Two Days, Three Nights

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Two Days, Three Nights Page 4

by Two Days, Three Nights (lit)

  She bit her lip and didn’t say anything. He wanted to chuckle at the mix of confusion and yearning he saw on her face. “Have you ever had anal sex?”

  She shook her head. “No, never.”

  “Why not?”

  “It looks painful.”

  Hunt turned a corner and began steering her back toward the house. “If it’s done improperly and without careful preparation, it can be very painful. We’ve known each other for several years now and we both trust each other. You hold the financial future of my company in your hands and I hold a great deal of income for OSD in mine. You know I’d never hurt you, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Okay then.” He opened the door and ushered her inside. “We’ll go slowly, one step at a time. We’re in no hurry at all.”

  Upstairs in his bedroom, he directed her to strip off her dress. He was pleased to see that she’d obeyed his command and hadn’t worn any undergarments. Her skin was kissed by the sunshine from their afternoon romp and she fairly glowed with good health. Her palm was cool as he took her hand in his and led her to the foot of the bed. Earlier he’d suspended a thick chain from the ceiling that ended with a round ring at just the right height for her to grip with both hands. He showed her how to wrap her fingers around the dangling ring.

  “Relax your back.”

  He skimmed his palms down her body until she calmed beneath his touch and was close to purring. He knew her nudity was giving her cause for consternation, especially since he was still fully clothed. When would women realize that the naked form was beautiful and not something to be hidden beneath layers?

  “When we come here, unless I instruct you otherwise, you’re to assume this position.” He moved around her to sit on the small bench at the foot of the bed. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good.” He rose and shed his shirt, strolling across the room to pour himself a brandy. He was all too aware of the beautiful woman who watched him with liquid brown eyes. He set his glass on the bedside table and removed the rest of his clothes. When he was naked, he climbed onto the bed.

  She was a glorious sight. Her expression was a mixture of arousal and unease. The light from a single lamp near the bed illuminated her luscious curves. Her ample breasts were pale, her nipples big and broad and the soft color of peaches. He’d always been a breast man and he could hardly wait to fuck them. At that provocative thought, his cock hardened. Oh, how good all that warm flesh would feel wrapped around his member.

  Her waist was slim and her hips flared out nicely. Just the right proportion for a man to hang onto. Between her legs was a neat thatch of dark curls; soft and pretty like the rest of her. Her long legs were sturdy and nicely curved, her feet slimly arched and her toenails were polished pale pink. All in all, Victoria Brittain was one lovely woman.

  “Come to me.”

  She released her grip on the ring and walked closer. Her hips and breasts swayed with each step. The bed dipped as she climbed onto it.

  “Take me in your mouth.”

  Her dark eyes flashed as she climbed between his splayed thighs. She sat back on her heels and studied his burgeoning erection as if she were contemplating the lunch menu at her favorite restaurant.

  “Do it now or I’ll spank you…”

  Her gaze on his cock, she leaned forward and sucked him into her mouth. He grit his teeth as her talented tongue swirled along the head, immediately zeroing in on the sensitive underside. She laved his cock with her tongue, leaving no part of him untouched. One hand curled around the base of his shaft while her other hand cradled his balls. He moaned as she gently cupped his sac, undulating her hand around his cock. If she kept this up, the game would be over all too soon.

  “Turn around. I want your pussy where I can reach it.”

  He smothered a chuckle at how quickly she obeyed. Without interrupting her assault on his body, she turned so she straddled his chest. He could see that she was wet, very wet, already.

  Good, that was what he wanted.

  His fingers parted her labia and she twitched beneath his touch and arched her back, pushing her cunt toward his face. He found her clit and sucked on it, enjoying the taste that was uniquely hers. His tongue seduced while his hands caressed her lush backside. His tongue licked her clit slowly as her hips thrust against his face, burying him in damp womanly flesh. He grabbed her hips, holding her in place as he brought her to completion with his tongue. She released him from her mouth and screamed, her body shaking in reaction.

