A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1)

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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) Page 10

by Krista Lakes

  He was falling for her and falling hard. He reached over and brushed a strand of rich brown hair from her face. She was beautiful in a fairy-like way. She would never grace the cover of a magazine or strut down a runway, but she was stunning nonetheless.

  Not to mention she was funny and smart. He smiled more in the time since he'd met her than he thought he'd smiled his whole life. His cheeks hurt after their days together from simply smiling. She made him happier than he'd felt in years, and she did it without even realizing she was doing it.

  He loved that the connection between them was so mental and not just physical. Although, dear lord, did he want her physically too. Those “almost” kisses were devastating. They were all he could think about. The cold showers were getting out of hand, but it was all he could do to stop himself.

  He took a deep, steadying breath. The last thing he needed to be thinking about with her touching him was her kisses. Or what her skin felt like. Or how her eyes darkened when she looked at him. He was already imagining her in his bed and how her hair would splay across his pillow...

  “Did I fall asleep?” Mia mumbled, sitting up and shaking her head slowly. “I'm sorry.”

  Now that she was sitting up, she wasn't touching him anymore. He hated it.

  “Don't worry about it,” he replied. He reached down and moved the poking piece of straw and scratched his nose. “It's past midnight and we've all had a busy day.”

  “Anything with the mare yet?” she asked, looking around at the dark stall.

  He shook his head. “Nothing yet.”

  She stood up and stretched. He tried not to stare at the sliver of skin on her belly that showed when she raised her arms and curved her back. It brought back the thoughts of what her hair would look like on his pillow and he didn't want to take a cold shower right now. He stood up, trying to shake some feeling back into his legs.

  “The kids are totally out,” she whispered, peeking over at them. “Alexander is snoring and Grayson is curled up against Lily.”

  “They passed out about an hour ago,” he replied, focusing his gaze on the children and away from her. How was it that moonlight somehow made her more beautiful? Now, he was thinking of the moonlight on her hair on his pillow. He shook his leg, forcing himself to focus on the pins and needles sensation instead of thinking about her naked body glowing in the moonlight. It was a struggle.

  “Is there anything to drink?” Mia asked, glancing around the barn. “I'm parched.”

  “Other than the watering troughs?” Carter joked. She stuck out her tongue at him and he laughed. “There's a pot of coffee at the house. I'll come with you.”

  She grinned at him and stretched once more, making his thoughts go back to moonlight and bare skin. It took all his willpower not to just push her up against the barn wall and kiss those perfect, smiling, red lips of hers. By the time he focused, she was already halfway out the door.

  He grabbed the walkie-talkie and followed after her. He managed to only check out her ass a little as they walked in the moonlight. He was only human after all.

  Chapter 14


  The stars and crescent moon shone brightly against the dark sky as Mia walked through the dark to the house. Fall was definitely on its way. The night air was cold and crisp and she found herself wishing she'd worn her sweatshirt from the barn. The thin material of her shirt was not enough outside tonight. It wouldn't be long before the frost and snow arrived from the high country. She shivered.

  And then, suddenly she was warm. Carter placed his flannel jacket over her shoulders. It was still warm with the heat of his body. She looked up at him surprised, but he just smiled at her and kept walking to the house.

  She followed behind, pulling the collar around her. The jacket smelled like him. It smelled so good that she caught herself burying her nose in the fabric and taking a deep sniff in while he wasn't looking. She decided he was never getting his coat back now. It was warm and it smelled good. It was hers now.

  Carter held the kitchen door to the main house open for her. Welcoming yellow light poured out into the darkness, beckoning her inside. The kitchen was not a traditional farm kitchen. It was a big, gourmet kitchen that belonged in a magazine, not a farm. Everything was made of clean lines and granite, with enough counter space to make three Thanksgiving meals and not run out of room.

  Mia kept the jacket on, even though the room was comfortable and warm. She leaned against the counter by the sink as Carter picked up the stainless steel coffee pot and frowned. He shook it gently before peering inside.

  “I'll make a fresh pot,” he said, setting the empty pot down. “Laura must have beat us here. Will you hand me the coffee? It's on the shelf behind you.”

  Mia turned and opened the big glass cabinet door and grabbed a bag of coffee. Being in the kitchen with Carter felt so domestic and comfortable that she didn't even have to think as she handed the bag to him. Their hands touched.

  She didn't let go of the bag, but neither did he. Their eyes met and she unconsciously licked her lips. He stepped toward her, coming into her space. Her breath was coming fast now, but it was full of excitement. They were toe to toe, with the hand with the coffee coming to rest on the counter beside her. His free hand went to her neck and his hips pressed into hers. The bag of coffee fell to the floor.

  This time, there were no interruptions. There were no children to stop them at the last moment, no horses, no nothing. Just the two of them and that kiss.

  His lips found hers and she melted into him. His hips pressed her into the counter and she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. He was strong and solid under her touch. His kiss enveloped her and heated her core more than coffee ever could. She moaned softly into him.

