War of the Holies

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War of the Holies Page 2

by Artemio Saguinsin

  “ Good, let them proceed now” the king said.

  Kadziel and his legions went ahead of the Pope’s carriage to a safe direction to avoid the road to death. Zakre was confused when they did not find the Pope’s carriage, but only the escorts.

  Turko went with king’s legions to meet the convoy in the woods. Not too far from the middle of the road. Zakre alerted his men.

  “ There they are ! announced the troop commander.

  “ I saw them coming . Get ready. “ said Kadziel.

  “ They’re coming Get set” Zakre said.

  “ Where’s the Pope?” asked Turko.

  “ I don’t know. Perhaps, they led to another direction for assurance.” One emissary replied.

  “ Where’s the Pope?” asked Zakre.

  “ He’s not around. What shall we do?” asked his assistant.

  “ Attack them all! “

  Kadziel’s legions ferociously fought throngs of heavily-armed Vikings along the way. Likewise, the king’s soldiers were surprised by the attack of Zakre. They could not hold back but to fight and joined Kadziel in their battle against them.

  “ Hold Turko! Don’t let him go!” the commander ordered.

  Zakre and his company were killed in the ferocious battle with the joint effort of the two forces.

  “ Where is the Pope?” asked the commander.

  “ There they are” Kadziel replied as points to the woods.

  From the shades of the woods the carriage and its escorts appeared to them.

  “ Whose kingdom has sent you to save us?” asked the Pope.

  “ We’re sent by the king of France. We’ve come to save.” Kadziel replied.

  “ You’re amazing and wonderful. I’ve never seen such a kind of glaring breastplates and swords and your army rides on all white horses” the pope said.

  “ We’ve come to destroy the dark army, the Vandals, Barbarians, Huns and Vikings of the peaceful kingdoms.” Kadziel said.

  “ Yes, the dark army. The ones in dark shaded armor and cloud-glaring swords in black horses?” the confused Pope asked.

  “ We’ve not known such a kind of an enemy other than Vandals, Barbarians, Huns , Carolingian and Meronvigian traitors”

  “ I don’t understand you. But your armor is so unique than all other armies I have seen.”

  The palace welcomed them with amazement when they were seen being escorted by Kadziel’s cavalry. Kadziel and his legions were commended by the king. Turko was sentenced to die in the guillotine for treachery.

  “ Welcome to the kingdom of Germany. King Fredrick welcomes you and your entourage” the mayor of the palace proclaimed.

  “ I am thankful to God your honor that you and your entourage have come in peace and alive” the king said as he bowed and took hand of the Pope to kiss the ring.

  “ Yes, my king, I am thankful also to God who have sent me this wonderful and amazing cavaliers who saved us from the enemy and from the dark enemy”

  “ What dark enemy your holiness?”

  “ They call their enemies, dark enemy.” Pope replied.

  “ Yes, they are dark and devil” said the king.

  He called the attention of Kadziel and waved his hand to approach the king.“ This gallant man named Kadziel and his light army was sent to us by king of France to save us “

  Kadziel vowed as respect to the king.

  “ He looks amazing with a unique armored uniform and all in white horses?” the king said.

  The rule of the Pope would have lasted for more than ten years had there been no issue nor any serious problem that had occurred but normally when problem arose regarding political and domestic affairs the clergy and the office of the papacy would demand for election of the new Pope.This time Pope Clemenceau was very ill and dying. The congregation of bishops and cardinals in the conclave would have to elect the next successor.

  But in some cases there were secrets that were behind the seat of power. The brother of the king of France, Protacitus, a bishop was eyeing for the papacy. Protacitus would whisper with his friends and collaborators in the papacy and secretly, he would hand gold and silver to them.

  “ By all means, get them all for me”

  “ We would try but expect it would be yours” said a papal friend.

  Soon after the death of Clemenceau, Protacitus succeeded by a majority vote in the conclave. Protacitus was now known as Pope Stephanus, who ruled with a hidden motive and a questionable reputation about his past record as Cardinal

  But this time all his concerns were for the papacy. Records of failures and dark records of Cardinals assigned to other lands would be recovered and revealed in public and if needed he would ask the tribunal to have them tried dead or alive in order to punish them by all means .

  He had shown his reign with tyranny, merciless but with strong determination to govern the papacy and if possible the kingdom of Italy. He had publicly displayed his greed for power and blatantly, he would dictate his will to the king.

  The king would only be humbled by chant of religious words he would spell in his presence as if the king was being accused. The king who knew that the people believed more than the spiritual prowess and influence of the Pope would most likely at times to forego the Pope’s unwanted sermon. The conduct of the Pope and his great interest in the affairs of the state would most likely resort to indifferences between the Pope and the King.

  If a war hero was always welcomed from a triumphant war with a loud voice of praise and honor.

  “ Hail to the hero! Hail to the hero!”, the Pope would most likely wanted to hear the same when speaking before the congregation of fanatic followers when delivering his sermon to win their hearts and minds.