  As her body sank across him, he reached beneath his pillow and removed a small leather case he’d placed there earlier. Inside the case was an anal plug, the smallest he could find, and a generous tube of lubricant. Her breathing was ragged as he parted her cheeks and inserted the tube. She stiffened as the cool gel flooded her anus.

  “It’s just lubricant, Victoria.” He spread the gel with his finger, making sure her anus was well greased. “It’s very important to use a generous amount if I don’t want to hurt you.” He entered her with one finger and she stiffened, her head coming up from his thighs. “Now, relax.” He squirted more lubricant into her anus before testing her again, this time judging her to be ready.

  With one hand he stroked her back while he picked up the small, dark purple plug with the other. Spreading her cheeks, he pressed the plug against her tiny, round ring of muscle until it gave way and the plug was inserted. He smiled when she gave an experimental wriggle.

  Hunt shifted her to his side, then cleaned his hands on a towel. He moved on the bed until they were face to face. “How does it feel?”

  She wiggled again, concentrating on the sensation. “Full.”

  He smiled. “You’ll get used to it, even look forward to it. After a period of time, we’ll use bigger plugs until your body can accept my cock into your lovely ass.” He slid his hand between her legs. “You’re so wet for me. Have you always been this responsive?”

  She shook her head. “Not always.”

  He felt a surge of triumph. He’d bet she’d never been this responsive to Brad. That was why they’d been such a bad pairing. Brad wasn’t the Dom for her, but he was.

  He rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him. Spreading her legs, he eased into her damp channel, filling her, stretching her. He watched her face as the twin sensations of a full cunt and anus swamped her. He surged into her as her expression turned to one of total enchantment.

  “How does it feel?”

  She wiggled and he swallowed a groan. “Odd, but I like it.”

  Hunt chuckled and he reached around and gave the plug a gentle twist. She moaned; her eyes slid half closed. He adjusted his thrust and set the pace, driving in and out of her, his cock straining for completion. She was panting, her head thrashing about, her hair tangling on her shoulders as he fucked her.

  A warning rush moved down his spine, signaling his impending climax. It was now or never. Reaching around her, he gave the plug another twist and she screamed. Her release moved through her like a tidal wave as it tipped him over the edge.

  Her vagina was still contracting around him as she sank to his chest, her nipples pressed into him. He closed his eyes and felt her heart thundering against him.

  She was… perfect.

  The sun was already high in the sky as Victoria finished dressing. When was the last time she’d gotten out of bed after sunrise? She shook her head. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d lazed in bed so long. When she’d awoken, Hunt was already up and gone, his side of the bed cool to her touch. She’d felt curiously abandoned until she’d seen the note in the bathroom telling her to get dressed and join him outside for a breakfast picnic.

  Her hand hovered over the small selection of panties she’d tucked into her make-up case. Should she put on a pair? Surely he didn’t expect her to picnic without panties. She cringed at the thought of sitting on the ground without some barrier of protection between her pussy and the grass. Her mind made up, sh
e selected a pink pair and slid them on. It wasn’t like she couldn’t take them off again. Besides, what was he going to do? Spank her?

  Maybe, just maybe…

  After checking that her hair was neatly contained in a loose ponytail, she headed for the kitchen. The scent of baking bread and lemon cleaner hung in the air. Hunt lived in a very efficient household; that was for sure. Other than Nan the cook, there was Kent and a maid she’d yet to see. It must be nice to be one of the filthy rich.

  As she entered the kitchen, she saw Hunt tuck a bottle of wine into a basket. He was chatting with Nan as she stirred a large pot on the stove. What was it about this man that had aroused her from the first moment she’d met him? It wasn’t just his good looks, though that helped. Maybe it was the combination of his bad boy image and the aura of power he wore so carelessly. She’d seem him in action during marketing meetings. He was a man who knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to reach out and grab it. And, for now, he wanted her. A shiver of awareness moved through her body.

