Believe in Me

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Believe in Me Page 11

by E. L. Todd

Scarlet hugged him next and rested her head against his chest.

  “You think she’ll be okay?” Roland asked.

  “I do, sweetheart.” She rubbed his back.

  It was interesting to watch them together. Roland was almost a foot taller than her but he still looked up to her.

  When I looked past them, I saw Heath standing a few feet away. I was grateful Roland had a friend he could rely on. He already had his family and Conrad but it didn’t hurt to branch out and make new friends.

  Roland pulled away. “When will she be out of surgery?”

  “We don’t know,” Skye said. “Be patient.”

  “Okay,” he said with a nod. Then he walked back to Heath.

  When he was gone, I relaxed. I returned to my normal self, hopeless and broken.

  Scarlet watched me with analyzing eyes. “If we haven’t heard news this long, she’s probably okay.”

  “I won’t feel better until I see her—until I hold her.”

  She pressed her lips together and said nothing else.

  The hallway was becoming packed with everyone that showed up. Our family was way too big. Ryan, Janice, Silke, and Arsen came next. Most of them stayed away because they knew I wasn’t in the mood to talk.

  But Ryan came to Scarlet. They were best friends so I expected this.

  “Do you know anything?” he asked calmly.

  I moved away from them and leaned against the wall, wanting to be left alone.

  “No,” she said. “We’re still waiting.”

  He nodded and his eyes shined with concern. “I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”

  “Just being here is enough, Ryan.”

  Ryan pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly. “She’ll be okay. She’s like her mama—a fighter.”

  “I know she will.”

  He closed his eyes and kissed her forehead. “I’m here if you need anything.”

  “I know.”

  “Even a milkshake.” He gave her a slight smile.

  “I don’t think even that will make me feel better.”

  “It was worth a shot,” he said with a shrug.

  “Yeah, I suppose.”

  Ryan turned to me. “I’m sorry, man.”

  “Thanks.” I didn’t look at him.

  He pulled me into a hug anyway. “I’m here for you—both of you.”

  “I know.”

  He patted my back then stepped away. Then he headed back to his family.

  Scarlet turned back to me. “Remember when Skye swallowed that plastic army soldier that belonged to Roland? We had to take her to the emergency room so they could get it out of her throat.”


  “You took her to the emergency room and took care of her. You’re doing it now. And that’s all a father can do.”

  My eyes watered.

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  “It’s my daughter, Scarlet. I’ll always be hard on myself.”


  “Where’s my son?” Dad came around the corner and searched us, trying to find me.

  I was a grown man and had been one for a long time. I turned to my father countless times for advice and help. He was always there for me. Despite all this time, I still turned to him for everything. “I’m here, Dad.” I stepped away from Scarlet.

  He gave me a look that broke my heart. Somehow, it made the tears bubble to the surface. “I’m so sorry, son.” He pulled me into his chest and held me close. “I know how scared you are. It’s okay.”

  I returned his embrace and leaned on him, using him as a crutch even more than my own wife. “I don’t know what I’m going to do if she doesn’t make it…” I cried and didn’t feel ashamed. My dad couldn’t fix my boo-boos like he couldn’t when I was young. But he was still my savior.

  “She’ll make it, son. Don’t worry.”

  Everyone kept saying that but how did they know?

  He held me for a long time, giving me the comfort I needed. “Sugar Pop is fierce. Don’t worry about her.”

  Dad had the weirdest nicknames for his grandkids but now I thought it was cute. “I can’t. I’m her father. I’ll always worry.”

  He chuckled. “I know how that is.”

  “I’m sorry for all the times I scared you. Now I know how it feels.”

  He pulled away and patted my cheek. “It’s water under the bridge.” Then he moved his hand to my shoulder. “Don’t grieve for someone you haven’t lost. You’re hurting yourself more than necessary. Be optimistic until you no longer can.”

  He was going to give me advice, like always. “Thanks.”

  “Now, put on a brave front for your wife. She’s comforting you when it should be the other way around.”

  My wife was just held at gunpoint not that long ago and all I could care about was myself and how scared I was. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Always here to help.”

  When I looked up, I saw a man in green scrubs heading my way. I maneuvered around my father and ran toward him, assuming he had news about Skye. “Is she okay?”

  He put his hands on his hips as he spoke. “Are you, Mr. Preston?”

  “I’m her father,” I blurted. “Now tell me.”

  Cayson jumped to his feet then stood by my side, just as desperate for news as I was.

  “The surgery went well. We were able to repair the artery. The only thing I’m concerned about is infection so we’ll need to monitor her for a while.”

  I released the breath I was holding and felt the tension ebb away. “She’s okay?” Tears sprang to my eyes.

  “I suspect she’ll make a full recovery. I was a little worried about the artery but you got here so quickly we were able to take care of it without any complications.”

  “Thank you so much.” I pulled him in for an inappropriate hug. “Thank you. Thank you.”

  He patted me on the back awkwardly. “I’m just doing my job. The nurse will bring her to her room shortly.”

  I let him go then turned to Scarlet. “She’s going to be okay.” Tears poured out of my eyes but they were happy tears.