  The sound of her desire inflamed him. He put his hands on her hips and lifted her up onto the counter so he could kiss her better. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he fit there like a puzzle piece with the counter supporting her ass. She shrugged the jacket from her shoulders, wishing they could just be naked now. Clothes were stupid. He kissed down her throat, nibbling at her like she was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted.

  His tongue and teeth on her delicate skin made her gasp and tighten her legs around him. She tried to think of a way that both of them could get their pants off without having to let go of him. His touch was driving her crazy.

  She reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. His muscles flexed in the kitchen light and she lost her ability to breathe. He was gorgeous. The comfortable shirts he wore hid muscles that belonged to a Greek god. She ran her fingers across his skin and tried to touch as much of him as possible.

  It felt so good, she could barely believe this was happening. It had to be a dream. There was no way that she was making out with Carter in his kitchen with his shirt off.

  He reached up under her long-sleeve t-shirt, his fingers going slowly up her stomach and pausing at the satin of her bra. A low, deep, and primal noise came out of his throat that made the space between her legs heat.

  “Carter? Where are you?” The walkie-talkie crackled.

  “Ignore it,” she whispered, tucking her chin to his shoulder and kissing the skin there. Good lord, he tasted amazing. His kiss, his skin, it all tasted like heaven and she wanted all of him.

  “Carter, it's happening,” Laura's voice crackled over the walkie-talkie. “The hooves are out. Where are you?”

  They both paused, skin touching.

  Mia knew how much he wanted to be there for the birth of this foal. She swallowed hard and pulled back slightly. He was panting, his hair mussed from her fingers and eyes dilated. He hadn't pulled away from her yet, but he wasn't moving anymore either.

  “Where are you? Come quick!”

  Mia released her legs. He kissed her once more before steeping back. He moved like he might change his mind and miss the birth just to take her on the kitchen counter. She helped make the decision easier by jumping off the counter and han
ding him his shirt from the floor.

  “That was definitely better than coffee,” she said, watching as his muscles flexed and moved as he put the shirt back over his head.

  He grinned at her as soon as his head cleared the shirt. His hair was still messy and his lips looked swollen and in need of more kisses. She was seriously considering going for another kiss when the walkie-talkie chirped again.

  “Laura says you have to hurry!” Lily's voice crackled into the room. Laura must have handed it off to her to assist with the birth.

  “Next time,” Carter promised, handing her his coat from the counter. The way he said it made her blood pump and her core heat. There was a hot promise for a lot more than just kissing with clothes on and Mia wanted it. She wanted it bad.

  “Hurry!” Lily's voice came over the radio again.

  “I'm going to hold you to that,” Mia said as they both hurried out of the kitchen and into the dark of the night.

  Chapter 15


  Mia stood in the stall, taking it all in and enjoying the quiet that came after the birth. Lily was still asking both Laura and the vet questions about the birth process and the science of what had just happened. She was so excited it looked like she might never sleep again. The two boys had passed back out in the hay again.

  Carter was in the birthing stall watching the foal. The little stallion stood on wobbly but determined feet. He was working on getting his walking legs steady. Carter stood off to the side, watching him with proud eyes.

  He'd make such a good father, the thought came to Mia. She shook it away. He didn't want kids.

  She turned from him and checked on the boys. They had woken up and been excited to watch the birth. Alexander said it was gross and Grayson's eyes had gotten bigger than Mia had ever seen, but they'd done well. They'd certainly learned something and she was glad they'd experienced the miracle of life. It was something she'd never seen before either.

  She found some blankets and put them over her sleeping kids. Grayson never stirred, but Alexander murmured something about, “horse babies” with a smile on his face. Mia chuckled and shook her head. It certainly was an experience they would never forget.

  She brushed some hay from their hair and stood up. The vet was explaining something about using artificial lights to push back the fertile period of mares and how that could change gestation time. They were able to have foals in the off season using this method. Mia's hand went to her own stomach without thinking. The aching loss filled her soul.

  What would it feel like to carry a child?

  She would never know. There would never be a child in her belly.

  She thought she was over the hurt the thought left in her. She thought she had come to terms with the fact that she would never grow a child within her, but for some reason, it hurt tonight. Maybe it was that she'd just watched the mare become a mother, or perhaps it was the sweetness of the kids, but today, the loss hurt.

  Mia turned and faced the barn wall, forcing herself to take deep even breaths. She blinked back the tears that stung at her eyes and tried to remember that she was okay with this. She wasn't meant to have children and she'd accepted that. It had taken time since finding out, but she'd come to terms with her body.

  The overall memory of finding out had faded, but there were still details that stood out. The coldness of the room, the crackle of the paper on the examination table, the poster describing different kinds of birth control on the wall.

  She'd had an unplanned pregnancy in college, but miscarried. It was the miscarriage that the doctors were concerned about. They'd run tests. She'd been asked to come in and speak to a doctor directly. She remembered how warm the doctor's hands were as she comforted Mia with the news. Mia had always thought it strange, considering that medical professional's hands were always cold.