  As if sensing her presence, he turned. “There you are.” He shot her a warm glance.

  She gave him a shy smile then spoke to Nan. “Good morning.”

  “Morning, Miss Victoria. I trust you slept well?”

  Victoria shot her a look but found only a smile, no hint of knowledge about anything that transpired behind closed doors. “I slept very well. Thank you for asking.”

  “Come.” Hunt held out his hand. “I’m getting hungry and I’m sure you are as well.”

  “What are we having?” She took his hand, enjoying the sense of warmth and belonging that surrounded her at his touch. She fell into step beside him as he picked up the basket and they walked out the back door.

  “You’ll see.” He gave her an enigmatic smile.

  He led her down a garden path. Soon they left the manicured acres behind. The sun was warm overhead as they walked, talking about their lives and their respective companies. Swapping tales about their jobs, friends and common interests. Several times she laughed out loud as he shared some of his more interesting exploits abroad.

  They rounded a small group of trees and he led her to a grassy area beneath a large towering tree. “This is the spot.”

  “Lovely.” She took the blanket he offered and spread it across the soft grass, bending to straighten a corner.


  She straightened, startled by his suddenly cool tone. “Yes?”

  “Are you wearing panties?” He set down the basket.

  She gave a jerky nod. “I didn’t know if I’d have to sit on the ground…“

  “You’ve disappointed me.” He crossed his muscular arms across his chest and she felt a trickle of unease race down her back. “You disobeyed my order and you didn’t trust me enough to take care of you.” He shook his head. “We discussed the rules and you’ve deliberately broken them.” He stepped closer and took her hand, his fingers curling around her wrist. “You know what’ll happen now, don’t you?”

  She swallowed hard and shook her head.

  “Your actions are going to force me to punish you.” He kissed the tender skin of her inner wrist. “Now, remove your panties and give them to me.” He released her.

  With trembling hands—from excitement or fear, she didn’t want to guess—she took off the offending garment and handed it to him. Without even looking, he tucked it into his pants pocket. He then turned and walked a few feet away to where a thick, fallen trunk formed a small bench.

  “Come to me.”

  On wobbly knees, she approached.

  “You’re scared, aren’t you?” He shook his head. “You needn’t be afraid. This won’t be terribly painful as I’m going to use my hand rather than a belt. Your inability to obey your Master forced us to this place. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  She nodded, unable to speak.

  Hunt patted his lap. “Lay over my knees, face down. Don’t worry, I won’t drop you.”

  She lowered her body across his until her hands and feet were in the soft grass and her abdomen lay across his lap. Against her side, she could feel his arousal. He was enjoying this!

  “Relax.” He flipped up her skirt, exposing her backside to the bright sun. “When this is over, we can enjoy our meal.”

  His big hands stroked her skin, squeezing, caressing the globes of her buttocks. Though most of her body was still covered, she felt horribly exposed, the soft breeze was cool and the sun warm as he rubbed and stroked. She squirmed as the first trickles of arousal snaked through her cunt. He nibbled on one buttock; his lips warm as his teeth gently worried her flesh. He continued rubbing and stroking as he spread her legs, the warm air caressing her inner flesh.

  Maybe this won’t be so bad after all-

  Then, without warning, he hit her.

  She tensed. It had been a soft pat, no more than a parent would give a reluctant child. First on one cheek, then the other. With his second hand, he continued stroking even as the blows increased in number and strength. She struggled to get free as her buttocks warmed.

  “Now, Victoria. Don’t make me seriously punish you for resisting,” he said. “Your ass is going to be a lovely shade of pink.” He smacked her again and she stifled a groan. “If only I had a camera.”

  She squealed in protest and tried to rise, but he pushed her back down. “Relax, this will soon be over.” The spanks and petting continued and tears stung her eyes. Would he never finish with her?

