Broken Deeds MC: Second Generation #2

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Broken Deeds MC: Second Generation #2 Page 11

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “I’m going to show our brother I’m not a threat and that he got his girl and can take her home.”

  Archer gives a terse nod. I walk around the large bed and have my hands up in the air when I start to face Baton. His eyes are indeed locked on crazy and I’m sure he has a bullet-spitting object pointed in my direction but I keep my gaze pinned with his.

  “It’s me, Vachs. You ready to go home, Baton? Can you stand and carry Ellory home with you?”

  He’s looking right fucking at me but he doesn’t see me. His arm is tightening around Ellory and his other hand has a steady aim. At least he’s not firing a bullet at me but I’m not taking any chances and keep my distance. Ellory has her face buried against his chest and is clinging to him as if he’s her lifeline.

  “Baton, brother,” I try again. “You hold her tight, you hear? You fucking hold on and don’t let go. You’ve got her now, don’t you?”

  His eyes are still holding mine but he lowers his chin to brush it against the top of Ellory’s head. As if he needs to make sure she’s indeed right there with him.

  “Let’s bring her home. Get her in your room at the clubhouse where she’s surrounded by the safety of the brotherhood. You found her. You got her. She’s yours. I know you have the property patch on your chest with her name. She’s your old lady. Now bring her the fuck home so you can take care of her, okay?” I make sure to add a snap in the last sentence.

  Ellory whimpers.

  I soften my voice and repeat, “Bring her home.”

  Baton swallows hard and his eyes fall shut as he releases a heavy breath. When his gaze lands on mine again I can tell he’s back with us. He looks around the room with a different state of mind.

  “Want me to drag your skinny ass up?” I taunt.

  A growl rumbles through him as he places his weapon down next to him. I step closer and hold out my hand, he grabs it and I drag him to his feet. Ellory is still holding onto him as if her life depends on it.

  Archer comes to a stop next to me. “There’s a car out front to get you to the clubhouse. Like Vachs said, bring her home, brother.”

  “Thanks, Prez,” Baton croaks and holds his woman as he stalks out of the room.

  I now notice the large crate-like suitcase and the fucking handcuffs and ball gag thrown in there.

  “Was she locked up in there?” I snap.

  Dannon steps closer and rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah. We only noticed because I almost fell backwards over the damn thing. The latch fell open and there she was. Gattani must have punched her lights out or something because she was unconscious. Baton went nuts. Fuck. Even my heart stopped seeing her like that. Baton found the keys to the handcuffs on the floor and freed her of that shit. She clung to him and he went in full defense mode, turning his fucking weapon on me and plastered his back to the wall so he could see all angles. I walked backwards out of the room and ran into North and told him what happened. He went up to get you guys. Baton had murder in his eyes…I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You did good,” Archer grunts and he glances at me. “Baton has the property patch inked without telling me?”

  “My old lady mentioned it to me. I think it was Baton’s way to keep sane since you ordered him to keep away from her. And I don’t have to remind you of the rumors I heard about you having one way before you officially claimed Bee, do I? Because I promised Hadley I would keep her and Baton’s secret. But I needed to voice it to him to pull him out of the crazy his mind was locked on.”

  Archer stares at me, a sigh ripping from him. “Yeah, you’re right. I put the patch on me because I promised myself to Bee a long fucking time ago and waited until the moment was right to voice my claim. We were always meant to be together. You’re right. Baton feels the same way, if anyone understands why he inked that patch…it’s me.”

  Deeds steps into the room, breaking our discussion. “Depay is stable for now and heading to the hospital. Who’s going to call Diamond?”

  “No one,” I state, earning the attention of everyone in the room. “I’m going over to the clubhouse and will drive both my old lady and Diamond safely to the hospital. Where’s Arrow?”

  “Wyatt hasn’t told him anything yet, they’re still trying to figure out where Gattani went.”

  “They haven’t caught him yet?” North asks.

