Craving Country

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Craving Country Page 9

by Gorman, A.

  He kneaded a breast, flicking a thumb over a puckered nipple. Arching her back, she pressed her breast more firmly into his grasp. He shuddered. Desire burned hot in his veins, each breath he took labored, as if gasping to draw oxygen into his lungs. He wanted her. All of her. Now. He couldn’t seem to get enough.

  His lips followed his hand, and he sucked her tight bud into his mouth.

  “Oh my.”

  Her hips jerked, begging for more. Pulling back, he blew on the wet nipple, dragging a groan from Abby. One side of his mouth hitched, loving how responsive she was. How he gave her pleasure.

  His satisfaction was cut short when Abby fisted a hand in his hair and tugged. He kissed her swiftly before stepping back, putting barely a few inches of space between them. Just enough to roll the condom on and take his place once more between her thighs. He settled against her and hesitated a moment, acknowledging the change in their relationship, and to ensure she was with him.

  “Are you sure? There’s no going back once we do this.”

  “I’m sure.” Her heels dug into his buttocks, urging him closer.

  Her molten eyes confirmed her words, and he caught her lips in a passionate kiss, stealing her breath as he sank into her.

  A low moan escaped her, the timbre reverberating through his body. She closed around him. Her slick warmth was welcoming, clasping around him as she tried to hold him there.

  He withdrew, then plunged again. Harder. Deeper. His balls slapped her flesh with each pump of his hips. Animalistic. Raw. Loving. Their harsh breaths filled the room, followed by mutual moans.

  Sliding a hand between them, he found her clit and circled it. She jerked. Building up momentum, he pushed them to new heights, hitting the sensitive spot inside her with his thrusts. His body tightened, cum boiling in his balls, readying for release. He picked up his pace, determined she come again before he did. Her short fingernails gouged his back, no doubt hard enough to draw blood. The small wince of pain spurred him on, adding to his pleasure.

  The table legs squeaked against the wood floor. Never would he be able to look at the scratches without remembering this night. Not just the sensations, but the change in their relationship.


  His name torn from her lips propelled him faster, and his effort was rewarded by a long moan as she shattered, her body shuddering in surrender. Internal muscles squeezed like a vise. His own orgasm followed, hard, and black spots danced in his vision. Abby greedily milked him, and he spurt hot streams into the latex. His pelvis ground against hers as he threw his head back and let out a growl of satisfaction.

  He collapsed, breathing heavily, only having enough foresight to lean on his arms so not to crush her. Musk lingered in the air, a reminder of the act they’d just participated in. Not that he needed one. He wasn’t sure his legs could hold him, she’d so depleted him. It would be a while before he’d have the strength to do anything but lay over Abby. His cock happy, it too would take some time before it wanted another round.

  But there would be another round. And another. They’d be crazy to ignore just how great the sex had been between them. It wasn’t just the sex, he knew. He’d never bought into emotions playing a large part in the pleasure, but now he couldn’t refute it.

  Gathering her close, her breasts flattened by his chest, he held her. His heartbeat galloped. Was it any wonder he felt completely and utterly spent? A fine sheen of perspiration coated their skin, and damp, rust-colored hair clung to her forehead.

  Jarrod stared into her eyes, sated now. A strange sensation blossomed in his chest. How had he never noticed Abby’s beauty? He’d always known she’d had a heart of gold, but now he saw it extended elsewhere, and he was extremely humbled she’d shared her body with him. In that moment, he realized he wanted everything with her.

  She smiled, one speaking of her satisfaction. “Wow.”

  He laughed, his shaking body moving over her. In her. “Wow indeed.”

  She cupped his cheek, and he rubbed his stubble against her palm. Her gaze ran over his face, as though he were a calculus equation.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Her expression cleared. “No wonder all the girls in town wanted you in bed.”

  He’d known he had a bit of a reputation; he just hadn’t realized she’d been aware of it. Or that the women in town gossiped about his sexual prowess.

  “Does that bother you?”

  “Why would it? I got the better end of your experience.”

  A snort escaped. Typical Abby. Not much fazed her.

