arm wrapped in a cast.

  "Any word?" he asked as Jasyn helped him sit on the couch across from Tayvis.

  Ginni shook her head. "Darus is in there with her."

  "How can he sleep?" Jasyn demanded, hands on her hips as she glared down at Tayvis.

  "Leave him alone, Jasyn," Ginni said, a bit too sharply.

  Beryn and Paltronis glanced over at them. Lowell was still in his corner, staring at the floor, his hands deep in his pockets. He didn't seem to notice.

  "We're all tired," Ginni said, more quietly. "And worried. Just let him sleep." She looked over at Clark. "He said you broke your arm."

  "A week or two and I'll be as good as new," Clark answered. He tried to smile. It came out a grimace. He leaned back, closing his eyes. "If they gave him half of what they gave me, it's no surprise he's out."

  The door opened again. This time it was Leon. He wore what was for him a very subdued suit. It was electric purple, with no stripes or polka dots. His usual grin was missing.

  "It looks pretty grim in here," he said. "Guess I don't need to ask." He sighed noisily and pushed his hands into his pants pockets. His suit coat bulged around him.

  Jasyn paced in front of the couch where Clark sprawled. They waited in heavy silence.

  The hall door opened again. The young man who entered stopped just inside the door. He wore a flight suit. His dark hair was cut short. It was tousled and messed from being inside the flight helmet tucked under one arm. He grinned half-heartedly at Clark as he crossed the room to stand near the couch.

  "That was some flying," he said. He held out his hand to Clark.

  Jasyn frowned, trying to place him.

  Clark took the offered hand with his left hand. "Thanks for the help, Doggo."

  "Doggo?" Jasyn asked. "Is that really you?"

  "Diego," he answered. "All grown up and responsible now."

  "I didn't recognize you without your chains," Jasyn answered. She pulled him into a hug which he returned enthusiastically.

  "How you been, spacer chick?" Doggo asked.

  "I've been better," she answered as she let him go.

  He glanced past her at the inner door. "I heard. We're all pulling for her. I'm still technically on duty. I've got to get back. Tell Tayvis I stopped by."

  "We'll do that," Jasyn said.

  Doggo waved as he walked quickly out the door. It slid shut behind him.

  "You were awfully quiet," Jasyn said to Ginni.

  "I almost can't believe it was Doggo," Ginni said.

  "Somehow I'm not surprised he's a fighter pilot," Clark said. "A very good one. He shot down at least three of the flitters following us."

  "Just what were you thinking, Trevyn?" Jasyn said, sitting down next to her husband. "That excuse for a flitter wasn't rated for anything near vacuum."

  "I did what I had to, Jasyn," he answered. "She'd be dead if we'd landed and waited for something better to show up."

  "You almost got yo
urself killed," Jasyn answered.

  He held out his left arm. She slipped under it and snuggled up next to him.

  "But I didn't," he answered. He kissed her hair.

  She laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around him.

  "Should we be worried about that?" Ginni asked, nodding towards the far corner of the room.

  Leon was deep in quiet conversation with Lowell. He gestured wildly, his purple suit flapping around him. Lowell just watched, a mild expression of amusement on his face.

  "Lowell's a big boy," Jasyn said and yawned. Clark's eyes were already closed.

  "And Leon's a weasel," Ginni said.

  "Yes, but he's our weasel," Jasyn answered.

  The door opened again. This time it was Twyla. Jasyn reluctantly sat up.

  "Where's Louie?" she asked.

  "Charming two young women into feeding him as many cookies as he can eat," Twyla answered. "He's fine, Jasyn. They promised to make him brush his teeth before they tucked him in. They're in a suite just around the corner. They promised to let you know if they needed anything."

  Jasyn sat back on the couch, accepting Twyla's reassurance.

  The room fell silent again. Twyla wandered around the room until she found a magazine to read. She settled into a chair and slowly flipped pages.

