The Dark Lands (Angelbound Origins Book 5)

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The Dark Lands (Angelbound Origins Book 5) Page 11

by Christina Bauer

  Walker’s horrible promise.

  Lucifer’s imminent release.

  Back at the Enmity brothers’ farm, I thought Walker was going into hiding temporarily. Or at least, he was going somewhere I could visit and-or convince him to escape from. But this? I already vowed to save Drayden. Freeing Walker’s brother isn’t possible if it sets Lucifer loose. And I certainly can’t allow Walker to become the next Labyrinth Master. There has to be another way.

  Sadly, we have less than eighteen hours to find it.

  Not looking good.

  Chapter 18

  I’m not too attentive about what happens next. Stairs are involved. Cobwebs. Raven carvings. At some point, there’s a front door and a few hellos with Happy. Soon, Jaime, Happy, Lincoln, and I are marching down the front steps of Black Wing Manor. Not sure if it’s day or night here. My guess is that it all looks the same. Heavy mist still covers the ground. I return to obsessively checking my watch. The latest countdown?

  Seventeen hours, eighteen minutes, fifty-two seconds.

  My stomach sinks to my toes. How can we save Walker and Drayden in less than a day?

  Without meaning to, I let out an extra loud sigh. Lincoln takes my hand; his gaze locks with mine. “We will do this.”

  I give his palm a gentle squeeze. “Yes.”

  All the while, the four of us step along a gravel path that leads off the grounds. Beyond saying hello, there hasn’t been much chatter. I stop before the gate’s archway. Lincoln waits beside me.

  My guy gives my hand a squeeze. “Is something wrong?” he asks.

  “Not wrong,” I reply. “I was just thinking. Once we cross under this archway, we’re no longer protected by the magic of the fence that surrounds Black Wing Manor. Only, I don’t see any sign of magic. Normally, there are ward stones or some sign of a spell.”

  Lincoln scans the nearby ground. “There’s too much mist to be sure.”

  Happy’s voice carries through the haze. “I’ll show you where the magic comes from. Just follow me.”

  I shoot Lincoln a sly smile. “I guess my voice carries.”

  He winks. “It does.”

  Still hand in hand, we step under the archway and beyond the gates protection. Our small group makes a sharp left into the mist. We only walk a few yards when Happy pauses.

  “We can stop right here,” says Happy. “I’ll clean things so you can get a better view.”

  I purse my lips. Could Happy’s magic involve controlling the weather?

  Happy turns to Jaime. “When was the last time we didn’t have this fog?”

  Jaime bobs his head, thinking. “About a month ago.”

  “Perfect.” Happy rubs her hands together, just as she did when we first faced Inferno. Small bolts of lightning crackle between her palms. Happy then kneels and places her hands against the dark grass. When she speaks, her voice is deeper and rich with power. “I cast my spell. Return this place to one month ago.”

  White light bursts from Happy’s palms, landing directly into the earth. The brightness flares across the landscape in concentric circles, reminding me of a stone being dropped in a pond. Only instead of a stone, it’s Happy’s magic. And what would be the pond is the landscape around Black Wing Manor.

  The light flares more brightly before disappearing. The spell is cast. All around us, the mist instantly evaporates. A rolling green now appears before us, although the grass is more black than emerald. The sky stays dark with clouds, but at least the ground is visible. A sense of awe tingles through my limbs.

  Before us, there stretches the largest graveyard I have ever seen. There are statues galore, all of them stacked up so closely, I wonder how many people died to warrant such a display.

  “The way my power works is to—” Happy stops mid-sentence. Like before, she pauses with that alertness that only comes when sensing a predator. Happy slowly stands. As Happy’s hands leave the Earth, her spell breaks. The mist slowly reappears, covering all the landscape in a milky haze.

  That when I notice it.

  An odd smell wafts on the air. I take in a deep breath and try to place the scent. Peat moss. Wet grass. Dust. Charcoal.

  I give Lincoln’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Is that?” I don’t need to add the name Inferno.

  Lincoln inhales as well. “I’m not sure.”

  Jaime rounds on Happy. “Whatever it is, we’re going back to the manor. Now.”

