Broken Deeds MC: Second Generation #2

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Broken Deeds MC: Second Generation #2 Page 2

by Esther E. Schmidt


  – HADLEY –

  “You like him,” my father says and I drag my eyes away from his lips.

  He didn’t phrase it as a question so I don’t have to answer him. And how can I give him an answer when I don’t even know the man everyone calls Vachs? I haven’t even properly met him, though he did make me feel safe.

  I guess the whole rescuing angle had something to do with it, along with his thick, strong arms surrounding me and holding me tightly against his muscled body. Short beard, bald head, a fierce “don’t fuck with me” look on his face. Not to mention his addictive scent. Leather, spice, a hint of caramel and coffee with something distinctive I can’t place and must be all Vachs.

  Ugh. I’m dreaming away, all because of one moment in time where a man acted on instinct and protected both me and himself. I’m in a screwed-up situation where I’m actually looking forward to spending time with Vachs, all because he has to be here due to some unknown man driving his car into the tattoo shop as a distraction to break into my house.

  Total twilight zone weirdness because I don’t have a clue what’s going on or what this man’s motives were, are, whatever. I watch the feed on my phone again and zoom in on the man I saw entering my house. My father has hard limits when it comes to my safety and a good security system was one of them. I never argue with these things when it involves my safety.

  My father is a retired EMT firefighter besides being a biker, needless to say, he has valid input on all kinds of situations and I blindly follow his advice in most situations. Though, when he practically ordered me the choice between staying at the clubhouse or his house today, I had to refuse.

  This because I have no clue who the man crashing into the store and entering my house is, and it could be days, weeks, if not months before we find out. I’m not leaving my own home, no matter if it’s only for one day; I’m not giving up my freedom.

  Wait. I recognize him. Where have I seen him before? I make a screen print and send a text to Archer. If I’ve seen the man before he must have been at the tattoo shop. I mean, I don’t get out much, other than the tattoo shop, the coffee shop, and the store down the road.

  My life sounds petty, but it really isn’t. I have a full agenda when it comes to work. People love my art and in return I love my job; inking my art onto human canvases. And when I enter my house after a long day of work, I simply want to lounge on the couch, read a book, or watch a movie. It’s basically my escape and safe haven.

  I don’t need much to be in my element and enjoy life, but I cannot give up what I have now. I absolutely won’t go to the clubhouse or my parents’ house since the next step would be for them to decide working will be too dangerous and before I know it, everything I’ve built for myself will be gone.

  They have a beautiful, large house built especially for me behind my parents’ house on MC property. It’s another indication they would like nothing more than for me to stay under their watchful eye. It’s another motivation to stay in my own home with some distance since I’m merely the daughter of one of the bikers in their MC.

  My phone vibrates in my hand and I notice Archer’s reply. I thought I’d recognized the man, and so did Archer. Seems like the man tried to check out the shop by telling Archer his girlfriend used to live here and was curious how it was renovated since it had sentimental value due to his girlfriend’s death. Archer thought it was weird and turned him down. I guess he didn’t want to take no for an answer.

  I feel a massive hand on my shoulder and from the familiar scent I know without looking it’s my father. I turn my phone toward him to let him read the messages and watch anger overtake his features. Even from watching the side of his face I know he’s releasing a string of curses. I take a deep breath and try to change the subject, knowing it’s useless and he will backtrack to it later.

  “I don’t know if I like him. He seems honest. He protected me without knowing who I am.” I sign and my father nods as I add, “He made me feel safe.”

  And filled my body with longing for something I’ve never experienced, my mind adds as I remember how we almost kissed the first time our eyes met.

  “Safe is good.” I read those words from his lips and smile.

  He hands me my phone back and lets me know he’s programmed Vachs’ number if I need to text him to communicate since Vachs doesn’t know ASL.