  The inner door opened. Their attention snapped to the door. Tayvis frowned in his sleep. Darus stumbled through the door, his face pale. His hands were shaking. The door slid shut behind him.

  Jasyn was on her feet again, hurrying over to Darus. "What happened?"

  He shook his head. "She didn't say anything." He wiped his hand down his face. "She looked awful. She started having seizures. They kicked me out." He sagged where he stood.

  Jasyn put her arms around him, holding him. She looked through the tiny window into the hallway beyond. Medics ran in and out of the end room.

  "Code blue means her heart stopped, right?" Darus asked. "That's what they were shouting when they pushed me out the door." He leaned against Jasyn.

  "Come sit down," Jasyn said, leading him away from the door. "She'll make it, Darus. She has to."

  "Not this time," Darus sighed. He slowly sank onto the couch near Clark. He stared bleakly at the floor under his feet. Twyla offered him a cup of water. He took it mechanically and just held it.

  Jasyn folded her arms, hunching her shoulders as if she were freezing. She was cold inside, though the room was warm enough. This couldn't be real. This had to be a nightmare. She wanted to wake up. She avoided meeting anyone's gaze. She wandered the room hopelessly.

  More time passed. Clark started to snore. She tucked a blanket under his head for a pillow after she settled him into a more comfortable position. He blinked tiredly at her before his eyes closed again. She stood over him, almost wishing someone would shoot her full of painkillers. It wouldn't help the pain she felt, not this kind.

  Leon caught up with her as she paced near the door. He patted her shoulder. "I've got a million things I gotta do. I'll come back when I can."

  She patted his hand and nodded. Leon slipped out the door.

  She looked around the waiting room. It was grim, despite the effort to make it comfortable and inviting. She shivered. It was a death watch. Dace wasn't going to make it. She hated herself for believing it but she couldn't convince herself otherwise, not this time.

  Darus was still hunched on the couch, staring at the floor. Twyla flipped a page in her magazine. Paltronis and Beryn whispered to each other, their heads together. Lowell looked up from his study of his boots and met her eyes.

  "It isn't your fault, Lowell," she said. Her quiet voice carried across the room. "Not this time. And don't give me your excuses about promising to protect her."

  He smiled, but it didn't come close to touching his eyes. He looked away from her, back down at the floor.

  She sighed and began pacing again.

  There was a commotion in the hallway outside. She turned her head towards the door, more out of habit than anything else. The news she really wanted and dreaded would come from the inner door.

  The hall door opened. A short, balding man in a tattered brown robe stepped in. She caught a glimpse of people milling in the hallway outside before the door slid shut. He only paused a moment before he caught her eye and crossed towards her.

  She studied him, puzzled by what she saw in his eyes. He looked slightly ridiculous in the strange robe, but there was nothing remotely ridiculous in the way he carried himself. He had the air of someone who could move planets if he gave the order. He reached her and cocked his head to one side, watching her.

  "You must be Jasyn." His accent was odd, a rolling blend of consonants and an inflection in his vowels that told her Galactic Basic was not his native language. He held out his hand to her. She hesitated before taking it. He shook it, pretending he hadn't noticed the hesitation. "I'm Roland."

  She felt as strange, no, she felt stranger, than she did the time she had landed her ship on Linas-Drias and met the Emperor. She was shaking the hand of the President of the Federation. It felt surreal. She wondered if she was dreaming again.

  His smile twisted wryly. "I see you recognize the name. I'm not much for formality."

  "I can see that," she said and mentally kicked herself for the lame remark.

  He squeezed her hand and let go. "We're doing everything we can. I owe Dace a lot. She saved my life once."

  "Someone told me to ask you about sticker bushes if I ever met you," Jasyn said.

  Roland laughed. It was a bright sound, out of place in the room full of misery, like a bird singing in a polluted wasteland. It gave her a spark of hope, though. She smiled back, briefly.

  "That was the first time she saved my life," Roland said, grinning. "You'll have to ask her to tell you the story."