  “It might not be her,” counters Happy. “We must help both Drayden and Walker. Lincoln and Myla have to see everything.”

  Jaime grabs Happy’s hand. “I promised your parents I would care for you. That means we don’t wait around for trouble.”

  The charcoal scent grows more intense. Dots of red light flicker through the mists above our heads. No question about it.

  Inferno is coming.

  “Everyone back to the mansion,” I call. “Now!”

  The four of us spin about and race toward the archway and the protection of manor grounds. Before us, Inferno appears out of the mist. Her great molten wings spread to full width, blocking the gate’s entrance archway.

  I set my feet shoulder width apart. My tail arches high. Battle stance.

  “Plan Omega,” says Lincoln.

  This is a defense versus assault plan. Lincoln wants us to distract Inferno so Happy and Jaime can get away. Great idea. As an extra bonus, Plan Omega includes more of the acrobatic moves I love. Lincoln pulls out his baculum, igniting them into a spear.


  Now, my dragonscale fighting suit doesn’t magically change like my Scala robes. That said, this outfit does have a few bonus features. I pull on the built-in gloves and yank the flame-resistant hood over my head.

  There. Now I’m perfectly protected from fire.

  Igniting my baculum into a pair of short swords, I race straight into a frontal assault. Inferno stands before the archway to enter the manor grounds. I speed toward her, leap into the air, and slam my boots onto her chest. My kick sends Inferno hurtling backward.

  Right into the invisible barrier.

  Like before, Inferno’s back slams into the unseen wall that protects the manor. Sparks from her molten body shoot into the air. I land slap in front of her and jam my short swords through her chest and into the unseen wall behind her.

  Inferno doesn’t cry out with pain. Cutting this lava angel doesn’t seem to hurt her in the slightest. But this time, she doesn’t laugh. Why? I’ve stuck her to the invisible wall like a pin through a bug. Her molten boots even dangle a few inches above the ground.


  Lincoln steps forward, his long sword held high. No question what he’ll do next. Once Inferno is in little lava angel pieces again, Happy and Jaime can race onto the safety of the manor ground.

  Lincoln stalks closer to Inferno. As he gets nearer, the lava angel grins.

  Not a good sign.

  “Watch out behind you,” warns Inferno in a sing-song voice.

  Normally, I wouldn’t listen to advice from an insane molten lava angel, but Inferno’s claim has one thing going for it. Inferno is in front of me.

  Intense heat slams into me from behind.


  I glance over my shoulder. Two more lava angels step out of the mist.


  My guy follows my gaze. “I see them.”

  Happy steps out of the mist. “You guys take on the other angels. I’ll get Inferno.”

  Which brings me to another situation where norms don’t apply. If this were any other day, I’d tell Happy to forget it. This is Inferno. Happy is twelve. But there are two molten lava angels running at me and Lincoln. Jaime is no warrior. At this point, I can only hope that Happy knows what she’s doing.

  Both of the new angels attack with long swords. Unfortunately, my baculum are still stuck in various parts of Inferno’s rib cage. Before I can tell her to stop, Happy pulls my baculum out of Inferno, slicing the lava angel into three neat parts in the process.<
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  Inferno is down. That won’t last, though.

  Turning to me, Happy tosses both baculum rods my way. “Here you go,” she calls.

  I catch them. “Be careful, Happy.”

  At that moment, a lava sword swipes an inch away from my nose. That would be the angels I’ve decided to call Charro 1 and Charro 2.

  No time for further chatter with Happy. Igniting my baculum into a long sword, I meet Charro 1’s thrusts, slice for slice. Beside me, Lincoln does the same with Charro 2.

  Meanwhile, Happy rubs her hands together. Lightning sparks between her palms. The three pieces of Inferno ooze back together into one molten angel. The moment the process is complete, Happy places her palms against Inferno’s stomach.

  “I cast my spell,” says Happy. “Return this angel to twelve years old.”

  A burst of white light flares out from Happy’s palms. Once again, the effect reminds me of ripples on a pond. The last time she cast, Happy’s spell changed a misty landscape into a vast graveyard. Now, her magic transforms the lava version of Inferno into a girl of twelve years old. No molten skin. No weapons. It’s Inferno, only she’s younger.

