Destiny of Kings

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Destiny of Kings Page 7

by Fiona Tarr

  They set off at a slow walk along a small worn trail used by animals to regularly traverse the heavy undergrowth. They moved downwind, carefully placing each footfall in order to not give away their approach. Jonathan was in the lead this time. He had grown up in the company of wealthy men and hunting was a regular pastime for him. From hunting the big cats to pack dogs, Jonathan had tracked and killed them all, sometimes for sport and other times in order to catch a meal as was the case today. Martinez had his bow slung over his shoulder while Jonathan carried a short sword together with his bow. David carried his spear on his back. He was not familiar with the use of a bow; however he had plenty of experience with his spear. While protecting the herd he had killed lions and wild dogs, and it had saved his life more than once. David was intently taking notice of how both Jonathan and Martinez followed the trail, looking for tracks, droppings or anything which would give away the presence of prey. Jonathan raised his hand for everyone to halt. David realised he was holding his breath and gently let it out before he passed out.

  Before them in a small clearing was a gazelle, grazing on the lush undergrowth. It took David a moment to recognise it camouflaged against the forest foliage. It was not alerted to their presence. Jonathan slowly dropped to his knee. Martinez already had an arrow notched to his bow and let loose as Jonathan cleared his view. The gazelle dropped to the earth, its legs kicking but going nowhere. The eyes slowly glazed over as life left the animal. Jonathan cut its throat, tied its legs together and gathered a thick long branch to thrust beneath the tied legs.

  'Give me a hand to carry this David, it will be quite heavy.' David nodded and grabbed one end of the long makeshift pole. The head of the animal lolled around as the blood drained from it during the return walk to the camp. The fire was down to coals now and David helped Jonathan set up a tripod arrangement to help support the animal over the fire as it slowly cooked. They sat around the fire in silence for some time until David decided he would like to discover what they had planned for the trip.

  'I understand this trip is part of my training, but why are we heading into enemy territory?'

  'The best way to defeat your enemy is to know your enemy,’ said Martinez. 'We will scout around. Try and stay out of trouble and ensure there are no reinforcements coming to the Philistine front lines. Did you notice all the villages along the way here?' David nodded. 'The enemy have burnt out these villages and their crops to prevent us from gaining supplies from them. Our only means of supporting our army through the stalemate is to bring food up from surrounding areas. The Egyptian’s to the west will not be terribly helpful. It is only a few hundred years since we were their slaves, and they are not particularly happy about our freedom. We cannot gain access to Persia, North East of us, as the Philistines block that line. The only access to food is the desert, where your family is, and food is not abundant in that area, as you know. This war must be won soon, or we will be starved into submission. That is why the Philistines taunt us with their challenge and continue to perpetuate this stalemate.' David sat quietly, digesting what Martinez had said. He was right, the stalemate could not continue for much longer.

  The meat was not yet fully cooked however the outside was juicy and brown. Jonathan began to shave thin slices from the carcass and hand them around. David had not realised how hungry he was and he ate a good-sized portion with some flat bread from their stores. It would not stay fresh for long, so they did not see any point in rationing it out. The men sat quietly, each to their own thoughts.

  David was happy; the sky was beginning to enliven with stars. He gazed up at them now. God’s magnificence was reflected in them. People would pass from this earth during this war and the next, yet life and love would continue. Death was difficult for the living to understand. The pain of loss was selfish really. David firmly believed in eternity and did not fear death. If death came to him because it was ordained, then he would embrace it. David was jolted from his thoughts as Martinez rose to leave the fire.

  'It has been a long day and I am not as young as you two. See to the fire so that the meat is all cooked by morning. We can salt it at dawn and go on our way.' He made his way to his blankets. Jonathan turned the meat over so that it would cook evenly.

  'So how did you come to serve with Martinez?' David asked.

  'Martinez is the King’s right hand man and I serve because I believe our nation should be restored to greatness.'

  'You seem to know the King very well. You spoke the other night about me staying as if you could read his mind?' asked David.

  'Indeed I can to a degree; Saul is my father. I am not his first-born son, although I was born to his first wife. I have served by his side since I was your age,' Jonathan smiled when he saw David’s expression. 'It is not a secret, most of the men and all the officers know who I am. The King was once the son of a small landholder, without money or power. He came to his role through divine ordination. The old seer Samuel came to him and told him he had been chosen because the nation continued to cry out for a King. Samuel did not relish the idea of a King, however he obeyed God and Saul became the first King of Israel. I do not feel special. I live in a palace, yet I am rarely there. I serve the King just as any man does. In fact I came close to being put to death myself, having unknowingly disobeyed the King. I am just like you or Martinez, I serve the King because he is the head of our nation and I will do so until such time as God chooses another.'

  'I hope this is not too personal? Your mother, do you see her much? I know I miss my mother.'

  Jonathan shrugged. 'Not as often as I would like. She is a beautiful woman with dark hair and clear green eyes and even now you cannot see any grey in her hair. I am her only son, therefore she dotes on me terribly,' Jonathan smiled. 'She has long since been cast aside by the King, as she is unable to conceive more offspring.' His expression changed, his mood now sombre.