  I’ve only ever dated once and the guy was a complete asshole. Of course, my father didn’t like any of the guys sniffing around me. He’s always been protective and when the guy asked me out, and my dad basically told me I wasn’t allowed to date him…I rebelled and did go out with said asshole. It turned out to be a huge mistake.

  But I guess you have to learn some things the hard way. And it is also the reason why I swore off all men. My parents are aware I don’t date or am actively looking for a boyfriend. It’s why I don’t understand my father’s reaction when it comes to Vachs.

  The whole “safe is good” he just mentioned instead of giving me a warning the man is a dick. Not to mention, warning the guy away from me since he’s good at that too.

  My skin prickles with awareness and I pick up a hint of Vachs’ scent before I see him enter the living room. Another thing I’ve never experienced; awareness of a man in every fiber of my being.

  My father takes a step in my direction to drag my attention to him. He starts to sign the comforting words, “Vachs is a former SEAL. He was a nomad before he tied himself to this place. He might be restless inside his head, but you can trust him. He’s a good man or he wouldn’t be–”

  “A brother,” I sign to break his sentence and finish it for him.

  I get a smile and a kiss on the top of my head before he, and all the others, leave. When the door falls shut behind them, I’m left to face Vachs alone. He drops a duffle bag and gives me a wry smile.

  “My whole life in one bag. I’ve been here close to four months. Would you believe it if I told you I never unpacked? Every time I wash my clothes I fold them up and shove them back into my bag.” He releases a deep sigh. I’m enthralled by his lips, and it’s not just to read the words falling from them. “I know I should unpack.” His jacket moves and draws my attention away from his lips when I see a big fluffy furball with huge ears appear.

  Joy crashes through me as I rush forward and practically rip the puppy free from his jacket. I close my eyes as I nuzzle the heavy dog close to me and inhale its scent. My eyes sting and I’m having a hard time controlling my emotions.

  I love pets, but the only thing I’ve allowed myself to be comfortable with caring for is a fish. But a puppy? I’ve always wanted a dog but in my opinion I have too many roadblocks in my life to take good care of one. My gaze travels up to Vachs who is looking at me, probably wondering why I’m an emotional mess from grabbing a bundle of fluff.

  In this moment I hate not being able to communicate with Vachs because I want to ask about the puppy, but I’m thankful when he says, “So, I gather me having a puppy isn’t an issue while I stay with you then? Maybe you can help me name him since I picked him up a few days ago and still can’t think of a good name for the little guy. Though, he won’t stay little for long. He’s a rescue. They think a mix between a German Shepherd and an Australian Cattle dog.”

  I roughly shake my head and cuddle the pup close once more before letting him go. He darts off and I glance at Vachs’ bag and back at him, wondering if he brought things for the dog and it’s as if he understands me when he gives me a sheepish grin.

  “I brought a bag of food and his chew toy but I don’t have anything else yet.”

  All I can do is laugh and shake my head. I follow the pup who is now standing in my kitchen. I rummage through the cabinets and find two bowls that will be fine for now to put water and food in.

  Vachs helps with the food and when we’re done I slip into the bedroom to grab a fluffy blanket and a pillow to make a bed for…he should really give him a name since in my head I keep calling
him puppy.

  Hank. The name pops into my head when he comes storming at me as I wrap the blanket over the large pillow. Beside voicing the words “No, yes, and asshole,” I normally don’t use my voice. Arrow taught me those handful of words. It took a while but it meant a lot. And I have to say, it comes in handy every now and then.

  I grab my phone and look up Vachs’ number my father put into my phone and text him. Keeping my eyes on the pup I try to distract myself but I can’t help but glance from underneath my lashes to see his reaction.

  My heart skips a beat when I see a smile spread his face. A dimple appears in his cheek and his eyes land on mine. I read the words from his lips and I’m tempted to place my hand on his chest to feel the rumble of his words vibrate through me.

  I quickly stand to shake the feeling. It’s silly and insane; something out of reach I won’t ever experience. Stalking into the kitchen I make my hands busy with making tea. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn to face Vachs, who waits for my eyes to drop to his lips so I can read the words he gives me.