  “You ready for bed?”

  A saucy smile curved her lips. “Are you offering more of that? Because if so, lead the way.”

  Shaking his head at her eagerness, he slipped from her body and discarded the condom before turning back to her. Abby’s gaze followed his every move as he approached, her obvious appreciation reflecting on his body.

  Hoisting her into his arms amidst giggles, he carried her down the hall and to his bedroom.

  No way was she getting away from him.

  Even if Harley was stupid enough to come for her, he was going to have one hell of a fight on his hands.

  Chapter 5

  Laying on her side, Jarrod’s arms securely around her, his chest pressed against her back, Abby had never felt so safe and cherished. She’d reached for him in the night, desperate to feel him against her. Inside her. To taste him like he’d done her. To ensure it wasn’t all a dream. Drinking him in, his presence a comfort, soothing her. She couldn’t help but trace his lips, his jawline, and furrowed brow even in sleep with her fingertips. How could something so wonderful come from such horror? She swallowed against the lump in her throat. Would this be the only time they’d be together? Why would she be given this gift only for it to be taken away?

  Had she killed Hank? Could she live with herself knowing she’d taken a life?

  Tomorrow could bring her arrest. She still couldn’t remember what happened the night Hank died. Some flashes had come to her, but none completed the picture. Shock at seeing her stepfather had wiped her memory and left her walking around in a daze. She’d been lucky to make it to Jarrod’s without hurting herself.

  His arms tightened around her, so in tune with her emotions.

  Jarrod. Tears pricked her eyes, and a heavy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. He was the only thing in this whole horrible mess that made her smile. Throughout her life, he’d always been by her side, and last night she’d been closer to him than ever. She wasn’t sure what had changed between them, why they’d all of a sudden looked and seen the other. In the end, it didn’t matter; she was just grateful it had happened. Nothing in her life would top the second Jarrod had stared at her with such heat and intensity her knees had almost buckled. That first slip of his tongue inside her, his hands branding her as his.

  He kissed her neck, nuzzling against her skin. It should feel awkward, yet strangely it simply felt right. As if this had been their future. It had only taken a horrific event to make them realize the depth of their feelings.

  The kiss stirred something to life, a feeling hidden beneath time and friendship.

  “Stop thinking. There’s nothing you can do, anyway. Just let the pieces fall and remember I’m here.”

  Facing him, their gazes locked. “Thank you.”

  She roused from sleep when the mattress dipped and Jarrod slipped out of bed. She made a sound of protest, only to be silenced by his lips.

  “Where are you going?” She reached blindly for him. He caught her hand, squeezed it, and then kissed her quickly on the mouth.

  “I’ll be back. Everything will be fine. Go back to sleep.”

  She missed him already. His comforting presence. His body, which knew all her secrets. She shivered. His heat. Sitting up, she snagged one of his shirts from the floor and covered herself before burrowing beneath the blanket, waiting for him to return.

  A desperate feeling engulfed her, as though she needed to ta
ke all she could now. The bed cooled without him yet still did not stop her eyelids from drifting closed. Abby had little rest, her mind and body being active for the most part of the day and night, and without Jarrod there to awaken her senses, she could do little to fight it.

  A hand clamped around her ankle. A scream caught in her throat as she was dragged from the bed and down the hall. Darkness filled her vision, her heart pounding at the two male silhouettes before her. She fought, bucking wildly, and yet the hold did not loosen.

  In the silver-bathed kitchen, she was abruptly let go. Abby shivered, the pre-dawn air cool against her naked legs. She forced oxygen into her lungs.

  The little light brought her no comfort. The two men circled her. Her head whipped around as she tried to keep her eyes on them both.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” Her voice betrayed her fear, but there wasn’t anything she could do to prevent it.

  “To have a little fun.”

  The man’s voice came from close to her ear. Abby jumped, a squeal escaping her lips. Laughter erupted all around her. She clutched at her throat.

  Where was Jarrod?

  Abby swallowed at the metallic tang in her mouth. “What did you do to Jarrod?”

  “We took care of him. He won’t be interrupting us.”