  "If she makes it," Jasyn said, suddenly grim again.

  Roland's look sobered. "We'll do everything we can," he said again. "If there's the smallest chance, we'll take it."

  "Thank you," she said quietly.

  "There are rooms available, if anyone wants one, around the corner. Your ship isn't going to be accessible for a while. They're taking it to dry dock. Sorry about shooting out your engine. I'm afraid Captain Kevalis was a bit overzealous."

  "What about Ghost?" Ginni asked. "Dace's cat," she added.

  The blank look on Roland's face faded into comprehension. "Small, gray thing? All teeth and claws?" He grinned again. "She's fine. It took my animal people an hour just to catch her, though. And cost them quite a few scratches. We put her into her own suite in the pet hostel."

  "If you're lying to me," Ginni threatened.

  "Never," Roland said with such sincerity she couldn't possibly doubt him. "I'll have one of my people take you there if you wish. You just have to ask. For anything you need."

  "And what is it going to cost us?" Jasyn asked bluntly.

  "Nothing," Roland answered. "Not for the crew of the legendary Phoenix Rising. Although I would appreciate it if you would talk some sense back into the Gypsy Council for me. When it's convenient for you," he added with a sympathetic smile. "No one's going to ask you to go to Tebros, not yet. Tell you what, I'll have the Council assemble here. How about sometime next week?"

  "How about never?" Jasyn answered.

  He laughed again. "That's funny. I'll keep in touch."

  Jasyn glared at him as he left. The people in the hallway swarmed him as soon as the door opened. It slid shut on the commotion, cutting off the noise.

  "That has to be the strangest person I've ever met," Jasyn said. She was amused by him, despite his conviction she was going to deal with the Gypsy Council. Not until Hades froze over, she promised herself.

  Ginni grinned. She smothered a yawn behind her hand.

  "The two of you should get along great," Jasyn said to Lowell, crossing the room to stand next to him.

  Lowell shook his head. "I'm sure the Federation will want to shoot me just as much as the Emp
ire. They aren't going to trust me. The best I can hope for is a comfortable cell somewhere. I'm the enemy here, Jasyn. And the traitor in the Empire."

  "Is that what's bothering you?" Jasyn asked.

  "Not really," he said. He looked towards the inner door and sighed. "No news is good news. But only here."

  "You're part of my crew now," Jasyn said. "If anyone wants to lock you up, they're going to have to fight me. And the rest of the crew. You're Shellfinder now, Grant."

  "It isn't that easy, Jasyn."

  "Yes, it is. It's the Gypsy way. No one touches my Family without my permission."

  "Even after everything I've done?"

  "If Dace can forgive you, then so can I." She reached out and hugged him. "I think scrubbing the bathrooms should finish off your penance. If you think it will make you feel better." She let him go.

  She was surprised to see him wipe a tear off his cheek.

  "I've just got something in my eye," he said.

  "If that's what you say." She turned away, giving him some measure of privacy.

  She paced the room restlessly for a while. Twyla dozed off, the magazine still draped over her lap. Beryn and Paltronis slept, heads together and hands entwined. Clark snored. Tayvis slept deeply, his chest barely moving as he breathed. Darus twitched and muttered in his sleep. Ginni looked up as she paced past.

  "You want to make a bet about who's coming through the door next?" Ginni asked quietly.

  "Are you expecting the Emperor?"

  "I wouldn't be surprised," Ginni said. "Roland was something else."

  "I think Doggo caught your interest more," Jasyn said. She almost smiled when Ginni blushed.

  She wandered away, unable to sit still for long even though she was so tired her eyes burned. She got herself a drink of something hot from the dispenser. She leaned against the counter as she sipped.

  She heard people passing in the hall outside and guessed it must be day on the ship. It seemed like she'd been waiting forever in the hushed room.

  Time passed. The others slowly woke up. The inner door remained shut. She threw her cup away and went to sit by Clark.

  "You look exhausted," he said when she sat down. "Any word?"


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