  I’m so shocked, I almost get skewered by Charro 1.

  “Pay attention,” calls Happy. I’m not sure if she means that I should stay focused on my battle or on her, but there’s no missing what Happy does next. Inferno stares forward with stunned blue eyes.

  And Happy punches the young Inferno at that perfect spot on the jawline. WHAM! It’s the point that cracks your bones and knocks you flat out. Young Inferno falls over like a sack of potatoes.

  Jaime rushes up behind Happy, grabs her hand, and leads them both under the archway and into the safety of the manor grounds.

  “Get over here!” cries Jaime. “Inferno won’t stay down for long!”

  Jaime doesn’t need to tell us twice. We’re so getting out of here. Too bad running means getting backstabbed by the Charros.

  “SuperMyla!” calls Lincoln. He breaks his long sword into two short blades and takes on both lava angels.

  And I know exactly what to do next.

  Crouching down, I pull all my demonic strength into my legs. Pushing up, I leap high into the air, far above the heads of the two lava angels. As I descend, I split my own baculum into short swords and point the blade end downward.

  As I land, I skewer the enemy molten baddies through the top of their heads. They scream. Loudly. Guess these guys are a little more sensitive than Inferno. Or maybe the top of the head is a touchie spot. Whatever the reason, the Charros fall over lifeless. Sadly, they won’t stay that way for long.

  Lincoln and I race back toward the manor, crossing under the archway just as Inferno retakes her molten form.

  Let the record show that Inferno is not pleased. And for some reason, the only person she wants to yell at is yours truly. “I told you to abandon Walker and lesser beings. Why are you here?”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. “We are not having this conversation again. Buh-bye.” Turning about, I back into the manor house. I’m about halfway to the door when I hear it. A male voice echoes through the mist.

  “Happy! Myla! Lincoln!”

  The tone is tortured, half dead, and utterly familiar.

  Unholy Hell.

  That’s Walker.

  Chapter 19

  Once more, Walker’s voice echoes through the mist. “Myla! Lincoln! Happy!”

  The three lava angels pause, share a few excited glances, and then take to the skies. There’s no question what they plan to do.

  Kill Walker.

  My mind empties. Walker is here. We must help him. Trouble is, the mist is heavy and there are three lava angels in our way. Bands of terror tighten around my chest. All of a sudden, I can’t pull in enough breath.

  Lincoln calls through the mist. “We’re coming for you, Walker!” After that, my guy turns to me. Trust and love shine in his mismatched eyes. When he speaks again, his voice is low and calm.

  “Tell me when you have it.”

  Six little words, but there’s a world of confidence behind them. Lincoln’s saying that he trusts me to design a plan to save Walker. We can do anything. My breathing slows. Inside my soul, my inner wrath demon awakens. My thoughts whirl as my mind switches into battle mode. I run through the situation. Walker is nearby. Hurt. Frightened. And about to face down three lava angels.

  An idea appears.

  I turn to Lincoln. “I have it.”

  My guy grins. “I knew it.”

  With that set, I round on Happy. “When was the last time it rained?”

  “I don’t know.” Happy gapes at me like I’ve lost it. “We must save Walker! He’s out there alone with those lava angels.” She starts to race for the gateway.

  Jaime sets his hand on Happy’s shoulder, stopping her. “Don’t worry, I see what the Queen is doing.” Jaime focuses on me. “There was a rainstorm here five days ago. A big one.”

  “Got it.” Lincoln kneels down before Happy. He fixes her with the same confident look that helped to ground my soul. “When Myla and I give our signal, you work your magic. Take us back to five days ago. All right?”

  Happy nods so quickly, I worry that she’ll get whiplash. “Okay. Just get Walker.”

  With Happy set, Lincoln and I race past the gate and into the grounds beyond. We don’t dare light up our baculum. The fog is so thick, it will hide us easily. The lava angels can’t conceal themselves, though. Every so often, I see a flicker of their molten red in the distance.