  Lightheaded, true fear rolled over her, rippling and gathering with intensity until she thought she might pass out.

  “No.” The whisper escaped, an echo of her heart breaking. “Jarrod.” Her throat ached as she held back tears.

  “We’re all alone.”

  Abby cringed, backing against the cupboards as a man moved in front of the window and stalked toward her. His dark eyes glittered, reflecting the half-moon slowly descending in the night sky outside.

  The hairs on the nape of her neck rose as he studied her. She tried to shrink away from his gaze. He laughed.

  “A lot of fun.”

  Blood turned to ice when he reached down to haul her to her feet. Abby pushed at him. His grip tightened to a punishing pressure, and she cried out. Fear took over, freezing her limbs. Abby whimpered, hating herself.

  “Hank should’ve put a pretty little thing like you to work. A mouth like that would’ve paid a lot of bills.” This man knew Hank? She tried not to shudder at the man’s observation.

  She’d dealt with men like this on a daily basis at the roadhouse. Slimy. Crude. Threatening. Using her upward momentum, she slammed her elbow hard into the man’s gut, using the element of surprise to knock him off balance. He let go and tripped against the dining table, going down in a tangle of limbs.

  Without waiting to see him land, Abby took off, pushing open the screen door and racing out into the early morning. She slid against the dewy ground, her feet unable to find purchase.

  “Get her back! You know what the boss says about witnesses.”

  Panic rose, her adrenaline spiking. Boss? Witnesses? Her mind leaped from one thought to the next.

  The screen door clanged, echoing into the night. Abby picked up speed, unable to hear anything more beyond her own breathing. She had no clue where she was heading or what her plan was; her only focus was to put as much distance between her and her pursuers as possible.

  A moment later, Abby plunged into the hard earth. Air escaped her lungs as they deflated at the impact. Her legs remained trapped beneath the weight of the man who’d tackled her. He groaned and lifted himself off her. Abby kicked out, catching him in the head.

  Getting to her feet, she ran to the stables. If she could get to Jarrod’s horse in time, they could gallop their way to freedom. She wasn’t the greatest horsewoman, nor was she the worst. So long as she could hold her seat, everything would be okay.

  No, not everything. Jarrod was gone. She choked back a sob, stumbling slightly as she reached the door to the stable. Wrenching it open, she acted on memory and headed toward Thunder, unable to see much more than a few steps in front of her.

  “Fucking bitch.” She ducked into an empty stall and crouched down as the man joined her in the stable. “You’ll pay for that.”

  Blood rushed to her ears, and she slammed her eyes closed to calm herself. Something flickered against her eyelids. A flashlight beam skittered along the back wall. Heart in her throat, Abby scurried backward. If she remained where she was, she’d be found for sure. Shaking, she climbed the small separating wall and landed softly on the hay in the next vacant stall, afraid at any moment the flashlight would illuminate her and give away her position. Abby stopped and listened. The man was still some distance away. As quietly as she could, she continued her slow progress to the occupied stall. Thunder’s ears flattened as she invaded his space. He made a snort of displeasure, and she stilled. Had the man heard?

  “Stop messing around, Burke. Let’s just kill her and get out of this fucking town.” Her body tensed at the second man’s voice, his tone chilling her more than his words.

  Abby trailed her hand over Thunder’s long nose and pressed against him, hoping her familiar scent would ease him. The stall was small, and even if she managed to get onto his back, unlocking the gate would alert the men and they’d be ready.

  What other choice did she have?

  From atop the separating wall, Abby awkwardly stretched out her leg in preparation to mount the stallion. Her bare foot slipped against his silky hide, and she almost fell. She sucked in a breath and let it out slowly before trying again. This time, she slid without trouble onto Thunder’s back, hugged his neck. Using her feet, she directed his movements toward the stall gate. Making a quick prayer, she leaned over and unlocked the gate, the slide of the bolt sounding like a gunshot.

  “Over there.”

  Thunder pranced out of his stall and maneuvered into the walkway with ease. Abby dug her feet into his sides so he’d pick up speed.