  Archer sighs. “I don’t have all the details yet. All I know is Gattani must have switched vehicles underneath a bridge because the SUV went in one way and didn’t come out, it was found empty. They’re backtracking what vehicles went out and where they are now and if one of those belong to Gattani. Let’s get this shit handled and leave Wyatt to his task.”

  “I’m out of here, I’ll call once I’m at the hospital.” I don’t wait for a reply but grab my clothes on my way out and shrug them on while heading for my bike that’s parked down the street.

  Time drags on until I’m finally back at the clubhouse. The first one I head for is Hadley. It’s as if she reads my mind and is on her feet and ready to go before I’ve even told her what happened to her father. And when I’ve let her know–how we need to head for the hospital and bring her mother with us–she jumps into action.

  She hands me the keys to her car with tears in her eyes. We head out the back and swing by her parents’ house. I give Diamond the same words I gave Hadley but Diamond does break into tears. Hadley comforts her mother as we head for her car. The both of them slide into the backseat as I get behind the wheel and drive them safely to the hospital.

  Once we’re in the waiting room a doctor comes to talk to us about Depay’s injuries. The fucker needs a load of time cleaning wounds and countless stitches. They gave him a transfusion due to all the blood loss, but they’ve managed to save his life. From what the doc tells us it was a close call with the neck wound close to his artery. Diamond is allowed to go see him while he’s being stitched up.

  Sitting alone in a quiet waiting room with my woman wringing her hands–a look of despair mixed with sadness and fear–floods my head with thoughts I don’t need. The both of us need to let go and be thankful for what we have right here.

  I place a finger underneath her chin to lock my eyes with her so she can see the words I need her to hear. “Your father is still alive. He might look a little uglier with those tattoos of him all jagged if they don’t stitch him up nicely.”

  A strangled mixture of a sob and a laugh breaks her silence and my throat clogs up with emotions. This woman is so damn strong and she doesn’t even realize she’s not afraid of anything. She already fought so much; battling with patience and life’s bullshit, and still she holds her head high. I can’t even begin to understand some of the struggles she had to face, and yet the point in life she reached–standing before me as the woman I love–she really is everything my heart desires.

  I stand from the chair my ass was sitting on and turn to fully face her. She looks up at me, confusion sliding over her face until I sink down to one knee. I hold out my hand and she instantly slides her fingers over my palm.

  I have to wait a few dragging moments for her misty eyes to clear up because for sure as fuck do I need for her to be able to read the words falling from my lips loud and fucking clear.

  “Hadley. My sunshine. My heart. My whole fucking world. I’ve asked your father for his blessing, which he gave me but only with a side note not to make him a grandpa any time soon.”

  I shoot her a grin and watch her eyes close from laughter as the tears still flow over her cheeks. I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her finger–the spot I’m going to slide a ring on very damn soon–before asking her the question I already know the answer to.

  “Will you marry me?”

  A strangled “Yes,” rips from her throat before she launches herself at me. And I hold on…to never let go.


  Two months later

  – HADLEY –

  “Ready?” my father signs and holds out his elbow.

  My che
eks hurt from smiling. It’s my wedding day and I’m about to walk down the aisle. My father, his skin littered with tattoos and scars, is looking very handsome in a three-piece suit. My throat closes up when I slide my hand through his arm.

  He touches my chin with his finger to make me focus on his lips. “Sweet, sweet, pumpkin. You’re fucking gorgeous. I’m proud of the strong woman you are today and the man you chose to start your future with. Let’s not keep him waiting, eh?”

  He places a kiss on my forehead and opens the door to the tiny church. All heads turn toward us. My heart skips a beat when I see Vachs standing at the end of the long aisle. Friends and family are gathered and even if we kept it small, the church is filled with love and happiness and it’s flowing from all of their faces.

  I take a deep breath and glance down at my wedding bouquet. It’s filled with white roses and purple heart calla lilies. The pure white mixed with a hint of my favorite color. It’s the same way with my wedding dress. White satin with tulle and lace, long sleeves, a V-neck, and there’s a purple satin ribbon belt and it’s flowing down my dress, highlighting the white perfection with a dash of bright color.