  “I’d like some tea as well or we could wait till we get back and head to the pet store together. I really have no clue what Hank needs and you picked the perfect name just now while giving him a bed. I dropped him in my bed last night, I can hardly do that every night.” His eyebrows scrunch up as if he’s thinking things over.

  I turn off the stove and grab my phone, letting my fingers fly over the screen before I hit send. Vachs grabs his phone and glances at it. The way his lips tip up at the corner is enthralling and when they start to move it’s actually the first time I miss words because I was paying attention to the questions rising inside my head.

  Mainly how it would feel to press my mouth to his and how soft or firm it would be. I give a little shake with my head and I’m thankful he gives me another smile before his lips move again, and this time I do pay attention.

  “Once in the bed always in bed, same with the couch. Got it.”

  I nod and slide my hand in his since he is offering it to me. Along with warning him about letting his dog sleep in his bed I told him I would gladly go with him to the pet store. His hand engulfs mine and I feel the loss of his warmth when he lets go to pick up Hank and shoves the pup into his jacket again.

  His finger points up and I raise my gaze to his face. “Mental note, we need a collar and a leash.” I give him a thumbs up and I get a grin in return along with the words, “Squeeze my hand if I’m walking too fast, okay?”

  I have to bite my bottom lip to prevent myself from laughing and quickly nod. He wraps my hand in his and heads for the door, making sure the house is locked up first. Construction workers along with a handful of bikers of Broken Deeds MC are working to fix the part that was destroyed.

  There’s no need to worry about anyone coming near my house or the shop with so many people and so much activity. And to be honest? I’m happy to go somewhere other than the store or the coffee shop for a change.

  With what just happened I should not feel as safe and careless as I do in this moment, but feeling Vachs’ shoulder brushing me, his hand engulfing mine; I’ve never felt this confident and safe to leave everything behind me and not plan anything.

  Because I have been obsessive with keeping a routine and playing it safe by staying inside and ordering things instead of heading out to be around people. Sure, I’ve blamed it on being too busy, but it’s also the easiest option. The pet shop is down the street and our walk is over way too fast.

  Vachs is holding Hank as I try on a few collars, finally settling on a pretty green one with a matching leash. We pick some squishy toys, chew toys, a dog bed, and a kennel along with some other stuff. I’m holding Hank’s leash when we stroll back to my house while Vachs’ hands are filled with all the items he just bought.

  When we arrive in front of the tattoo shop it’s good to see how fast they’ve all worked to get everything boarded up. Having the right connections makes it easy to handle things quickly. And from what I’ve picked up–by lipreading some of the discussions Archer and the others held in my presence–Broken Deeds MC is handling this incident themselves.

  They solve any kind of cases the government can’t and since this was a direct hit on the tattoo store owned by the MC, it seems logical they would handle it. Not to mention, me being the daughter of a member and my house being invaded it all screams personal. Though, I have no clue what it’s all about.

  Vachs guides me inside and we work our way through all the men to head upstairs. Hank is excited with his new toys and bed and is quickly settled in his own space. I leave Vachs to watch his pup and head into the kitchen to fix us the tea I was planning on making before we headed to the pet store.

  Once everything is ready, I take it into the living room and have to swallow at the dryness in my throat. Vachs is sitting on the couch wearing only jeans and nothing else. Astonishing and way past sexiness, and he’s sitting right here in my apartment.

  I’m still gaping at him when he offers me a shrug. “I made myself at home. Normally I’d be fully naked when I’m in my room at the club. I didn’t think you’d appreciate that.”

  For a second there I want to give him the o-freaking-kay to get naked. But instead I keep on blinking, staring, gaping…mentally licking him all over because the man has some serious muscles and a lot of ink. His strong arms are fully covered and he has a large chest piece.