  As we step along, Lincoln scans the ground with an expert eye. Years of demon patrol on the Earth’s surface means that my guy can find his way anywhere. We march along for a while before Lincoln sets his hand on my shoulder. The meaning of his motion is clear. Time to stop. Lincoln scans the mist carefully.

  “Tough call,” whispers Lincoln. “Attack plan Beta Nu or another Omega.”

  “Omega,” I say in a low voice. “We shouldn’t attack unless we’re forced. Let’s just get in, get out, and rescue Walker.”

  Tilting his head, Lincoln stares off into the mist even more intently. I have no idea what he sees, only that he’s witnessing something. “Omega it is. Let’s go. Can you give Happy the signal?”

  “Will do.” Inhaling deeply, I pull in demonic energy into my diaphragm and vocal cords. Then I let out an ear-splitting yell.


  White light bursts from behind us as Happy casts her spell. Once the light disappears, sheets of rain pour from the sky, clearing out the fog and revealing the landscape clearly.

  Just before us lies Walker on the ground, his body curled up on his side. He’s clutching something against his chest. Even from this distance, it’s clear that his skin is marred with cuts and bruises. His ghoul robes are torn to rags. A combination of rage and sorrow heat my blood.

  Inferno. The Viper. They did this.

  Hissing sounds fill the air, followed by massive thuds.


  Three lava angels fall from the sky, landing in a trio around Walker. As I’d hoped, the rain solidified their lava forms into rock. That won’t last for long, though. Even a huge rainstorm won’t stop molten magma for long.

  Racing forward, Lincoln scoops up Walker.

  “Canopic.” Walker reaches toward the ground. “Jar.”

  My brows lift. That’s right. Walker walk holding something. “I got it.” I grab a glass jar from the ground, hold it against my chest like a football, and haul ass. Lincoln keeps pace beside me, despite the fact that he’s carrying Walker. Rain pelts mercilessly. The ground turns slick.

  Behind us, crackling sounds erupt. The angels are adjusting to the rain. I’d hoped for more time, but at least we have Walker and a chance for the gate.

  The archway to Black Wing Manor appears before us. Rain drips into my eyes. It’s getting harder to keep my grip on the glass jar. I race forward, Lincoln at my side.

  The crackling noises behind us get loud
er. Heat sears into my back. The lava angels are chasing us. They’re getting closer. The gate looms larger.

  Twenty yards away.



  A molten hand grips my shoulder. Using my demonic strength, I leap forward and past the archway. Lincoln and Walker do the same beside me. We land in a roll on the manor grounds.


  I rise. Every inch of me is soaked in rain and covered in mud. Lincoln, Walker, Happy, and Jaime rush inside the manor. As they step inside, Happy’s rainstorm vanishes. The fog reappears, but it doesn’t stop my view of the lava angels. For some reason, I can only stare at those molten creatures on the other side of the gate. Their bodies have more of a grayish tinge, but they still glow red with heat and hate.

  “Renounce this,” says Inferno. “Prepare yourself for the inevitable and we’ll let you live, Mother Scala.” She slams her sword against the barrier. Fresh sparks arc into the air. “This won’t last long. Enough swords against this barrier will slice it in two. We shall raise the Brimstone Legion, break into Black Stone Manor, and free Lucifer. It’s all a matter of time.”

  I give her my back and head into the manor. Our side has Walker, Drayden, and about fifteen hours left. That may not be a ton of time, but we still have a lot left in terms of fight. That will have to do.

  Chapter 20

  A half hour has passed since we brought Walker into Black Wing Manor. My honorary brother lays shivering atop a small cot. The room is simple, just some dark wood floors and a simple bed by the wall. The place is nothing special, save for the fact that the chamber was near the front door.

  Over the last thirty minutes, Lincoln has used every healing charm he carried in his armor. Nothing has worked. Right after we arrived, Jaime went off in search of Obsidian. The seraphim’s a mage; maybe he can help. Since then, there’s been no sign of either Jaime or Obsidian. That said, it’s a massive mansion. Hopefully Jaime can find Obsidian soon.

  Happy leans against a nearby wall. Like all of us, she’s soaked to the skin. Her gaze stays locked on Walker. Tears mix with the rain dripping from her hair.


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