A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1)

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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) Page 12

by Krista Lakes

  “I love it,” she replied honestly. She turned to look at him, his face handsome in the light. “Thank you.”

  She looked up at him and felt her body heat. They'd been so busy enjoying Vegas that this was the first time since the limo they were actually alone. She licked her lips, remembering the kiss back in the kitchen. Her body ached to have that kiss again, to have him touch her like that again.

  His face split into a slow smile, but she kissed him before the smile could complete itself. He tasted like champagne and everything she'd ever wanted.

  He set his champagne down and dove into the kiss, his hands going to her hair and pulling her into him. His tongue quested inside of her mouth, seemingly searching for more of her. Mia moaned, so quietly that it could barely be heard. That just seemed to spur Carter on more, and he leaned into her, bending her back.

  “I've wanted this all day,” he said. “I want you.”

  The words made Mia's entire body seem to tingle. “I want you, too,” she replied.

  He smiled, then pulled back a little bit. “I do have one last surprise for you this evening,” he said.

  He turned and put his hand back in his pocket as if he was going to make a phone call. Mia grabbed his tie and pulled him back in for another kiss, and he pulled his hand out of his pocket. “It'll have to wait,” she whispered into his ear.

  “Yes, ma'am,” he said with a smile. She put her hand on his chest and kissed again, feeling his heart rate increase as she became more assertive. This time, she leaned toward him, and as she moved her hands to his sides, she made sure to catch his suit coat and move it off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

  Carter's hands moved to the bottom of his shirt, where he began to undo his buttons, all while still kissing Mia. When he got to the top of his shirt, he began to loosen his tie. Again, Mia grabbed his tie and stopped him. “Keep it on,” she said, surprised at her own tone.

  He grinned from ear to ear and popped his collar, slipping the tie from the shirt to his skin. Then he took a step back, throwing the shirt off in a dramatic motion. For a moment, Mia marveled at the hard body in front of her. This was clearly a guy who not only rode horses but also spent a ton of time at the gym.

  “Wow.” Her mouth watered at the sight of him.

  He smiled. Then stepped forward and his hand touched the fabric of her dress, sending shivers through her. “You know, when I saw this dress, all I could think about was how good you'd look in it.” Mia smiled and blushed a little bit. He continued talking. “But now, I'm afraid the only thing I can think about is how good you'll look out of it.”

  Mia couldn't help but giggle a little bit. She reached back to unclasp the back, but in a moment his hands were around her, reaching up her back. “Please, allow me,” he said as if he were the perfect gentleman for offering to disrobe her. She felt him deftly release the clasp, as sure of himself as when he uncorked the champagne. He moved the zipper down slowly, agonizingly slowly.

  As soon as the zipper was at the bottom of her back, he leaned down and moved his lips to her neck, kissing down to her shoulder. She could feel his stubble against her skin, and it felt incredible. His hands moved to her shoulders, gently moving the straps of the dress.

  With a whisper, the dress fell to the floor, leaving her in nothing but her panties. For a moment, she thought about covering herself, but she stopped herself. She knew this was coming and had never felt so comfortable in front of a man. She wanted to be seen by him.

  Carter took a moment to feast his eyes on Mia's body, before returning to her neck and kissing downward. He trailed his kisses across her shoulder to her collarbone, working his way down to her breast. As soon as his tongue met her nipple, a shiver of pleasure ran down her body. She moved her hands to the back of his neck and pulled him in tighter, loving the feelings coursing through her.

  Carter seemed overcome by lust as he moved his mouth back up to Mia's to kiss her. In one smooth motion, he leaned down and grabbed her butt, lifting her up and into his arms as he began to walk. Mia squealed a little bit as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. His hands were kneading her butt cheeks, obviously enjoying the feeling of it.

  Mia didn't know where they were going until he leaned down, gently falling on top of her in the bed. Without hesitation, he began moving down. He grabbed her breasts, pushing them up a little bit and looking up at her. “These are amazing,” he said.