  The purple is a leading element through everything, even if it’s a touch here and there. Vachs brought it up when we were planning the wedding. He was sliding his fingers along my hair when he suggested it.

  Growing up I never dreamed about my future wedding day but now I’m standing here, taking the first step to let my heels sink into the red plush of the carpet leading to the man who caught me off guard and basically swooped me away.

  We’re inching closer and I should smile at the guests gathered here to witness our union, but my eyes are set on my husband to be. He draws me in with his heated gaze and his lips moving ever so clear with sweet compliments.

  We arrive at the altar and my father hands me over to Vachs. He gets a smack on the chest from my dad and I see my father give him two thumbs up before he goes to sit down next to my mother in the front row.

  I keep my gaze locked on Vachs who pulls a piece of paper from his pocket. I shoot him a grin and shake my head. We teased each other about all the things we would include in our vows. Funny things, open and honest, sappy things.

  He told me he’d rather go on a mission than voicing his vows in front of a load of people, wishing it was just him and me. He hates attention, overly talking in front of other and against others. While he’s free in speech when he’s with me and isn’t holding back to give me all the words, even if I can’t read them sometimes, I still like the vibrations of his voice.

  Vachs shoves the piece of paper back and there’s a flash of confusion hitting me. My heart freezes until the emotions slamming inside me melts it back to pumping warmth through my body as I see my husband to be start to sign his vows.

  “I, Vachs Linnet, take you, Christina Hadley Gray, to be my wife. From the moment I wrapped my arms around you I had the intention of saving your life at any cost. Though, it turned out you saved mine in return. Things I’ve seen, went through, always had me wandering and restless. The need to leave the walls closing in on me. I still see those walls but I’m free. Free because I see the light radiating in your eyes. It reflects the warmth in my heart and I could finally recognize where I belonged…I was home…no matter the place as long as you’re with me. Old and gray, six kids or one and three dogs, we will be living the dream however we see fit because there’s freedom to grow into our future. A future where I promise to always have my arms ready to swoop you into safety and treasure you in sickness and in health until my final breath.” He stops signing and holds his hand up next to his mouth to block the guests from catching the last part when his lips start to move. “But I’m pretty sure we’ll collide in the next life, because we’ll still have stuff to say, places to see, and a love that can carry on for an eternity.”

  I take a step forward because I want to be wrapped with those strong arms he mentioned as I kiss the hell out of him. But Arrow catches my attention. He’s standing next to Vachs as his best man. Shit. I almost jumped right to the kissing part while I have to give him my vows.

  He gives me a sharp nod. I’ve asked him to voice my vows. I know Vachs has been amazing with learning to sign but it’s a lot to take in. Him giving me his vows completely in ASL is a hit straight into my heart and it shows how much effort he put in to make this day special for me. Hell, he makes my whole life magical.

  I take a deep breath and try to calm my emotions as I start. “I, Christina Hadley Gray, take you, Vachs Linnet, to be my husband. With a tap on my shoulder you drew me into awareness. The first thing I said to you is what I’ll give you in a few heartbeats with a load of more meaning and devotion. But you swooping me off my feet the next moment was not only to get me to safety but to give you my heart to carry on as well. You gave me your heart in return but you also gave me the ability to dream. A husband. A family. Everything worth fighting for. We didn’t waste time, and we probably never will. Because I vow to you I will always stand beside you, pull you close to give all the love and care. And I swear to hold your heart safely next to mine. Loving you is simple where life is hard, but the balance lies in our hearts while there’s fire in our breath. We might not know what lies ahead…but you know I will be there right along with you, through darkness or blinding light…because the destination of our hearts is set.”

  The tears flowing over my cheeks are the same ones flowing over his skin as the both of us take each other in while the love between us shines even brighter in our hearts. From the corner of my eye I see Arrow point and I follow his direction and let my gaze fall on the minister.