  She could never get pregnant. There was something wrong with her anatomy. The fact that she'd even gotten pregnant once was amazing. It would never happen again.

  The news had ended the relationship. He'd wanted kids. She wanted them too, but he wasn't willing to adopt. In hindsight, it wouldn't have been a good match, but at the time, she'd felt like everything had fallen apart. Her world was destroyed.

  It was part of why she was so adamant in her work. She would never have children of her own, but she was going to do her best to help everyone else's children instead.

  Three more deep breaths and she felt in control again.

  Alexander mumbled something again, shifting in his sleep under the blanket. Mia leaned over and picked another piece of hay from his dark hair and smiled. These are her kids. She didn't need to have them within her to love them.

  She made sure they were tucked in and comfortable before heading back to the birthing stall. Lily was still learning everything she could from the vet and luckily the vet looked interested in teaching. They'd moved on to the anatomy changes required to facilitate a birth. Mia shook her head and looked for Carter.

  He was sitting in the hay with the little sleeping foal in his lap. Carter beamed up at her as she approached, his eyes glowing with pride. He was as proud of this little horse as if he had fathered it himself. Mia smiled at him. He should be proud. His favorite mare had given birth and he'd been there to help.

  “Come here,” he whispered as the little foal's eyes flickered with dreams in his lap.

  Mia knelt in the hay and reached out to touch the small creature. He was so perfect. He made her heart ache again, but in a different way this time. He was beautiful and loved, which was all she ever wanted for any child.

  Hopeful Dreamer nickered softly as if to say, Isn't he wonderful?

  Mia reached out and stroked his soft coat. She couldn't agree more. He was wonderful.

  Chapter 16


  Mia was pouting and she knew it. She didn't like that she was pouting, but she wasn't about to stop. She was committed to the pout now and there was nothing that was going to change it. It was the last day on the ranch. The sun shone as if nothing was changing. The breeze blew colder, but still, it didn't feel as if everything were coming to an end. The kids were grumpy and worked slowly as if taking more time to do their chores would make their time here last longer. They were pouting, too.

  Mia wasn't going to miss having to rearrange her work schedule to fit in these trips, but she was going to miss just about everything else. She'd found herself looking forward to these visits, not for the time on the ranch, but because of Carter. He'd made these days brighter and the best parts of her week.

  She wasn't sure how she was going to see him again. The kiss in the kitchen still burned in her thoughts, but it was just a kiss. After the birth of the horse, they didn't have a chance to discuss what had gone on. Now, it was a day later and she wasn't sure what to do about it now.

  She wanted to see him again, but with the kids no longer working on the ranch, she didn't exactly have a good excuse to come out here and see him. So, today, she'd dressed up in the sweater that she knew made her look good, her best jeans, and took the extra time to fix her makeup before coming. If today was their last day, she was at least going to feel confident and look good. Even with a pout.

  Carter was busy with work when they'd arrived, so Mia had gone to her favorite spot just outside the barn to watch the kids while she waited. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on how good the sun felt on her face. It was hard to pout when the sun felt so warm.

  “You going to miss us?” Carter asked, coming up behind her. She smiled, and turned her face from the sunshine to look at him.

  He wore a dark blue shirt that brought out the color of his eyes. His hair was mussed by the wind and he wore that cocky smile that she loved. She vividly remembered the way he tasted, sweet and delicious, and the way his body felt pressed up against her. It took all her willpower not to just drag him off behind the barn to finish what they'd started the other night.

  “Maybe,” she teased, doing her best to give him a nonchalant sh
rug. He raised his eyebrows and she couldn't help but laugh. “Okay, definitely. I didn't think I'd enjoy spending my afternoons watching my kids haul horse feces around, but, I'll miss the company.”

  She met his eyes and loved the way he lit up at her words.

  “I was actually hoping to talk to you about that,” he said with a smile.

  “About horse feces?”

  Carter laughed. “Kind of. With the new foal, we can use a few more hands around here. Would your kids be interested in a job? Laura already has Lily half-trained to her position and has been asking me if we can keep them on.”

  “You're offering my hooligans a job?” Mia asked.

  “I'm hoping their social worker might think it's a beneficial program for them,” Carter replied. “That it will enhance their social skills and provide physical activities unavailable elsewhere.”

  Mia's heart lightened. This wasn't their last day on the ranch. She looked over at the barn to see Alexander pause and sigh wistfully before continuing with his duties. He looked so sad that she wanted to run over and tell him the good news right then. Instead, she grinned at Carter.

  “I think I might be able to make something work,” she said, her smiling giving away her excitement. “I might need some extra convincing, though.”

  “Could I possibly convince you over dinner?” Carter asked.

  Her heart fluttered and the nervous energy of a romantic encounter flooded through her. “Dinner?”

  Carter nodded, his eyes fixed completely on her. “You, me... someplace that isn't a barn. Food that isn't a pizza.”

  Mia's stomach was already doing excited flip-flops. “I'd like that.”

  Carter's grin deepened. When he looked at her like that, the idea of going back to the kitchen for another kiss was the only thing she could think of.


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