  Slowly, the blows faded and she became aware of heat on her backside. Hunt rearranged her skirt before helping her to her feet.

  “There now, all done.” He pulled her into his arms and she leaned into him, burying her face in his shirt. “When we get back to the house, I have some arnica lotion that will soothe the sting.”

  He released her and returned to the blanket, leaving her confused and aroused at the same time. She watched as he sat and pulled items from the basket as if nothing had happened.

  “Come,” he said. “Eat. Nan prepared a wonderful feast.”

  Silent, she approached, then hesitated, unsure that she wanted to sit on her stinging behind.

  He gave her an understanding look. “Just lay on your side. You’ll be more comfortable and you can still eat.” He waited until she stretched out, then handed her a small bunch of grapes. “Are you angry?”

  She twirled the grapes, then set them on her plate. “No. I knew I was disobeying you when I put them on.”

  He picked up a slice of apple. “Then why did you do it?”

  “I think a part of me wanted to see what you’d do.” She looked away. “Now I’m confused.”


  She shrugged, embarrassed to say that she was wet with arousal. What kind of person got off on being hit?

  As if he could read her thoughts, he answered her. “Victoria, the skin is the largest organ of the body and also one of the most sensitive. What you’re feeling right now is common for the early stages of your training. Your body enjoyed the stimulus while your mind tried to reject it.” He picked a grape from her bunch and held it out to her. “You need to learn to quiet your mind and let your body dictate your actions.”

  She leaned forward and took the grape from his fingers with her mouth as she contemplated his words. It was hard to just throw away a lifetime of perceptions so quickly. She was also shocked to realize how aroused she was—her cunt was soaking wet and in desperate need of a firm touch to bring her off.

  “Victoria, remove your dress.”

  She darted a glance at his face. His expression was cool and his eyes heated. Remembering the feel of his cock against her belly as he’d spanked her, she moved to her knees and shed the garment.

  Hunt moved behind her and cupped her breasts, squeezing just enough to wring a whimper from her. Her hips moved restlessly as if they had a mind of their own. She needed release so badly. Would he allow her to have it?

  “Spread your legs for me, Victoria.”

; Not needing another command, she spread her legs, almost sobbing as his hand slid over her slick flesh.

  “See what I told you? Beautiful.” His thick fingertips zeroed in on her erect clit. “You’re so hot for me. You, my dear, are a true submissive in every sense of the word.”

  His words were all but drowned by her frantic cries as his fingers moved expertly over her aroused flesh. Her hips jerked with each movement as he brought her to an orgasm so strong she would have fallen face first if his arm hadn’t been around her waist.

  She was dimly aware of being lowered to the blanket, the material soft against her aroused skin. Then he stretched out beside her, his body spooning hers. Exhausted mentally and physically, she allowed her mind to shut down and she slipped into a light sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Nude with the exception of a blue silk thong, Victoria stood at attention in her practiced position at the foot of his bed. Her arms were stretched overhead and her hands clasped the metal ring. Behind her, she could hear Hunt shuffling items in a drawer.

  After their late breakfast, they’d returned to the bedroom and he’d rubbed an almond-scented cream into her reddened buttocks and thighs. Surprisingly enough, the discomfort had faded almost immediately to a soft, warm glow.

  She heard a drawer slide shut and the approach of heavy footsteps. Her shoulders were beginning to ache from remaining in such an awkward position.

  Hunt gave her a gentle pat on her hip. “Perfect.” He reached for her hands and lowered them. “Are you sore?”

  She rotated her shoulders. “Just a little stiff.”

  “Don’t worry, that’ll soon fade as you grow more accustomed to the position.” He produced a pair of leather handcuffs attached by a short chain and two spring clips. “Will you wear these for me?”

  Her sex moistened at the sight of the cuffs and the scent of new leather. Suddenly shy, she nodded and held out her wrists, wanting to feel the caress of leather against her skin.


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