  His mouth moves with the words falling from his lips. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations.”

  My head is gently cupped and then I’m facing Vachs, my husband. My husband. His lips meet mine and my eyes close to let myself plunge into the sea of warmth he always surrounds me with.

  He pulls back and I notice how all of our guests are standing, applauding as Vachs laces our fingers and guides me down the aisle. But he abruptly comes to a stop. I glance ahead of us to see why when I notice the circle of people gathering around as if they have a big secret they are trying to keep.

  Archer is holding one of his hands palms up to stop us but I’m already closing the distance. There’s a box on the ground with a large ribbon on it. I glance from the box to Archer and he holds out a card for Vachs to read. The letters are bold and easy for me to see.

  This is the end of your white wedding.

  Things will turn red from here on out.

  Archer pulls at the ribbon and tips the lid up, revealing a bloody, silver knife. Vachs hands him back the card and he tells him something along with it but I can’t read his lips from this angle.

  Vachs glances back at me. “Are you okay?”

  I glance down at my bouquet, my dress, the black suit–looking amazing on Vachs’ muscled build–and finally the purple white rose calla lily pinned on his chest.

  All of it makes me blurt, “Why wouldn’t I be? It’s not a white wedding, ours is purple.”

  Laughter overtakes his features and his hand shoots out to wrap around my neck and pull me close for a kiss. His tongue slides into my mouth, making me forget everything around me as I sink into the warmth, comfort, and safety my man never fails to provide for me.

  He disconnects our lips but quickly brushes a featherlight kiss against my mouth before he faces Archer who is grinning at us and gives us the words, “Nothing won’t ever throw off any member of Broken Deeds MC.”

  Vachs tightens the arm he has around my waist, making me glance up at him and read the words from his lips. “We can handle everything comin’ our way.” And the look he gives me lets me know he’s not just talking about Gattani disrupting our wedding with this little warning to let us know he’s still alive and the cartel is coming for all of us.

  The corner of Vachs’ mouth twitches. “Though, I’m telling you right now we won’t use that kni
fe to cut the cake.”

  I smack his chest and see everyone around us laugh at his comment. We head out and drive in a white limousine to the clubhouse. Once on the property we enter our house to change. I slip into a more comfortable purple dress while Vachs puts on black jeans along with his cut.

  We’ve decided on a small reception–more like a standard Friday night party–at the clubhouse. The both of us wanted this day to be normal besides the actual getting married in church part. Not even the disruption of the package could take our moment away.

  Once at the clubhouse there’s no trace of grim circumstances or talk about what happened with the bloody knife. This MC might mix in an everlasting business and pleasure but there’s also brotherhood and family where in this moment the joyful moment of our union is celebrated.

  Of course, we had extra security, also because Baton and Ellory were at our wedding. We do take risks but not when it comes to the safety of our family. I watch how everyone is enjoying themselves.

  Smiles and kind faces, laughter and love filling the air and as always it makes my heart swell with thankfulness of now being a part of this MC in another way instead of just being the daughter of a member.

  An old lady…Vachs’ old lady, and now also his wife. It’s my wedding’s night. It’s almost midnight and I’m nowhere near being tired. Excitement flows through my veins but I’m ready to call it a night and head home.

  I stare at the drink in my hand and wonder if people would mind if I grabbed my husband and sneaked out through the back. A soft hand slides over mine and I glance up to find my mother standing in front of me.

  “Is everything okay?” The concern is readable from her stern lips as she gives me those words.

  “Mom.” I smile and reach out to squeeze her hand before letting go and signing the rest. “The first few minutes me and Vachs met he had to save me from a car crashing into the building. And getting a bloody knife delivered on your wedding day isn’t very shocking when all of us know Gattani is still out there. The card attached to it was directed at the club, not directly at me or Vachs…it was a statement, a warning for all of us that he’s ready for vengeance.”


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