  However, since the sympathy of the citizenry was always on the Pope, the king would sometimes thought of assassinating the undesirable Pope whose reputation was revealed to be tarnished by corruption, power-greed, politicizing, filthiness, tyranny and cruelty.

  Thus, he would most likely ended with another successor that had different motives that was usually revealed when already in power.

  At that time King Louis was conferring with Kadziel in the presence of Lady Moraiza, his daughter about his plans of ratifying a decree between him and Rome about equal protection and justice for the inhabitants particularly those deprived of the right to defend themselves and obtain justice that they deserve from court trial.

  The law accordingly, will provide a chance for the injured party to re-open a closed case when a new evidence has been found. This decree will not favor any person in society may they be common people or people in a higher echelon.

  King Louis prompted him to create a law because of the rampant abuses of local authorities that were not condemned in court of law but they cheated and abused the law by bribing and deceiving them.

  Miscarriage of justice was often times committed by persons in authority and would let the case remained closed when no evidence would strongly prove the commission of an offense.

  He thought of re-opening the long closed case when new evidence is found against the accused and ordered him stand trial until found guilty.

  Kadziel and Lady Moraiza were impressed by the proposed draft of King Louise that would be presented to the Pope in Rome for ratification.

  Soon after the draft was finalized the King reduced this writing into a manuscript form.


  Eventually, King Otto 1 of Germany was overthrown from power by the hostile action of his illegitimate brother Prince Kruger, who later became King after King Otto was toppled.

  The Carolingian family belligerently opposed the hostile action of King Kruger from abducting the throne from King Otto 1 by not recognizing his sovereignty over Germany. However, since King Otto 1 lived in exile in Austria, King Kruger resumed his function as the sovereign King of Germany. France was neutral in this issue and had not sent its emissary to Germany.

  After some time some religious missionaries arrived from the coast of the count
ry and started preaching Protestantism among the town people. This mission raised different reactions among the people that belonged to a dominant belief in Catholicism. Catholic clergies were irked by the mission and called the attention of high priests in their locales. But because of the different persuasive style in their approaches among the people and listeners from different parts and vicinity of the country the more the religious authorities became more repulsive .

  “ More and more people are drawing in the protestant churches and our people are leaving us just like that?” the high priest complained.

  “ We will do an action that may deter religious influx into their churches

  as soon as possible” the bishop said.

  “ What do you think?”

  “ We will launch a campaign nationwide to drive out those missionaries”

  This issue called the attention of Cardinal Bogart who was then assigned in the kingdom of France that managed the spiritual affairs of the state and the kingdom.

  “ The clamor of our priests in many local churches of the country concerning the missionary works of the protestant is growing because of the influx of more and more people into their churches.” the bishop exclaimed.

  “ We will let the King about this, otherwise the support of the church to this kingdom would be divided, likewise, Rome will not be happy about this issue” said the Cardinal.

  The king was not happy about the issue and prompted him to issue a decree limiting the religious activity of the missionaries in the country. However, this was opposed by some protestant converts citing their religious freedom and the absence of any charter pertaining to limitation on religious beliefs.

  “ Your majesty, the impact of this issue will reflect disappointment from Pope” said Jean-Pierre, the mayor of the palace.

  “ I will pronounce and sign a decree that will limit the missionary activity and as much as possible drive them out of the country. This is not a good sign for our religious doctrine and would eventually disintegrate our people.” The king exclaimed.

  “ Rome will not be comfortable with this issue” he added.

  The king called on the people and announced his decree that admonished adherence to traditional Catholicism and to avoid embracing different religions.

  However, oppositionists demanded for freedom and demanded amendment in his decree.

  “ We cannot force the people to adhere with our doctrine forever.” said the Cardinal.

  “ Why not? We will eventually lose people’s trust and confidence if we let the missionaries continue their activity here.” The king said.

  “ There might be religious revolt if we do that and force the people to be back in our church.” He added.

  “ There is no choice but to drive them out by force than causing us more trouble”

  “ If that is your command your majesty, we will obey” he replied.

  The missionaries were forced to leave the country by religious authorities that even the assigned royal guards were at times ordered to force the church men out of the country.

  At that time, Europe was plagued by what they called black plague, a sort of disease that killed thousands of people when contacted and eventually it spread across France. Many people were affected and killed by the dreaded disease.

  The King ordered Kadziel to escort his daughter, Lady Moraiza on her way to Rome to avoid being contacted with the dreaded disease.

  The field trek was safe since there was no encounter with any enemy along their way.

  Upon arriving at the Old St. Peter’s Basilica , they were greeted and met by Pope Stephanus, the king’s brother.

  “ It’s good that you thought of leaving France. In here , you will be safe.” the Pope said.

  “ My Father was quick in his decision” Moraiza replied.

  “ I hope that your entourage are also safe and well” the Pope added.