  “Thanks,” she said, unsure of what else to say. No one had ever called her breasts amazing, but she definitely appreciated the compliment. He began sucking on one, and then the other, enjoying her body. She began to writhe with pleasure. It was incredible to feel this wanted, this desired.

  He moved down even further. She had picked a conservative pair of panties, sure that the panty lines wouldn't show underneath the sparkly purple fabric. He didn't seem to mind as his kisses began to trace the edges of her underwear. There he stayed, going back and forth, making sure to avoid the fabric directly over the space between her legs.

  She whimpered, unable to control her arousal. She began to move her body, trying to get him to apply pleasure to her throbbing clit. Just a little would be enough to keep her sane, she thought. He dodged her attempts, though.

  “You can't just shove it in my face. You have to ask,” he said, then went back to kissing.

  “Do it,” she moaned. She didn't need to tell him what she wanted. She knew he understood.

  “And you have to ask nicely,” he added, looking up at her and smirking.

  She felt like hitting him, but then he lightly moved his chin so that it just barely touched the fabric directly over her clit. “Please. I want it. I want it so bad.” The words spilled out of her, out of her control.

  He smiled, then moved his mouth to the fabric covering her opening. She almost screamed as he applied a gentle pressure. Even just this was enough to send her over the edge. She gripped the bed sheets and felt her legs squeeze shut, Carter didn't stop, though. He kept applying pressure, back and forth on her clit, as she continued to come.

  When it was over, her legs relaxed on their own. She felt him taking the opportunity to put his fingers inside the fabric of her panties, pulling down. She lifted her butt to help him, not wanting him to slow down for even a minute. However, when they were finally off, there was a pause. She opened her eyes to find out what was up and saw him admiring her body once more.

  There was only one way to sum up his look. Hunger.

  When he saw her looking at him, he dove back between her legs. This time, there was no buildup of anticipation. His tongue was on her clit, licking as if she were the last oasis in the desert. She threw her head back and closed her eyes again, gripping the bed sheets for dear life as he sent wave after wave of pleasure through her.

  His tongue was magic. She didn't know that pleasure like this was possible, but with every lick, with every nudge of his tongue, he showed her more. Just when she thought she'd reached the height of ecstasy, he would touch her and send her to another level of bliss.

  “Carter,” she whimpered, as she felt him start to kiss down, down her legs, pausing to kiss her feet which gave one last orgasmic twitch. Her eyes opened back up just in time to see his pants fall to the ground. He quickly pulled down his boxer-briefs, and she saw what he was working with.

  “Wow,” she thought to herself. He immediately began to stroke it as he looked at her, obviously enjoying what he saw as much as she was enjoying what she saw. As he stroked it, she saw how hard he was. She was still in a post-orgasmic glow, but she knew that this was going to be worth the wait.

  He bit his lip. “This is embarrassing.”

  She laughed. “I don't think you have anything to be embarrassed about.”

  He laughed. “No, you goof. I'm not embarrassed about this.” He gestured down and made a few thrusting motions. Mia couldn't help but chuckle at him. “You don't happen to have a condom in your purse, do you?”

  She bit her lip. She h
adn't even thought about it. “No, but...” she looked up at him. “You didn't bring one?”

  “I did. I left them on the plane,” he admitted. He looked at the nightstand and grinned.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, as he picked up the phone.

  “Calling Kari,” he said, not finding what he was looking for at first. “The woman who escorted us up here.”

  Mia got a wry smile on her face. “I'm pretty sure she won't let you screw her without a condom.”

  Carter looked at her like he thought she was serious for a moment, then rolled his eyes at her. “Har har. No, what I meant was, she'll get us a box of condoms. It's one of the perks of staying here. They get you things.” He peered down at the phone, looking for the right button to push.

  Mia bit her lip. “She doesn't need to bother.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked, looking back at her.