  He saw David looking carefully at him. 'Do not misunderstand me. I do not blame the King; it is the nature of men to sow their seed where it can grow, and powerful men even more so. I just wish more for my mother. She has often said that once I was born, it mattered not what the King did with her. Even death she did not fear. She had said she would be fulfilled having brought me into the world.'

  David did not continue with more questions, as his thoughts had drifted to Nina again. He prayed she would experience such joy in her life. Hopefully if this war ended soon, there would still be time for her to find a good husband and have the children and the happiness she deserved. He moved to feed more kindling to the fire.

  'I think I will head to my bed too; prayers for our mothers then? I will help you cut and salt the meat in the morning.' David grabbed his blankets and rolled into them close to the fire, partly for warmth and partly to ensure no animals came to steal their rations. He was looking forward to salted gazelle. He laid his spear beside him for comfort and peace of mind as much as protection. Jonathan joined David on the other side of the fire.

  Chapter 7

  Jezebel floated free of her body, soaring towards the north. Flying over deserted villages and forest she sought out her target. The boy David must die, but it must look like an accident. She found the lioness in her den with her cubs. It was not difficult to blend with the animal’s consciousness. The lioness stirred and sniffed the air. Her nostrils flared; the scent was hypnotic. Against all her instincts, she left the warmth of the den and her babies to follow the alluring scent. Jezebel knew this was a precarious time for her; if anything happened to the lioness while her spirit was within or if her natural body were disturbed while she was not there, then her spirit would be trapped in the realm between life and death for eternity.


  David was dreaming of home, of the desert. Something felt wrong. He felt agitated. His blood was rushing; he could hear his heart beating, feel his veins throbbing. He looked around his dream field and saw nothing. Then a sudden surge of adrenalin hit him.

  The lioness padded towards the fire. She
vaguely thought how strange it was to seek her prey out near the hot blaze. She hated the bright light and radiated heat even though it was now only a small pile of embers. The meat should have smelled wonderful, yet she could not hold the scent in her nostrils. Only the man by the fire held her interest.

  Martinez had not posted a look out for the evening as they were well into deep forest with no signs of regular traffic. He had always been a light sleeper, so he had placed his blankets away from the fire near the outer rim of the clearing with a clear view of Jonathan and David near the fire. He knew he would be awakened easily if needed as his battle-seasoned subconscious had always served him well.

  Jezebel looked through the eyes of the lioness to Martinez who was now tossing in his blankets. She would have to be quick or risk having to kill Martinez too, which would be a shame having not yet succeeded in her plans with him. She was almost upon the boy. David suddenly sat bolt upright and appeared to be somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. Pain seared through the lioness into the spirit of Jezebel.

  David rolled from his blanket, spear in hand, he was now on his feet in a heartbeat. From the corner of his eye he saw Martinez loosening a shaft which hit the lioness in the back of the neck. David ran at the lioness which was now rearing from the pain behind her and flailing her paw trying to dislodge the arrow. Without hesitation he let fly with his spear landing it deep in the chest of the lioness, right up under her rib cage to rest in her heart. The animal slumped to the ground, life draining from her body and eyes. Martinez walked to the lioness and examined her, nodding to David who had now been joined by Jonathan, sword in hand.

  'What on earth was that all about?' Jonathan was jabbing the beast with his sword, just to be sure she was dead. 'I have never seen a lioness hunt at night, especially considering the wonderfully healthy condition she was in. There would be no need to seek out food at this time of night, or so close to the fire and people.'

  'She was not seeking the meat on the spit. She appears to have not even noticed it, as she had David in her sights,' Martinez observed.

  David and Jonathan both looked confused. Martinez had seen the line of the lioness’s sight. There was no doubt in his mind she had targeted David.

  'We will take turns on watch from now on. Clear this beast far enough away so we cannot hear the scavengers feasting on her. David, you take first watch. Jonathan you relieve him in three hours.' With that Martinez rolled back into his blankets.

  David was still staring at the lioness’s unmoving form. He had not even had a chance to thank Martinez before he had returned to bed. The shaft that struck the animal had most certainly distracted her and given him the extra time he needed to make the killing throw.

  'Well that made for an interesting night! Great throw David. I did not realise you had it in you. What in God’s name woke you up anyway? She moved as silently as a mouse.'

  'I was having a dream which suddenly became very frantic. I woke up and rolled from my blankets half in the dream and there she was, with an insane look in her eyes. She looked demon possessed; I have only seen the like in a sick bear once. It had a disease which caused it to go on a killing rampage, foam frothing from its mouth, eyes wild and rolling. She did not have the foam from her mouth, but her eyes were the same.'

  'Oh well, we have a body to dispose of and she is going to weigh as much as a chariot, so let’s get our backs into it then.’

  With that both men grabbed a hind leg each and began tugging the carcass out into the forest. They found a ridge some distance from the clearing and unceremoniously pushed her over, both watching in the moonlight, as she tumbled over the rocks and bounced a few times before reaching the bottom some distance below.