  “ We are fine, your holiness” Kadziel replied.

  “ You stay here for awhile and rest”

  “ Yes, uncle, but they will be back soon to France” Moraiza added.

  Soon after a few days rest at the house of Pope, Kadziel and his troops went back to France.

  The situation had become worse that the dreaded plague had sneaked into the palace and contacted the king.

  “ These missionaries brought these miseries that befell upon us” the Cardinal uttered.

  “ The people now would realize that these plagues are the scourge for turning away from their faith” said the king.

  “ Your majesty, you have been contacted by the dreaded disease. You must be brought out of the kingdom to ease the pain of your sufferings and before it gets worse.” appealed the Cardinal.

  “ The king should be sent to Rome to join his daughter. It would be safer if they will stay there to heal his disease” the mayor said.

  “ But it would not be safe for me along the way because of my enemy” the king replied.

  “ Trust Kadziel, your fine Chief of Staff. He would do things to protect you.” He added.

  Kadziel with the rest of his royal guards escorted the ailing king to Rome despite the danger along their way from the lurking savage men.

  The field trek was safe and after a few days they arrived in the house of Pope in Rome. They were met by the Pope and Moraiza. The king was housed and treated in the finest confinement care in the house in order to recuperate. The specter of the spreading plague raised different interpretations among the peoples in Europe. Some believers thought it was sent as punishment to those who did not believe in their traditional religion and the result was that they had been possessed by evil spirits that caused them suffer the plagues.

  Some believed that those who were inflicted with the dreaded disease would have to be exorcised and in order to drive them out from their bodies.

  Victims had to be tied around the trees or pillars to suffer the whipping so that those evil spirits present in the body would leave them and to free them from its torment.

  While the dreaded plague was ravaging most parts of the kingdom, the king was immediately prepared to travel with his carriage to Rome in the house of the Pope, who was his brother in order to be saved from contacting the same disease. Meanwhile in Rome. In his priest-like robe with his head covered by a hood, Bajal trod his way to St. Peters Basilica to the house of Pope.

  By all means, Bajal would do something mysterious to penetrate the house of Pope to perform his evil schemes. Wearing his habit in the presence of all other clergymen his mission would begin.

  “ Brother, may you please proceed to proclaim your identity and communication” asked the elder.

  Bajal would look cleverly and grinned at them.

  “As you commanded, elder” He was brotherly and astute in his manner of interacting among them. As a tradition in the church, acceptance by the brothers and elders of the congregation would be announced and celebrated.

  “ I have never seen you before in the congregation of brothers from Germany, brother…?” asked a Bishop.

  “ What is your name?”

  “ I am brother Rudolf. Perhaps, you just missed me. The congregation was

  so huge that we could hardly meet.” He replied.

  “ I believe you would find more interesting people in the house of papacy.” the Bishop added.

  “ Pope Stephanus would be glad to know you. Come on. Meet him “

  “ Oh, I wish to see him very gladly.” Bajal said.

  Pope Stephanus had a very nice and pleasant office reception for guests. He was a silent pope whose personal life was so secret but had been so far revealed by a few relatives and friends.

  His past was concealed with darkness as known by his colleagues.

  “ I would be very glad to know you and be one of us, brother Rudolf” the Pope said.

  “ Thank you, your holiness” replied Bajal.

  While they exchanged pleasantries a beautiful young woman with all her splendor and seducing beauty would approach them.

>   “ I want you to meet my niece, Lady Moraiza of Strasbourg. France has been affected by a plague and her father, King Louise, my brother ”

  Bajal vowed and kissed her right hand.

  “ I am very honored to meet you, Lady Moraiza .”

  Bajal looked at her eyes with all his adoration and admiration.

  Likewise, Moraiza’s tantalizing eyes focused at him as if there were something different in Bajal’s person.

  “ Moraiza, he is Brother Rudolf from Germany”

  “ I have never known you before since my last congregational visit to Germany” she asked.

  “ Perhaps, I was on an foreign assignment.” He said.

  “ Anyway, why don’t we join the rest for a meal and a toast” the Pope offered.

  Moraiza would introduce Kadziel who was her escort to the house of papacy.

  “ My Father’s Chief of Staff , Kadziel, a trusted Royal Emissary” she said.

  “ I am very honored to meet you, your holiness” Kadziel vowed.

  “ Kadziel, meet brother Rudolf, our new brother in the house” the Pope asked.

  Kadziel extended his right hand and Bajal while looking at his eyes and slowly shook it.

  “ It’s a pleasure to meet you Officer”

  “ I am pleased to meet you, brother” he said.

  “ How long would your stay here lasts?” Bajal asked.

  “ Until the plague in France is gone.” Moraiza replied.

  “ Take your time to see and feel the comfort of the place.” the Pope said.

  “ That was so inviting and pleasant for us” she added.

  In the still of the night, Kadziel walked through the balcony to see the bright shiny moon and ambiance of the place. Moraiza approached him


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