  A man cursed, and the one called Burke flung himself out of the way. Abby held on for dear life, the horse’s sleek back moving beneath her unsecured body. The stable door was closed, but Thunder obeyed her direction.

  She slipped and grasped Thunder’s mane hard. Giving the horse credit, he didn’t break his stride or protest much beside a flick of his head. Out the corner of her eye, movement caught her attention. One of the men moved to intercept. He was bigger than the other. She recognized him as the one who had held her in the kitchen.

  She wasn’t going to make it.

  He sprang from a bale of hay, smacked hard against her, and brought her down with him. Used to falling in her youth, she was prepared for the landing and relaxed her body, rolling upon impact to her feet. She swung around, her gaze searching for a weapon. Abby grasped a pitchfork, yanking it from the nearby hay bale. She aimed it at her attackers. The man who’d leapt at her hadn’t yet recovered, but his partner stalked her as she backed away, keeping them both in sight. He launched at her, grabbing the pitchfork and making a move to snatch it away. The force dragged her closer. She fought with everything she had, knowing it wasn’t enough.

  He smiled, no more than a baring of teeth, satisfaction written all over his face. A face she could see clearly as dawn broke and the sky lightened through the window behind her. Lines bracketed his dark eyes.

  Panicking, Abby clasped tighter around the handle. If he rid her of the implement, not only would she be defenseless, but he could easily use her weapon against her. She struggled against his tugging, her feet sliding over the loose hay, hindering her and assisting her attacker. Abby allowed her body to go slack in hopes it made moving her harder.

  He cursed, his lips flattening into a narrow line. He suddenly let go, and she fell back, quickly trying to right herself. He stomped toward her, only to be blocked as a chocolate-colored rump backed into his path. Abby slipped around Thunder, using his body as a buffer between the men, the second joining his companion as they both avoided being trampled. Focusing on the first man’s feet, she smacked Thunder, who veered up onto his hind legs, clobbering the second man in the head, then landed, knocking the first man back.
Abby rounded to the other side of the horse and plunged the pitchfork as hard as she could into the man’s foot. The prongs sliced through the loafers without effort, and a howl pierced her ears. Burke crumpled and sniveled over his feet, not game to touch the pitchfork.

  “I’m going to rip you into pieces!”

  Abby swung around as the other man got to his feet. Blood dripped from his chin onto the stable floor, the deep cut on his forehead jagged and angry. She’d never seen a more pissed-off man. Even Hank had never looked so murderous.

  He stalked toward her. Abby backed away, turning to the stable doors. He caught her before she could open them and rammed her into the hard wood.

  Her vision spun. “W-was it you who killed Hank?”

  “Too bad no one will know the truth.” The second man mewled and begged for help. “Shut up!”

  Abby jolted as the man snapped at his partner.

  Glass shattered, raining down to land softly onto the hay-covered floor. A roar, half man, half beast, filled the following silence as a dark figure burst through the broken window, moving so quickly she couldn’t seem to lock onto the blur as it flew through the air and landed on top of her attacker, pulling him violently from her.

  Jarrod’s voice ground out between grunts and blow of fists against bodies. “Keep your fucking hands off her.”

  Her heart stopped, then thumped heavily almost to the point of pain. A rush of breath left her lungs in relief. Jarrod was alive!

  Jarrod and the man rolled about the floor. Hay clung to Jarrod’s hair and torso. A fist pounded into the man’s stomach. In the next moment, Jarrod let out a sharp breath and faltered slightly. Had he been hurt? It wasn’t long, just long enough for the man to take advantage. Before she knew what happened, the man was on top of Jarrod, and he took a beating.

  “Jarrod!” Unsure what to do, but refusing to stand by while that man killed her best friend, Abby launched herself onto his back.

  He shook her off, barely taking notice of her. Falling to the floor, she glanced up at the wall, and her gaze locked onto the flat, steel plate of a shovel. Abby pushed herself up with her hands and yanked the shovel down from its designated spot, and brandishing it halfway down the handle, raised it like a baseball bat. Planting her feet apart, she swung. Connected. Spun. A sickening crack filled the room.


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