  Her eyes watered too. “Our little girl is coming back.”

  I pulled her into my arms and practically squeezed her. “Thank fucking god.”

  She cupped my face and kissed me. “I knew she would fight her way back to us.”

  “I forget how strong my women are.” I kissed the area over her left shoulder, where she had a scar from her own gun wound.

  “Don’t forget it again.”

  I glanced at Cayson and saw him hug Slade tightly.

  “I told you she was going to be fine,” Slade said. “That girl needs to keep annoying the world. It’s her purpose in life. How can she do that if she’s dead?”

  Cayson chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  Slade smiled while he patted his shoulder. “Everyone is okay. Skye will be out her soon and you can be gross together like always.”

  “I can’t wait. Thanks for putting up with me for eight hours. I know it wasn’t easy.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” Slade said. “But I’d do anything for you. Like, you’d do anything for me.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  When they rolled Skye into the room, I almost cried. Seeing her alive was what I’d been waiting for. Seeing her chest rise and fall with every breath she took invigorated me.

  She was really here.

  The nurse moved her IV pole and got her situated. Then she looked at all of us. “You really shouldn’t have this many people in a room…”

  We all ignored her.

  When she finally left, everyone crowded around. I was closest to her and I grabbed her hand, savoring the feel of her pulse under my fingertips. It felt wonderful, feeling her living.

  Sean and Scarlet were on the other side of the bed and they stared at her with tears in their eyes. Sean kissed Skye’s hand then rested his hand on her arm. “Skye, we’re here. We’ll be here when you wa
ke up.”

  Scarlet ran her fingers through Skye’s hair.

  A large gauze was wrapped around Skye’s entire shoulder. It was white and clean, with no bleeding coming in underneath. I was grateful to see her whole and well. Her skin was fair and her lips bloodless, but her vital signs were stable.

  Slade came behind me and rested his hands on my shoulders. “You know, she’s not that hideous after all.”

  I chuckled. “When you almost lose someone they don’t look that bad, huh?”

  “I guess,” he said. “You know what we should do when Skye wakes up?”


  “Pizza party. She would love that.”

  “Actually, that’s not a bad idea,” I said.

  “Then let’s go out and get some.”

  “Excellent idea,” I said. “She won’t be awake for a while anyway.”

  “Let’s hit the road.”

  “We’ll be back soon,” I said.

  “We’ll all be here,” Sean said as he stared at Skye.

  Slade and I walked out.

  “I’m thinking olives and pineapple,” Slade said. “Maybe with some tomatoes on top. Fucking delicious.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” I said, walking fast.

  “Whoa…talk about a mood swing.”

  “Forget the pizza. We’re doing something else first.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “You’ll see when we get there.”


  “You’re buying an engagement ring?” he asked when he stood outside Tiffany’s. “Dude, she just got out of surgery an hour ago. You want to do this now?”


  “Can we do this later?” he asked incredulously. “I know we got time to kill but really…?”

  “No, it can’t wait.” I walked inside and Slade followed me.

  “Why not?”

  “I’m proposing the second she wakes up.”

  His jaw dropped. “Like, today?”


  “Like, now?”

  “What part don’t you understand?” I demanded.

  “What happened to the perfect proposal and all that bullshit?” he asked. “Now you’re just going to do it now?”

  “I almost lost her. I don’t want to waste another moment being her boyfriend. I want something more. I can’t live without her. What’s more romantic than that?”

  “Well, mine was pretty romantic…”

  “Skye doesn’t care. As long as I ask, she’ll say yes.”

  “I guess you’re right.”

  “Almost losing her made me realize how stupid it is to wait…she’s my soul mate. I don’t need more time.”

  He smiled then patted my shoulder. “Then let’s find the perfect ring.”

  I looked through the glass cases until I saw something that reminded me of her. “That one is nice.” It was a platinum band with a solitaire diamond.

  “It’s flashy.”

  “Well, I want guys to see it and stay clear.”

  “My ring does that pretty well.”

  I looked at a few more. “Skye is simple. I know she’ll want something simple.”

  “Yeah, Trinity is more of a bling-bling type of person.”

  After I looked through all the rings I went back to the solitaire diamond. “I think this it. I can see her wearing this forever.”

  “It’s nice,” Slade said. “But how much is it…?”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I forgot,” he said sarcastically. “You’re rolling in the dough now.”

  I was but I didn’t like to talk about it. “Skye is going to wear this for the rest of her life. I want it to be perfect. When people look at it I want it to blind them.”

  “Well, you’ll accomplish that with this one.”

  I nodded to the salesman. “Can I see this one please?”

  He took it out then let me touch it.

  “What’s the quality of the diamond?” I asked.


  “What size is it?”

  “A five,” he answered.

  “Perfect. I’ll take it.”

  The salesman cocked an eyebrow. “Well, here’s the price.” He showed me the tag.

  It was more expensive than I thought.

  Slade grabbed his chest and released a gasp. “I’m going to have a heart attack…”

  I knew that was the one. “I’ll take it.”

  “Excellent, sir.” He rang me up at the register.