  I put the tea down and reach for my phone, sending him a text with the only option I can think of to legally and completely without any weirdness, put my hands on him. And it’s quite innocent to offer to give him the tattoo right now since it was the reason he came here before he had to save the both of us.

  Vachs agrees and I grab my kit along with the other things I need to give him a tattoo right here in my living room. But when he drops his jeans and I’m in front of him on my knees to hold the design to his thigh, I’m suddenly not so sure this was a good idea. But I push through and get to work.

  His dark, caramel eyes are warm and always on me. Normally people would want to talk to me when I’m tattooing their body. Frustrating and distracting since I can’t keep an eye on their lips and ink at the same time. But Vachs? No attempt, no words, only a watchful eye making me blush when I glance up from inking…more than I usually do.

  He doesn’t make me uncomfortable, and maybe it’s also because I’m in my own home with Hank draped over one foot; everything has a homey, comforting feel to it. I take my time to make sure every line is perfect, adding color and shading until I’m done.

  I wipe and admire my work, smiling to see how well it turned out. It’s a large piece and even if it looks complete, I can easily add to it and cover the rest of his leg in a full sleeve. The setting is at sea where a ship with sails is caught in a storm. There’s a tiny part of it underwater with an octopus and that’s where I can add to it to pull the ink down to his calf.

  We talked about the design and he liked the idea of adding to it and I’m sure I will finish it for him if he needs to stay here a few more days. He did mention there’s a meeting tomorrow morning at church about what happened today.

  On one hand I would like to see it solved and the man caught. On the other hand, I weirdly enough enjoy Vachs’ company, along with Hank’s, and I do hope they need to stay around at least a few more days.

  I guess it’s not up to me, but I hope Vachs won’t be a stranger when this is over. Though, I’m not so sure I’d like for us to be just friends. Lovers would be what my body is craving, and yet I have no clue if a man like him would even be interested in whatever kind of relationship with a deaf woman. So, for now I’m going to relish in his company and enjoy every cuddle his puppy gives me.


  – VACHS –

  “Anything else you want to learn?” Broke questions.

  I check the time and regretfully tell him, “Everything you know, but we don’t have the time. For now, I appreciate the help but would like to meet up a few ti
mes soon to learn some more.”

  Broke smacks my back as he stands. “Anytime. Call when you have time and we’ll set things up.”

  I take a deep breath and stand while knowing the slight discomfort comes from my new ink. Damn, Hadley did a magnificent job. She didn’t want my money and it does bug me; the tattoo was hours of work and I don’t want her to think she owes me for saving her life.

  My ink isn’t done and I’d like her to add to it. Keeping the same style I want the rest of my leg inked with more underwater creatures or whatever her brilliant mind comes up with. I’ll discuss it when I leave here.

  There’s a meeting scheduled in less than ten minutes. Leaving her at the tattoo shop this morning was difficult but I knew she was safe with a handful of members of the first generation keeping an eye on her, her father being one of them.

  It gave me some extra time to talk to Broke and ask for a little help. I’ve never made an effort when I had an interest in a woman before. Though, it’s safe to say I’ve never really had an interest like I have for Hadley.

  I want to get to know her and the texting back and forth while being in each other’s presence is a good way to communicate–right next to body language and her reading my lips–but I could at least learn some of the basics to sign a word here and there; and that’s what I needed Broke for.

  The only things I managed to learn are; thank you, hide, run, eat, and go. Basic things that might come in handy. Learning more is going to be a challenge but something tells me this woman will be more than worth it.

  “Hey,” Bee quips. “Where’s your puppy?”

  I give my president’s old lady a smile and tell her, “I left Hank with Hadley.”

  “You named him Hank?” Laughter flows from her lips. “It’s actually perfect. I’ll let Queenie know as soon as my parents bring her back.” Her eyes go over my shoulder. “Oh, you’re needed in church. Bring Hadley and Hank by next time.” She winks and is walking away before I can so much as blink.


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