  “I mean, I don't want to wait. I want you. Now.” She spread her legs a little further as if to show what she wanted. She definitely saw him twitch at the sight.

  He gave her a crooked smile. “Yeah? You're on the pill?”

  Her smile faded for a moment at the question. It would only be a little white lie, but there was no need to ruin the mood with her medical history. She couldn't have children, and she trusted him. They didn't need a condom.

  “Basically,” she said, only feeling a little bit guilty.

  He put the phone back in the cradle and grinned at her.

  Their conversation apparently hadn't dampened the mood at all, and he was still hard as a rock as he crawled back on the bed. He moved his head between her legs, giving her one, last, wet lick across her opening. She gasped, then giggled with anticipation.

  He finally came face-to-face with her, kissing her deeply. She loved the way his skin felt against hers. His hands wrapped around her back as he positioned himself at her entrance. He was poised to enter her, but he paused.

  Mia began to squirm. “Please,” she whispered. She bucked her hips, trying to press against that delightful hardness. “Please,” she said again.

  Carter smiled again. “I can't say no to a lady when she's begging like that,” he said. He leaned forward, and they moaned together as he slowly entered her. “Oh my God,” he whispered, pulling out and pushing back into her, this time all the way in. Mia couldn't help but cry out in pleasure as he filled her completely.

  “More,” she whispered.

  She felt his muscular arms move from behind her back. He placed one on either side of Mia's body and looked into her eyes as he began to thrust faster. Mia had never felt this kind of lust, this kind of intensity while making love before, and it was too much for her to bear. Her body tightened around him, pulling him deeper inside of her.

  “Oh God Mia, if you do that then I'm going to come quick,” he said through gritted teeth. The thought nearly made her come undone. She wanted him, but she wasn't ready for this to end.

  “I have got to see you on top of me,” he said.

  Mia smiled and nodded. With one swift motion, he thrust deep inside of her and rolled his body, moving her on top. She squeaked a little and then giggled again. He began to thrust slowly, then put his hands on her breasts and pushed her up to a kneeling position. When he pulled his hands away, she moved her own hands to her breasts, cupping them as she began to writhe.

  His hands went to her waist, and with those strong arms, he began guiding her up and down. She looked down to see him drinking in the sight of her body.

  Suddenly, he reached up and grabbed her by the small of her back, pulling her down to press against him. His hands went to her ass, grasping her and spreading her open as if he were trying to drive even deeper into her body. As full as she felt, she didn't feel like he had much further he could go.

  “I want you,” she whispered, losing herself in the moment. “Come inside me,” she said, surprised at her own words. She had never let anyone come inside her before, but this close to orgasm, she felt like drunk with passion and no longer in control of her body.

  Carter didn't seem to need much encouragement. His hand went to her hips, rocking her back and forth while thrusting upward. She felt his pace increase as he used her body for his own pleasure. She wanted it.

  “Mia,” he gasped as he lost control. His eyes dilated, and he lost himself to her pleasure, filling her with himself. She could feel her own body reacting. She'd never done this without a condom, and it felt better than she could have imagined.

  He started withdrawing from her body, and she put her hand on his chest. “No. Stay for a moment,” she said. His face softened into a gentle smile as she leaned forward and rested her head on his shoulder.

  They snuggled like this for what seemed like an hour but was probably closer to five minutes. She felt Carter soften and eventually slide out naturally, and she whimpered as he did. She knew she'd have him again like this, though. Hopefully again and again.

  Carter moved his lips to her ear. “Do you mind if I show you that surprise now?”

  She laughed. “Does it mean I have to move?”

  “You might have a better view if you at least come to the window.”

  Mia put on a fake pout and got up. She could already feel the mess inside of her and knew she'd have to take a shower soon.

  Carter got up and went to the closet, pulling out two robes. “You'll find that these are the second softest robes in the world,” he said. “Plus, they come heated.”

  She laughed. “Wow, I'm impressed. What are the first softest?”