  “Dude, that’s a down payment on a house,” Slade said.

  “I know.”

  “How rich are you?” he demanded.

  I smirked. “I can afford the ring. That’s all that matters.”

  “Damn, I need to switch jobs.”

  “Trinity’s ring was nice and expensive.”

  “Nowhere in this ballpark, man…and do me a favor and don’t tell Trinity how much you paid for it.”

  I laughed. “She doesn’t care, Slade. You could have given her a plain band for twenty bucks and she would have loved it.”

  “You obviously don’t know her very well,” he said seriously.

  “I know how much she loves you. That’s all I need to know.”

  “Yeah, which is why she’s a flight risk…”

  I turned to him. “Is everything okay with you guys?”

  “We’re fine,” he said. “Madly in love. But I’ll never forget how much that hurt. I’m always watching my steps so I won’t fuck it up again. Being without her is torture—literally.”

  “I understand that.” I almost lost the love of my life. I paid for the ring with a credit card then took the box.

  “Man, you’re really going to do this?” Slade asked.

  “Yeah.” There wasn’t a doubt in my mind.

  He clapped my shoulder as he walked out. “I’m happy for you. I’m your best man, right?”

  “I was going to ask Roland.”

  He dropped his hand and looked like I sucker-punched him. “This better be a fucking joke. Roland is a fucking pussy. He’ll be the shittiest best man ever.”

  I laughed. “I’m fucking with you, man.”

  He released a sigh. “If your girlfriend didn’t almost die and you weren’t about to propose I’d give you real shit.”


  When we walked inside the room, Skye was awake. She was talking to her father, their hands joined together. His tears fell down his cheeks and onto her arm. Scarlet was teary-eyed too. Trinity was at the end of the bed, touching her leg. Roland was beside her, wiping his tears away.

  I was sad I wasn’t there to see her wake up. She probably wondered where I was. But I was there now.

  Skye turned my way when she spotted me. “Cayson…” Her eyes watered.

  “I’m here, baby.” I rushed to her and moved past everyone to get to her. I kneeled at her bedside and cupped her face. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried.” I kissed her tears and felt my own combine with hers.

  Her hands gripped my wrists while I held her. “I’m sorry I scared you…”

  “It’s okay. Everything is okay.” I kissed her again, feeling my heart swell.

  She let her face rest against mine while we silently had our moment. Everyone was there but neither one of us cared. I was reunited with the woman I loved, the woman I was destined to be with. I’d loved her for years, for a decade, and now she was finally mine.

  “Skye, I’ve never been so scared in my whole life. When I thought I might lose you, I couldn’t handle it. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved, and you’re the only woman I’ll ever love. I don’t want to waste another day without you.”

  “I love you,” she whispered back.

  “I want you for the rest of my life. Every day.”

  “I do too.”

  “And I never want to let you go again. I refuse to.”

  “Me too.”

  I brushed her tears away with the pads of my thumbs. “You’re the love of my life and I wa
nt today to be the beginning of a lifetime together.”

  She stared into my eyes, having no idea what I was getting at.

  I pulled the box out of my pocket then opened it. “Will you marry me?”

  She gasped and covered her face. “Oh my god!”

  Everyone was shocked.

  “What?” Ryan shouted.

  “Ahh!” Trinity screamed over and over.

  “Cayson is the man,” Slade said.

  “No fucking way,” Roland said.

  Skye’s eyes watered again and she fanned her face. “Oh my god…”

  Seeing her reaction made me cry. “We’re meant for each other and I don’t want to spend another day as just your boyfriend. I want you to be my wife. When I almost lost you…I hated the fact I didn’t have a chance to marry you. I hated the fact we didn’t have a family. I want that now, and I’m not going to take our time together for granted. I don’t give a damn that Slade and Trinity are getting married soon. I’m going to be selfish for once in my life and take what I want. We’re soul mates, and I want to be your husband, something I should have been from the beginning. I know we’re young and have a whole life ahead of us but you’re the only woman I’ll ever want. I don’t need more time. Now say yes.”

  “Cayson…” Her eyes dripped with tears. “Of course my answer is yes.” She extended her left hand to me.

  I pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her left ring finger. It sparkled like the skyline of New York City. It fit her perfectly, like it was made just for her. I smiled at her, glad that she was finally mine—forever.

  “Wait,” Slade said. “Did you ask Sean for permission?”

  Fuck, I knew I was forgetting something. I turned to him. “Damn, I’m sorry. I forgot—”

  “You have my permission, Cayson.” His eyes watered. “I know you’ll take care of my daughter.”

  I turned back to Skye and cupped her face. “Forever.”

  “And ever.” She pulled my face to hers and kissed me hard, not caring about anyone else in the room.

  I didn’t care either, not this time.

  “It’s so beautiful, Cayson,” Skye whispered. “It’s exactly what I wanted.”

  “I helped him pick it out,” Slade said.

  Scarlet took Skye’s left hand and looked at it. “Wow, I can’t even see where the Titanic hit it.”

  Skye chuckled. “I can’t either.”

  Scarlet wrapped her arm around her and kissed her forehead. “So happy for you, dear.”


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