  Jezebel screamed as she awoke in her tent. The King was away from the encampment that night and no one would have been likely to disturb her, but her scream had raised attention. 'Are you alright Lady Jezebel,' a guard on duty called from outside.

  'I am fine thank you, just a frightening dream, I am fine.' She heard the guard move away. Her heart was beating in her ears; she sat staring at her surroundings, catching her breath and composing herself. Once again she had utilised a sacrifice however this time the power she required was much more than the spirit visit to her father. The sacrifice of the young woman had been necessary and it was certainly not without pleasure.

  The woman had been cooking for the camp and often offered her services for those young men who were still with enough coin to pay her. She had been most grateful for the chance to pleasure the lady Jezebel. The young woman had proved very proficient. It was with a small amount of regret she had needed to sacrifice her. Jezebel would have liked to enjoy her skills a little more often, especially in view of the King’s lack of talent. Now she regretted the decision entirely. The sacrifice was an utter waste. The young peasant girl who had been quite beautiful once she was cleaned up was now a dried up corpse.

  The whole exercise was a chaotic mess. David was still alive and the process had nearly cost her life as she had narrowly escaped her soul merge with the lioness before the killing blow. Utterly exhausted now, Jezebel dismissed the matter from thought and began clearing up her tent. The mess was going to take an eon to clear away and she had no servants here she could trust to help her. Something she decided she would have to rectify, and soon. She decided the next beautiful peasant girl would remain a willing servant instead of a useless sacrifice.

  Sometime later, her cleaning done, the dried up body of the women burnt in her small brazier, Jezebel relaxed on her cushions to rest and meditate. She recalled the first time her father had provided her with a female slave to pleasure her. To begin with, Jezebel thought her father had brought here a friend; they were very rare for a princess in the palace of the Pharaoh, especially for the daughter of the chief magician. She had been disappointed at first, then, as the young slave had undressed before of her, Jezebel had become confused. Her father had not prepared her for the encounter, instead preferring to allow natural instinct to play its part. She smiled at the memory, so long ago now she could not really say how old she had been.


  No one could sleep. Martinez had ordered an early break from camp. The men ate some more of the meat in silence, each reflecting on the strange happenings of the evening. David and Jonathan salted the remainder of the animal for provisions, while Martinez packed up the bedding and made ready the horses for travel. All weariness had now passed and David although still a little shocked by the attack was excited to get moving again and continue his training. Martinez mounted up and took the lead while Jonathan stayed at the rear. Conversation was difficult as they travelled in single file. No one really spoke of the previous night’s events. They travelled through thick undergrowth with no sign of anyone having been there previously. Martinez took his bearings from the sun overhead and occasionally made reference to a chart which he carried on his person. David wondered whether the chart was a personal map of the area or one which had been given to him. Either way it seemed very valuable as Martinez took no chances, keeping it close at all times. David had only managed glimpses from time to time and other than major landmarks, the map was basic. However it appeared to have symbols on it which David was unfamiliar with. He considered it was possibly another language or a secret code which only Martinez knew.

  David was left with his thoughts and began recalling the day he saw the manic bear with the wild eyes, just like the lion’s eyes. The bear had attacked his herd in broad daylight without any regard for its safety. It had appeared dazed and unfocused in its attack, with no sign of having stalked the prey or considering its surroundings before charging in. There had been drool frothing from its mouth. It was the strangest thing David had seen and killing the bear had been the only choice he had to protect himself and his goats. He later discovered the bear was dying from a disease which had sent the animal insane and would have eventually resulted in a slow agonising death. This had lifted his spirits, as he had
not taken any joy in the animal’s demise. Killing was not something he relished as some did. Hunting for food or skins for warmth was acceptable, but hunting for sport as the noble Kings and men of court did, held little attraction for him. Jonathan often spoke of these hunting trips with great affection and David was really beginning to appreciate Jonathan’s company. However he did not see how someone of Jonathan’s intellect could enjoy the killing of an animal primarily for enjoyment.

  David was jerked from his daydream by a scream which sent shivers to his core. Martinez immediately halted, dropping from his mount. He motioned for Jonathan to stay, using a hand signal of a closed fist. He then pointed at David to accompany him. They stalked slowly through the undergrowth circling downwind of the area to avoid detection by either animal or human enemies. As they approached the clearing, Martinez raised his hand at right angles to his shoulder and closed his fist. David had worked out this signal meant stop, so he quickly crouched down in the undergrowth approximately five strides or so behind Martinez. Another scream was heard and it was accompanied by the clashing of swords. Martinez strode into the clearing, but not before indicating that David should remain where he was.

  'Well what do we have here?' Martinez strolled in casually.

  ‘Is this a private party or can anyone join in?' Two men dressed in Philistine armour were faced off against a tall athletic looking woman. They had made a number of cuts to her clothing, causing it to fall away in places exposing sections of her upper thighs and torso. She was not dressed as David was accustomed to. She wore tall riding boots, a woollen skirt with a white somewhat travel-stained shirt with frills around the deep V shaped neckline. Her hair was dark with curls spilling past her shoulders and a loose tie held it back from her face. Her eyes were deep and dark and they were now watching Martinez with suspicion, as he moved closer into the clearing.


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