  He pointed at another casino. “Mandalay Bay. Damned if I don't stay there at least once a year just to steal a new robe.”

  Mia laughed at the absurdity of a billionaire needing to steal a robe. “What's this surprise?”

  “Oh yeah.” He went to his phone and picked it up, dialing a number and just saying, “Now.”

  Suddenly, it sounded like a cannon was going on outside. The Bellagio fountains went off, spraying water higher than she had even seen them. He came up behind her and wrapped his hands around her. “That's how hard I came.”

  She turned around and slapped him in the chest. “Stop it!”

  He chuckled, pulling her into him, so her back pressed against his chest. Together, they watched as the water danced and spun to music and light. It was magical.

  “Should I be looking for anything special?” she asked, hoping she wasn't missing something important.

  He laughed. “I don't think it can spell someone's name or anything. It's just a special show, just for you.” He dipped his mouth to kiss the curve of her neck into her shoulder. “But if it could, I would do it for you.”

  A happy warmth filled her, and she leaned back into him. He kept his arms wrapped tightly around her as they watched their personal water show. This definitely had been a night to remember.

  Chapter 19


  Carter stretched out in the darkness and felt warmth beside him. He looked over to see Mia still sleeping peacefully beside him. Her hair was spread out across the pillow just like he'd imagined so many times. Heat twisted in his belly, a desire to feel her touch yet again, but he didn't want to wake her. She looked so beautiful and peaceful that he almost didn't dare to breathe for fear he might disturb her.

  For the first time in his life, he had everything he ever wanted.

  His phone chirped with a message, and he quickly scrambled to silence it. He read it his blood ran cold.

  Urgent security issue. Need to speak to you immediately.

  -Brian Cards

  Carter glanced once more at the sleeping beauty next to him and sighed before getting out of bed. Brian wouldn't message him unless it was very important. He sighed once more, rolled out of bed, and slipped into one of the pre-heated robes from the closet.

  He texted Brian to come into their suite as he closed the door to the bedroom behind him and went to the kitchen. A full breakfast was already laid out, complete with french toast, pancakes, waf
fles, fruit, eggs, and other breakfast delights all on heated trays and ready whenever they wanted. Carter went for the coffee first.

  He had just sat down at the table with his cup of caffeine when Brian walked in. The big man's face was dark and dangerous.

  “What happened?” Carter asked, taking a sip of coffee.

  “The ranch garage was set on fire,” Brian said, sitting across from him. Carter nearly spit out his coffee.

  “What?!” Not only did Carter have some of his favorite cars in there, but he also had several of his projects including the newest car he showed to Mia. It was all backed up on cloud storage, but the loss of the garage would be a blow to his creativity.

  The fact that it was fire made his stomach turn to stone.

  “The fire system caught it before it did any damage,” Brian quickly added seeing Carter's panic. “But there was a message burned into the side of the wall.”

  Brian set his tablet on the table and pushed it toward Carter. A picture of the garage was on the screen. The words “YOUR FAULT” were burned into the side of the building, along with some blackened edges and scorched wood along the beams.

  Carter was glad he was sitting down. His blood wasn't pumping right, and he was having difficulty staying calm. If he had been home and not on this trip, he would have been in that garage. It was where he spent all his time, and he often slept in there when he wasn't working with the horses. He would have seen the flames again.

  He carefully took another sip of coffee, using the motion to buy him some time to think. His mind was lost to the flames for a moment before calming himself. It wasn't the same as before. Still, the fear gripped him. He'd never been so happy to be in Vegas.

  “Are there any leads?” he asked after a moment.

  “We have a possibility, sir.” Brian reached for the tablet and swiped to another screen. “It's been a lot of leg work. The messages seem to indicate they blame you, and we've been exhausting all legal issues related to the cars. We've got a couple of possible suspects, and the police are working closely with us. We're cross-referencing it with everything we had from the office bombing. With any luck, we'll have answers soon.”


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